+Healing power stat help

+Healing power stat help

in Warrior

Posted by: Deku.9348


So I was wondering if I stack +healing power on my armour will it increase the power of my regen health tick of the passive health regeneration signet or will it only increase the active ability of the signet??? Thank you for your time in helping me with this =)

+Healing power stat help

in Warrior

Posted by: alocay.2450


So I was wondering if I stack +healing power on my armour will it increase the power of my regen health tick of the passive health regeneration signet or will it only increase the active ability of the signet??? Thank you for your time in helping me with this =)

I wondered this as well but I haven’t tested it yet. One thing I did notice was that I’m unsure how the signet even works. I figured it provided a bit of constant health regen but I noticed my health not regen’ing in a PvE fight so now I’m not clear on the mechanics. Does it tick only once every X seconds or something? It has to tick in the middle of fights, else what would be the point.

Edric Stormborne – Stormbluff Isle

+Healing power stat help

in Warrior

Posted by: Deku.9348


It does tick in fights and does do it quite often, I find it to be the best healing ability to have but I am just looking at ways of increasing the passive regen ability of it so I can be even for survivable in dungeons

+Healing power stat help

in Warrior

Posted by: Sheepski.5479


Yes it will increase your ticks, but iirc it was by a tiny amount, given the relatively small healing it does per tick. I think instead of about 200 a tick with full healing power you’d have 210 per tick or something.

+Healing power stat help

in Warrior

Posted by: Menaka.5092


Regen effects gain way less than direct heals from +healing. At the moment I think +healing is useful only for healing shouts builds.

+Healing power stat help

in Warrior

Posted by: Widow.5849


Anything +health related is increased.
This includes both the burst heal and any ticks you get or give to others.
My banners do roughly 32.5k overall healing to myself and group members with all +healing gear on (working on more exotics this week for this). Without the gear on the banners are doing only like 19k healing.

~Mewmewcachoo (warrior – CD)

+Healing power stat help

in Warrior

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


Tactics banner heal is so strong, along with vigorous shouts, I’m having a blast in PVE as a support warrior.

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

+Healing power stat help

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


According to my experience (as well as the wiki), Compassion adds as a 1:1 ratio on your USAGE of the heal skill (pressing 6…or whatever key you use), it adds ~12.5% of the value to the Regeneration boon, and it adds ~6.5% value to class-based passive HoTs.

As far as other ‘on use’ heals from traits (shouts, rolls, meditations, etc) I’m not sure. It has been nerfed on some effects over the course of testing though.

+Healing power stat help

in Warrior

Posted by: treyalsup.4627


I tested the passive regen on healing signet.

My tested values were:

300 healing power = 210 HP/sec
1098 healing power = 236 HP/sec

which would suggest that the formula is

200 + (healing power / 30) per second

+Healing power stat help

in Warrior

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

Back on the GW2 Guru forums, there was an extremely precise thread done up after Beta Weekend #2. This person tried EVERYTHING and figured up around what % value of your Healing score is applied to every healing application.

Shout heals were using 80% of your Healing score. Banner regeneration was using 100% of your Healing score. Yes, your Signet’s health regenation function did use a small % of your Healing score. (I can’t remember what it was.) However the Adrenal Health trait (T2 Defense) DOES NOT get affected by your Healing score. This healing trait is based on a static amount that adjusts only by your current character level.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)