Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
(edited by sogekii.2586)
I finally completed my set today and I tried it out on HoTW(exp). The hardest I hit a lvl 80 dungeon mob was with a 32k Kill Shot without any food buffs or potion buffs. So far I have never seen a single target critical hit higher than this in a level 80 dungeon.
I also tried picking on the critters and I hit one for 1.2Million damage.
Screenshots attached (check the combat log entries).
What is the highest single target crit you’ve done or seen in the game so far?
(Edit: I did CoE exp mode today and I beat my 32k crit with a 41k crit. Screenshot attached.)
(edited by sogekii.2586)
What rifle is that?
The Hunter… Pre-legendary rifle.
It would appear that the shot’s damage is being multiplied by some factor for each target it pierces, I can’t imagine that is intended.
Are you sure it’s not just the log adding the new damage to the old number when it hits another thing? I mean if you shoot through a bunch of the same creature, do you see its health go down more for each one pierced, or does the number just climb for about the same change to the bar?
EDIT: for example the hunters in the 1st pic look to have taken roughly the same damage, assuming they’re the ones you hit.
(edited by LameFox.6349)
Have you guys that are questioning this not killed white critters before? Anyone and everyone does insane damage to them.
There is even 2 achievements for it.
Looks like a combat log bug. Post a screenshot of the 34k crit appearing over the target’s head and I might believe it. For now, it looks like it’s adding the damage numbers together from piercing when putting it in the log. The fact that you have a string of kill shots in the log pretty much confirms it.
Critters don’t count for damage numbers
Send this to the top of the forums, that’s insane damage, my power necro “nuke” hits for MAX 6k damage once every 2 weeks haha, usually around 3k-4k damage, and I thought I was doing decent damage.
What armor are you wearing?
I got this.
Wurriur needz nurf
This is 100% epic. Thank you for making my day haha!
fellyn.5083Have you guys that are questioning this not killed white critters before? Anyone and everyone does insane damage to them.
There is even 2 achievements for it.
Fascinating. Except nobody is questioning damage to white mobs.
Looks like a combat log bug. Post a screenshot of the 34k crit appearing over the target’s head and I might believe it. For now, it looks like it’s adding the damage numbers together from piercing when putting it in the log. The fact that you have a string of kill shots in the log pretty much confirms it.
Critters don’t count for damage numbers
I did actually see the 30k crit appear over the mob’s head. At first I was skeptical and thought that I might have seen too many digits than there actually was that’s why I checked the combat log to confirm. Sure enough, it was there on the log.
It’s hard to time the screenshots for when the actual numbers appear over the target’s head. It’s not like I was trying to get the highest crit possible while doing this dungeon. I was just playing normally until I saw the 30k crit and I thought I should post it.
I’ll try to get another screenshot for when it actually appears on the targets head. I’ll post it up when I get it. But right now, I don’t see why we can’t trust the combat log.
Also, I only included the critter damage because a million damage to it is hilarious. Overkill much? Although critter damage is easy to reproduce so it’s easy to compare with other people’s single target crits.
(edited by sogekii.2586)
Are you sure it’s not just the log adding the new damage to the old number when it hits another thing? I mean if you shoot through a bunch of the same creature, do you see its health go down more for each one pierced, or does the number just climb for about the same change to the bar?
EDIT: for example the hunters in the 1st pic look to have taken roughly the same damage, assuming they’re the ones you hit.
I don’t think thats the case. The increments on the crit numbers are not consistent to the normal crit damage that I do. I do roughly 15k crits atleast on any mob in the dungeon, if the number was just being added to the previous one then the highest crit wouldv’e been 45k-ish. I see what you’re saying though.
It would appear that the shot’s damage is being multiplied by some factor for each target it pierces, I can’t imagine that is intended.
Yea, that looks to be the case. I’ve known this to be true for a long time now but I’ve never actually seen a crit as high as 30k+ until when I actually did this. I don’t know I just thought I’d share this and ask around if other people have been getting numbers this high as well.
Send this to the top of the forums, that’s insane damage, my power necro “nuke” hits for MAX 6k damage once every 2 weeks haha, usually around 3k-4k damage, and I thought I was doing decent damage.
What armor are you wearing?
I’m wearing the Honor of the Waves chest and pants. I’ve disabled the helm and shoulders.
I’d like to see an actual shot of the number over the head also. In the screenshots, the damage indicates that was 2 minutes prior to what your map clock was indicating. 2 minutes, buffs can go away. I think there are other factors to consider here. but over 30k on a lvl 80 mob is hard to believe.
@Caliga Meshima.4768
Like I said to the response I made to Sami.1560, it wasn’t like I was waiting for this to happen. The reason it’s 2 minutes behind the time clock is because we had to kill clear the room from all the mobs and totems before I could actually checked the combat log to confirm the crit damage number. I didn’t want to die just to take a screenshot that I can take later. That’s what the combat log is for.
But I’ll post again if I get a screenshot with the actual damage over the target’s head.
I just did CoE exp mode today and I beat my 32k crit with a 41k crit.
(edited by sogekii.2586)
And the hit before was a kill shot, so it looks like it’s a piercing combat log bug. Provide something that can replicate it
Yes, the hit before it was a kill shot too because it pierces and hits multiple targets.
The Arah path with the ooze boss has an event where you get a damage buff, pretty sure I burst with an axe for 72k with the full stacks… before filling out my dps set. Not been in CoE yet, but well done!
The Arah path with the ooze boss has an event where you get a damage buff, pretty sure I burst with an axe for 72k with the full stacks… before filling out my dps set. Not been in CoE yet, but well done!
I haven’t actually done that event yet. I wanna try it to see what kind numbers I get. 72k on an axe is pretty awesome.
And the hit before was a kill shot, so it looks like it’s a piercing combat log bug. Provide something that can replicate it
I’m trying LOL. It’s hard to actually time it right you know, it’s not like I get 41k crits every chance I get. But I did kind of replicate it already, 32k and 41k crits aren’t exactly your normal crit numbers. If the 32k crit never happened again, I’d just accept it as a fluke or as an occasional bug. But it did happen again in CoE and I wasn’t even expecting it. It was my first time learning the dungeon on exp mode and so I was focused on not dying and whatnot. I did see the actual 41k damage number on the target’s head though, although it’s not easy to see all the digits cause of the other pierce damage numbers around it.
And people wonder why ever is screaming that other classes need to be powered up lol I wish my ranger could hit over 10k let alone 30+
Just waiting for the warrior nerf and watch all the screaming like what happened with the rangers 30% dps nerf.
I run with 2-3 rangers in exp mode dungeons, and the only time I pull ahead on damage numbers is when I go melee on the axe, which is more dangerous. comparing the ranger longbow to the warrior rifle and they are pretty close, especially when you consider the consistent pet damage, and the speed with which you hit the mobs.
It would be nice to have a dps meter though.
Yea, I too would be happy if they decide to implement a DPS meter of some sorts but I know that they won’t do it for reasons that I fully understand. Having DPS meters in a game is a double edged sword. It gratifies one crowd and alienates the others.
Long bow is actually fairly slow and I can’t hit more then 1.6k per crit and pet dmg is fairly useless in dungeons as they faint after 5 seconds (with no skills) 10seconds with skills. They attacks are slow and can be dodge fairly easy.
Your f1 skills out power our pets by tenfold. I love my ranger to death but the pets fainting in dungeons after even normal mob is just ridiculous, sure PvE it’s not to bad but PvP dungeons and even WvW it’s horrible, so compared to a ranger a warrior it’s horribly OP and the rifle only hits roughly about 25% slower but hits about 4x more dmg
Shooting through the 3 there which have visible damage on them. The earlier bits of the log are a previous batch. It’s hard to catch the numbers over their heads, but their health bars DO go down consistently with the combat log. Verified bug?
I also fired some regular shots and noticed that the damage was indifferent to having penetrated a target – each one could take more or less as though I’d shot it by itself. So I’m assuming killshot is supposed to be the same, without any mention of this anywhere in the game tooltips.
Long bow is actually fairly slow and I can’t hit more then 1.6k per crit and pet dmg is fairly useless in dungeons as they faint after 5 seconds (with no skills) 10seconds with skills. They attacks are slow and can be dodge fairly easy.
Your f1 skills out power our pets by tenfold. I love my ranger to death but the pets fainting in dungeons after even normal mob is just ridiculous, sure PvE it’s not to bad but PvP dungeons and even WvW it’s horrible, so compared to a ranger a warrior it’s horribly OP and the rifle only hits roughly about 25% slower but hits about 4x more dmg
Now add up the damage and control done by your pet over 10 seconds to the damage of our burst skills. Damage that isn’t completely avoided by one block, one dodge, one interrupt, one obstructed (rifle I’m looking at you), etc.
Warriors can only deal damage directly – no pets, no traps, no marks, no walls, etc. Which is why all of their damage numbers are higher than most other classes. The “counter” is that if for whatever reason the Warrior is unable to hit something, not a single Warrior build is able to somehow apply damage in another way. No pets attacking, ground-targeted spells being triggered, etc etc.
We may be one of the hardest hitting classes, but we are also one of the easiest to avoid if you know what you’re doing.
Also, I’ve just done some testing.
Firstly, apologies precisioNist, those kind of numbers do seem possible. This is is because: kill shot is bugged.
For some skills (auto-attack, volley) it lowers the damage for each person hit. Others (aimed and brutal) it does nothing. For kill shot, it increases it.
Adding it to the Warrior bug thread
(edited by Sami.1560)
Have you seem a pet attack? They are slow moving and attack at around 1s~1.3 per second roughly and can miss of the target moves a set backwards. They aren’t very strong either they range in power from 500~850 roughly (not talking about crit dmg).
As show above the warriors can hit 13~41k using one skill while a ranger using one skill + a pet can hit around 7k max with a long bow skill #2 that’s also including crit dmg.
Warrior average say 27k and rangers average 6.5k, the difference of 21.5k dmg is ridiculous even if its a warrior which in turn should do more dmg then other professions but doing 4 times the dmg or in some cases more should never be the case. If anything 2 times or 2.5 times but not more then that
And if you read the post above yours, you would see that this is a bug. Crit kill shots are usually in the 7-9k range with full dps gear against squishies. What is happening is that the piercing trait is increasing the damage for each further target it hits (for example, 1st person hit gets 100% damage, second is 120%, third is 140%, etc. Not actual numbers, just an example).
This is a BUG.
Then when it’s fixed I’ll feel happy. Just when pet bugs and other ranger bugs get fixed
And if you read the post above yours, you would see that this is a bug. Crit kill shots are usually in the 7-9k range with full dps gear against squishies. What is happening is that the piercing trait is increasing the damage for each further target it hits (for example, 1st person hit gets 100% damage, second is 120%, third is 140%, etc. Not actual numbers, just an example).
This is a BUG.
7-9k against squishies wearing full dps gear? That is not accurate. The range is more 15-25k against squishies in my experience. And yes I’m talking about initial kill shot damage, no pierce whatsoever.
I think someone didn’t want a nerf lol but thank you PrecisiosNest for clearing that up
Then everyone I’ve ever shot with it in WvW must be full defensive gear.
Hitting low-levels with poor armour with it doesn’t count btw
I think someone didn’t want a nerf lol
Go read the warrior nerf thread in pvp section. Notice how OP got laughed out. Save yourself more embarrassment.
Anyways, this happens with blade trail too, can get up to 16k if I hit around 5 enemies for 2 times each on the dummies in the pvp training area, since it pierces as well. I don’t wvw enough to enjoy this, but I can only imagine using killshot on a zerg of enemy players lol.
It’s not embarrassing for me if in PvP warriors being OP was being laughed at coz I couldn’t care less if people laugh at me.
Warriors are majorly OP the only reason you’d laugh is cause you use a warrior 99% of the time and don’t want to get nerfed like all other classes.
As much as I hate nerfing professions I’d rather instead of a nerf add to the class so if they choose to leave warriors as they are then up the power of other professions and I’m not saying make all classes hit 16k dmg I’m one shot and I’m not saying make all the same but close the gap between classes a little bit more as the current gap is horrible and if they keep nerfing characters its going to take like 15 mins per boss run in dungeons and people would get to bored with that it having said that if we make everyone hit 20k+ the boss fights wouldn’t be interesting enough either
Apparently this is now the ‘comfort yourself after being killed by a warrior’ thread, or something.
One would think but no I get killed more from a bunch of eles or thiefs then warriors. Just rediculous that one class is so far above the others
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