[Greatsword] Rush

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Rush | Activation Time 2 s | Recharge Time 20 s
“Charge and strike your foe.”
Damage: 1.70 x Power x Weapon Strength / Armor
Range: 1,200

this is what we currently have

nice damage, but it never hits.
what if we remove the damage and cut the recharge time in half?

Rush | Activation Time 2 s | Recharge Time 10 s
“Charge towards a direction.”
Range: 1,200

the activation and targeting will be similar to greatsword whirlwind attack so you will not accidentally lock onto enemies and rush in the wrong direction.

just completely remove the damage, make it a movement skill since it cannot hit anything at all.

what do you think?

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


The issue with your suggestion is that it makes the skill even more gear towards running away. I for one would rather have it do what it’s supposed to and just act as a gap closer. Also, what if you don’t want to go 1,200 units?

For it to do this however the actual attack animation needs to change. The reason it doesn’t hit is because once you reach your target your character stops and “charges” an attack. What it need to do is be more like Leap of Faith in that the attack launches as soon as your in range.

If you wanted to actually make GS a weapon used to help keep you in the fight rather than running away from it I wouldn’t be opposed to making it like Ride the Lightning in that the CD is greater if you don’t connect, but in exchange it should remove cripple and chill.

This turns GS into a weapon used to keep you in the fight and not something just to run away when things look bad. You can still do that but it won’t be as effective.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They should just fix the kitten skill so that it stops bugging at the end of the animation. That’s all they need to do.

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


They should just fix the kitten skill so that it stops bugging at the end of the animation. That’s all they need to do.

I don’t think It’s even a bug though. I think they designed the skill so that you had a “tell” on the attack but the problem is that the Rush itself is a tell. Combine that with the animation stopping you in place and you got a gap closer that doesn’t close the gap.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Vukorep.3081


why not make Rush have the effects of Rush from gw1?

It was a adrenal skill that costed 4 adrenaline points and it gaved the user a loooong 25%speed boost.

In gw2 it could give swiftness for 5-10-15 seconds based on how high your adrenaline bar is .

This way it can still be somehow used for running away, or to chase down the foe that is running away.

It can only be used in combat cause of the adrenaline requirement (just like in gw1) ,unless you use the healing skill that pumps up your adrenaline.

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They should just fix the kitten skill so that it stops bugging at the end of the animation. That’s all they need to do.

I don’t think It’s even a bug though. I think they designed the skill so that you had a “tell” on the attack but the problem is that the Rush itself is a tell. Combine that with the animation stopping you in place and you got a gap closer that doesn’t close the gap.

It still doesn’t connect even when you’re using it against a person/mob that is completely still, not moving at all. It goes right past them, every time for me. Same with bull’s charge, same with savage leap.

The only way to prevent it from happening is to be in close range before using the skill.

Before September 9th, the only time this would happen would be if your target was constantly moving around. After September 9th, all of these skills stopped working properly.

It is a bug.

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Ryouzanpaku.1273


If there is problem with syncing animation/target then just change it to teleport like skill which actually hits (if you have target – if not it should just work as teleport 1200 forward) and I will be happy…
ofc to do not make it OP there should be a delay in teleport with exactly same length as is now the animation.
It is really quite annoying to have the skill with longest recast working with RNG to hit.

Player plays the game. MetaKitten plays the DPS meter on the golem.

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Dinsy.2491


I for one would like a clone of Leap of Faith from the guardian great sword but make with something other than blind, vulnerability maybe. Leaps while they have their own issues tend to work better than rushing across the ground. Less to get caught on.

(edited by Dinsy.2491)

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Leap of Faith actually suffers from the exact same bug that Savage Leap does.

Even if these movement skill bugs were fixed, I wouldn’t want GS rush to be changed. It has a fantastic damage coefficient and travels a very nice distance and considering how many nerfs the warrior has seen in the past year, I think nerfing its mobility by reducing the distance traveled to that of guardian’s GS leap would be a huge mistake.

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


If there is problem with syncing animation/target then just change it to teleport like skill which actually hits (if you have target – if not it should just work as teleport 1200 forward) and I will be happy…
ofc to do not make it OP there should be a delay in teleport with exactly same length as is now the animation.
It is really quite annoying to have the skill with longest recast working with RNG to hit.

I suggested something similar with Bull’s Charge a while ago…you would be surprised at how resistant some are to the idea even though I stated multiple times that it would look and function the same but just work differently under the hood.

Also to the one above, the skill didn’t always miss like that. The overshooting with almost all gap closers is a more recent development and you can see it on other classes as well. Before this started happening the skill would only miss on moving targets because you root yourself for the attack after you reached your target.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


I think the skill needs to be fixed not reworked. GS doesn’t need another nerf.

+1 Miku!

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Bee.6239


Definitely seems more broken as of lately. Sucks such a hard hitting skill has to be wasted for kiting…

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: xDudisx.5914


If rush was changed from a run away skill to something useful to fight GS might have a chance on pvp.

Ouroboro Knight’s [OK]

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Dodosaur.6324


It seems like it has to be a tradeoff of having the damage vs having the mobility it does now. Even with Rush hitting Greatsword doesn’t seem like a great weapon to be PvPing with anyway; it’s basically only used for Movement and for GS2 when you get a Bull’s Charge off, since Axe has so much of a better autoattack and Burst skill and allows for a shield.

(edited by Dodosaur.6324)

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


why not make Rush have the effects of Rush from gw1?

It was a adrenal skill that costed 4 adrenaline points and it gaved the user a loooong 25%speed boost.

In gw2 it could give swiftness for 5-10-15 seconds based on how high your adrenaline bar is .

This way it can still be somehow used for running away, or to chase down the foe that is running away.

It can only be used in combat cause of the adrenaline requirement (just like in gw1) ,unless you use the healing skill that pumps up your adrenaline.

You do know that everything you would be chasing also has that buff, or better, and will use skills that create more distance, right?

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


Have it apply 0.5 second immobilize upon reaching your target, this allows you time to land the blow if the immobilize lands, and gives the target (if a player) the chance to react and dodge before you’re close to them, meaning they can still dodge it, but if you get close to them, you deserve the hit.

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: xDudisx.5914


They could make like ele’s ride the lightning. If you dont hit a target it doubles the cooldown. And also add a new effect, like 5 vulnerability or weakness,etc..

Ouroboro Knight’s [OK]