Frustrated Warrior

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


A frontline melee brawler in the thick of AOE’s, Cleaves, and Condi Aoes, with NO access to protection, no access to blinds, no access to sustained healing minus utility shouts traited (long cooldown, for poor healing) little access to vigor, no access to regen (unless banner specced), and no access to Asgis, added to terrible condi management, is the most unheard of frustrating experience for any warrior lover trying to pvp. These are basic necessities for melee ranged fighter! not optional!

Thieves have spammable gap closers, access to vigor, return endurance on dodge, teleports, cripples, spammable immobilizes (sword 2) and spammable evades. -Guardians have protection, regen, Tons of healing, heals on dodges, TONS of ones, teleports, Ring of warding to keep people from kiting, good condi management, Tons of vigor. Eles… Need I say more they have access to all the above, mesmers, have teleporfs, stealth, illusions, 2 invuls (blurred frenzy, and distortion) protection and regen accessibility.

^^^ None of these classes are kited easily!!! All of these classes are GREAT examples of melee done right! Warrior has barely ANY of the above! Do you see the problem? To me it is clear as day.

We are extremely vulnerable to cripple and chill (don’t say melandru runes because that completely pigeon holes us and does not fix the issue) and EXTREMELY and EASILY kited. All of our gap closers are affected by cripple and chill, causing other professions to be able to easily open gaps again. Unlike thieves are gap closers are not spammable, and we don’t have teleports. Think about it, when was the last time you have ever heard a thief say “Man, I cannot stick on my target” They don’t because they have the right blend and access to gap closers. We should have that (not teleports) the ability to stick on targets like that. Since we are a frontline fighting class in melee 90% of the time, the other professions should have to worry about shaking that warrior of his tail, not endlessly and laughably blinding and kiting us while they kill others, or get away.

We need better ways to stick on our targets and keep from being kited endlessly with cripples and chill literally being thrown on to multiple weapon Sets and multiple skills on EVERY Profession, it makes the warrior class a joke. We need better ways to sustain ourselves and survive Frontline Melee Combat with Aoes, Cleaves, CC’s, and The mass amounts of Aoe Condi spam. It’s embarrassingly bad how little access to these BASIC, vital, and necessary survivability skills we have!

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


This is how I roll and sometimes when I roam I just swap the hammer out for greatsword for better mobility. (Turtle’s Defense is actually dogged march).

With those runes + dogged march you should have a 98% duration reduction towards immobilize, cripple, and chill. 65% reduction to conditions. Hammer + BC + Frenzy = a good amount of burst if you time it when you can drop an Earthquake at the end.

It’s more glass cannon than frontline. Obviously, for frontline/zerg leading you need a good amount of PVT + Melandru (or your mix of condi removal).

Melandru or Soldiers is the only options I see as a bandaid for the warriors until they are given more ways of removing conditions. We have some great options to remove conditions but they take up utilties and I feel my niche is Kill them before they kill you.

Love hopping into a zerg and dropping an Earthquake and either swapping to axe for great auto attack dmg on three nearby targets or dropping the aoes with hammer. You could also swap out Axe+Shield for Greatsword for maximum aoe damage. Drop your attacks on hammer, earthquake, swap weapon to greatsword and do your aoe’s/frenzy 100B, whirlwind/rush out.

Favorite weapon choices are obviously: Hammer, GS, and Axe+Shield. (I carry a Warhorn for swiftness in WvW).

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


Warriors have no sustain right now and every which way I try to build for it on these calculators, I always hurt my damage.

Right now, even if you stacked all passive bonus healing’ adrenal health, doly runes, mango pie/omnomberry pie, dogged march, healing signet, leeching, and shouts/banners you will not have the sustain that other classes are designed to have which is why I gave up looking for sustain and found the best way I could absorb damage and keep the pain train coming to them.

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Run a lyssa build. Valks, or fractal power, tough, crit damage is the way to build your warrior from now on. Lyssa runes are by far the best runes a warrior can have. Learn to use it and you’ll become skilled. Drop Greatsword and pick up a sword board/hammer. You remember Matali? I plan on making a Matali 2.0 video to commemorate him, with an updated build that actually does damage.

This forum helped me a lot. Although I didn’t really use the garbage builds mentioned in here, I made my own, it still gives you a concept of the idea. boon duration 30%, crit damage, and empowerd trait gives you huge burst when used properly. If you need help building and want some advice or critique, I’m here. Talon Deathblade is my char name. Warrior is frustrating until you become pretty skilled with a great build. Even then, you have broken classes that just face roll everything with minimal effort like thief and mes, even guardian. Nothing you can do but wait for the devs to get their heads out of their kitten and balance the kittening game. GW1 seemd like it was much more of a science to balance, and not a case of wait 6 months for them to update tooltips for what the skills REALLY do and how op they are.

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Too much Spvp / WvW comparision going on. Which are we talking about here people?

If it’s Spvp I already know the profession has too much problems there regardless of how many people want to come up with an excuse to say they’re fine.

If it’s WvW then there is nothing to be discussed cause that’s a different environment of pvp.


Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: McFribble.2349


I gotta agree, OP. If anything, Warriors should be some of the hardest classes to knock down. In every other game, Warriors are hampered by kiting, but make up for it in big damage and ACTUAL damage prevention. Heavy Armor, while it does offer a little protection, does not help in the grand scheme of things.

It really is at a point where I can’t see someone 1v1 and hope to live unless I’m fighting another Warrior (and for some reason Necromancers. Maybe they need a buff, too? Never played the class).

I don’t know if GW2 has diminishing returns, but it doesn’t seem like it does. And if it doesn’t, it really needs it for some conditions (obviously diminishing damage-based conditions would ruin some classes, so don’t do that). I’d even go as far to say that diminishing returns on Warriors ONLY, or make them better at it, would single handedly help even the playing field a little.

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Warriors should have less damage. More mobility damage.

(Faster Casting/Recovery, Less Damage, Able to move while channeling.)

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Warriors should have less damage. More mobility damage.

(Faster Casting/Recovery, Less Damage, Able to move while channeling.)

If I recall doesn’t that make us like thieves or rangers, but in heavy armor? Yeah warriors could use some mobility, but remember they’re are a profession that mainly specialize in close in combat. If anything they should have some protection, vigor boons and of course what has been stated for 8 months long going on 9 months. Close to a year ain’t it?


Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


The problem with being hit too hard can be solved if we had a sufficient way of gaining the protection boon. This is primarily what makes guardians so kitten hard to kill. 33% damage reduction on top of your armor means A LOT of damage is negated. It can go up to around 50% mitigation. Give warriors a stance where you simply take less damage and acts similar to protection boon, but it’s a stance. In gw1 they were the stance masters. You had all kinds of stances that helped you and even armor buffs like watchyourself… although that skill has since been given to the guard. In WoW… yeah i’m going there, there was a defensive stance you could stay in that decreased damage taken, something of a passive ability. Perhaps trait points could also help this. There’s also a trait in defense line that gives you more armor if you’re above 90% hp. This should be moved down to like 60-70% hp because burst is so easy to hit on a warrior because we have almost no evades or aegis, other than the 3 second block skill on shield.

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: SmoothHussler.6387


Sorry dudes, but if the last patch is indicative of anything its that anet seems to think warrior’s need more damage, so I doubt they’ll be getting around to actually addressing whats wrong with the class anytime soon.

I’ve pretty much walked away from this class now that my guardian is 80. I only keep this toon around for map completion and dungeons. Otherwise its tedious in wvw and downright frustrating in pvp.

Props to those who are gonna stick it out, but I’m done with the warrior.

Maguuma: Thug Life: [DERP][ME][PYRO] and other assorted dead guilds.

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


if you dont have sustain then build so you dont need it cough zerker cough. <3 its the truth… i’ve played all kinds of tanks and healing specs for warrior… it doesnt work. spvp got it right from the start… lyssa burst or go away. thats how this baby is designed. we had options previous to the omnom nerf but not anymore.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Sorry dudes, but if the last patch is indicative of anything its that anet seems to think warrior’s need more damage, so I doubt they’ll be getting around to actually addressing whats wrong with the class anytime soon.

I’ve pretty much walked away from this class now that my guardian is 80. I only keep this toon around for map completion and dungeons. Otherwise its tedious in wvw and downright frustrating in pvp.

Props to those who are gonna stick it out, but I’m done with the warrior.

A wise man speaks. You can’t blame us for trying. You know something’s wrong when you see the forum posts on front page literally half of them are asking for issues to be fixed. Honestly. Look at the forum posts right now. Either I got everyone in a stir frenzy or they’re just upset at how bad we’re designed. I hear you. I tried moving to guard but couldn’t give up perma swiftness XD. Stay tuned for my matale 2.0 video. It will show what a true underdog can do with a great build.

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: silentnight warrior.2714

silentnight warrior.2714

Warriors should have less damage. More mobility damage.

(Faster Casting/Recovery, Less Damage, Able to move while channeling.)

If I recall doesn’t that make us like thieves or rangers, but in heavy armor? Yeah warriors could use some mobility, but remember they’re are a profession that mainly specialize in close in combat. If anything they should have some protection, vigor boons and of course what has been stated for 8 months long going on 9 months. Close to a year ain’t it?

That will not make us thiefs or rangers. Thiefs have high burst with high mobility. he is asking for lower damage and better mobility. Not the same.
And rangers have high survivability and evades, and he is asking for mobility.

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: silentnight warrior.2714

silentnight warrior.2714

Sorry dudes, but if the last patch is indicative of anything its that anet seems to think warrior’s need more damage, so I doubt they’ll be getting around to actually addressing whats wrong with the class anytime soon.

I’ve pretty much walked away from this class now that my guardian is 80. I only keep this toon around for map completion and dungeons. Otherwise its tedious in wvw and downright frustrating in pvp.

Props to those who are gonna stick it out, but I’m done with the warrior.

A wise man speaks. You can’t blame us for trying. You know something’s wrong when you see the forum posts on front page literally half of them are asking for issues to be fixed. Honestly. Look at the forum posts right now. Either I got everyone in a stir frenzy or they’re just upset at how bad we’re designed. I hear you. I tried moving to guard but couldn’t give up perma swiftness XD. Stay tuned for my matale 2.0 video. It will show what a true underdog can do with a great build.

^^ Against good oponentes?

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I really been liking the 25/30/0/0/15 with rifle/gs.

I run the decreased cool downs and bulls/frenzy/end pain.

Hits like a truck and with rifle you don’t need to be in middle of a fight. Stay back and range them down until you see opening for bulls/frenzy/hb

Just another noob thief…

Frustrated Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Warriors should have less damage. More mobility damage.

(Faster Casting/Recovery, Less Damage, Able to move while channeling.)

If I recall doesn’t that make us like thieves or rangers, but in heavy armor? Yeah warriors could use some mobility, but remember they’re are a profession that mainly specialize in close in combat. If anything they should have some protection, vigor boons and of course what has been stated for 8 months long going on 9 months. Close to a year ain’t it?

That will not make us thiefs or rangers. Thiefs have high burst with high mobility. he is asking for lower damage and better mobility. Not the same.
And rangers have high survivability and evades, and he is asking for mobility.

That makes us even worst than we what we are. If warriors need mobility than they need to change the weapon or slot skills and not the damage.
