GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


For those of you who played pvp in gw1 as a warrior, and had success in q-knocks or other forms of interruptions, what are your thoughts on guild wars 2 style interruptions?
In wvw I can understand skill lag/initiation and cast times, but I feel more than ever that interrupts are more luck than skill. Even if you have great reflexes, they’d have to be some of the best to hit constant interrupts on enemies. I know there’s also no skill timer on your end if they’re casting skills, quite contrary to gw1. However, I feel that there should be more ways to interrupt an opponent or even punish them for being interrupted.

I enjoyed the skill distracting strikes in gw1, as it was a very quick interrupt that did no damage but made the skill on your opponent’s end completely useless for a duration. I also enjoyed the q-knock function in gw1. I won’t explain this for those of you who don’t know it, it’s kind of hard to explain. I encourage you to look it up though.

So in summary, what are your thoughts about interrupts in this game from a warrior’s perspective in coordination with skill lag and initiation time? Do you think a skilled player can rely on interrupts all the time like in gw1? Do you take my stance that interrupts are more luck than skill based most the time? Finally, if you have success in consistant interrupts, what tactics do you use to help you get interrupts all the time?

GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

in Warrior

Posted by: Varonth.5830


For those of you who played pvp in gw1 as a warrior, and had success in q-knocks or other forms of interruptions, what are your thoughts on guild wars 2 style interruptions?
In wvw I can understand skill lag/initiation and cast times, but I feel more than ever that interrupts are more luck than skill. Even if you have great reflexes, they’d have to be some of the best to hit constant interrupts on enemies. I know there’s also no skill timer on your end if they’re casting skills, quite contrary to gw1. However, I feel that there should be more ways to interrupt an opponent or even punish them for being interrupted.

I enjoyed the skill distracting strikes in gw1, as it was a very quick interrupt that did no damage but made the skill on your opponent’s end completely useless for a duration. I also enjoyed the q-knock function in gw1. I won’t explain this for those of you who don’t know it, it’s kind of hard to explain. I encourage you to look it up though.

So in summary, what are your thoughts about interrupts in this game from a warrior’s perspective in coordination with skill lag and initiation time? Do you think a skilled player can rely on interrupts all the time like in gw1? Do you take my stance that interrupts are more luck than skill based most the time? Finally, if you have success in consistant interrupts, what tactics do you use to help you get interrupts all the time?

Well on my warrior I can just interrupt on will with a mace. All the other skills take too long. I can reliably interrupt with a hammer by judging what the person will probably do. Bull’s Rush and Shield Rush seem to have a weird on hit delay, which makes wanted interrupts kinda hard.

But yeah, interrupts feel more like luck than in GW1. But GW1 also had an enemy castbar, which made things alot easier. It kinda hard to see certain animations on points, when there are like 20 different effects on it.

Oh and q-Knocks would kinda exist on Hammer (#4 und #5 and F1 can be used that way, and you will probably know that), but most skills you wanted to q-Knock in GW1, will have build in:

  • Evade
  • Block
  • Blind
  • Teleport
  • Invul

(edited by Varonth.5830)

GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


For those of you who played pvp in gw1 as a warrior, and had success in q-knocks or other forms of interruptions, what are your thoughts on guild wars 2 style interruptions?
In wvw I can understand skill lag/initiation and cast times, but I feel more than ever that interrupts are more luck than skill. Even if you have great reflexes, they’d have to be some of the best to hit constant interrupts on enemies. I know there’s also no skill timer on your end if they’re casting skills, quite contrary to gw1. However, I feel that there should be more ways to interrupt an opponent or even punish them for being interrupted.

I enjoyed the skill distracting strikes in gw1, as it was a very quick interrupt that did no damage but made the skill on your opponent’s end completely useless for a duration. I also enjoyed the q-knock function in gw1. I won’t explain this for those of you who don’t know it, it’s kind of hard to explain. I encourage you to look it up though.

So in summary, what are your thoughts about interrupts in this game from a warrior’s perspective in coordination with skill lag and initiation time? Do you think a skilled player can rely on interrupts all the time like in gw1? Do you take my stance that interrupts are more luck than skill based most the time? Finally, if you have success in consistant interrupts, what tactics do you use to help you get interrupts all the time?

Well on my warrior I can just interrupt on will with a mace. All the other skills take too long. I can reliably interrupt with a hammer by judging what the person will probably do. Bull’s Rush and Shield Rush seem to have a weird on hit delay, which makes wanted interrupts kinda hard.

But yeah, interrupts feel more like luck than in GW1. But GW1 also had an enemy castbar, which made things alot easier. It kinda hard to see certain animations on points, when there are like 20 different effects on it.

Oh and q-Knocks would kinda exist on Hammer (#4 und #5 and F1 can be used that way, and you will probably know that), but most skills you wanted to q-Knock in GW1, will have build in:

  • Evade
  • Block
  • Blind
  • Teleport
  • Invul

So we have one person who takes my side. Any one else? I’d love to learn some nice ways to hit interrupts 8/10 times if there are any. I only know heals are easier to rupt. I know if you wait too long to cancel an attack your 4 for shield will only go after you’ve completed the first attack animation, delaying your skill since you press it by atleast 1 second. This is pretty bad IMO.

GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

in Warrior

Posted by: Jonwar.9205


I can interrupt pretty consistently with shield. Mace as well, though I rarely use it. Earthshaker as well if I’m close to them. But yeah, cast times on most skills that interrupt are longer than the skills I’d really like to interrupt, so kinda pointless. Fun to knock people around ressing/stomping though.

Hurr Durr Blades – PvP Warrior
Jangeol – WvW Warrior

GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I can interrupt pretty consistently with shield. Mace as well, though I rarely use it. Earthshaker as well if I’m close to them. But yeah, cast times on most skills that interrupt are longer than the skills I’d really like to interrupt, so kinda pointless. Fun to knock people around ressing/stomping though.

I see. Yeah shield bash is a quick init and that’s why. There’s nothing like interrupting a heal spell, or a thief’s invis lol.

GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

in Warrior

Posted by: Nevarato.3178


Normally i use shield bash and bull’s charge for interrupts pretty reliably. Shield bash is fast and easy to get the interrupt, but bull’s charge needs to be used at the right time and range to be reliable. Which minimizes it’s effective range, as you need to be in at a some what medium to short range. For it to be quick enough that the person can’t react, or if they get the lucky dodge cause they decided to roll, bull’s charge will keep tracking them and hit them once their evade is over. Also keeps tracking stealthed players if used pre-stealth, so when u hit them u know where they are and you can just immobilize or something.

Once you’ve been using them for a long time, you can predict and interrupt, fairly reliably even with the latency. But yes there is a degree of luck involved, especially with bull’s charge as you never know what the other person might do, or you could be unlucky as the time u hit them is between skill casts.

My problems with it are, the reward for interrupts is too low, it’s only a 3 second delay on a skill. It might be more of a problem in the future as Anet have said they’re considering adding more stun breakers across all skills. So disables might become nerfed.

I think an interrupt should make the interrupted skill go on 1/2 it’s CD, as a more severe punishment and reward. A blind is rewarded/punished with a full CD, but interrupt is only 3 secs.

(edited by Nevarato.3178)

GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

in Warrior

Posted by: Jonwar.9205


bulls charge can be dodgy as an interrupt… one could say especially up close as a lot of the time I find myself running in place cartoon style with it right in front of my enemy. Not to mention it just randomly carries you off places sometimes. The bad bugs are sometimes offset by the good ones though, it always makes me laugh when the other guy dodges and my char turns around and runs in place until the evade is over xD

Hurr Durr Blades – PvP Warrior
Jangeol – WvW Warrior

GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Normally i use shield bash and bull’s charge for interrupts pretty reliably. Shield bash is fast and easy to get the interrupt, but bull’s charge needs to be used at the right time and range to be reliable. Which minimizes it’s effective range, as you need to be in at a some what medium to short range. For it to be quick enough that the person can’t react, or if they get the lucky dodge cause they decided to roll, bull’s charge will keep tracking them and hit them once their evade is over. Also keeps tracking stealthed players if used pre-stealth, so when u hit them u know where they are and you can just immobilize or something.

Once you’ve been using them for a long time, you can predict and interrupt, fairly reliably even with the latency. But yes there is a degree of luck involved, especially with bull’s charge as you never know what the other person might do, or you could be unlucky as the time u hit them is between skill casts.

My problems with it are, the reward for interrupts is too low, it’s only a 3 second delay on a skill. It might be more of a problem in the future as Anet have said they’re considering adding more stun breakers across all skills. So disables might become nerfed.

I think an interrupt should make the interrupted skill go on 1/2 it’s CD, as a more severe punishment and reward. A blind is rewarded/punished with a full CD, but interrupt is only 3 secs.

That’s an excellent point about the 1/2 CD on interrupt. You’re totally right about the blind it kitten es me off. I’ve resulted in binding sheath weapon to a mouse key so I will save my Back breaker most the time if I see them dodge early. But man… that blind.

GW1 vs GW2 skill interruptions [Warrior]

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


bulls charge can be dodgy as an interrupt… one could say especially up close as a lot of the time I find myself running in place cartoon style with it right in front of my enemy. Not to mention it just randomly carries you off places sometimes. The bad bugs are sometimes offset by the good ones though, it always makes me laugh when the other guy dodges and my char turns around and runs in place until the evade is over xD

I often notice the KD through dodge part. It seems like it’s just death trailing behind them waiting for them to get out of dodge lol…