Help with wvw build

Help with wvw build

in Warrior

Posted by: Cavendish.2168


I am looking for feedback on my warrior build. This is is what I have have come up with based on the weapons that I enjoy using and my goals for wvw.;4NKVP0g4BL-60;9;5O9JE;127-1;038-5;06JF0;26TsW6TsWo-FvVHw6;3wV1X6Y9ZH4Ma9i-H-6kW8;0V8a;9;9;9;9;9;4V3x

Im not into solo roaming, I just want to be able to follow commander into large scale zerg battles and survive. I tried using the hammer but I just dont like it. I like sword/warhorn for the mobility and condition removal. I havent been able to test it out much because wvw action has been lackluster the past weeks.

Any feedback for how I could improve it?

Help with wvw build

in Warrior

Posted by: Deus Fatorum.2473

Deus Fatorum.2473

Not a build expert but it seems you are going more toward condition damage/support overall in your build, so I would recommend dropping the zerker weps and getting better condition gear, and since you mentioned survivability, there are alot of good condition gear stat combinations than zerker for good-condi damage + survivabilty. I would look at things like rampagers, rabid, with maybe a mix of a few soldier pieces, depending on how much dps you want. also since you do seem to be leaning toward conditions, maybe replace some of the knights with maybe rabid gear. You should still have plenty survivability, but your conditions would pack a much stronger bite.

Help with wvw build

in Warrior

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


pro tip, don’t run a condition build. As a war there are just so many strong power builds there is no reason do run a condition build. Besides that other classes are just better at conditions.

Now if you want the current cookie cutter build run M/Shield with a sigil of paralysis and a GS. Your Mace stunn is a spammable 4s stun. (warning this build will be nerffed)

I personally run with Axe/Axe and Rifle and i run with a crit dmg build + the crit on weapon swap sigils. I can see someone coming and Rifle burst them for crasy dmg then turn around and get a full adrenalin guaranteed crit eviscerate, total of around 15k

Help with wvw build

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


the bleeding damage is very low without condition damage, you prolly tick for like 50 damage, no real danger, even if the bleeding duration is increased, i think that arms line is kind of wasted with your stats. with your weapon and armor set you could try something like X X 30 X 30 – focus on defense and critical damage in traits, take burst mastery for lots of longbow fire fields and maybe invest in a superior sigil of fire for your bow (it will frequently trigger aoe blast in zerg vs zerg fights because lots of targets and thus many crits). maybe try to get your crit chance up a bit more somehow, will be a bit low compared to your crit damage if you drop all points out of arms.

tattoohead the only good warrior sustained healing builds are condition based, for me thats reason enough to run a condition build.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

(edited by Steelo.4597)

Help with wvw build

in Warrior

Posted by: Deus Fatorum.2473

Deus Fatorum.2473

pro tip, don’t run a condition build. As a war there are just so many strong power builds there is no reason do run a condition build. Besides that other classes are just better at conditions.

Now if you want the current cookie cutter build run M/Shield with a sigil of paralysis and a GS. Your Mace stunn is a spammable 4s stun. (warning this build will be nerffed)

I personally run with Axe/Axe and Rifle and i run with a crit dmg build + the crit on weapon swap sigils. I can see someone coming and Rifle burst them for crasy dmg then turn around and get a full adrenalin guaranteed crit eviscerate, total of around 15k

Lol that is almost exactly what I run, axe/axe + Rifle. Prefer the sigil of intelligence for my weapon swap. It also uses a fun concept, perma-fury. Though the reverse is also fun, eviscerate a squishy(mesmer, thief for example) watch them run and then killshot, less likely to try to dodge kill shot when running. Also thieves tend to stealth when they get low on hp/need to run and kill shot, if you had them targeted prior to stealth, will auto-aim on their position, even if stealthed, makes for some fun surprises.

Back to topic, I have seen some good condi warriors out there, in terms of 1v1 they are not all that great, but whip out a longbow on a big zerg and it is beautiful. You just have to know your role, you will not be as good at in your face stunlocking/or straight damage, but in terms of aoeing the whole zerg, putting added pressure/conditions on said zerg and wearing zergs out you can make a great addition to your zerg. There may be other roles out there that the warrior can do better, but that doesn’t mean if he really likes his condi warrior that he won’t make a good addition to his zerg, and that he shouldn’t run it.

Help with wvw build

in Warrior

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Heh didn’t mean to hate on condition builds. If that’s what you love it can work (still doesn’t feel very warrior to me)

But I guarantee the first time you one shot a squishy thief you will be hooked lol

Help with wvw build

in Warrior

Posted by: Deus Fatorum.2473

Deus Fatorum.2473

the bleeding damage is very low without condition damage, you prolly tick for like 50 damage, no real danger, even if the bleeding duration is increased, i think that arms line is kind of wasted with your stats. with your weapon and armor set you could try something like X X 30 X 30 – focus on defense and critical damage in traits, take burst mastery for lots of longbow fire fields and maybe invest in a superior sigil of fire for your bow (it will frequently trigger aoe blast in zerg vs zerg fights because lots of targets and thus many crits). maybe try to get your crit chance up a bit more somehow, will be a bit low compared to your crit damage if you drop all points out of arms.

tattoohead the only good warrior sustained healing builds are condition based, for me thats reason enough to run a condition build.

Actually I have a condi warrior too, same warrior actually just separate gear set, and yes condi warriors can pose a serious threat to an enemy zerg. My bleeds did 150 a tick, with 25 stacks easy, that is a lot of damage, in terms of condi-removal, a lot do not run much of it in WvW, and even when they did, I was putting stacks fast enough that they would still die. Also my longbow… oh my longbow I put a sigil of earth on that(60% chance to cause bleed on crit and that was funny) When I did my fire field it did over 800 a tick, also these ticks would crit, and those crits would cause bleeding thanks to the lovely sigil. If I put that fire-field on a wall I can guarantee you the enemy zerg on that wall would move or die, which is a nice way of getting people off ac’s.

So, yes the condi’s can pose a threat, if that is what you want, though also like you said, if you ease up on condi’s you can make some really neat support warriors.

Also my condi warrior was a condi-crit chance warrior. I ran a decent amount of percision, just no crit damage, and specialized in on crit effects (lots in traits/runes/sigils) as well as lots of condition damage, also had a fair amount of toughness, and enough vitality so that my health was greater than 20,500.

Not trying to rage on your post, You make a fair point about condi-builds making great support warriors too, and overall I do agree with your post, just pointing out there are some strong condi-damage warrior builds out there, and that they can do a lot of damage.

(edited by Deus Fatorum.2473)

Help with wvw build

in Warrior

Posted by: Deus Fatorum.2473

Deus Fatorum.2473

Heh didn’t mean to hate on condition builds. If that’s what you love it can work (still doesn’t feel very warrior to me)

But I guarantee the first time you one shot a squishy thief you will be hooked lol

That is fair… and yeah it is very satisfying one, even 2 hitting squishy thieves. =P