Healing Power for Warriors

Healing Power for Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


I love the healing signet and the trait “adrenaline health”. I think by themselves with no changes, you can get 362 health per tick + 351 every 3 second tick. That is 1,437 passive health regeneration every 3 seconds.

I then was hoping for a nomad’s build but couldn’t find gear for it, so I went for cleric instead, with a focus on getting as much healing power as possible. I got up to 1,625.

So now I can heal 443 health per tick + 595 every 3 second tick. That went up to 1,924 passive health regeneration, a 487 hp gain, but add in getting regeneration for the runes + banners giving renegeration stacked with all that healing power, i’m really enjoying this build as a tanking class.

Although the downfall with it is that I lack in offensive power. Has anyone tried this build before? I am really enjoying it and am trying to reach 1,700-1,800 healing power yet haven’t managed to do it yet.

Healing Power for Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Lagg.3960


Already tried it.

Now all you need is Vigorous Shouts, then spam To the Limit, For Great Justice, Shake it Off, and either On My Mark or Fear Me. Too bad we don’t have an Elite shout, but just go Berserker (for Dead or Alive) with Headbutt.

Soldier/Trooper runes, of course (or whatever they’re called nowadays, the ones that remove a condition on Shout), weapons Mace/Shield + Sword/Warhorn.

You’ll end up with something like this:


You will die of old age before mobs die in PvE.

You will die in PvP (because Healing Power scales horribly against the insane amount of damage that will be flung in your face while you hit the enemy like soggy cardboard).

Hey, I just bash you, and this is frenzy,
But here’s my Wammo, so heal me maybe?