Hammer Perma-Stun in Need of Imm. Adjustment

Hammer Perma-Stun in Need of Imm. Adjustment

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231


Speed: Slow
Animation: Highly telegraphed
Damage: Moderate
Control: High

Where exactly is the issue?

If anything the hammer needs to be tweaked a little. Not directly buffed, but it could use some animation and bug cleanup. Worse offenders are the #4 self root (it’s intended but just frustrating and makes the move hard to ever land), and F1 random delay bug.

Hammer Perma-Stun in Need of Imm. Adjustment

in Warrior

Posted by: Corian.4068


Anyone paying attention can see what a hammer user’s about to do at any time.

There’s also stability and/or blinds which pretty much makes warrior hammer a tickly feather as its pure damage isn’t very high.

It’s neither too strong nor too weak. There’s just upsides and downsides to using it, as there should be.

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Hammer Perma-Stun in Need of Imm. Adjustment

in Warrior

Posted by: Smirnoffico.8235


So, all this talk of uber-perma-stun warrior, but no link with a build. Can I have one please?

Hammer Perma-Stun in Need of Imm. Adjustment

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


So, all this talk of uber-perma-stun warrior, but no link with a build. Can I have one please?



I’ve also been trying to make a hybrid of the 2:

I don’t believe in using Hammer and Mace because it makes you easier to kite and if the guy has frequent access, even just one skill, to stability they have that whole time to mount a counterattack.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Hammer Perma-Stun in Need of Imm. Adjustment

in Warrior

Posted by: Tyr.1965


If youre having trouble against a hammer warrior, you really need to learn to play. Sorry to be blunt, but it’s for your own good. Hammers are incredibly easy to telegraph. When you see the warrior slowly lift his big hammer high in the air, try dodging before it lands. It’s so easy that even the PvE kids can do it. Also, invest in Stability, which you should already have some form of in PvP anyway. Hammers are easily countered. This isn’t a balance issue; it’s a L2P thing.

Hammer Perma-Stun in Need of Imm. Adjustment

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231


Hammers are incredibly easy to telegraph.

This isn’t a balance issue; it’s a L2P thing.


It’s actually sort of funny how OP hammer is against bad players who dont stunbreak, stability, or dodge the super obvious moves….

But at the same time, it’s extremely UP against a decent opponent who can read and dodge all it’s moves. It’s incredibly frustrating to play against a good (or evade spamming) Thief, because you’ll literally miss with 90% of the time with F1, 2, 4, and 5.
Good luck winning that fight by mashing the auto button.

Maybe hammer COULD use some tweaking, actually, to even out the skill gap a bit…

F1 Faster animation, no random delay bug, shorter stun
#2/4 Faster animation

  1. Faster animation, lower cooldown, shorter knockdown duration

Hammer Perma-Stun in Need of Imm. Adjustment

in Warrior

Posted by: datawais.7209


Well, at least his rant here was slightly less insane. He also wants Anet to punish thieves for “spreading irony”.

Hammer Perma-Stun in Need of Imm. Adjustment

in Warrior

Posted by: Ghostrider.6537


Still sounds like perma stealth/blind spamming thief tears to me, heres some advice drop your zerker gear get soldiers ruins maybe you wont get roflstomped cause youll be able to live thru the stuns and run away like most thieves do, i mean kitten , theres a class that in a certain build that can kill me if i miss a dodge roll “o no” warrirs had the short end of the stick thru atleast the first 6 months of this game, and now your mad cause YOUR character isnt almighty supreme god. ALL builds have a weakness/strengths personally i think Anet is doing a descent job and balancing out the classes to some extent, I play a hammer war and were not unbeatable. What you need to decide is what you want to be good at. In zerg on zerg in wvw you running zerker ruins and hitting like a truck means nothing cause anyone with some toughness can 2 shot you, down you and stake you, and when your dead you rez 5+ enemy players who were downed who tagged you.

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