Hammer/Sword Build Advice
Hum, I’d definitively go for Leg Specialist to lock down targets with (3) on Hammer and (1) & (2) on Sword (when 2 effectivly hits someone…).
That’s the only synergy I think between these 2 weapons. The rest is just that Sword allows a bit of mobility.
The thing is Sword is a condition weapon useful for roaming when Hammer is a combo/control weap efficient in group….
>EDIT : Furajir reported for spamming
You dont need Leg Specialist, it’s a waste of 10 pts. You have flurry on sword F1, which you can weapon sheathe cancel into for hammer combos, and final thrust is no joke, even in my build I can hit close to 10k with it after a shield stun when someone is at 50%.
That’s worth noting.
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch
He wants to run Sw+X/Hammer, he made his choice, then you should give advices to these weapons.
Flurry is hard to put on a moving target because of the beginning of the animation. And hammer sucks for 1v1, too slow, too predictable, easily dodgeable.
It’s called weapon sheathing, look into it.
And I did give advice for those weapons. kitten .
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch
(edited by Furajir.3815)
It’s called “I’m advertising my youtube channel and I give a Mace+Sh/Hammer build instead of a Sw+X/Hammer build”.
So, I’m saying that Sword and Hammer don’t synergize well for solo roaming cause of the condi/power damage difference between these. But it can be a pain in the kitten in a group thanks to a lot of control.
And if you want to really lock down a target, Leg Specialist is a must, maybe with Opportunist if you’re looking for something useful for both Sword and Hammer.
It allows you to be perma fury with SoR, maybe playing with on-crit sigils and a bit of power for the hammer could do something interesting.
You really have no idea what you’re talking about.
Sw/sh and Hammer has excellent synergy. Your argument that it’s not bc sword has bleeds on auto has nothing to do with anything.
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch
(edited by Furajir.3815)
Theres Uncle Shags 1vx vid, where he’s sw/sh and Hammer.
Lord Titan, Shags, myself, Callahan, Puandro and some of the best roamers use that combo.
I swap every so often.
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch
IMO leg specialist is a good trait to pick up because I use to think flurry was a good replacement untill I realized I wanted to save my adrenaline for earthshaker instead because the more earthshakers you can land the more damage you can lay down on your target while reducing the damage you take.
And going 20 points into discipline is really good also to pick up mobile strike.
Some people will say mobile strikes isn’t worth it because you only have 2 skills to utilize it, but with fast hands and the short cooldown of leap and earthshaker, you’ll be able to utilize it every weapon swap
If your looking at running Sword/x-Hammer builds I’d strongly suggest looking at videos from Callahan and Grimfalcon. Both will give you a rough idea of what to expect. Also if you’d like some help picking out gear, trait choices, and sigil choices I’d be more than happy to provide my knowledge.
It’s called “I’m advertising my youtube channel and I give a Mace+Sh/Hammer build instead of a Sw+X/Hammer build”.
So, I’m saying that Sword and Hammer don’t synergize well for solo roaming cause of the condi/power damage difference between these. But it can be a pain in the kitten in a group thanks to a lot of control.
And if you want to really lock down a target, Leg Specialist is a must, maybe with Opportunist if you’re looking for something useful for both Sword and Hammer.It allows you to be perma fury with SoR, maybe playing with on-crit sigils and a bit of power for the hammer could do something interesting.
You would be so far from correct in saying sword/x + Hammer don’t syngerize well for solo roaming. Sword is NOT a condition weapon. While yes it can put conditions on it can also hit extremely hard and fast which people aren’t expecting. In my non zerker build in wvw i can easily hit 8-10k with final thrust and 1.5k auto attacks. Leg specialist is a waste, you have so much CC and mobility it would be over kill.
Jade Quarry
Sw/(sh or wh) and Hammer synergise fantastically well, especially when picking up Leg specialist + Burst Mastery for sword flyrry into hammer stuns.
Leg specialist itself is amazing for the reason being: i don’t want my only root to root me too. People are not standing bricks (at least not all the time)
Instead i have an auto-attack, savage leap and hammer shock root on top of flurry. Even though they do share a DR the snaring/rooting does become overwhelming for your enemy at some point.
Fantastic synergy, one of the best a warrior has, at least in my opinion from around 1300 hours played on warrior.
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
Let me explain my point, I’m just saying that the damage main source of both weapons isn’t the same and you have to make a choice. That choice is going Power with a bit of crit if you want to have a decent damage output.
They do synergise, they both offer a lot of cc, especially with leg specialist (because real players know how to dodge and how to kite) which gives you a lot in that build.
I’ll build something with these weaps today and I’ll try to improve it with advice from here.
This is what i have been experimenting with, lately. Works amazingly well
This with Zerker gear.
Stun = crit
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
I was thinking about something like this :
Less offensive than yours, let me know what you think about it.
I was thinking about something like this :
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIIQNAS8ejkOxuFPqQMRCEkCNkLOKUilQpwOqjUBxA-jUyAYLBZyCEJCgQAn8KiGbFsIas6FMdJRUtHvIa1SBwkyI-wLess offensive than yours, let me know what you think about it.
Unsuspecting foe makes critical burst superfluous in terms of crit chance because you will focus your burst during stuns. Also, Burst mastery is key for sword/hammer. With 3 adrenaline bars, you do an earthshaker and have full bar for a quick switch+flurry if needed. Vice versa works pretty well too!
If you want extra mobility and condition removal you can move those extra 10 pts from arms to tactics for warhorn. For extra damage and control, you can move them to discipline.
I find myself moving those 5 points a lot but Unsuspecting foe and leg specialist i can’t live without.
Additionally i run a health regen build with runes of soldier for active condition removal. I find myself having little issue with Condition builds + when it comes to bursty enemies, they are usually squishy enough to go down in a well planned stun chain. In the case when i have been burst down, shield comes in handy as well as sword mobility. Thats why i pair them. I also carry ‘Shake it off’ and ‘Fear Me’ at all times which both clear conditions and act as a stun breaker
Hope it helps
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
Unsuspecting foe procs during Earthbreaker because the stun is applied before the damage, so, it’s a 90% crit (110% in fact under Fury, this build isn’t optimized yet, I’m at work).
I know 30 in Discipline is really huge, but I can’t go 20 in Arms, 20 in Def, 10 in Tactics and 30 in Discipline… I need to think about the less useful Trait.
Oh and I’m playing a lot with dodges so I can’t play without Stamina signet or Vigor ! That’s just me, you can do any change you want about it.
Thats why the 10 in Tactics is useless. Lol
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch
Thats why the 10 in Tactics is useless. Lol
1 sec immobilize for 3 abilities with sword/hammer, you do not like?
Being kited forever, you shall
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
Theres Uncle Shags 1vx vid, where he’s sw/sh and Hammer.
Lord Titan, Shags, myself, Callahan, Puandro and some of the best roamers use that combo.
I swap every so often.
Nothing impressive about that video.
- Pops all cds and hopes for a kill quickly. Ends up putting little pressure afterwards.
- Uses Berserker stance aggressively. No condition removal whatsoever. A good condition build player would rip him to shreds
- It takes him 2 seconds to cast earthshaker by point and click. A successful stun chain should happen by autocast on click. Otherwise, too predictable.
-He is underutilizing his shield and warhorn skills and tanks it with hammer. Ends up dying against most 1v2
- No fight against a skilled player or hard counter class. Where are the Bunker ele/condition mesmer or stun/passive regen warriors?
Not sure if this is how some of the “best roamers” roll but i wouldn’t suggest showcasing that video as an example
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU