How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


To make them heal a reasonable amount? For like WvW and PvE purposes. Should I roll in clerics? I don’t particularly want to run full clerics. So I’m curious how much HP is recommended to make Vigorous Shouts useful, like at least 2-3k heals.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


Im running with full cleric stuff except rings and earrings and my shouts heal about 2.1k.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Without any Healing Power at lvl80, I’d say they heal for roughly 1.000, give or take.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonlinear.9823


without healing power they heal for 1,192. Palty imo. With adrenal heal + banner regen + healing signet I regen more than that in two or three seconds depending on adrenaline level.

I top that off with Dolyak runes. Treating each source of regen separately:

Since heal power has no effect on adrenal heal or the rune regen the 30hp/sec is like increasing your adrenal heal effect by 24% for one bar, 12.5% for two bars and 8.3% for three bars.

With 3.25% healing applied to signet, adding 30 hp/sec would take 923 healing power.

With 12.5% healing applied to regen, adding 30 hp/sec would take 240 healing power.

Ignoring adrenal health (since it gets no benefit from healing gear), that means you get a total of 30 hp/sec split between signet (3.25%) and banner regen (12.5%). Since banner gets more the health it is the bigger number. If the signet contribution is X and the banner contribution is Y, then Y = 30 – X. Solve for X:

X * 3.25% = Y * 12.5%
X * 0.0325 = Y * 0.125
X * 0.0325 = (30 – X) * 0.125

X = ~190

So basically you are getting 190 healing from a single rune which is more healing than you get from a healing weapon. I think is worth using the runes over healing gear for defense and using the gear slots for more DPS.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Manijin.3428


If you want 2-3k heals, you need full clerics, period. You could try a condition based spec that would let you use Shaman gear instead, but…. well, I wouldn’t recommend it…

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonlinear.9823


If you want 2-3k heals, you need full clerics, period. You could try a condition based spec that would let you use Shaman gear instead, but…. well, I wouldn’t recommend it…

And if you want to do 2-3k heals I would stick to doing them in WvW where personal DPS isn’t important because you sacrifice like 40% or more of your DPS going full clerics and in a dungeon with only 5 people it makes bosses a drag and the shout heals don’t make up for all the damage that gets dished out, e.g. run SE 1 path in full clerics and you probably won’t have a lot of fun.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Renquist.9530


tbh those 2-3k heals for pve are not needed, i run 10/30/0/30/0 full knight/greatsword build. yes my heals only heal for 1.1k or sumthing,… but that combined with soldier runes, well it saves people, its not an oh kitten button, but it helps in long drawn out fight.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Shouts are more for Condition removal via Soldier Runes than they are for pure healing though.

Something to keep in mind.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonlinear.9823


True but I prefer having 100% uptime on regen and banner swiftness between trash/bosses in dungeons over shout heals.

If group members are wearing their own +heal gear they will benefit from it. Personally I have enough +healing gear in my dungeon build (i.e. 0).

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: eXs.6210


I run a ranged warrior… Honestly, these days I barely even bother healing in pve or dungeons anymore… All its gonna do is let you get hit one more time by a boss… Yuppie… With the damage output of some of these bosses, I don’t even know why heals are even in this game in the first place… The damage is so high and heals are so weak that they barely do anything besides buy you another 1 or 2 seconds tops…

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Renquist.9530


I run a ranged warrior… Honestly, these days I barely even bother healing in pve or dungeons anymore… All its gonna do is let you get hit one more time by a boss… Yuppie… With the damage output of some of these bosses, I don’t even know why heals are even in this game in the first place… The damage is so high and heals are so weak that they barely do anything besides buy you another 1 or 2 seconds tops…

this is not a design problem,… this happens when 80% of the people pugging dungeons run in full zeker/mf gear.

I’m not saying i can facetank bosses.. but unless i’m afk or sleeping mob’s are going to work to kill me. Thougness=king.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonlinear.9823


I run a ranged warrior… Honestly, these days I barely even bother healing in pve or dungeons anymore… All its gonna do is let you get hit one more time by a boss… Yuppie… With the damage output of some of these bosses, I don’t even know why heals are even in this game in the first place… The damage is so high and heals are so weak that they barely do anything besides buy you another 1 or 2 seconds tops…

This is why I prefer to provide support through 18 stacks of AOE might on my allies group. More power means more damage means stuff dies faster means it has less time to kill you with big damage insta-kill attacks and you have to pop fewer skills with long CDs.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Spifnar.4712


The simple solution to versatility is having 2 suits of armor (or more), and being smart with your food. Food is very powerful. (Traits 10/0/15/30/15)

I have a Soldier’s rune zerker set and a Hoelbrak’s rune zerker set (using all knight jewelry)

For a group light on condition removal and healing I: Wear soldiers runes, use lifesteal food, shout heal trait and make sure I always have a warhorn on, with warhorn trait.

For a group with tons of healing/condition removal, I go into might-stacking mode with Hoelbraks (+165 power), longbow, banner (to banner blast longbow field 2x) with traits and DPS food. If conditions become a problem I use the -40% condition duration food for a total of -60% condition duration.

Yes, I could have soldier armor to go with soldier runes for more survivability, but…the DPS hit is pretty severe. So I make up the survivability with lifesteal food (you could use regen food too)

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: JonPeters.5630


Game Design Lead

Since I was kind enough to explain it to Guardians on their mace skill Faithful strike, here is the formula for this trait.

40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)

so at 0 healing at level 80: 40 + 1152 = 1192

at 1500 healing at level 80: 40+1152+1200= 2192

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: PowerCat.5738


Thanks JonPeters!

Any chance you can tell us about the formula for magic find?

That would make everyone’s day(month(year))!

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Uther Deathhand.1570

Uther Deathhand.1570

Thanks JonPeters!

Any chance you can tell us about the formula for magic find?

That would make everyone’s day(month(year))!

“Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.” That is a quote from Isiah Cartwright.

Work for a cause, not for applause.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Since I was kind enough to explain it to Guardians on their mace skill Faithful strike, here is the formula for this trait.

40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)

so at 0 healing at level 80: 40 + 1152 = 1192

at 1500 healing at level 80: 40+1152+1200= 2192

Any chance for a slight boost?

Eh, eh?

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Renquist.9530


Since I was kind enough to explain it to Guardians on their mace skill Faithful strike, here is the formula for this trait.

40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)

so at 0 healing at level 80: 40 + 1152 = 1192

at 1500 healing at level 80: 40+1152+1200= 2192

Any chance for a slight boost?

Eh, eh?

I have to agree that you need to sacrifice a LOT of stats to get to a certain “okayish” amount of healing, altough i do understand it would be tricky to balance.

Maybe a x1.0 healing would help.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Spifnar.4712


Healing shouts is bad in that it locks you into a specific skill set. Same issue with soldier runes. Even though I use healing shouts, it really bothers me in fights where I have to swap out shouts for stability or knockdowns or whatever.

How about: shouts heal, and shout “Shake it Off” on every weapon swap (cooldown: 20 seconds). Now I can get better use of the trait with less utility investment.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: FaRectification.5678


how about just introducing new shouts

Purist, Idealist, and Theorist.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Renquist.9530


Healing shouts is bad in that it locks you into a specific skill set. Same issue with soldier runes. Even though I use healing shouts, it really bothers me in fights where I have to swap out shouts for stability or knockdowns or whatever.

How about: shouts heal, and shout “Shake it Off” on every weapon swap (cooldown: 20 seconds). Now I can get better use of the trait with less utility investment.

I’m confused… what other support skills do you want to use in a dungeon apart from shouts/banners? and even so do you want to use the “fear me” shout?

Genuine question, because in the whole time ive played my warrior (since launch) the only thing i have ever maybe changed is get my elite standard in stead of signet of rage for a bit of stability.

All our other skill’s resolve around direct damage application, bull rush/stomp/kick etc.

Frenzy might have a place in a guild group where people have set roles.

But apart from that,… you use Banners/shouts to support your group… or you run around with Signet’s.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Yaki.9563


I run a ranged warrior… Honestly, these days I barely even bother healing in pve or dungeons anymore… All its gonna do is let you get hit one more time by a boss… Yuppie… With the damage output of some of these bosses, I don’t even know why heals are even in this game in the first place… The damage is so high and heals are so weak that they barely do anything besides buy you another 1 or 2 seconds tops…

This is why I prefer to provide support through 18 stacks of AOE might on my allies group. More power means more damage means stuff dies faster means it has less time to kill you with big damage insta-kill attacks and you have to pop fewer skills with long CDs.

How exactly do you give your group 18 stacks of Might?

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Seren.6850


I spent a week using banner healing in dungeons and wvw, I normally shout heal.

I found the banners add more fun to dungeons and if you have other sources of healing in your party the banners work great to keep everyone topped up. In wvw I always end up out of range of it or someone steals it.

back to shout heals & soldier runes for me. Though if we have a guardian or another shout heal warrior in party I will still switch to banners

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Alexander.4827


We need shout from Guild Wars 1 back.

“I Will Survive!”
Gain 5 seconds of regeneration for each condition you are suffering.

Or maybe an elite shout.
“I Am Unstoppable!”
Protection 10s
Stability 10s
Breaks stun

Surprised we don’t have
Swiftness 15s
Removes cripple

Even some sort of actual healing shout would be nice.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vv W.7821

Vv W.7821

I Will Avenge You was in GW2 for a bit as a rallying skill, but was taken out since it’s ability was the same as an ally attacking the target you kill to get them back up. Maybe it could be put back in with an ability a little closer to the GW1 version, with some form of healing based on downed/dead allies?

Redundant Sasquatch – 80 Warrior – [aYe] – HoD

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Negativity.5801


Since I was kind enough to explain it to Guardians on their mace skill Faithful strike, here is the formula for this trait.

40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)

so at 0 healing at level 80: 40 + 1152 = 1192

at 1500 healing at level 80: 40+1152+1200= 2192

I’m confused

1500 healing = 2192
1464 healing = 2363?

(And before anyone asks, the food buff is an omnomberry bar, no healing power)


(edited by Negativity.5801)

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: TriggerSad.2597


I run a ranged warrior… Honestly, these days I barely even bother healing in pve or dungeons anymore… All its gonna do is let you get hit one more time by a boss… Yuppie… With the damage output of some of these bosses, I don’t even know why heals are even in this game in the first place… The damage is so high and heals are so weak that they barely do anything besides buy you another 1 or 2 seconds tops…

This is why I prefer to provide support through 18 stacks of AOE might on my allies group. More power means more damage means stuff dies faster means it has less time to kill you with big damage insta-kill attacks and you have to pop fewer skills with long CDs.

How exactly do you give your group 18 stacks of Might?

Staff guardian Empower is a channel skill that grants might every second until it burts into a PBAoE heal. Pretty good if you combine it with the Virtues trait Inspired Virtues which grants a few more stacks of might when activating Justice.

I run this combo on my guardian, but I also have 15 points added into Radiance for Renewed Justice so Justice recharges the moment something I’ve tagged dies. If I’m lucky enough, I can get almost a full stack of might if we’re fighting a semi-large group of mobs.

IGN: Despada
Guild: I Can Outtweet A Centaur [TWIT]

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Samulus.3025


Since I was kind enough to explain it to Guardians on their mace skill Faithful strike, here is the formula for this trait.

40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)

so at 0 healing at level 80: 40 + 1152 = 1192

at 1500 healing at level 80: 40+1152+1200= 2192

I’m confused

1500 healing = 2192
1464 healing = 2363?

(And before anyone asks, the food buff is an omnomberry bar, no healing power)

I am willing to bet you have a medic bonus from WvW.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way. – Mark Twain

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


tbh i dont think jonpeter’s calculation is actually in the game im healing 2.1k and i have 1062 healing if i remember right.

edit: actually he just got the maths wrong, the formula seems ok.

40+1152+1200= 2192 <- no.

it would be 2392 which makes sense.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

(edited by Steelo.4597)

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


Since I was kind enough to explain it to Guardians on their mace skill Faithful strike, here is the formula for this trait.

40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)

so at 0 healing at level 80: 40 + 1152 = 1192

at 1500 healing at level 80: 40+1152+1200= 2192

Not sure what the point of putting the formula with 0 healing is. You are required to get 300 points in healing power just to get the healing shout skill. Saying its 1192 for 0 healing is somewhat confusing to noobs, because they are thinking*oh, i don’t have any healing power gear so this is what it is", when in actuality its a bit higher since they have 300 healing power default to get that trait.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: fony.5102


Since I was kind enough to explain it to Guardians on their mace skill Faithful strike, here is the formula for this trait.

40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)

so at 0 healing at level 80: 40 + 1152 = 1192

at 1500 healing at level 80: 40+1152+1200= 2192

I’m confused

1500 healing = 2192
1464 healing = 2363?

(And before anyone asks, the food buff is an omnomberry bar, no healing power)

you have the WvW bonus.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Yaki.9563


I run a ranged warrior… Honestly, these days I barely even bother healing in pve or dungeons anymore… All its gonna do is let you get hit one more time by a boss… Yuppie… With the damage output of some of these bosses, I don’t even know why heals are even in this game in the first place… The damage is so high and heals are so weak that they barely do anything besides buy you another 1 or 2 seconds tops…

This is why I prefer to provide support through 18 stacks of AOE might on my allies group. More power means more damage means stuff dies faster means it has less time to kill you with big damage insta-kill attacks and you have to pop fewer skills with long CDs.

How exactly do you give your group 18 stacks of Might?

Staff guardian Empower is a channel skill that grants might every second until it burts into a PBAoE heal. Pretty good if you combine it with the Virtues trait Inspired Virtues which grants a few more stacks of might when activating Justice.

I run this combo on my guardian, but I also have 15 points added into Radiance for Renewed Justice so Justice recharges the moment something I’ve tagged dies. If I’m lucky enough, I can get almost a full stack of might if we’re fighting a semi-large group of mobs.

This is a thread about Warriors.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Since I was kind enough to explain it to Guardians on their mace skill Faithful strike, here is the formula for this trait.

40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)

so at 0 healing at level 80: 40 + 1152 = 1192

at 1500 healing at level 80: 40+1152+1200= 2192

Not sure what the point of putting the formula with 0 healing is. You are required to get 300 points in healing power just to get the healing shout skill. Saying its 1192 for 0 healing is somewhat confusing to noobs, because they are thinking*oh, i don’t have any healing power gear so this is what it is", when in actuality its a bit higher since they have 300 healing power default to get that trait.

Incorrect, that trait line provides Vitality, not Healing Power.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: fony.5102


Since I was kind enough to explain it to Guardians on their mace skill Faithful strike, here is the formula for this trait.

40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)

so at 0 healing at level 80: 40 + 1152 = 1192

at 1500 healing at level 80: 40+1152+1200= 2192

Not sure what the point of putting the formula with 0 healing is. You are required to get 300 points in healing power just to get the healing shout skill. Saying its 1192 for 0 healing is somewhat confusing to noobs, because they are thinking*oh, i don’t have any healing power gear so this is what it is", when in actuality its a bit higher since they have 300 healing power default to get that trait.

lol, tactics provides vitality and BOON DURATION.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Samulus.3025


Since I was kind enough to explain it to Guardians on their mace skill Faithful strike, here is the formula for this trait.

40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)

so at 0 healing at level 80: 40 + 1152 = 1192

at 1500 healing at level 80: 40+1152+1200= 2192

Not sure what the point of putting the formula with 0 healing is. You are required to get 300 points in healing power just to get the healing shout skill. Saying its 1192 for 0 healing is somewhat confusing to noobs, because they are thinking*oh, i don’t have any healing power gear so this is what it is", when in actuality its a bit higher since they have 300 healing power default to get that trait.

The formula is there for folks who know how to apply the math. For people who don’t like to complain and analyze instead, the zero is just a placeholder for any number they choose. Math is fun!

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way. – Mark Twain

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Tallis.5607


Since I was kind enough to explain it to Guardians on their mace skill Faithful strike, here is the formula for this trait.

40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)

so at 0 healing at level 80: 40 + 1152 = 1192

at 1500 healing at level 80: 40+1152+1200= 2192

I’m confused

1500 healing = 2192
1464 healing = 2363?

(And before anyone asks, the food buff is an omnomberry bar, no healing power)

The 2192 is a typo from Jon, it’s 2392. 40 + 1152 + 1200= 2392, not 2192.

Tallis – Perpetual newbie – Tarnished Coast.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Negativity.5801


Oh that makes more sense.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dispari.3980


So is there really a setup where shout heals would perform better than regen banners? Also curious of the radius on these types of things. I usually have regen banners going in dungeons.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Uther Deathhand.1570

Uther Deathhand.1570

We need shout from Guild Wars 1 back.

“I Will Survive!”
Gain 5 seconds of regeneration for each condition you are suffering.

Or maybe an elite shout.
“I Am Unstoppable!”
Protection 10s
Stability 10s
Breaks stun

Surprised we don’t have
Swiftness 15s
Removes cripple

Even some sort of actual healing shout would be nice.

Surprised we don’t have “Charge”…. Good sir have you ever used a war horn?


Work for a cause, not for applause.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Alexander.4827


Surprised we don’t have “Charge”…. Good sir have you ever used a war horn?


Embarrassingly I have a warhorn as an offhand for dungeons and WvW. I guess I just figured it would be more powerful considering how it functioned in GW1. Also if it was a shout it would benefit from trait bonuses.

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Negativity.5801


Or maybe an elite shout.
“I Am Unstoppable!”
Protection 10s
Stability 10s
Breaks stun

“Stand your Ground!”

How much HP for Vigorous Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: typographie.1742


Surprised we don’t have
Swiftness 15s
Removes cripple

Take a closer look at the warhorn.

Or maybe an elite shout.
“I Am Unstoppable!”
Protection 10s
Stability 10s
Breaks stun

“Stand your Ground!”

Guardians got it—makes sense, as it was a Paragon shout in the first place. “Watch Yourself!” could make a nostalgic comeback for a shout like that.

(edited by typographie.1742)