Having very hard time with my Warrior!
To help/answer your question, it would help greatly if you told us what exact game mode you are speaking about (I assume its mostly likely spvp since u mention turret engi, also turrets technically aren’t living things to answer the cc/condition question) and link the build you usually run so we have an idea what you use.
Based on what you say, you say die quickly so that seems to suggest you are wearing/traited not in tanky aspects which means you should be doing damage. And yet you say you hit like a wet pillow. This is confusing and hence, why you should link what you run so we have a better idea.
The Soloblade
My latest build I am trying is Axe/ Axe – Sword / Mace, I use bull charge when I have axes for mobility change to swords for leap and bleeds, knock downs then change back to axes for my damage…
Something like this http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-s77FB0-NKkO0d4oK-60;9;499T-J2;00;018B;129n
I change to Sword / Shield and change out Dogged march for Missle Deflection and try and assist where I can!
(edited by Shieldbash.5304)
Axe/Axe is not optimal for PvP (or any game mode). The same goes for Signet of Fury and Deep Strike. If you’re going 6 pts into Defense you’d probably want to swap Spiked Armor for Defy Pain.
You don’t have to be a buff bot, and don’t for a minute think LB makes you a Ranger in heavy armor. A Warrior’s LB behaves much differently than either of a Ranger’s bows.
The majority of PVP Warrior builds run with LB because of Cleansing Ire. Unlike other weapons, LB F1 can be executed without a target and while blinded. All of the other F1s can miss resulting in no conditions cleansed. My advice to you would be find a weapon set that works for you, and then learn to love Longbow. You had said in a previous thread that Sword/Shield feels the most like a Warrior, but I’m going to recommend you try the Hybrid Sword since you seem to be partial to MH Sword.
It sounds like you should also take a look at what Warrior can and should be doing in PvP. It’s not your job to stand there and face tank stuff in melee while you get focused because you’re short on defenses.
If you’re opposed to using melee weapons and GS then there’s only a few “viable” options. A warrior build has to have access to 3 main things (generally):
1. Reliable adrenaline gain.
2. Some sort of gap closer.
3. Reliable condi removal.
Based on your limitations, I came up with this.
Some things are up to you:
- You can swap Endure Pain for something like Bull’s Charge.
- Mobile Strikes for Destruction of the Empowered (note that many Rangers run Entangled now though).
- The second Sigil on sword can be Fire/Air, Hobbling if you find that you still have issues keeping enemies in range, Generosity for additional condi removal, Battle if…
- you swap Runes of Mel for something like Hoelbrak.
It probably looks like I have dedicated A LOT to anti-condi, but believe me you’ll need it if you don’t have a Longbow. If you miss your burst, you can easily be overwhelmed. If you get hit by a Pin Down and have no adrenaline, you want to have Brawler’s Recovery so you can get rid of those bleed stacks. Same with anything a Necro may throw at you. It’s also useful for blind spamming builds.
Sadly, the only advantage this build has over typical Hambow is the ability to deal a huge finishing blow and it has the block. The sigils on the Hammer will still allow you to do massive damage if they don’t have stab or a stun break, so it makes up for all of your defensive traits.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
I’ll try both, I wish Sword did more damage, also Shield seem useless in the game? I like axe / mace / 2 hand hammer isnt bad
I mean that build is just straight horrible man no wonder you can not kill anything
If you do not use the Longbow with its superior cleansing and AoE damage how the heck you think you’re gona kill turrets – USE THE BOW
The Warrior is not a melee class there are no melee classes everyone has ranged and melee weapons
Half the longbow skills are best used in melee/medium range it is not a long range weapon – Fan of Fire for example is best used at point blank melee range
Try Hambow or Shoutbow don’t try and reinvent the wheel especially since you are new
Thats my problem I hate cookie cutter builds, just seems should be a viable build for all weapon choices?
I mean that build is just straight horrible man no wonder you can not kill anything
If you do not use the Longbow with its superior cleansing and AoE damage how the heck you think you’re gona kill turrets – USE THE BOW
The Warrior is not a melee class there are no melee classes everyone has ranged and melee weapons
Half the longbow skills are best used in melee/medium range it is not a long range weapon – Fan of Fire for example is best used at point blank melee range
Try Hambow or Shoutbow don’t try and reinvent the wheel especially since you are new
What I posted will kill just because of the combination of the sigils on the hammer and the trait. Swap to Hammer → Earthshaker → Backbreaker → Fierce Blow will outright kill some builds. Follow up with Staggering Blow → Shield Bash → Final Thrust and they’re either dead or kitten close. The trick is you use your weaker CC’s like Staggering Blow and low adrenaline Earthshakers to make them pop their stability and stun breaks before going for the big combo.
The AA on sword doesn’t hit super hard, but don’t forget that it’s also fast and with Leg Specialist you also keep them soft cc’d with cripple and immob.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
Sword is a hybrid weapon that’s great for staying on target and keeping pressure on. Long duration bleeds and Cripple on the auto-attack, Cripple and Leap on #2, and #3 hits just as hard as a full adrenaline Eviscerate if target is <50% health. So while it may not appear to do much damage, when put in the right build it can be pretty potent.
Shield may look pretty vanilla, but consider what it offers. #5 is essentially one second shy of Endure Pain without the stun break on half the CD. #4 is both a stun and leap finisher. So not only is it a great hard CC to stop a heal, burst, rez, or stomp or setup for a Final Thrust/Eviscerate, but if you use it in a field you get a nice bonus.
This is hilarious, imposing limitations on yourself and complaining that the limitations you set on yourself are too harsh. Also love the fact that you think that there are class roles depending only on class and not gear/trait choice. BTW Longbow is arguably the best warrior pvp weapon and you refuse to use it because reasons.
Sword is a hybrid weapon that’s great for staying on target and keeping pressure on. Long duration bleeds and Cripple on the auto-attack, Cripple and Leap on #2, and #3 hits just as hard as a full adrenaline Eviscerate if target is <50% health. So while it may not appear to do much damage, when put in the right build it can be pretty potent.
Shield may look pretty vanilla, but consider what it offers. #5 is essentially one second shy of Endure Pain without the stun break on half the CD. #4 is both a stun and leap finisher. So not only is it a great hard CC to stop a heal, burst, rez, or stomp or setup for a Final Thrust/Eviscerate, but if you use it in a field you get a nice bonus.
Sword is probably the most under-appreciated Warrior weapon. I mean soft CC (that can be buffed with a minor trait), a gap closer on a low CD, and a high damage finisher on one weapon? Yes please. Let’s not forget that the burst isn’t bad as well.
As for not wanting to use LB, I get that. I don’t like it either. It feels like training wheels, much like double Endure Pain. Taking Sword n’ Shield over it does make you more mobile so there’s still an argument to be made for it.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)
Sword is a hybrid weapon that’s great for staying on target and keeping pressure on. Long duration bleeds and Cripple on the auto-attack, Cripple and Leap on #2, and #3 hits just as hard as a full adrenaline Eviscerate if target is <50% health. So while it may not appear to do much damage, when put in the right build it can be pretty potent.
Shield may look pretty vanilla, but consider what it offers. #5 is essentially one second shy of Endure Pain without the stun break on half the CD. #4 is both a stun and leap finisher. So not only is it a great hard CC to stop a heal, burst, rez, or stomp or setup for a Final Thrust/Eviscerate, but if you use it in a field you get a nice bonus.
Sword is probably the most under-appreciated Warrior weapon. I mean soft CC (that can be buffed with a minor trait), a gap closer on a low CD, and a high damage finisher on one weapon? Yes please. Let’s not forget that the burst isn’t bad as well.
I tried the Sw/Wh shoutbow build and I found the sword to be an amazing weapon.
Sword is a hybrid weapon that’s great for staying on target and keeping pressure on. Long duration bleeds and Cripple on the auto-attack, Cripple and Leap on #2, and #3 hits just as hard as a full adrenaline Eviscerate if target is <50% health. So while it may not appear to do much damage, when put in the right build it can be pretty potent.
Shield may look pretty vanilla, but consider what it offers. #5 is essentially one second shy of Endure Pain without the stun break on half the CD. #4 is both a stun and leap finisher. So not only is it a great hard CC to stop a heal, burst, rez, or stomp or setup for a Final Thrust/Eviscerate, but if you use it in a field you get a nice bonus.
Sword is probably the most under-appreciated Warrior weapon. I mean soft CC (that can be buffed with a minor trait), a gap closer on a low CD, and a high damage finisher on one weapon? Yes please. Let’s not forget that the burst isn’t bad as well.
I tried the Sw/Wh shoutbow build and I found the sword to be an amazing weapon.
What build is that?
Sword is a hybrid weapon that’s great for staying on target and keeping pressure on. Long duration bleeds and Cripple on the auto-attack, Cripple and Leap on #2, and #3 hits just as hard as a full adrenaline Eviscerate if target is <50% health. So while it may not appear to do much damage, when put in the right build it can be pretty potent.
Shield may look pretty vanilla, but consider what it offers. #5 is essentially one second shy of Endure Pain without the stun break on half the CD. #4 is both a stun and leap finisher. So not only is it a great hard CC to stop a heal, burst, rez, or stomp or setup for a Final Thrust/Eviscerate, but if you use it in a field you get a nice bonus.
Sword is probably the most under-appreciated Warrior weapon. I mean soft CC (that can be buffed with a minor trait), a gap closer on a low CD, and a high damage finisher on one weapon? Yes please. Let’s not forget that the burst isn’t bad as well.
I tried the Sw/Wh shoutbow build and I found the sword to be an amazing weapon.
What build is that?
If you don’t mind being more buff/support focused you can run this or for a more “selfish” playstyle something like this.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
I tried the Sw/Wh shoutbow build and I found the sword to be an amazing weapon.
What build is that?
Damage is strong on practically every Warrior weapon. They have viable cleansing available, and are one of the more durable professions.
I can’t understand how any Warrior would feel like they’re not doing damage, when they’re one of the highest damaging professions in the game, hands down.
Damage is strong on practically every Warrior weapon. They have viable cleansing available, and are one of the more durable professions.
I can’t understand how any Warrior would feel like they’re not doing damage, when they’re one of the highest damaging professions in the game, hands down.
Because mathematically speaking our DPS was greatly reduced. You’re just wrong in saying that they are “one of the highest damaging professions in the game.” That’s just…wrong. Ele has the highest AoE dps and teef has the highest single target.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
Ok I tried a myriad of builds last night practicing on the pvp lobby npcs, then went into spvp and did fairly well not good, not horrible decent…
I still feel Warrior damage is low! I see the incoming damage I am taking from classes standing on a rock ledge pew pewing and then wonder how is it a Warrior that has to be in melee range hit for less?
Hambow was pretty good especially if I had team help clearing points etc. sometimes not so helpful as the knockback added with my targets teleports and dodges places me at disadvantage at times trying to get in that next series of attacks as they are out of range…
I Started using rifle / longbow under protest mind you, I find plucking ppl down some from range first then moving in is way better for my success and survival, however feels anti Warrior to me!
Defy pain saved me couple times, and mobile strikes helps against the plethora of rapid fire, volley hunters…. Seems theres always at least 2 both volleying me keeping me pretty much rooted until death! So mobile strikes is a life saver I wish I didn’t need to go that deep into discipline?
I tried a axe / axe – lb I know its a horrible build as you all said, I cannot play GS its just horrible weapon, I was much better. I’ll keep leveling and keep trying!
Once you drop the preconceived notion that the Warrior is a melee specialist, using ranged weapons becomes much more palatable. Also as has been pointed out LB is most effective in melee/near-melee range.
Yes, I see now why the LB is so used. I will get better at it and learn it… Wish we had a Crossbow seems more fitting to Warrior.
Just adding some advice to the pool here I think watching some of the top streamers is a really good way to get the mechanics down and up your game. Some of the players you faced were probably very experienced and have the mechanics down to second nature so I’d suggest watching some of Rom’s streams: http://www.twitch.tv/romoncoke (Think he only has Henge Juking up at the moment) and emulate his playstyle and then develop and dig into your own from there.
I wonder if this is why all the warriors say their class is so bad…
I wonder if this is why all the warriors say their class is so bad…
I made an Engineer and its by far easier than Warrior to be successful! Its almost to easy…
I wonder if this is why all the warriors say their class is so bad…
I made an Engineer and its by far easier than Warrior to be successful! Its almost to easy…
playing turrets? cause kit switching is far more active and easier to make a mistake than a warrior.