Healing Surge is counter productive:

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Change it to something like this, it shouldn’t require full adrenaline to use. No other healing ability in the game has such a requirement, just a bonus heal for getting it better.

Healing Surge
Heal yourself and regain all adrenaline and gain protection for each stage of Adrenaline. Cures burning, poison, and bleeding.
Heal: 9,820 (1.50)?
Adrenaline: 30
Stage 0: Protection: 1 s
Stage 1: Protection: 2 s
Stage 2: Protection: 3 s
Stage 3: Protection: 4 s

This will make it a lot like “Hide in Shadows” thieves get, except no stealth.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bear on the job.6273

Bear on the job.6273

It wouldn’t be a Daecollo post without some overpowered ability that somehow includes protection…

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amir.1570


Nah, F1 skills are actually that good.

If anything just nerf Warrior stun breaks (Trust me, this game would be better if every class was limited to only one stun break) so that Healing Signet doesn’t have to get nerfed but won’t necessarily overshadow Healing Surge.

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: naphack.9346


You are misunderstanding the purpose of Healing Surge.
It’s not meant to provide big heals, it’s meant to refill your adrenaline.
Having it result in bigger heals when your adrenaline is already full is only to make it more useful overall and not only be good in certain situations.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


You are misunderstanding the purpose of Healing Surge.
It’s not meant to provide big heals, it’s meant to refill your adrenaline.
Having it result in bigger heals when your adrenaline is already full is only to make it more useful overall and not only be good in certain situations.

Sorry but you fail to understand what a healing skill is for.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bear on the job.6273

Bear on the job.6273

You are misunderstanding the purpose of Healing Surge.
It’s not meant to provide big heals, it’s meant to refill your adrenaline.
Having it result in bigger heals when your adrenaline is already full is only to make it more useful overall and not only be good in certain situations.

Sorry but you fail to understand what a healing skill is for.

It is meant to be a tradeoff – either you store up your adrenaline for a big heal, or you spend it, get a little heal, but get to refill your adrenaline immediately. It is specifically designed to make you choose, that is the balance.

What you’ve suggested though is the best of both worlds, with a cherry on top. You want it to heal for it’s full amount, and give you full adrenaline…and give you protection while removing 3 damaging conditions…


You’ve become a running joke here. If you really want to contribute on these forums, please stop posting these unbalanced suggestions. You do more harm than good to us warriors.

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


You are misunderstanding the purpose of Healing Surge.
It’s not meant to provide big heals, it’s meant to refill your adrenaline.
Having it result in bigger heals when your adrenaline is already full is only to make it more useful overall and not only be good in certain situations.

Sorry but you fail to understand what a healing skill is for.

It is meant to be a tradeoff – either you store up your adrenaline for a big heal, or you spend it, get a little heal, but get to refill your adrenaline immediately. It is specifically designed to make you choose, that is the balance.

What you’ve suggested though is the best of both worlds, with a cherry on top. You want it to heal for it’s full amount, and give you full adrenaline…and give you protection while removing 3 damaging conditions…


You’ve become a running joke here. If you really want to contribute on these forums, please stop posting these unbalanced suggestions. You do more harm than good to us warriors.

Sorry but I don’t agree.

No warrior would use it for just the adrenaline, sorry you feel that way. However I think your wrong. Thank you

Many of the best warriors also agree that the skill is counter productive, and i’ve even seen some say that.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: dank.3680


Change it to something like this, it shouldn’t require full adrenaline to use. No other healing ability in the game has such a requirement, just a bonus heal for getting it better.


Heal yourself and regain all adrenaline. Heal amount is based on your current adrenaline level.

Adrenaline.png Adrenaline: 30
Healing.png Stage 0 heal: 5,885 (0.90)?
Healing.png Stage 1 heal: 6,540 (1.00)?
Healing.png Stage 2 heal: 8,180 (1.25)?
Healing.png Stage 3 heal: 9,820 (1.50)?

Consume Conditions
Feast on your conditions, gaining health for each one consumed.

Healing.png Healing: 5,240 (1.0)?
Healing.png Heal per condition: 724 (0.1)?

Ether Feast

Heal yourself. Gain additional health for each active illusion.

Healing.png Healing: 5,560 (1.0)?
Healing.png Healing per illusion: 640 (0.1)?

Seems to me like other classes do have these types of requirements(and are those classes best heal), ones that can in fact be harder to meet. On top of that, the warrior one has a higher base heal.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erukk.1408


Yes, if there is one thing the warrior class needs as a whole, it is increased survivability…

/sarcasm off

There is only one thing I would change though. I would change the protection to invulnerability. If you are going to suggest OP skills, you might as well swing for the fences.

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: naphack.9346


No warrior would use it for just the adrenaline, sorry you feel that way. However I think your wrong. Thank you

Many of the best warriors also agree that the skill is counter productive, and i’ve even seen some say that.

Careful, careful.
I for my part use(d) it in hammer builds “just” for the adrenaline.
Running mending now, tho.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


Come on, Daecollo.

I know you can at least do decent suggestions. This is bullkitten.

First off, why the hell would you choose the highest possible healing amount as the new base? That’s not warranted at all, considering that the numbers are balanced around the average being close to Mending. Currently, Mending is at 262 hp/s, with a scaling of 1.0. For Healing Surge, the average is 253 hp/s with a scaling of 1.1625.

Second off, why the hell would you keep the 30 strikes of adrenaline? Yeah, that’s what makes Healing Surge unique, but without lowering the HP for lower stages of adrenaline, you’re just making it OP.

Third off, why the hell did you throw in cleanse for bleed/poison/burn? That would essentially make Mending totally useless, as it can get clogged with lesser conditions.

Fourth off, why the hell did you throw in random Protection? Ok, I don’t think I really need to ask that, since you’re just going to answer “Boohoo Warriors need Protection to bunker”, like a parrot.

Overall, your suggestion is filled with overpowered. If you want to make it at least worth a discussion, here’s a short list:

  1. If you want it to be a consistent heal, pick either the 1 or 2 bar scaling, or a whole new figure that matches the hp/s of Mending
  2. If you want it to remove specific conditions, suggest a change to make Mending viable as well.
  3. If you want it to add Protection, make sure that the amount of healing is scaled down to balance it out.

(edited by Olba.5376)

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: naphack.9346


Poison cleaning heals should really be few and far between.
A heal skill clearing poison is already pretty kitten strong because it can’t be offset with the direct “healing counter”, the game provides.

If adrenal surge was changed to something like this, with this base heal and all that additional utility, quite frankly, nobody would ever pick another healing skill.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ursidae.7269


healing surge should just work like a flat heal – signet of resolve heals for nearly the same amount – somewhere in at about 8.4k – for warriors a flat 10k with nothing else or at least something more worth wild to use if you had full adrenaline. (the signet is actually on 36 or so seconds with the trait on a class that can heal all day. )

if using it right before combat to gain all adrenaline – it also with the 30 second cd causes it to be used early @60% health so that by the time any defenses have run out that its back up – so the instant adrenaline could only be useful after using burst -

it would be nice if it increased adrenaline over time like berserker stance but having it dependent on the level of adrenaline nearly forces it to be used with berserker stance almost in the same way you almost always need stability .. which most classes only need the stability on a heal with a cast time over having to use two utility to make it work in the middle of combat ..

the dependent nature of adrenaline shouldn’t be a liability in healing

i cant think of any class ive played so far as needing a resource for a heal outside of necromancer .. but at least when that happens they get something out of it.

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Daecollo I suggest you to buy a pack of Runes of Forge.
You’ll love them.