Healing Signet - Help me understand

Healing Signet - Help me understand

in Warrior

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


I just need help with a simple thing.

I was just in a group run in Twilight Arbor and we were doing one of the paths, and during the fight with Leurent they told me to “not actively use Healing Signet, if you do you’ll die”.

I’ve looked it up and I can’t find any reason why using healing signet = die on the fight; can somebody enlighten me?

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Healing Signet - Help me understand

in Warrior

Posted by: Vv W.7821

Vv W.7821

Many people prefer the passive of Healing Signet to the active, and for good reason. The passive is very, very strong all on it’s own.

The thing is if you use Healing Signet you will get a burst heal, but if you let the passive tick for that 20 second cooldown duration instead you would heal for over twice the burst heal amount. On top of that you don’t get the passive regen while the signet is on cooldown.

Redundant Sasquatch – 80 Warrior – [aYe] – HoD

Healing Signet - Help me understand

in Warrior

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Yeah I know, but what they were saying sounded more like “if you use it, you will die [because of it]”.

No reason for that then? Must’ve just been a weird group.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Healing Signet - Help me understand

in Warrior

Posted by: Vv W.7821

Vv W.7821

Basically some people think the most optimal way is the only way. It’s best to not use the active, so if you do use it you’re wrong and they hate you. There are people like that in every game sadly.

Redundant Sasquatch – 80 Warrior – [aYe] – HoD

Healing Signet - Help me understand

in Warrior

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Eh I thought it might be something like that. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Healing Signet - Help me understand

in Warrior

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Because using a cast time to loose health isn’t really smart. Using Healing signet is a big “hey, focus me” sign over your head. You’re also loosing dps doing that, and since pugs already lack this, Leurent becomes a dps race.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Healing Signet - Help me understand

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

No, you wont die from using healing signet, it just gives relatively minor healing that you could have just waited a couple of seconds to get anyway. If you need to /want to use it, go ahead.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

Healing Signet - Help me understand

in Warrior

Posted by: Kagamiku.9731


If you plan on using healing signets active, then don’t use it at all. Use healing surge instead. It works far better as an active heal. I would only use Healing Signet if you’re a hit or two away from dieing and you need a slight surge of health to stay alive, and even then it’s quationable. You’re better off just downing and letting your teammates res you, so your healsig keeps its passive affect.

Healing Signet - Help me understand

in Warrior

Posted by: THuGaNoMiX.5036


The only time I would use it is if you cannot get away from the fight and you are 2 hits from dying.

That is the only time you should ever pop healing signets active.

Healing Signet - Help me understand

in Warrior

Posted by: tofumon.5924


Because using healing signet’s activated ability is an extremely stupid decision.

Healing Signet - Help me understand

in Warrior

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


The only time you would use Healing Signet actively is if death is imminent unless you get a burst heal NOW. In my case, that generally only happens if I’m down to about 10% health, I’m being mobbed by lots of enemies, and I’m completely out of blocks, evades and invulnerability skills. (And even then, this is rare since I run Sw/Sh and Savage Leap is on such a rapid cooldown. If I’m being overwhelmed, I use Savage Leap to escape from melee and buy me some time for Healing Signet and Adrenal Health to kick in.)