How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nephrite.6954


As the title have stated. Please give me some advice for my warrior. I just can never face these guys in a 1v1 situation(new with warrior). I seem to hold up fine when I’m on my other classes but I just can’t face this guys cause they just kite the crap out of me. I know what to do against a ranger then again I’m not sure what to do against them on my warrior, I’ve even tried the trait that reflects missiles while blocking… Didn’t do much as the ranger was experienced. Help

How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: pepper.6179


stability would be able to block their point blank shot and warriors have a lot of gap closers so you remain in melee most of the time. Stances also give you a huge advantage but don’t let them go to waste. As for regen rangers, i simply rp walk around them and then skedaddle away because it ain’t fun fighting them at all.

also you can equip shield or even a mace and have the reflect trait equipped to watch them kill themselves


How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Take into account that most power rangers start off the same..Knockback – Rapid fire.Depending on the build you’re use,double dodge and leap/rush/whirl towards him or use shield block while getting close,pay attention to the knockback – rapid fire combo which is the thing you need to avoid.It’s basically a 100b at 1500 range while being able to move around.

How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: pepper.6179


just saw this, ITS A MUST WATCH!!


How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nephrite.6954


just saw this, ITS A MUST WATCH!!

Yeah just saw the video earlier XDlol definitely gonna take a mace

How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


If you have a gs you can gap close them easily, just make sure they have used point blank before you rush or enjoy one in the face. They are also at huge disadvantage in close tig areas so there you can gang them up easily.

If you run hambow/shoutbow prepare you get wrecked by any decent pewpew ranger and theres nothing you can do unless as i said you fight them in close tig areas..

use shield block while getting close,

When im playing on my pewpew and i see a shield block i just turn back and start running away so you wont close any gap to me, in close range i will use entagle and kitten you over. Shield stance is overrated.

How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Regh.8649


You cant defeat a Power Ranger… they even have Mega Zords as pets


How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: oblivion.4067


Purge all rangers , only good ranger is a dead one .

How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: pepper.6179


If you have a gs you can gap close them easily, just make sure they have used point blank before you rush or enjoy one in the face. They are also at huge disadvantage in close tig areas so there you can gang them up easily.

If you run hambow/shoutbow prepare you get wrecked by any decent pewpew ranger and theres nothing you can do unless as i said you fight them in close tig areas..

use shield block while getting close,

When im playing on my pewpew and i see a shield block i just turn back and start running away so you wont close any gap to me, in close range i will use entagle and kitten you over. Shield stance is overrated.

unless the ranger is a noob and puts all of his/her skills on cooldown


How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


I’ll be honest, a great power ranger will probably beat most warrior builds 7-8 out of 10 times, provided that you can’t abuse terrain. Of course in PvP this is a lot easier than in WvW. It doesn’t matter if you trait reflect missiles. Any good ranger will recognize it and cancel rapid fire, and your shield stance is once every 30 seconds so yeah, good luck.

Rangers just have too much kiting ability for the Warrior IMO. They have stealth to reposition themselves, Point Blank shot to knock you back, especially if they use sword/dagger they can evade alot and have a low cooldown leap which covers great distance. I’ve even seen barrage used strategically to prevent you from getting close because of the constant cripples and damage. Even the pet will help too through knockdown, fear, immobilize, cripple, chill etc. They can easily cycle between all of these things and make it hell for you to even fight them. Also alot of them carry Rampage as One, which, as a Warrior I find very annoying because they have like 20-30 seconds of stability.

The key is greatsword IMO, if you don’t have a greatsword there is no way to catch the ranger. Another key is to mitigate that point-blank shot and hunter’s shot. If you can dodge these two somehow you are in pretty good shape, although by then the ranger probably switched to sword and started kiting. The best time to go all out IMO is when the Ranger switches from sword to longbow and uses up Point Blank shot and Hunter’s shot. By then, the Ranger has ran out of abilities to kite with. Of course, they may have Lightning Reflexes equipped or Protect Me.

People act like the Ranger’s only source of damage is Rapid Fire. Simply not true. The auto-attacks hit like a truck and being hit for 2K constantly over time will eventually kill you. All the while their pet is chasing you.

Conditions, although some rangers trait Empathic Bond tend to be an achilles heal for the ranger. But the problem is putting those conditions on the ranger using a not so great ranged weapon like Longbow and a melee weapon like sword.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Artaz.3819


For Warrior, conditions and hard CC. The hardest part is positioning so Warrior Longbow helps a lot to counter (Burn/Bleed/Immobilize).

Any Power Longbow ranger with its cooldowns up (Signet of Stone, Lightning Reflexes and Rampage as One/Entangle) is why Power Rangers are tough for everyone (not just Warriors). A well used Ranger Hunter’s Shot (free positioning reset) is far more annoying than Point Blank Shot for Warrior to deal with.

How do I destroy power rangers on my warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Doon.2364


I agree with killahmayne, a well-played power ranger will counter warriors 7/10 times. They simply have many utilities to do so. By the time you blow through your defensive tools to gab close, between their pet’s cc and greatsword they can still put a hurt on you. Then it’s back to their longbow pew pew with a low cooldown on rapire fire, if you have no LOS to help, u are dead.

That’s why it’s surprising that Warrior’s 100blade damage got nerf in previous patch when it roots you and you need to cc to even land it while Rapid fire is mobile and does similar damage at 1500 range and does not require cc.

I hope one day warrior 100blade does not root or increase the speed of the channeling.