How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: pownguin.9205


Lately, I’ve been playing with my warrior a lot in WvW. As most warriors know, Hundred Blades is a great way to quickly get your target’s health completely or most of the way down. One problem with that is getting your target to stay still long enough. I have found that using Throw Bolas can help a lot, but is easily evaded by the target. Frenzy is also a great skill that can help get Hundred Blades done a lot quicker, but isn’t very helpful if your target isn’t still. Right there, that’s 2 utility slots that are taken up if Throw Bolas fails. Are there any other ways to get your target to stay still for long enough?

I’ll add this because not many people read the other posts in this thread before writing their own thing…“I don’t, nor will I ever, have a build designed around using HB. I’m a balanced tanky-dps warrior and I just wanted to know how I could use HB.”

(edited by pownguin.9205)

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: smoke.3486


As a war I also use GS and yes 100b is kinda hard to hit with it if you don’t wont to get ride of your utility’s for the CCs then it’s all about timing… Try tricking them and don’t use it right away like most ppl do save it for when you see a good time to use it

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ouro.5846


Force them to dodge/block other moves before hitting them with 100B. The easiest way to go about this is probably Axe+Shield/Greatsword. You’ve got two ranged snares, two gap closers, a stun, and a root(s) (with Throw Bolas/Leg Specialist). If you already have adrenaline built up even better because they will not want to get hit by Eviscerate!

Watch buffs too, you don’t want to use your stun or Eviscerate when they’ve got an aegis/stability up and definitely watch for protection!

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Angriff.1935


The absolute easiest way to land HB is with GS + Sword/Shield

Pick up the Leg specialist trait in tactics, it might not seem like much, but 1 second of immobilize will kill people in WvW.

There’s like 4 different ways to land successfully depending on the situation.

The easiest way, but somewhat unreliable is simply:
Bladetrail(to immobilize and stop rolls)→bull’s charge→HB

-If they have fresh CDs or you want to reliably hit them:
Shield bash to bait stun break→switch to GS→blade trail, if they roll to avoid→ time your bull’s charge for the end of their roll→HB

-If you have full adrenaline, flurry on the sword is a great way to land HB, just cast flurry for the immobilize→break the channeling→ switch to GS→ HB, if you’re having a hard time landing flurry try using hamstring first

The longest way, but most reliable might look like:
Savage Leap→Hamstring→Shield Bash→Flurry(if you have the adrenaline)→Bladetrail→Bull’s Charge→HB

I prefer the sword in WvW because you can use it to give chase or to run away and it is pretty awesome for CC as well. Usually just the immobilize from the leg specialist and flurry are enough, so a warhorn is also a good choice with the sword, but for maximum reliability and CC the shield is better.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vuh.1328


Get leg specialist.. it helps a TON.
Seriously best trait you can get when using gs

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Lately, I’ve been playing with my warrior a lot in WvW. As most warriors know, Hundred Blades is a great way to quickly get your target’s health completely or most of the way down. One problem with that is getting your target to stay still long enough. I have found that using Throw Bolas can help a lot, but is easily evaded by the target. Frenzy is also a great skill that can help get Hundred Blades done a lot quicker, but isn’t very helpful if your target isn’t still. Right there, that’s 2 utility slots that are taken up if Throw Bolas fails. Are there any other ways to get your target to stay still for long enough?

In short, Hundred Blades is a one-trick pony.

Bull’s Charge→Frenzy→Hundred Blades→Pray and hope that your target dies.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


As most warriors know, Hundred Blades is a great way to quickly get your target’s health completely or most of the way down.

No it isn’t. You know why? Cause of the very reason you mentioned: you can’t hit it. In PvE the mobs just run at you and stay in your Hundred Blades to be minced. In PvP a decent player will just take a step to the side and maul you.

A skill can do a billion damage… If you can’t land it, it’s useless.

There are basically 2 ways to land a full HB, neither are worth it: “cheese” build, and setting it up with a different weapon set.

The first includes the “noob slayer” “cheese” build: Bull’s Charge + Frenzy>HB. This is exactly what it sounds like: a noob stomper. You burn 2 long cooldowns for a single kill, that only works if the enemy has no stun breaker or “safety net”, and is alone or nobody is paying attention. You cause the long knockdown with the Bull’s Charge, which is just long enough for a full Hundred Blades with Frenzy on.

The obvious flaws are that a) it’s a one trick poney, completely reliant on a loon cooldown setup that can be broken; b) only works if the target has no backup, otherwise you get mauled before you can finish them; c) requires you to build “all in” offensive, which means you have kitten all in terms of survival; and d) it’s extremely single target.

If you don’t have Bull’s Charge and Frenzy ready, you’re good for roughly nothing. If you DO land it you get to kill the one target and run away (or die). If someone breaks your combo (by interrupting you, dodging or getting rid of the stun) that’s it, show’s over. If the enemy has any allies around you will take a ludicrous beating since you’re made of wet tissues, particularly given that Frenzy debuffs you to take 50% extra damage (you can mitigate that with Feel no Pain, but then you’re burning 3 long kitten cooldowns just to get one kill, and you’re likely to die right after). If you can’t sneak in and nobody overextends you’re gonna have a tough time surviving long enough to even charge someone. If someone gets the initiative on you your chances of survival are grim… etc.

Still, if the enemy is caught off guard and alone, and/or doesn’t know better, it can quickly leave a less experienced player wondering what the hell just ran him over. And at least with this setup you get to keep a ranged weapon.

The other option is to have a second setup with a long stun/immobilize, like Hammer, Mace, Sword or Shield. The other obvious problem here is that you’re sacrificing any ranged options just for a weapon switch setup. It’s a bit safer than the above, since you’ll have more stun-related options to start the chain, but is still hardly reliable. Most setups still require Frenzy (either to land the full HB or to land the initial stunner/immobilizer), you’re still burning everything to kill one person and now you have no range on top of it, so you’re extremely vulnerable to range and kiting.

All in all, don’t bother with Hundred Blades for PvP/WvW. If you’re using a Greatsword, take it when you can get it (when someone gets chain-cced), but don’t bother making an entire build around it. It’s not worth the trouble. You have way more reliable and safer ways to burst someone down as a Warrior.

(edited by ProxyDamage.9826)

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


1.) I advice that you listen to skilled Warriors active on the forums such as me and Defektive. Every other players are legitimately “one trick ponies” who don’t even show themselves in tPvP, let alone worked on their class. You know who you are, just stop talking and misleading new players.


Does it ever get lonely up there on your pedestal?

No-one with a brain is going to let you pull off Hundred Blades on them unless you Bull’s Charge+Frenzy. Especially Frenzy, without it you’ll stand there swinging your sword like for ages before the attack finishes. Greatsword has a lot going for it in PvP, like Whirlwind Attack, but Hundred Blades just doesn’t work any longer.

People have figured that move out. It is the definition of a one-trick pony. Again, that’s not to say that the Greatsword is – far form it. But Hundred Blades is.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

(edited by Oglaf.1074)

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nier.2478


1.) Basic rule #1, in skirmishes you have to “bait out stun breaks.” How? Flurry > HB, Skull Crack > HB. I highly recommend Mace + GS in small skirmishes.

2.) Basic rule #2, you only burn Frenzy + HB combos if you are sure you are going to get a kill. Basically looking back at rule #1, if the enemy does not have ANY stun breaks, Frenzy + HB combos will land. Always have Balanced Stance.

3.) Basic rule #3, you DO NOT initiate a fight with Frenzy + HB. If you do then you deserve to get punished for it.

4.) In order to land HB on a zerg, you must do what this video tells you to do.

Endure Pain > Balanced Stance > Flurry > Frenzy > HB

I suggest that you seek advice from players who actually took the time on making the Warrior class work such as me and Defektive. Don’t need to waste your time asking on the Warrior forums and ask for PvP advice. All you’re going to see is people who clearly didn’t try to make their class work.

(edited by Moderator)

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


I love you keep touting that you’re the only one über enough to properly play Warrior, yet you keep including that one-trick pony strategy with Frenzy over and over. As I said, without Frenzy, you’re not pulling it off because it takes forever to finish the attack, leaving you vulnerable (because of the self-root) and leaving your intended victim plenty of time to escape.

Frenzy+Hundred Blades is a one-trick pony, no matter how highly you think of yourself.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Orcommander.5481


I am using a hammer greatsword build to land HB acurate most of the times, I have recently made a topic on this forum called smash & slash for this similar build,

Here is also a video I made that can maybe help you out

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

There are many ways to land HB.

1) Frenzied Bull+HB
2) Frenzied Bolas+HB (works without frenzy too if they dont break immob)
3) Frenzied Flurry+HB (works without frenzy too if they dont break immob)
4) Frenzied Earthshaker+HB (better if sigil of para on hammer)
5) Frenzied Backbreaker+HB

If approaching frontally it’s best that you try to bait their dodge/immobreak before doing this.

Quit trolling, all spike builds are “one-trick ponies”.
It’s not like you can use more than “one trick” in the 1-2 seconds window you are meant to spike the target in – that’s the whole point of spiking.
There is no shame in bursting targets it’s a strategy like any other, and a very effective one, guess you never played GW1.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074



That’s one way. How do you land it when Frenzy is on cooldown? You don’t, unless your zerg has targeted your target with mass CC. 1v1 situation such as when you’re roaming, you’ll never land it unless you’re up against a newbie.

EDIT: I am not against bursting. I am against Hundred Blades either being called overpowered by other professions or hailed as the bees’ knees by fellow Warriors. Outside of PvE it really isn’t. Whirlwind Attack is a much nicer PvP feature on Greatsword as is the throw.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

All builds are built around one trick ponies.
Mesmers – mind wrack
Rangers – trap
wars- 100blades
thieves- backstab
engi -100 nades
guards- spin to win

Except for condi and sustained builds, all bursts are built around some 1 high damage combo.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Except the majority of Warriors that don’t use Greatswords in PvP.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Quit trolling, all spike builds are “one-trick ponies”.
It’s not like you can use more than “one trick” in the 1-2 seconds window you are meant to spike the target in – that’s the whole point of spiking.
There is no shame in bursting targets it’s a strategy like any other, and a very effective one, guess you never played GW1.

All builds are built around one trick ponies.
Mesmers – mind wrack
Rangers – trap
wars- 100blades
thieves- backstab
engi -100 nades
guards- spin to win

Except for condi and sustained builds, all bursts are built around some 1 high damage combo.

Come on guys, don’t embarrass yourselves… There’s a very significant difference between have a trick and relying entirely on that trick. The problem isn’t being a spike damage build. It’s being a spike damage build relying on a single trick dependent on way to many conditionals.

Yes, most Warrior builds use Frenzy. Others use Bull’s Charge. Some use both. Yes, they’re very useful and, like any build, you’re weaker when one of your skills isn’t available. That’s why active skills have cooldowns. No, there’s a gigantic difference between being weaker when one of your skills isn’t available, and being completely useless. Hell, my warrior uses Frenzy. But I don’t rely entirely on one chain, and even if my Frenzy gets burned I’m still a threat and I still have survivability. At no point do I rely entirely on having it off cooldown (along with one or two more skills at the same time) to get a single target kill or be even the slightest bit relevant.

When you build a HB set up you build glass cannon, so you rely entirely on dumping the massive damage of the HB to make up for the fact that you can’t take a punch in return. You win a battle by killing them faster than they kill you. Except HB is an extremely immobile long channel. This is fine for PvE – AI doesn’t dodge. In PvP any player will just take a step to the side and rearrange your anus if you don’t set it up. So you need to set it up so your target can’t move for the entirety (or at least gross majority) of the channel, otherwise you can’t win. You can’t trade blows cause you’re paper thin. You need HB to leverage that in your favor. I’ve discussed above your methods for doing so, but, in short, given the length of the HB channel, the only methods you have to ensure a significant HB payload cripple you more significantly in every other area.

In short: It’s not about being a spike damage build. It’s about being a BAD spike damage build. If you want that you’re better off building a Thief. They’re designed to do what you’re trying to do: Get in, spike it, get the kitten out. They have the tools to do that right. You don’t. HB is not designed for PvP.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Brigg.6189


no one mentions longbow 5?

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Why not just use it… if you hit, yay. If not, who cares.. if you did it intelligently you forced them to use a cooldown to avoid it which has 5-10x the cooldown of your attack. Use it again later. Especially if you go GS/Hammer so you have an effective off-hand to swap between.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vgman.4019


One way you can get it to land without relying on quickness (god i hate that ability) Is by using bolas. As you pointed out op bolas are pretty easy to dodge and unfortunately the only way to get them to land reliably is when your in mele range. For this I recommend using GS 5 to close the gap, wait for the first dodge if they are a ranged class (because they ALWAYS do) then hit your bola get behind and press 2. As state before though this only works against new players with bad utility slots. Anything you do with 100b is going to be like this.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kellhus.8071


All builds are built around one trick ponies.
Mesmers – mind wrack
Rangers – trap
wars- 100blades
thieves- backstab
engi -100 nades
guards- spin to win

Except for condi and sustained builds, all bursts are built around some 1 high damage combo.

uh.. 100nades is a build, not a move.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257


No one here ever mentioned using only frenzy HB and nothing else.
Slotting frenzy/HB doesn’t magically disable every other weapon, skill or utility you have slotted.

It’s also not true Warrior cannot engage>spike>disengage.
Savage leap in -> burst -> WA+Rush away does exactly this.
Actually it covers a longer distance than shadowstep and doesn’t even take an utility slot.
If you add Bull in the scheme it gets even easier.

You tell others to not embarass themselves and you don’t even know these basic things, going around to claim Warrior can’t get in/out at will, claiming frenzy/GS locks a Warrior into one skill…
I genuinely suggest you to lay back a bit, calm down, and consider you might not have realized/learned a few things if this is what you so far acknowledged about Warriors.
As I just showed you, you’re missing quite a few fundamental aspects of the class.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: ETR.8152


Who cares if its a one trick pony. If I get the drop on someone, kitten right im going to BR-Frenzy-Hb. That being said. Always have a fall back plan, in case of those “oh crap!” skills. Thats why I also love Shield axe for its damage and defense.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


No one here ever mentioned using only frenzy HB and nothing else.
Slotting frenzy/HB doesn’t magically disable every other weapon, skill or utility you have slotted.

But we’re not talking about the warrior in general. We’re not talking about a solid build that happens to have HB and frenzy. We’re talking about HB-centric builds. Builds designed specifically to deliver HB. If you have an otherwise solid build that happens to use both a greatsword and frenzy, and the opportunity presents itself, go right ahead. Of course. But a build designed around HB entirely sucks by default. See above.

It’s also not true Warrior cannot engage>spike>disengage.
Savage leap in -> burst -> WA+Rush away does exactly this.
Actually it covers a longer distance than shadowstep and doesn’t even take an utility slot.
If you add Bull in the scheme it gets even easier.

So you’re running GS+Sword and something… gg, no range. Get kited. “But I got all these leaps!” Cripple/chill. HB builds are made of paper so you can’t tank enough to get in.

Difference being that all of those are dashes while shadowstep is an instant double-stun breaker blink. And thieves have things like readily available stealth with condition removal, swiftness with every roll and shortbow’s #5…

You tell others to not embarass themselves and you don’t even know these basic things,

You’re comparing dashes with blinks. I rest my case.

going around to claim Warrior can’t get in/out at will, claiming frenzy/GS locks a Warrior into one skill…


No mate, glass HB builds can’t “get in and out at will”. Not alive at least. Especially in team settings which is what PvP/WvW is. A bunker build, maybe… But a bunker build is not an HB build. Even then you don’t “get in and out at will”.

Let me clarify something again: we’re talking about HB-centric builds. Not builds that happen to have HB and frenzy. HB-centric builds are, by definition, glass cannons, so you can get the desired “insta-gib” out of it. Even if they are not absolute glass cannons, they are definitely more glass then not. As glass cannons they can’t trade blows. They need to leverage their damage. A lot of viable glass cannons do this by guaranteeing the initiative, they guarantee themselves the first strike, either through range (which you don’t have without rifle or bow), or stealth (which the warrior does not have).

An HB build needs to do this by sheer brute force: by guaranteeing they land HB, and therefore overpower the difference in defense. However, HB is a long kitten channel, so in order to land a significant HB you simply need to fulfill too many conditions to be reliable. You’re better off doing a spike build that doesn’t rely on HB. You get more bang for your buck.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257


1) Again, you’re the only one talking about “builds designed around HB only”.
I don’t see anyone here touting builds that only use HB, you’re fighting windmills.

2) Mobile strikes, WA, Rush, Savage Leap, cover 2450 meters in seconds while ignoring cripple/chill and removing immob.
Just because you haven’t learned to do the above it doesn’t mean the class has problems, it just means you need to learn to do it.

If you refuse to learn then there isn’t much else I can say to help you.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: pownguin.9205


Thanks for some great suggestions guys. I totally forgot that Flurry will keep the immobilize even if I stop channeling. I’ll be trying that from now on.

I don’t, nor will I ever, have a build designed around using HB. I’m a balanced tanky-dps warrior and I just wanted to know how I could use HB. I mostly do dungeons and I didn’t want to have to change my build or weapons around when I decide to go into WvW for 30 minutes at a time.

Thanks again guys.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: pownguin.9205


As most warriors know, Hundred Blades is a great way to quickly get your target’s health completely or most of the way down.

No it isn’t. You know why? Cause of the very reason you mentioned: you can’t hit it. In PvE the mobs just run at you and stay in your Hundred Blades to be minced. In PvP a decent player will just take a step to the side and maul you.

Yes, I know this. My statement still stands, as if you can pull it off it, “is a great way to quickly get your target’s health completely or most of the way down.”

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: graverr.6473


If u need frenzy to hit 1h blades on anyone you have l2p issues,period.Bolas is a fail

2 things : 1)Predict your opponent’s moves (if u can’t do that go play ranged)
2) Leg specialist(i only saw one person mentioning it in this thread wich is proof that 99% of the warrios are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad)

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


The problem is that the animation is too long without Quickness. You’re leaving yourself vulnerable.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nergrom.7592


mace/shield + greatsword

Bait out stunbreaks, stun and burn. Get the reflect trait and you can usually survive the trip back to your group/zerg.

“But Nergrom, what about when you don’t have frenzy?”

Simple, you channel a normal HB if you’re in a small fight, or you WA through your stunned target to your group/zerg. Getting all hits in (hard but doable) with all of them being crits due to the unsuspecting foe trait will deal like 60% of HB damage in a much shorter amount of time while dodging and retreating.

And yes, glass warriors have a hard time approaching from the front, that’s what flanking is for. I can’t count the amount of times a few of us flanked an enemy zerg that was fighting ours, and got off full HB casts with no frenzy on 3 targets.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: pownguin.9205


If u need frenzy to hit 1h blades on anyone you have l2p issues,period.Bolas is a fail

2 things : 1)Predict your opponent’s moves (if u can’t do that go play ranged)
2) Leg specialist(i only saw one person mentioning it in this thread wich is proof that 99% of the warrios are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad)

I’m aware that “Bolas is a fail.” That was the point of this thread. Leg specialist is okay, but I’m not wasting trait points on something that is only going to last one second. Literally. That’s not enough to pull off a skill that takes 3 1/2 seconds to to use. Even with frenzy, HB takes 1.75 seconds to cast. I’m also most likely going to use Bladetrail way before I’m even close to my target to catch up to them. Even if I used Hamstring instead when I’m actually close I still have to swap back to greatsword and maybe even use frenzy too. That takes way too much time for that Leg Specialist to even be useful. If this is so helpful how come the 1 second stun from Shield Bash isn’t enough to pull off HB?

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


No doubt a lovely Trait (try it with Hammer 3!) but yeah, its more about adding a some extra ompf! to your Cripples, not about combos.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Whirlwind does more damage to me as a gc thief then hb. A lot harder to predict that then hb. I usually only take like 2-4k from hb with stunbreak if i don’t dodge but I take 7k from whirlwind.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: WakkaJabba.3910


^ whirlwind is focus skill from ele fyi, but i believe everyone knows wut u talking.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Angriff.1935


I’m aware that “Bolas is a fail.” That was the point of this thread. Leg specialist is okay, but I’m not wasting trait points on something that is only going to last one second. Literally. That’s not enough to pull off a skill that takes 3 1/2 seconds to to use. Even with frenzy, HB takes 1.75 seconds to cast. I’m also most likely going to use Bladetrail way before I’m even close to my target to catch up to them. Even if I used Hamstring instead when I’m actually close I still have to swap back to greatsword and maybe even use frenzy too. That takes way too much time for that Leg Specialist to even be useful. If this is so helpful how come the 1 second stun from Shield Bash isn’t enough to pull off HB?

Leg specialist doesn’t hold them still long enough to HB, but it DOES hold them still long enough to successfully bulls charge them or for that matter Bolas. Shield Bash is useful in the same way. You use Shield Bash to hold them still and CC them with another skill.

Leg specialist merely sets your opponent up so you can land your longer CC skills more easily and reliably. I explained how it works in my previous post. Though I forgot to mention that frenzy is also necessary to reliably land HB.

Also Since you’re playing in WvW, you’re probably running with a group. Leg Specialist also makes it easier for your group to catch up or CC an opponent.

If you want to be successful as a warrior you need to think about how your opponent is going to play and react. The better you know that, the easier it is for you to cut off their options and kill them.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Alasteir.7031


My favorite thing that I’ve read here is how everyone is assuming that the majority of the fights involve every enemy player only having their attention on a GS Warrior, as if variables don’t exist. Fun fact: The usual “Noob Stomper” version of Hundred Blades is unreliable yes, IF you are on a 1v1 fight where your opponent has only and will only ever fight you.

Let’s critically think here for a sec. How often do you personally engage in 1v1 fights in direct comparison to 2v2, 3v3, or full on team fights, or maybe zerg vs zerg? Now second variable: How often do you engage in 1v1 fights where no one else comes in and changes the possible outcome of the encounter? Third variable: How often do team fights occur, and the enemy team always puts the Hundred Blades Warrior over every other player present? Can you answer these without what ifs? That is, with actual experience?

From my personal experience, in spvp, tpvp and WvW, 1v1 fights seldom happen, making Hundred Blades actually getting off much more likely due to me taking advantage of other peoples’ stuns, immobilizes, or the fact that the enemy player has their attention elsewhere. Hundred Blades is also not a single target ability. There are some instances in which I’ve managed a full Hundred Blades on 3 to 4 people (with Frenzy up) due to them having their attention elsewhere and I just got lucky (since I’m not that great of a player) with my timing/arrival.

Landing Hundred Blades (this applies to everything really) ultimately depends on the variables and their each individual chances of occurring in every single fight. It is impossible to generalize the situation by saying “Hundred Blade sucks because it isn’t built to guarantee a hit.” because this implies that if something cannot work in every possible circumstance with ease then it sucks. I suppose that if you define “sucks” that way, then yes. Hundred Blade sucks because it can’t hit in every possible circumstance. But by that definition, every ability sucks.

Landing a Hundred Blades in 1v1 fights generally involve the usual “set up” scenario, but since Gw2 doesn’t have dueling, and there is no 1v1 mode (I would love Arena death matches like this to be honest. Rating the individual skills of players in a tournament setting would be freaking amazing) then you shouldn’t focus only on 1v1. You have to adapt and observe.

If you notice that the enemy player’s attention is elsewhere then use that as your opening, and that means try not to be super obvious about your movements. Come from the backside, or perhaps use your environment to your advantage. Does this take practice? Sure. Statistically speaking, most people need to practice their observational skills.

But my point is that in this particular issue, you can’t just judge the ability to be good or bad based on what ifs, or generalizations because real life and games just don’t work that way. This isn’t a turn based rpg, so calculations can only go so far.

Lady Novae – 80 Human Ele – Blackgate

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


100B is a noob slayer, that is all. Any experienced WvW player will dodge your entire combo and than just kills you.

Indeed, making a build around 1 skill is stupid imo.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

100B is a noob slayer, that is all. Any experienced WvW player will dodge your entire combo and than just kills you.

Indeed, making a build around 1 skill is stupid imo.

Any experienced WvW Warrior will bait dodges before applying the 100B combo.
100B lands on anyone regardless of his skill, nobody has unlimited amounts of dodge and stunbreakers.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Penguin.5197


100B is a noob slayer, that is all. Any experienced WvW player will dodge your entire combo and than just kills you.

Indeed, making a build around 1 skill is stupid imo.

Any experienced WvW Warrior will bait dodges before applying the 100B combo.
100B lands on anyone regardless of his skill, nobody has unlimited amounts of dodge and stunbreakers.

I disagree with that, I’ve seen build with a nearly endless amount of dodge built in. And even when knocked down, cc, or what not experience players will take a utility skill that will help them survive those moments.
For me, back when people just barely started using hundred blades build, I was impressed and it seemed pretty powerful getting hit by one but know that I know what they will try to do it is way easier to beat them. I can dodge and if I get immobilized, I can easily immobilize back with my net shots and if somehow you do start to manage to use hundred blades one me, an elixir s will mitigate your damage before you can do anything major.

I agree with don’t just build around one skill, most experienced people will always take a utility or even a trait to get them out of any potential disastrous situations.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


What about using Bolas point blank then 100B? Granted stunbreakers would mess that up, but say that they panic a little. Or Pinning Arrow to make them use their stunbreaker, switch to sword, Bolas point blank + 100B?

Anyway, I think that the most realistic usage of 100B in WvW is to just hit the furball from the side and “spray-and-pray” with it. You’re going to hit stuff.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: pownguin.9205


Indeed, making a build around 1 skill is stupid imo.

Darn, I thought I already said this…“I don’t, nor will I ever, have a build designed around using HB. I’m a balanced tanky-dps warrior and I just wanted to know how I could use HB.”

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Angriff.1935


Prime targets for non-Frenzy HB are downed foes(and the people ressing them).

Also without Frenzy, you are better off using long immobilizes rather than stuns. Immobilize is better for landing HB due to the fact that it’s harder(and slower) to cleanse than a stun. If you combine them though, they will most likely eat the whole thing.

Also a side note that may be of interest. Condition duration affects the duration of Immobilize, so you can keep people still for a long time so long as they don’t teleport or cleanse.

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: azmodeus.3409


for wvw and spvp i use bulls/frenzy/bolas/HB to insta-gib pretty much anything. then its either time to rush out and switch to rifle or swap to axe/shield to take the focus until cd’s are done.

but its pretty lol to use that combo on ppl. also you have far more success with a full dps hb war as an asuran as opposed to a big fat norn.