How do you deal with Warriors? (sPvP)
I just use my warrior to fight other warriors. That’s the best solution. A well played warrior simply can’t be beaten by any other class if the other person is at the same skill level. Warrior is godmode now.
There are several things you can do. First of, learn their routine. If you are aware of how warriors play, (almost all warriors I see do similar routines) you can easily guess what their next move is and thus, you will be able to avoid their bursts, or deadly combo attacks. Secondly use stunbreaks (if they use cc) correctly. Don’t automatically use it right when they land a cc, that normally results horribly – instead, use the stunbreak at the correct moment (when they land a earthshake on you, use the stunbreak and create a distance between you two, use a stunbreak when skullcrack is landed, etc.).
Finally, actually pay attention to how the warrior plays. Don’t dump everything on them. If the guy is using endure pain, avoid using up physical skills. If he is using berserker’s stance, avoid dumping conditions on him, etc.
I’ve played Warrior in PvP since January, so I have decent experience of knowing weaknesses. I hope I covered the basic rules of fighting a warrior at least.
(edited by Skelemiere.3094)
I just use my warrior to fight other warriors. That’s the best solution. A well played warrior simply can’t be beaten by any other class if the other person is at the same skill level. Warrior is godmode now.
There’s plenty of class builds that demolish warriors.
Mesmers (condition, hyrid, and DPS) all have an easy time fighting warriors. Thieves using sword/dagger laugh at warriors especially if they use doom sigils on their weapons and use other poisons. I’ve seen those thieves beat warriors by ONLY using sword 3 and dodge rolls. Even condition engineers running perplexity runes (WvW) are better than warriors. That silly regen ranger condition build using poisons is easy mode against warriors. A necro walking into a fight where a warrior blew a condition removal will condi bomb a warrior to hell. A zerker guardian can kick it’s kitten as well because it’s got stability, aegis, blinds, focus shield, and can out damage healing signet. A good elementalist build can burst down a warrior and has great survival because of the quick heals.
The warrior’s moves are all completely OBVIOUS. They all have super telegraphed animations and are super easy to dodge, blind, block, reflect. Hammer warriors are a joke because of how obvious the animations are. They don’t land a single hit on me when they swap to hammer.
In comparison, a necro waves his hands in the air magically with the same animation and you can’t dodge any of it. Marks are placed at your feet and are triggered immediately. It’s very easy to see what a warrior is doing compared to other classes.
I just use my warrior to fight other warriors. That’s the best solution. A well played warrior simply can’t be beaten by any other class if the other person is at the same skill level. Warrior is godmode now.
as an ex-guardian this is sad but true. Warrior has an easy skill cap. and most of the classes that you mention to be your favorites have a pretty high skill cap. So in reality you can’t really judge the x-build warrior you’ve encountered because it could be quite possible that you counter the y-build warrior. The reason for warriors easy skill cap is that almost all the branches in the grand master tree affect the F1 skill button or your profession specific abilities. that being said. figure it out.
Mesmers are the natural enemy of warriors in PvP. Well played thieves counter non-longbow warriors, and burst guardians ironically also do extremely well versus warriors despite being pretty bad in general.
- Want to use Condition builds? Warriors are essentially immune to conditions. (Zerker + traited Warhorn)
- Want to use Power builds? Have fun getting crushed by their high CC and mobility when you lack escape mechanisms.
- Want to use Minion builds? Go go cleaves and AoE damage.
There is no viable build that has all that.
Assuming a M/GS warrior, any build with a means to deal with stuns will counter them, especially stability. Any build with high burst will counter them. Any build with a high application of poison and blind will counter them, especially if the warrior is chilled/crippled and can not get in melee range.
Here is how you beat a warrior: cooldown usage. The longer the fight goes on, the more likely the warrior is to win. They will eventually run you out of stunbreaks, so you need to know when to use them. Never use a stunbreak on a 1s daze or 1s stun from mace/shield. The only time to ever use a stunbreak is on a 3 bar skullcrack if the warrior swaps to GS. And even then, if you’re at full health with your heal ready, don’t break the stun. Just eat it, heal, and you’ll be recovered while still having your stunbreak ready for when it is needed. 100B will only do about 8k damage, so unless you’re in pure berserker gear on a thief or ele you’ll be fine.
(edited by Larynx.2453)
A good way to deal with warriors is get good at Mesmer and Thief, as both professions have access to builds that counter warriors.
Another thing to do, and you might have already done this, is play 50+ matches with warrior to get a feel for how they work, and even try out multiple builds (Hammer/Lbow, MaceShield/GSword, Shouts Bunkers, etc).
As a side note, and once again you probably know this, the more you play every profession, the more opportunity you have to learn the ‘ins and outs’ of that profession.
yes. counter cc & burst dps. or multi-fast condi application can counter us pretty bad. our utilities usually consist of 2 condi droppers & usually 1 stun break/stability. hence the x & y warrior. some warriors roll with all condi dropping & 0 stability. or the z warrior using offensive utilities but that usually means he/she has less condi drops & maybe a stunbreak/stability. to really counter a warrrior apply as much pressure on him/her and study his/her moves. watch for boons & keep track of your applied condi and see how he/she reacts when you use a cc ability on him/her. they should all give you clues as to what he/she is using on his/her bar.
sorry i want to keep this discussion open to all the sexes. we are a happy group of people.
BTW when you see a warrior using axe or gs. it means they don’t have any cc abilities. keep that in mind. all other weapons will cc you. that’s pretty much the message
yes. counter cc & burst dps. or multi-fast condi application can counter us pretty bad. our utilities usually consist of 2 condi droppers & usually 1 stun break/stability.
Specifically, warriors will run with a combination of these utilities:
Balance Stance
Signet of Stamina
Signet of the Dolyak
Endure Pain
Berserker Stance
Most likely it’ll be x2 stability and zerker, or x1 stability, zerker and stamina. I have a warm spot in my heart for bola though.
sorry i want to keep this discussion open to all the sexes. we are a happy group of people.
“They” is the colloquialism for a third-person gender neutral pronoun.
vs. the stun lock build – be skilled at dodging and/or have multiple stunbreaks. Spam conditions when zerker buff drops. Or use non-tournament viable extreme burst builds that instagib and hope they don’t have auto endure pain.
vs. the bunker regen build – strip their stability and knock em off the point. laugh as they try to damage you. If you don’t have boon-stripping + cc, find another point to contest and pray ANet nerfs dat regen.
vs. the tanky condition build – same as bunker regen, but make sure you cleanse conditions. this is the worst build to deal with imo, since a skilled warrior running longbow/s/s or similar will win in 90% of 1v1 fights through attrition.
Agree with mesmer(mainly shatter) being the hard counter, , along with annoying zerk s/d thieves for 2nd place.Necro is still the highest threat in a teamfight but in 1v1 it is easily controlled.
Lately ive been encountering a scepter/x ele that smashes even the tank builds.Really have no clue how to basicly oneshot 3500 armor and 20k hp but hell that guy made me wanna start again one ele to find out.NOPE ITS NOT A JOKE SO DONT KILL ME ELES.
Tldr, burst is a real counter and hurts as hell, especially SOR users.
I just use my warrior to fight other warriors. That’s the best solution. A well played warrior simply can’t be beaten by any other class if the other person is at the same skill level. Warrior is godmode now.
There’s plenty of class builds that demolish warriors.
Mesmers (condition, hyrid, and DPS) all have an easy time fighting warriors. Thieves using sword/dagger laugh at warriors especially if they use doom sigils on their weapons and use other poisons. I’ve seen those thieves beat warriors by ONLY using sword 3 and dodge rolls. Even condition engineers running perplexity runes (WvW) are better than warriors. That silly regen ranger condition build using poisons is easy mode against warriors. A necro walking into a fight where a warrior blew a condition removal will condi bomb a warrior to hell. A zerker guardian can kick it’s kitten as well because it’s got stability, aegis, blinds, focus shield, and can out damage healing signet. A good elementalist build can burst down a warrior and has great survival because of the quick heals.
The warrior’s moves are all completely OBVIOUS. They all have super telegraphed animations and are super easy to dodge, blind, block, reflect. Hammer warriors are a joke because of how obvious the animations are. They don’t land a single hit on me when they swap to hammer.
In comparison, a necro waves his hands in the air magically with the same animation and you can’t dodge any of it. Marks are placed at your feet and are triggered immediately. It’s very easy to see what a warrior is doing compared to other classes.
Reading comprehension, it helps somewhat. The classes you mentioned have a higher skill cap than warrior. Of course if you’re better with Mesmer, you will beat a warrior. here, i’ll write it again in all caps so it’s easy for you to pick up. IF BOTH PLAYERS ARE OF EQUAL SKILL THE WARRIOR WILL WIN!. There, understand now?
I just use my warrior to fight other warriors. That’s the best solution. A well played warrior simply can’t be beaten by any other class if the other person is at the same skill level. Warrior is godmode now.
There’s plenty of class builds that demolish warriors.
Mesmers (condition, hyrid, and DPS) all have an easy time fighting warriors. Thieves using sword/dagger laugh at warriors especially if they use doom sigils on their weapons and use other poisons. I’ve seen those thieves beat warriors by ONLY using sword 3 and dodge rolls. Even condition engineers running perplexity runes (WvW) are better than warriors. That silly regen ranger condition build using poisons is easy mode against warriors. A necro walking into a fight where a warrior blew a condition removal will condi bomb a warrior to hell. A zerker guardian can kick it’s kitten as well because it’s got stability, aegis, blinds, focus shield, and can out damage healing signet. A good elementalist build can burst down a warrior and has great survival because of the quick heals.
The warrior’s moves are all completely OBVIOUS. They all have super telegraphed animations and are super easy to dodge, blind, block, reflect. Hammer warriors are a joke because of how obvious the animations are. They don’t land a single hit on me when they swap to hammer.
In comparison, a necro waves his hands in the air magically with the same animation and you can’t dodge any of it. Marks are placed at your feet and are triggered immediately. It’s very easy to see what a warrior is doing compared to other classes.
Reading comprehension, it helps somewhat. The classes you mentioned have a higher skill cap than warrior. Of course if you’re better with Mesmer, you will beat a warrior. here, i’ll write it again in all caps so it’s easy for you to pick up. IF BOTH PLAYERS ARE OF EQUAL SKILL THE WARRIOR WILL WIN!. There, understand now?
You act like the warrior is incredibly easy to play while other classes are hard to play. NO class is hard to play semi-effectively with a bit of practice. Rangers, Necros and Thieves literally have as much of a skill cap as warriors do while Guardians are only slightly higher and Mesmers, Eles and Engis being harder to pick up.
Learning to play an Engi and Mesmer is more rewarding in terms of there is a noticeable difference in effectiveness between a bad Engi/Mes and a good Engi/Mes while for a Warrior going from a bad warrior to a good warrior the effectiveness isn’t so much. So assuming equal skill between a Warrior and a Mes it evens out. And a mesmer will win.
BTW, if you want to counter condition warriors …
Play a Mesmer, MM Necro, Spirit Ranger or just a Regen Ranger or even an S/D Thief. Most of these classes i mentioned have some source of poison which is a good counter to healing signet. Condi warrior cannot hold a candle to these classes/builds. Condition Engis do well against them as well but I wouldn’t say they are a hard counter.
If you want to counter stun lock warriors
Again play a mesmer, S/D thief, MM Necro or a Guardian. Mesmer clones and teleports make it very hard for a warrior to land stuns. S/D Thieves with their shadowstep and evades make it difficult. MM Necros with their minions able to body block mace stuns and ease of kiting the warrior who uses a mace+shield/GS build. A decently tanky guardian with stability and stunbreaks and aegis can make it hell for a stun lock warrior. Not only are the symbols and burns wearing him down in melee range, but with great sustainability, protection, the warrior will do very little damage to the guardian.