Fractals build?
Armor PVT, the rest, weapons and trinkets zerker.
Use Hammer/GS
Rune of Soldier
Sigil of Energy on both weapons.
Traits: 0/0/30/30/10
Def, II, IX and X
Tactic, II or III, VIII, XII
Disciple, III or IV
Skills, Healing Surge, On My Mark or Fear Me, FGJ and Shake it Off.
Helps you a mile in FOTM and WvW.
Guild KöMÉ – §Strength, Honour & Duty§
Armor PVT, the rest, weapons and trinkets zerker.
Use Hammer/GS
Rune of Soldier
Sigil of Energy on both weapons.Traits: 0/0/30/30/10
Def, II, IX and X
Tactic, II or III, VIII, XII
Disciple, III or IVSkills, Healing Surge, On My Mark or Fear Me, FGJ and Shake it Off.
Helps you a mile in FOTM and WvW.
Thank you for your advice, this build can be use on lvl 40+ fractal?
o.O why would you run fractals in a ptv set….
o.O why would you run fractals in a ptv set….
survival of course
ChaosDoom i forgot to ask you about range weapon, Rifle or LongBow
(edited by Zivsof.3746)
o.O why would you run fractals in a ptv set….
survival of course
ChaosDoom i forgot to ask you about range weapon, Rifle or LongBow
You should hang out with some guardians….
Zivsof, just take a rifle as a backup for parts of FOTM that need ranged. Some other area you can use Doyak Signet for stability eg. harpy that can knock you off the ledge.
I replied to your post because you have used Avlis’s build before. I also used to use the 0/25/25/0/20 build and it rocks. However, I took a dive to try out shout heal after this patch and surprised that DPS took a 10 to 15% dip whereas our sustain gain is at least 50%. Try it to be able to feel it.
Guild KöMÉ – §Strength, Honour & Duty§
Running pvt in fractals is pointless unless you’re doing low levels and are too lazy to avoid damage. All pvt gear does is make you tankier while doing nothing to support your team and lowering your dps, which is why people want warriors in their party in the first place
If you want to be useful in fractals wear zerker gear and learn how to avoid damage, let the guardians or eles support
Unfortunately I am not pro enough to survive throughout FOTM without dying when I am in full zerkers full glass traits. Therefore I prefer tankier build. I am just a old man with slow fingers. Cheers.
Guild KöMÉ – §Strength, Honour & Duty§
Running pvt in fractals is pointless unless you’re doing low levels and are too lazy to avoid damage. All pvt gear does is make you tankier while doing nothing to support your team and lowering your dps, which is why people want warriors in their party in the first place
If you want to be useful in fractals wear zerker gear and learn how to avoid damage, let the guardians or eles support
if so, show us your Fractal build
I agree with the previous posters; you should forget about defense and just roll full zerker. There really is no need to have any PTV gear. If anything, it’s only going to kitten your DPS, while attracting more aggro.
As for the build, it really depends on your play style and your preferred weapons.
Currently I run Axe Shield/Longbow build with zerker on everything:
30 – Restorative strength, Axe mastery, Berserker’s power
10 – Empowered Allies or Empowered (if there is another warrior with the former)
30 – Signet Mastery, Sharpened Axes, Heightened Focus
For utilities: Healing Surge (with restorative strength removes CC), FGJ/Banner (depending on the situation), Shake it off/Endure Pain (EP mostly as you rarely get stunned in fractals), Signet of Stamina (your condition remover), Signet of rage for elite
Your primary source of damage will be the axe. If you get aggro, switch to longbow for CC and kite around until it’s safe to go back in.
If you get into a hairy situation, activate Endure Pain (cool down reduction in the recent patch) to try and burst the enemy down, or use shield 5 to escape.
I’m on fractals lvl 42 and this build is perfect for my play style.
(edited by zidaliu.6430)
Unfortunately I am not pro enough to survive throughout FOTM without dying when I am in full zerkers full glass traits. Therefore I prefer tankier build. I am just a old man with slow fingers. Cheers.
Why do people see things so black and white. There’s also a middle ground between pure zerker and full ptv gear.
Also, warriors who blindly take over other people’s builds are usually worse then warriors who made a less effective build but got to it on their own. Reason is called playstyle.
Eitherway, dodge is often looked over by many while it’s really one of our most important defenses. Even ptv gear can’t fix that. Also there are builds who deliver the damage but arent as squishy as pure zerkers. A shield can help a lot, and a ranged weapon is a must in fractals.
I agree with the previous posters; you should forget about defense and just roll full zerker. There really is no need to have any PTV gear. If anything, it’s only going to kitten your DPS, while attracting more aggro.
As for the build, it really depends on your play style and your preferred weapons.
Currently I run Axe Shield/Longbow build with zerker on everything:Traits:
30 – Restorative strength, Axe mastery, Berserker’s power
10 – Empowered Allies or Empowered (if there is another warrior with the former)
30 – Signet Mastery, Sharpened Axes, Heightened FocusFor utilities: Healing Surge (with restorative strength removes CC), FGJ/Banner (depending on the situation), Shake it off/Endure Pain (EP mostly as you rarely get stunned in fractals), Signet of Stamina (your condition remover), Signet of rage for elite
Your primary source of damage will be the axe. If you get aggro, switch to longbow for CC and kite around until it’s safe to go back in.
If you get into a hairy situation, activate Endure Pain (cool down reduction in the recent patch) to try and burst the enemy down, or use shield 5 to escape.I’m on fractals lvl 42 and this build is perfect for my play style.
Sorry to say that but it look like none-brain build, But I will give it a try
Sorry to say that but it look like none-brain build, But I will give it a try
If by non-brain build you mean simple? No kitten. So many people fall into the trap of “oh I want an awesome rotation where I get maximum dps”, or the “I want to use two melee sets as ranged is for kitten”, yet at the same time when kitten hits the fan, they die like rats.
Simple consistent play styles/builds are far better than builds that utilize special rotations.
When I play high fractals, I often get compliments from dead players asking me how I trait my warrior. Remember nobody likes a rambo warrior who drops every 30 seconds.
I’m running 10/0/0/30/30.
Strength V: Dual wielding.
Tactics II, VIII, XII. Empower allies, Lung capacity, Vigorous shouts.
Discipline IV, IX, XII. Inspiring shouts, Sharpened axes, Heightened focus.
Adrenal health, Shake it off, FGJ, On my mark.
Shouts give a huge increase in personal sustain, and I like providing some survival support. And it’s nice to have some buttons to press even when knocked down…
I only pug, and sometimes the party healing comes in very useful. 8 adrenaline per shout means I can use burst often and still usually have full adrenaline when heal is off cd.
My gear is Knights on axe and four armor pieces, berserker for everything else. This is based on some advice I read to start with knights and go with berserker once you know all the fights well… which I don’t, yet.
Weapons are axe+mace and longbow; warhorn sometimes. I’ve tried shield but don’t manage to time the block right. I open with bow F1+3 for area might.
Ignore this pvt, 20 defense builds. Its all garbage and you may as retire your ranged weapons in fractals.
Your role in fractals is your own DPS, and the increase of everyone elses DPS and nothing more. No exception.
Assuming a 2gaurd/2war/1mes
30/25/0/0/15 is a solid build
Dual wielding, GS mastery, Berserker strength
V, Forceful greatsword
anything really
Take Healing surge, FGJ, Utility banner (never tactics), Signet of might or OMM or another banner and Warbanner.
GS of night, axe, mace of night. Leave your axe with no sigil so you can replace it with +% vs family.
Armor and trinkets
As many berserker ascended trinkets as possible. No exception.
Full berserker armor. no exception. Generally add Ruby Orbs.
Just maybe if your doing 48+ and though you should never even consider it. You may have an excuse to wear 1 piece of knights.
(edited by jul.7602)
Before I end up partying with people that I have to pick up off the floor in fractals, please consider if you can handle being in full zerkers. If you can’t, add in knights/soldiers in your gear. There is no problem losing a bit of dps if you can ensure that you’re up the whole fight. In fact, the whole run would be probably go faster. Remember that you’re still helping the whole group by providing offensive boons and amplifying the group’s overall damage.
And yes… please stay behind my wall of reflects.
the impression i’m getting from the majority talking about full zerk sets implies that they either slaved their lives perfecting fractals like it was an art of life, or they just have good party composition keeping them alive. i, on the other hand, who run with pugs and casuals 90% of the time, can not afford to play around with such idealism of dps, and me being the better player of my rl friends, even i get dropped on my thief fairly easily just doing a level 15 fractal, and i’m not even full zerk :p
i hate fractals, i don’t like working hard to get stuff done, i just want it done for the items.
why are you comparing a thief to a warrior? warriors in full zerk have as much/more survivability than a thief in defensive gear. there’s no point comparing both.
if you can’t handle full zerk warrior get your survivability from gear, not from traits. so sub in some knight’s pieces (helm chest legs).