Healing signet became useful after patch?
I tried it, didnt work for me 0.o’ but i read alot about its effectiveness after patch so.. i think its just me. check the earlier posts about the patch.. there ull read people having orgasms of the buffs.
Healing signet rocks right now, best heal for warrior IMO.
The best thing about it is that it gives you the highest heal without needing activation.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
it gives around 400 untraited.. and when activated it doesnt give me enough to survive.. 0.o
it gives around 400 untraited.. and when activated it doesnt give me enough to survive.. 0.o
Stop playing a glassy style build, and you’ll see how effective it is with a good amount of toughness. And I don’t suggest activating it either… lol
My Longbow tPvP Guide: http://tinyurl.com/Longbow-tPvP (out of date)
it gives around 400 untraited.. and when activated it doesnt give me enough to survive.. 0.o
So that’s… 12.000 HP/30seconds… It’s over…. 9.000!!!!!!!!
Without activating.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
you guys maybe right indeed.. never looked at the long term use of it. Imma try it and come back to u!
Heal Sig works well with Soldier’s Ammy and Mace/Shield. Every time you block/Stun someone that’s time they aren’t doing damage to you, which mean that’s free time to regen back to full. Sometimes I feel a bit like Wolverine, only mesmers are a huge threat 1v1 and I can hold out 2-3v1 for a decent anount until help arrives.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
In my experience, it works optimal in a sustain build with high toughness that can withstand burst. Otherwise, I suggest using a burst heal, such as Healing Surge.
Actually, the only reasons I would not use signet right now is when;
- either Surge would be my only way of gaining a full adrenaline bar quickly, or
- I have bad condition removal and am having or expecting trouble with poison, in which case Mending is good.
Even a burst type warrior can make very good use of signet, provided you have some way to kite your enemy.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
i can go far and say it make wonders for glassy builds
After the healing change, I haven’t use Healing Surge even once. Running Signet fulltime in PvE and Mending in WvW.
I love the new Healing Sig, I use it on my tPVP and WvW build now.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
I use it in a knights zerker mix build and love it. I like it because the mace stun and mobility of gs let’s me cycle and regen to avoid burst.
Healing signet used to be crappy, but now I feel it is a bit too good. In fact combined with adrenal health + mango pie / omnomberry ghost + some points in healing power I have used it in pve to face tank champions on level 80 areas with ease. No need to dodge. Just sit next to boss with healing signet + adrenal health. The combined passive healing from 3 sources can even counter permanent burning. You can just stand in fire and see your health bar stay up at full health. Welcome to the super easy mode…
Healing signet’s passive heal should be weaker if there is no points in healing power, but scale better with healing power.
The current formula seems to be (for level 80):
392+0.05*healing power / second
with 1500 healing power that would heal 467/s, just 19% better than with 0 healing power
I would suggest this instead:
320+0.1*healing power / second
320/s <- 0 healing power
470/s <- 1500 healing power
Not a dramatic change, but adjustment.
The active effect of the healing signet should be increased to promote its active use and its activation time should be reduced to 1/2 second.
Current: 3275 + 0.5*healing power
Suggested: 3400+0.75*healing power
I tried a healing shout build with adrenal health in PvE and can take an incredible amount of punishment. I don`t even bother dodging most of the time.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
I tried a healing shout build with adrenal health in PvE and can take an incredible amount of punishment. I don`t even bother dodging most of the time.
RIP this guy in any real content. You’re not outhealing 20k+ auto attacks in PvE.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
Healing signet used to be crappy, but now I feel it is a bit too good. In fact combined with adrenal health + mango pie / omnomberry ghost + some points in healing power I have used it in pve to face tank champions on level 80 areas with ease. No need to dodge. Just sit next to boss with healing signet + adrenal health. The combined passive healing from 3 sources can even counter permanent burning. You can just stand in fire and see your health bar stay up at full health. Welcome to the super easy mode…
Healing signet’s passive heal should be weaker if there is no points in healing power, but scale better with healing power.
The current formula seems to be (for level 80):
392+0.05*healing power / second
with 1500 healing power that would heal 467/s, just 19% better than with 0 healing powerI would suggest this instead:
320+0.1*healing power / second
320/s <- 0 healing power
470/s <- 1500 healing powerNot a dramatic change, but adjustment.
The active effect of the healing signet should be increased to promote its active use and its activation time should be reduced to 1/2 second.
Current: 3275 + 0.5*healing power
Suggested: 3400+0.75*healing power
There is more than one game type. The heals saw those buffs because of the warrior struggling in a PvP setting, and I never want to go back to that place.
Nerfing the base heal and buffing the coefficient to encourage heavier investments into healing power on a class with limited access to additional healing sources sets players up for failure. Sure you can dump points into healing power but unless you are running 15 in Defense and 30 in Tactics, you aren’t getting enough use to justify that stat outside of long fights. We aren’t Guardians that have healing coefficients attached to their mechanics, weapons, utilities… pretty much everything, so it is much harder for a warrior to make use of that stat.
Not to mention, that change would make it so much less effective than Healing Surge that there would be no reason to run the Signet. On top of that, warriors were soloing Arah long before the heal buff… should we just nerf the whole class? PvE in this game is not consistent enough to balance a class around. If you want more challenge, there is a better way to get it than calling for nerfs.
I love the skill. I never touch the healing button and i still get the best healing possible for a warrior. Ezmode :p
I’m trying to move away from signets, but I’ve been getting some good mileage out of this. Probably not a great choice for glassy builds, but if you’ve got some durability it can end up having the highest healing potential. You’ll need some other way to mitigate conditions though, unless you’re willing to rely solely on runes, traits, and consumables for that.
Healing signet is now pretty much the best heal in the game now in terms of health per second. Lacking a burst heal leaves you very vulnerable if you drop down low though. All three heals are pretty good now tbh, personally running with healing signet. Gets nuts how much hp/s I get with it plus adrenal health and regen (generally gotten from someone else).
Jangeol – WvW Warrior
Depending on damage that you take. High burst damage just melt your signed power, you can’t do anything to survive it. But medium constant damage makes signed whery good, especially when you use tank build.
Are you kidding? i can 3v1 and survive really long time or 2v1 and win. Try it with a mango its a miracle. (Tanky kitten hell)
Healing signet works much better than Healing Surge for me atleast.
In PvE you really don’t need to spend Adrenaline so you won’t need the utility from Surge.
If you stay at max health most of the time (lots of fights like that) then Surge wins. Signet should be better on encounters with constant pressure.
From fighting this situation with my burst mesmer and an ally burst thief, I say it needs some rebalancing. Played with even modest skill and the ability to time your invuln and blocks this set up is almost unbeatable 2v1. Perhaps if I had some boon stripping equipped or a necro ally. But I’d need more testing to know. Either way, it’s very formidable and perhaps overpowered.
At least they managed to make me stop thinking of a warrior as a free kill…
Been running the signet with full Cleric’s gear, shout heal build, and Soldier Runes. Surviving a lot of punishment but only able to deal so much damage. I rely heavily on FGJ and the longbow might combo for increasing my damage. I can solo a lot in PvE and last pretty well in WvW while providing great condition removal. Not an optimal build by any stretch of the imagination, but something I have been playing around with.
There is more than one game type. The heals saw those buffs because of the warrior struggling in a PvP setting, and I never want to go back to that place.
Nerfing the base heal and buffing the coefficient to encourage heavier investments into healing power on a class with limited access to additional healing sources sets players up for failure. Sure you can dump points into healing power but unless you are running 15 in Defense and 30 in Tactics, you aren’t getting enough use to justify that stat outside of long fights. We aren’t Guardians that have healing coefficients attached to their mechanics, weapons, utilities… pretty much everything, so it is much harder for a warrior to make use of that stat.
Not to mention, that change would make it so much less effective than Healing Surge that there would be no reason to run the Signet. On top of that, warriors were soloing Arah long before the heal buff… should we just nerf the whole class? PvE in this game is not consistent enough to balance a class around. If you want more challenge, there is a better way to get it than calling for nerfs.
I value many of your other posts, but beg to disagree here. PvE is the most common form of the game and it should be balanced as well. I am pretty sure that over 95% of the pve players never even tried tpvp, so to balance the game based on that very limited and unpopular game mode is just… stupid. Perhaps Arenanet lacks people, I don’t know. But for all honesty: warriors did NOT need buff for pve. Yet they have been buffed for many months in a row. I have been playing warrior in pve now almost every single day. It has been so boringly easy, I can almost fall asleep on keyboard.
We have already seen some good actions by the Arenanet developers:
Adrenal health and engineer’s backback regenerator finally scale with healing power (originally healing power had zero affect on both)
But the scaling with the healing power is still way too weak for many skills and traits. Zero investment in healing power should mean weak heals. I am not asking for any drastic changes, but healing power should become a meaning stat, which it currently isn’t for most.
Currently power is the most important stat for most builds. It affects so many things from attacking power (offense is king in this game) to retaliation (which should more logically actually depend on condition dmg stat). Condition builds are the exception and can function well without much investment in power, but even they have big problems against targets, which are immune to conditions (e.g. all objects). Berserker (power, precision and crit %) gear is not just for dungeon speed runs: it is the most prevalent high level armor and trinket of choice and also common in WvWvW and spvp (e.g. many mesmers and thieves run full berserker). If you don’t believe me: go to the trading post and see how berserker gear is most wanted and costs more.
If one thing is so good that almost everybody selects it, it is a clear sign that there is something wrong about the game balance. And this game went too far in burst damage. Now the developers are trying to fix it by upping the defenses while a more logical choice would have been toning down the excessive burst (e.g. no +110% critical damage, which is possible in WvWvW and pve).
I want to see more varied builds and see warriors more than just the CC + burst machines. I want to see balanced and hybrid builds get more common. Now bunkers and burst still dominates the meta. Yes, I count many of the condition builds also as burst, they are really not built for long sustain. Variety is good and vital for game’s popularity in the long run.
About the Arah soloing: I saw one video, which was made ages ago. I think it was made abusing the omnomberry pie / ghost food, before it was nerfed for a good reason. That food is still good, but no longer a build-defining food, which allowed crazy amount of life steal (no internal cooldown) from critting attacks.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
^ Leave my signet alone troll.
Pve is walk in the park for any class, balancing for the sake of pve is just a joke. If u want a pve i suggest change game to Dark Souls.
And the current king of pve, if not of the game is guardian, but i don’t see ya complaining about it. They are needed in every format of game. Wvw? Check. Pvp? Check. Pve? Check. From bunkers to boon/healing bots or zerkers.
^ Leave my signet alone troll.
Pve is walk in the park for any class, balancing for the sake of pve is just a joke. If u want a pve i suggest change game to Dark Souls.
And the current king of pve, if not of the game is guardian, but i don’t see ya complaining about it. They are needed in every format of game. Wvw? Check. Pvp? Check. Pve? Check. From bunkers to boon/healing bots or zerkers.
Agree 100%. It’s quite difficult to hear people want to balance PvE. The game is made so that any class can do just about any end game content. If you are a min/max type person or have min/max type friends then you or they will always complain that there class is not up to par with class x. Play what is fun and become proficient with your class and you will enjoy the game. If you are always worried about the other guy then perhaps you should roll that class.
I appreciate your respect of my other posts. Let me try to go point-by-point.
-As far as the relevance of PvE vs PvP vs WvW, no one will ever submit, for good reason, that their game type should suffer at the balance of another. To remedy this, Anet has started to split skills. Maybe the Signet needs a split (sPvP and WvW) vs (PvE). I won’t deny that it’s powerful in PvE. I was running difficult content in full serker with old Healing Signet and 15 in Defense no problem, so I understand your argument there, but in a general PvP environment pre-buff, it was markedly worse than the other heals in most builds. Although some could make it work very well, it needed a change. So I agree that, yes, in PvE, it’s probably too much and could use a split; emphasizing (sPvP and WvW) vs (PvE).
-With regards to healing power, it is a group support stat. Buffing its effectiveness for individual heals means 2 things:
1) Base heals need to be reduced because, with that change, healers heal more and to prevent what you’re referring to with Healing Signet from reoccurring, base values would need to come down.
2) Indirectly, no-healing-power builds become even less survivable. I’m not even talking about burst berserker builds. I mean, across the board, anything without healing power takes a hit. Meanwhile, healing builds that already bring heals strong enough to be effective in all game types get even stronger.
It’s obviously even more complicated than this, but we could be here all day delving deep and exploring every variable that needs to be mapped and considered before implementing something like this.
However, I’ll sympathize with you, because I too have shed a tear at the warrior’s poor access to the use of healing power. But, no other class, save the ranger to my knowledge, can begin to approach the offensive support of a warrior. For instance, 30 points in Tactics with a Banner of Discipline can give your full group 100% uptime on +28% crit chance, 15% crit damage, and even 150 power and regen should you choose. That is a tremendous boost to damage. Coupling that with the same healing/defensive support of classes like the ele or guard would be… wow! much too much.
Maybe I’d get on board with Regen seeing a reduction to base heal and increased scaling with Healing Power. That way, you can ensure that every class has some access to being able to AoE support their group through heals without negatively affecting more offensively and defensively oriented builds to the same degree as altering personal heals. But you’d have to take a look at any #6 healing skills/traits that provide regen to see how they would be impacted.
As far as Berserker being #1, I wonder if that stems also from the content generally being “faceroll-easy” or “1-shot-hard”? I agree that damage is king but it’s because, in my opinion, PvE is either too easy or too hard and unrewarding. You either want to blow through it to avoid boredom and maximize rewards, or you have to blow through it to avoid getting 1-shotted by high level Agony. The lack of scaling rewards according to difficulty has left us with a bunch of unoccupied, difficult dungeons; min/maxed, farmed ones; and many of the hardcore dodge rolling their berserker butts off to avoid getting 1-shotted by agony in high level fractals (which wouldn’t change much even with defensive builds). There isn’t much room for support in any of those scenarios. Obviously there are far more variables in the equation than our ideas, but all those little things combined with the game being designed for every class to stand alone would require some heavy heavy, fine tooth comb thought and re-balancing over a long period of time. I’m not saying it won’t happen, but it should be a long, arduous process to avoid breaking the game.
^^^Condi caps also contribute here
-Finally, agreed on build variety 100%.
And in regards to Arah, ashamedly, I’ll admit I never watched the video, nor do I keep up with stuff like that. I’m not sure what can still be soloed and what can’t be, but kudos to you for pointing out my ignorance in an area.
If CC actually meant anything then that would probably also appear in the optimal counter to the 1-shotting content.