How is Warrior Survivability?

How is Warrior Survivability?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kam.4092


Talking about T4 Fractals and Raids, and the PS Power Build.

How is Warrior Survivability?

in Warrior

Posted by: bLind.6278


I’m still pretty new to higher level fractals as I’m only personal level 72, but I feel pretty squishy and usually run signet to help keep me alive as getting the most out of the meta heal can be difficult in some fights. I also occasionally switch one of my trees to defense for adrenal health if I know there’s a lot of passive damage in a fight.

One foot out the door, yet again.

How is Warrior Survivability?

in Warrior

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


With revive orbs, my survivability is top shelf.

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

How is Warrior Survivability?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nihila.6102


With revive orbs, my survivability is top shelf.


How is Warrior Survivability?

in Warrior

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Unfortunately, PUGS often ignore/forget/don’t care about the social awkwardness instability and, as both of your weapon sets are melee, you can get your health cut down really quick because of agony stacks. On the good side, you have good CC (Elite and Mace 5) and good “panic button” (GS 3), ok damage and provide constant 25 stacks of Might.

Power PS is great when you are in an organized group in FotM and wanted for most raids. My advice is to start playing PS warrior but aim to get the gear for a burnzerker, that is a great build to play with, has more survivability in FotM and is also wanted in
raids (you can switch from condi to power as you won’t be getting rid of your old gear).