GathSlans Warrior videos

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


New video has been released! It is in two parts.

Warrior WvWvW roaming Vol1

(i will also be uploading the same video in another site so whoever cant watch it on youtube will be able to watch it elsewhere)

EDIT: if the video stops suddently for no reason at all, just refresh the page.
And here is secondary link for those who cant watch it on youtube.

My very first video, short vid and is a good laugh.

Roaming recorded all at once with little editing.

(edited by Gathslan.1870)

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I wanna duel you

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


I lost it at the cow finisher, absolutely hilarious.

How do you feel you do w/o unsuspecting foe? I’m a similair build but I’m 10/10/30/10/10, I wanted to drop the 10 in arms and unsuspecting foe and put 20 in disc.

And I’m also sw/sh and hammer

But been trying 15/0/30/10/15 as of late, i like the more adren on wep swaps and the faster swapping.

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:

(edited by Furajir.3815)

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231


Props on the video Gath. Can you post your build? Sort of curious what you run. What gear do you roll too?

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Bartlewe.6432


Well done! Why do u prefer 4 divinity instead of full melandru?

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: BigSteez.3152


Hammer/GS 4 lyfe.

Lill Steez, Norn War w/ Sunrise
Champion Legionnaire
Ehmry Bay

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


I lost it at the cow finisher, absolutely hilarious.

How do you feel you do w/o unsuspecting foe? I’m a similair build but I’m 10/10/30/10/10, I wanted to drop the 10 in arms and unsuspecting foe and put 20 in disc.

And I’m also sw/sh and hammer

But been trying 15/0/30/10/15 as of late, i like the more adren on wep swaps and the faster swapping.

Haha yeah the cows are pretty epic, gold well spent I dont like arms tree much, but my dps does suffer, altho i crit quite reliably when i got fury running. Which i get from the shout and our elite ofc. I need to still get used to timing the shout right, sometimes i forget all about it and sometimes i waste it, no muscle memory for it yet.

Props on the video Gath. Can you post your build? Sort of curious what you run. What gear do you roll too?

My build is in the video description

Well done! Why do u prefer 4 divinity instead of full melandru?

My spec severely lacks precision due to no points in arms tree, so i need alot of it from gear : p

But that being said i doubt my spec is the most epic spec out there, its just what has felt right to me and worked for me so far

I wanna duel you

I dont really do duels : p all the 1v1 in the vid are just random encounters.

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


I renamed the thread so i can just post all my videos here(the ones i have already made and will make) instead of just spamming the warrior forums with a new thread everytime i make a new video.

1st vid i have ever made. This is more funny than anything else, and now watching this after a long time i notice the person is a commander, a very charming and respectful one at that!

And 2nd one most of you have already seen but putting it here anyway

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Really nice footage, and skill. You actually got me to pimp my warrior into using him in WvW again.

Edit; what sigils do you use?

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


Really nice footage, and skill. You actually got me to pimp my warrior into using him in WvW again.

Edit; what sigils do you use?

Sigil of perception and fire.

And thanks Warrior is fun in WvWvW, nothing quite as fun as getting away with kills on a class that cant stealth ;P

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


That’s the thing. I find running with my warrior the most fun of all, even though I’m at best averagely skilled.

I was thinking about switching my gear to more zerker. It seems when I’m solo I can’t always hit my target enough to down them, while I can stay alive long. I would be aiming for ~2800 toughness but something like 85% crit damage and 30+ base crit chance. What are your thoughts on this and how do your stats compare?

Also, for the sigils I was thinking hydromancy on the GS (which is what I have now, and helps with kiting which is important on my server with all the RS blobs).

On the Hammer I thought about Impact, cause it can give me that extra bite when I get the shaker/breaker combo off. Do you think this would be worth it over Fire?

Perception does seem like a good sigil to get for my bagged horn or something to use when taking a camp, as my crit chance will be lower. But I’m not sure if bloodlust will do more for my damage regardless…

Wow, sorry for the wall of text..

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


That’s the thing. I find running with my warrior the most fun of all, even though I’m at best averagely skilled.

I was thinking about switching my gear to more zerker. It seems when I’m solo I can’t always hit my target enough to down them, while I can stay alive long. I would be aiming for ~2800 toughness but something like 85% crit damage and 30+ base crit chance. What are your thoughts on this and how do your stats compare?

Also, for the sigils I was thinking hydromancy on the GS (which is what I have now, and helps with kiting which is important on my server with all the RS blobs).

On the Hammer I thought about Impact, cause it can give me that extra bite when I get the shaker/breaker combo off. Do you think this would be worth it over Fire?

Perception does seem like a good sigil to get for my bagged horn or something to use when taking a camp, as my crit chance will be lower. But I’m not sure if bloodlust will do more for my damage regardless…

Wow, sorry for the wall of text..

I use perception because my crit chance is quite low(if you got high crit chance without perception you ofc dont need it), that together with my trait for higher crit chance while i got adrenaline and frequent fury i can crit often(not as good as full crit build ofc tho) my toughtness is a bit over 3k and my crit dmg is a bit over 70% (im not at home so cant check exact numbers)

You are going for more damage than me, this will work better than my spec for solo roaming. The reason i built a bit more tanky is just because i play with a stealthy thief so i need to survive longer out in the open.

Honestly i cant give you an answer about sigil of impact, i have never tried it, but it sounds like (on paper) it should be better 1v1 but worse for group combat as fire is aoe.

Hope that helped
And btw i am on Piken too!

(edited by Gathslan.1870)

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Thanks for the quick answer!

I guess I’ll try out perception on my bagged weapon. If anything, bloodlust is way more expensive, so it’s a financially beneficial choice as well. I don’t think I would want a stat-stacking sigil on my main weapons, as I get downed a little too often to abuse it like you can on other classes (mainly stealthy ones who can just bail).

By the way, I did adjust your build a bit, mainly by taking the signet recharge reduction in disc and switching out FGJ for Bull’s Rush. I find it so incredibly useful for getting to fleeing enemies (rush+BR is 2100 range, pretty much catching anything trying to run). But maybe even more to get out of really dodgy situations where you have more then one pursuer. With SoR on 48 sec cooldown I get fury for 33 seconds every ~50 seconds (can’t always pop it straight away), so that’s still 2/3rd of the time. I do miss out on Sweet Revenge, so who knows, might change it up again.

Thanks again, and maybe see you online then Pikey!

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: SmoothHussler.6387


Awesome video. I was watching and then all of a sudden BAM! Its raining bulls wtf lol

Maguuma: Thug Life: [DERP][ME][PYRO] and other assorted dead guilds.

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


Thanks for the quick answer!

I guess I’ll try out perception on my bagged weapon. If anything, bloodlust is way more expensive, so it’s a financially beneficial choice as well. I don’t think I would want a stat-stacking sigil on my main weapons, as I get downed a little too often to abuse it like you can on other classes (mainly stealthy ones who can just bail).

By the way, I did adjust your build a bit, mainly by taking the signet recharge reduction in disc and switching out FGJ for Bull’s Rush. I find it so incredibly useful for getting to fleeing enemies (rush+BR is 2100 range, pretty much catching anything trying to run). But maybe even more to get out of really dodgy situations where you have more then one pursuer. With SoR on 48 sec cooldown I get fury for 33 seconds every ~50 seconds (can’t always pop it straight away), so that’s still 2/3rd of the time. I do miss out on Sweet Revenge, so who knows, might change it up again.

Thanks again, and maybe see you online then Pikey!

Alright, goodluck with your spec and tell me how it works out

Awesome video. I was watching and then all of a sudden BAM! Its raining bulls wtf lol

It is THE most brutal way a person can die in Tyria

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: doc phil.8015

doc phil.8015

Very nice Videos and quite funny as well. I always wanted to try GS/Hammer, but I’ll have to figure out a way to get perma swiftness without losing too much damage, because I really can’t go without it anymore
And thank you for uploading the other links since here in germany we quite often get problems with you tube videos these days.

Dzagonur Warrior
Dochil [GDA]

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


Very nice Videos and quite funny as well. I always wanted to try GS/Hammer, but I’ll have to figure out a way to get perma swiftness without losing too much damage, because I really can’t go without it anymore
And thank you for uploading the other links since here in germany we quite often get problems with you tube videos these days.

Yeah i’m aware of that, my best friend is german so i know when you guys cant watch a video of mine and find a way around it And perma swiftness sounds sweet, if you do find a way to get it without sacrificing too much let me know!

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: rivurivurivurivu.3041


you sir just made me dl gw2 again.
and try this build with my main
nice vid
for some weird reason i cant see your gear on the link.
do you run with soldier, knight maybe one of those with a bit of zerker ?

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


you sir just made me dl gw2 again.
and try this build with my main
nice vid
for some weird reason i cant see your gear on the link.
do you run with soldier, knight maybe one of those with a bit of zerker ?

I run a mix of Zerker and knight armor And im happy my video had such a good effect on someone, welcome back and i hope you never want to uninstall again

GathSlans Warrior videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


New video released, it has a mix of me just starting to play the build and some footage of me after i got used to it. There are 2 parts to the video as i noticed shorter videos are watched by alot more people, and i can understand that. Sitting 30minutes in a row watching a video is a long time ^^ Anyway, here it is.

Look at the description for more info!

Oh and that Mesmer won most duels, we had a few more than shown.

(edited by Gathslan.1870)