Full ranged Warrior, viable?
sPvP? PvE? WvW?
Relatively viable for WvW.
Viable for PvE but you won’t be doing that great of damage or support for your allies.
Not viable what so ever in sPvP / tPvP (more so tPvP)
Statement above Isn’t completely true a 10/30/0/0/30 rifle build can do great single target dmg. There’s plenty of hybrid ranged/melee builds that provide good support and good dmg so that would probably be a better choice then just ranged only.
Yeah the issue is that for speccing you would need atleast 20 in tactics for your bow traits and lots in arms for rifles, and then rifles get their primary damage from power/crit last i heard and you might get stat mix ups.
I would say go for it, but obviously with two ranged weapons you might find yourself sticking to one a lot more then you intended because they would both be the same range, maybe one for AoE and one for single target.
Yeah the issue is that for speccing you would need atleast 20 in tactics for your bow traits and lots in arms for rifles, and then rifles get their primary damage from power/crit last i heard and you might get stat mix ups.
I would say go for it, but obviously with two ranged weapons you might find yourself sticking to one a lot more then you intended because they would both be the same range, maybe one for AoE and one for single target.
The trait lines that affect Power and Precision also affect condition damage and duration so there is some kind of sinergy there. There isn’t really a need of using the +damage against burning foes trait if instead I can produce more damaging and lasting burning, and with the correct utilities Longbow burst skill is easily maintained.
But probably I will have to use just one of them as at the end I would just change them for AoE against 1vs1 situations really.
Which one of them would be more recomendable? I think Longbow with the correct snares could be useful even for 1 vs 1 battles, and I could always use the melee set for those.
My warrior is Rifle/Longbow.
25 Arms, 15 Defense, 30 Tactics.
Deep Cuts,Crack Shot, Embrace the pain, Stronger Bowstrings, Lung capacity, Vigorous shouts.
Healing Signet, Shake it Off, For Great Justice, Shake it off, signet of rage.
With Superior Sigil of Blood and steal life food I have two crit heals and 2 regens. 3 ae heals that buff/cure conditions/cc.
It’s a real fun build, I have tweaked it here and there..you could also go 10 str,30arms,30 tactics depending on what you are mainly trying to do, I was using that trait loadout for a while with great success.
open a field of fire with arcing shot and switch to rifle to rain burning bullets to your enemies, very viable in any situations.
It’s great for leveling. Not so great at 80.