Glowing Hands

Glowing Hands

in Warrior

Posted by: Destram.8651


I don’t think any devs even read this section of the forums anymore, but if by some chance you do, for the love of anything, why did you remove the fiery red glowing hands of Berserker?

I really loved that glow, very similar to Revenant’s glow bases on which legend they’re invoking. The glow was awesome and i thought it looked really cool to have fiery glowing hands then going full on fiery red when in Berserk.

Is it gone because of the Always Angry trait change? Was the Always Angry trait the thing giving us the hand glow? Can you just make it a thing that happens as long as you have the Berserker specialization equipped? Please?

Glowing Hands

in Warrior

Posted by: Xkinback.2583


This glow effect was very important for Berserker mode. I’m very sad about it,
because you can’t see the effect if you fight and 15 seconds are to short.
Better they call it “Sometimes Angry”. I hope they change it back.

Glowing Hands

in Warrior

Posted by: LooseCannon.6957


Yeah, I agree. I really, really liked the burning hands. Now it’s just there when Always Angry is active.

Weird how Always Angry isn’t always active…

I’d like my constant burning hands back. It was kind of like the glow Revenants have for stances, but for Warriors.

Glowing Hands

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Totally agree, the constant burning hands was really important for feeling like I was “elite spec’d” because there’s not much else lol

Glowing Hands

in Warrior

Posted by: Mesket.5728


Burning hands is the feedback for Always Angry. The thing is you no longer have it active always, just when you enter berseker and 10 seconds afterwards.

edit: just saw someone mentioned it before.

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.