Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: lordhelmos.7623


We will probably get news on warrior specialization soon. Before that happens I am going to speculate that the elite spec will have something to do with the eastern style “Zaishen” warriors of the battle isles in Gw1.

Speculation stems from these two items were found in the dat file 1 month ago when the first beta launched.

[&AgFcDgEAAA]Katana (dagger) [&AgGADQEAAAKatana (sword)

I wouldn’t be surprised if the specialization was actually called Zaishen. Based on the items we would get offhand dagger. I think these are the new weapons skins that we will get for completing the Zaishen elite reward track (similar to how the chronomancer gets the new clockwork shield skin).

The current warrior play-style is heavily defensive (cleansing ire/LB mandatory in every pvp build, phalanx strength and banners being the dominant pve build for group support).

I think that this new specialization will provide us with new fast striking offensive options and high risk/high reward gameplay.

Additionally, to further support the above if other classes are gaining access to a full set of new skills of the same type (Mesmer getting wells). I think us warriors will be getting meditations.

(edited by lordhelmos.7623)

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Zende.1704


I like your ideas!
If I can’t get a land spear, I think that I’ll be able to settle for a quick, bursty dagger. Also, meditation can be a good skill type for us, although mantras could also be pretty cool.
And frankly, for our spec, I would love being able to perform some quick deadly bursts with some quickness thrown in there.

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Color me intrigued. I’d like to hear more

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Donut.6914


“The current warrior play-style is heavily defensive”

That’s because the meta is based on teamfights and controlling point nodes. The Warrior’s combination of burst+mobility is second only to the Thief.

That said, I wouldn’t mind seeing a Zaishen/Samurai type offensive specialization. I also like your idea of meditations being a new skill for Warriors, that fits pretty well. It could be sort of like an active buff, similar to an offensive version of Stances.

I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. I swung a sword again—-hey hey that’s great!

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

they should give us brand new 5 weapon skills even if we get a sword + dagger only.

because they new warrior specialization could meant that we need to use the sword and dagger together, thus giving us 5 new weapon skills based on the sword plus dagger combination!

kinda like how thieves get a different 3rd weapon skill when they mix their offhand weapons with their main hand weapons.

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I’m gonna say no because Zaishen isn’t warrior exclusive.


5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: lighter.2708


Warrior is always last, there is still 8 weeks to go lol

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Warriors with daggers? Obviously Wassassins.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


they should give us brand new 5 weapon skills even if we get a sword + dagger only.

because they new warrior specialization could meant that we need to use the sword and dagger together, thus giving us 5 new weapon skills based on the sword plus dagger combination!

kinda like how thieves get a different 3rd weapon skill when they mix their offhand weapons with their main hand weapons.

I bet thieves will get a 2 hand weapon (rifle)

Just the WvW

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Sthenith.5196


Warriors with daggers? Obviously Wassassins.

This made me lmao.

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Warriors getting F2 skill. And daggers. You can use your other burst skill when you have daggers equipped. Giving you 2 burst skills with daggers.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Warriors getting F2 skill. And daggers. You can use your other burst skill when you have daggers equipped. Giving you 2 burst skills with daggers.

no new burst skills with 2 handed weapons? rifle, longbow, greatsword, hammer

do we get at least THREE (3) new f2 burst skill only with dagger offhand?
sword + dagger = flurry + new sword-dagger burst skill
axe + dagger = eviscerate + new axe-dagger burst skill
mace + dagger = skull crack + new mace-dagger burst skill

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Is it just me or do all potential new weapons just seem ridiculous for warriors?

Huge plate mail and…a dagger? A pistol? Stylistically, I could only really see a torch, but I don’t see that working well from a gameplay perspective.

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Warrior is the master of arms and should already know how to use everything.

Land Spears would of been better. Or Melee Staff.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: JackSpacer.4320


Man melee staff would be awesome! I could be a kungkittencharr!

“The hype is real.”

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Aktium.9506


Huge plate mail and…a dagger?

The stiletto was a knight’s weapon. Most knights in medieval times had a stiletto and/or a rondel. Last time I checked knights used huge plate mail armor too.

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Tzozef.9841


One of the best Elite Specialization ideas I’ve heard for warrior, and off-hand burst skills sound awesome.


read the first sentence.

“The Zaishen Order is an intercontinental guild that honors the god Balthazar and are led by the Zaishen High Council.”

And there is also a Balthazar temple in the Maguuma Jungle. Perhaps we’ll find long lost Zaishen Warriors there.


(edited by Tzozef.9841)

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: lighter.2708


The only play style warrior lack is fast paced, active play style.

Right now, offensive warriors are all played passively.
because other classes have to many utilities (such as blink, insta cast) that can completely dominate a fight,
they can decide when to burst, when to kit, when to do whatever they want.
warrior does not have those skills, when we decide to damage it’s pretty clear because we have to run up to them.
So most of the time, warrior just play passive and react to enemy skills.
which is also why warrior gets boring when enemy is not so good skill wise.

So i hope that we get such fight deciding skills, so we can decide when to burst, when to kit, dominate the fight instead of just plays passively.
this is what warrior lacks the most, i hope zerker war will finally be viable again after 3 years in PvP.

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Darksteel.8412


The only play style warrior lack is fast paced, active play style.

Right now, offensive warriors are all played passively.
because other classes have to many utilities (such as blink, insta cast) that can completely dominate a fight,
they can decide when to burst, when to kit, when to do whatever they want.
warrior does not have those skills, when we decide to damage it’s pretty clear because we have to run up to them.
So most of the time, warrior just play passive and react to enemy skills.
which is also why warrior gets boring when enemy is not so good skill wise.

So i hope that we get such fight deciding skills, so we can decide when to burst, when to kit, dominate the fight instead of just plays passively.
this is what warrior lacks the most, i hope zerker war will finally be viable again after 3 years in PvP.

because let’s be honest….if a warrior can’t be a viable zerker (meta imo even) than why would any other class be a zerker…. lorewise and in any sense tbh even ps. shoutbow is extremely boring to play

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Huge plate mail and…a dagger?

The stiletto was a knight’s weapon. Most knights in medieval times had a stiletto and/or a rondel. Last time I checked knights used huge plate mail armor too.

Knights in Medieval times uses Daggers as a way to cut through the weak points when the enemy is knocked down. They get on top of the enemy and then pierce through the parts where it is weak. A sword, axe, hammer has too long of a reach when you are on top of them.

As seen here

If you think that knights used dagger as a offhand weapon, that would be silly. A dagger can’t cut through armor. A sword does a better job on killing unarmored foes because it has a long reach. Shield is better off as a offhand because it is a weapon and provides more protection.

Daggers can be used defensively and an offhand, but that would be silly for a full plated knight. Anything a dagger can parry, the armor is enough to protect it.

If a warrior gets dagger, it would have to be a physical utility skill that does more damage to disabled enemies. It would make sense in gameplay and immersion. Physical skills have tons of CC. For the immersion explanation… because of above explanation.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


Huge plate mail and…a dagger?

The stiletto was a knight’s weapon. Most knights in medieval times had a stiletto and/or a rondel. Last time I checked knights used huge plate mail armor too.

Knights in Medieval times uses Daggers as a way to cut through the weak points when the enemy is knocked down. They get on top of the enemy and then pierce through the parts where it is weak. A sword, axe, hammer has too long of a reach when you are on top of them.

As seen here

If you think that knights used dagger as a offhand weapon, that would be silly. A dagger can’t cut through armor. A sword does a better job on killing unarmored foes because it has a long reach. Shield is better off as a offhand because it is a weapon and provides more protection.

Daggers can be used defensively and an offhand, but that would be silly for a full plated knight. Anything a dagger can parry, the armor is enough to protect it.

If a warrior gets dagger, it would have to be a physical utility skill that does more damage to disabled enemies. It would make sense in gameplay and immersion. Physical skills have tons of CC. For the immersion explanation… because of above explanation.

RL explanations don’t matter. Revenant is getting a dagger, by the way. It’s a heavy armor prof.

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Aktium.9506



Dagger is still the most fitting candidate out of all the remaining weapons. It could easily just be two offhand skills like one that does more damage the more toughness the target has and one that is like a finishing blow thing that does more damager on low hp targets.

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Drakonath.7096



Dagger is still the most fitting candidate out of all the remaining weapons. It could easily just be two offhand skills like one that does more damage the more toughness the target has and one that is like a finishing blow thing that does more damager on low hp targets.

Actually, torch seems a lot more likely.

Heavy Speculation on Zaishen Elite Spec

in Warrior

Posted by: Zende.1704


If we get a torch, I want a smoke field associated with it!