Got the weapons: which gear & traits???

Got the weapons: which gear & traits???

in Warrior

Posted by: Rhaegar.5120


As a role player, the choice of weapons is not only dictated by what the most recent meta is. I like 1H weapons and I was thinking about this kind of combination : Sword/Mace or Sword + Mace/Shield (keeping longbow as 3rd option)….I really don’t like 2Hweapons…way too clunky imo lol

But then I’m left with other decisions:

1) Do I go for a Condition build….not much to do with mace but what if I add perplexity runes
2) Do I go for a Power/Precision/toughness build and forget conditions?
3) Or maybe a hybrid with a bit of condition damage?

And also…what traits? At the moment I was thinking 0/10/30/0/30 for a non condi build or 0/20/30/0/20 for a condi one

As you can tell I’m confused and your help and wisdom is needed!!!!

(edited by Rhaegar.5120)

Got the weapons: which gear & traits???

in Warrior

Posted by: Rhaegar.5120


Got the weapons: which gear & traits???

in Warrior

Posted by: atreyu.9624


Well it looks solid enough to me.

Not really sure about the gear choice. I would rather stick to mainly conditions and be that little bit more tankier. So Rabid/Dire depends what you want to be.

The utilities are pretty much standard also.

You might also consider a warhorn opposed to the shield. I’ve been roaming with a warhorn and I don’t see myself going back to the shield (but it’s still good).

if you go warhorn you can also drop the 25% movement speed trait, since you will achieved perma swiftness from elite+warhorn.

And so you can get something like Mobile strikes which can come in handy.

little big wizard – Eu

(edited by atreyu.9624)

Got the weapons: which gear & traits???

in Warrior

Posted by: Rhaegar.5120


thanks Atreyu!

I’ve been thinking about 2 slight variations and, as usual, I’d welcome any thought or suggestions!;4NKVO0d4kL-60;9;5JJ-T;123-18;225ACJF74;1bUytbUytPClaFEoYQ0;1lVr0vXz254B59eWPk4RW8aNX8a;9;9;9;9;9;4V6k3O

with rabid trinkets I’d have higher crit chance and more armour but I actually think that my crit could be sufficient with the 20% plus I get from fury.;4NKVO0d4kL-60;9;5JJ-T;123-18;225ACJF74;1bUytbUytCBlaFEoYQ0;1lVr0vXz254B5A5V0V-7V8aNX8a;9;9;9;9;9;4V6k3B

in fact, if I stick to carrion instead I think I have enough crit (base 30 + fury + bonus on stun); 2500 armour is probably acceptable but at the same time the extra health is something I’d welcome quite happily

Or something totally different like;4NKVO0d4cL-60;9;59T-T;13;018A;152A-JF24;16TsW6TsWBBGvVHHXO0;13W71D2IZO_Va61V-N-5V8aNX8a;9;9;9;9;9;54k3w

My other dilemma is about the stun brakers…1 enough??

(edited by Rhaegar.5120)