Gear/traits for end game?

Gear/traits for end game?

in Warrior

Posted by: Tomkatt.1684


Looking for advise on Gearing for endgame.

I’ve been running a hammer / sword+mace setup for a while and enjoy the control build, though recently I’ve been trying a GS / Axe+Axe combo and am liking it as well.

Is there anything specific I should be looking for at 80? I’d like a build that does high damage while maintaining good survivability. Mostly just want to kill things as fast and hard as possible, I have a guardian if I really wanna do support.

If I can get high damage out of the control weapons that would be pretty cool, though I’m loving dual axes right now.


Gear/traits for end game?

in Warrior

Posted by: Clumsy.6257


If you want damage then gs/axe+x is the way to go, if u like control then axe/mace but if our like me and want to move as fast as possible then axe+warhorn is for you, also if for some reason you do need range you can swap out gs for rifle (99.9% of this game ranged is a slower less effective option – the exception would be high level fotm)

For traits i run 30/25/0/0/15 to maximize damage

For armor/accessories its really up to you although berserkers/knights are by far the best (once you get used to meleeing everything in knights and you learn to time your dodges theres absolutely no reason to not go complete glass cannon for regular dungeons)

(edited by Clumsy.6257)