How would YOU change our weapons?

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nergrom.7592


I’ve found that some of our weapons are weak or lackluster, for instance the sword. I’d like to hear how you, yes you, would alter the weapons to make them more viable.

I’ll start:

Mainhand Sword
I would like to see the bleed durations halved but the stacks doubled. I would also like to see confusion on every final thrust. Hamstring also applies a bleed.

Offhand Sword
Redesign of Impale, the sword is thrown with a chain attached. If you activate Rip while not in melee range, you do a pull instead of dealing damage.

Mainhand Mace
I would love for the 1 attack to be a bit faster.

Mainhand Axe
Eviscerate needs a bigger leap.

Offhand Axe
Dual Strike also grants 2 might. Whirling Axe deals more damage and has a slightly reduced cooldown.

Tone down HB a bit, and increase the 1 damage to compensate. The burst ability is reworked to inflict increasingly larger stacks of vulnerability.

Aoe knockback needs a little more oomph. Animations could use a bit more unpredictability, think of either less obvious or harder to predict the timing.

The reduced cooldowns should be baseline, and the reflect and toughness merged into one trait.

Change the priority on this thing to remove the conditions that it can remove baseline, before converting an additional condition into a boon.

Tone down the damage of killshot and volley, but speed up their animations a bit. Give the 1 bleed the sword treatment and increase the physical damage a bit to even out total dps lost from volley and killshot. Make brutal shot apply a short daze as well as the vulnerability.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vgman.4019


Oh boy.

Sword and rifle:
Halve the damage the bleed duration and the cast time of auto attacks (button 1) (more attacks=more crits more crits= more bleed procs, faster attack times and lower bleed duraitions= faster realized potential of bleed dps)

Riffle 4 replaced with a kick that dazes the target.

Weakness applies on second strike rather than third for button 1(obscenely hard to get your target to stand still long enough to land the third hit in pvp).

axes/war horns/great swords/hammers are fine.

Do something with the longbow, i can’t find a use for it in any pvp build.

Burst abilities? this requires a whole thread in and of itself. Basically, they suck.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Manticore Five.9867

Manticore Five.9867

Better yet, have mace apply weak on 2 AND 3 so you get some nice duration.

I’d like swords to combo better with Distracting Strikes in order to inch a condition build closer to viable. Bleed-only is not even close to viable. That means giving one of the sword skills some type of interrupt that’s usable on some kind of reasonable cooldown.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709



half the damage of HB moved to auto-attack.
burst attack now leaps.
HB now castable while moving.

Axe Main hand:
Add an evasion to either ability two or 3.

Sword Main hand:
Tune this weapon to be full condie — minimal power based damage.

30 degree cone spread on everything but auto attack to match pretty much every other ranged weapon for crowd management.

This weapon feels very slow. Speed it up and add some damage and cripple (even if you have to remove some stun/kd. People have stun-break and stability out the wazoo already, it’s not as if the cc “matters” when you can take a nap while it swings.

Others no comment.

(edited by plasmacutter.2709)

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


-Change nothing

-Change nothing

-Change nothing

-Change nothing

MH Axe
-Change nothing

OH Axe
-Change nothing

MH Sword
-All skill on MH sword inflict stacks of bleed

OH Sword
-Adrenaline rush changed to an attack that bleed 4 stacks. The difference between this and parry is that you lose the block when you use this.
-Rip gets 1/2 second cast time.
-Change nothing to parry or Impale

MH Mace
-Weakness at second skill on auto attack

OH Mace
-Crushing blow gets 1/2 second cast

-Change nothing

-Ability to attack while in shield stance.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Opynn.2936


Whirlwind Attak gives you bonus evade.
Other skills like: Savage Leap, Eviscerate, Earthshaker, Bull’s Charge should do the same thing.

Opyrr[GoT] Warrior

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: knbBlackTemplar.3059


I want sword doing direct damage, bleeding sucks.

80’s: Sylvari Necromancer (Main). Human: Thief, Warrior (PvP Main), Engineer. Charr Guardian

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rump Buffalo.2594

Rump Buffalo.2594

MH Sword: Faster realized bleeds, give savage leap evasion or blind on strike.

OH Sword: Give the #5 block cancel ability the same effect as if you blocked. Allowing you to force the kitten bleed for when things arent always targeting you.

MH Mace: Speed up auto animation, increase reactiveness of daze and block. If you arent blocked with the mace #2 gain 3 seconds of protection. Cancel to force protection effect.

OH Mace: Bet reactivity of animations. Otherwise its good.

Longbow: #1 shoots 15% faster. Increase reactivity of all skills. Increase projectile speed of Burst and #3.

Rifle: good, auto could use some tweaking.

Warhorn: Make #4 grant regeneration

Shield: Increase reactivity of skills. Increase #4 stun by 1/4-1/2 a second.

Axe MH: good except Increase Eviscerate leap distance by 125 and give it evasion while leaping.

Axe OH: Increase damage of Whirling axe by 20%. Currently it BARELY deals more damage than the auto attack hitting three targets if the whirling axe does its full duration on 5 targets. Im aware its strength comes from a LONG whirl finisher and being able to evade while doing it but still… good lord it hits like a flacid kitten.

Hammer: Increase reactiveness of animations. Speed up #4 by like 50%.

GS: Remove arcing slice, it is horrible. Replace arcing slice with Hundred blades. it is the new burst. You can move while using 100blades but ur speed is reduced by 50% at stage 1, 35% at stage 2, and 20% at stage 3. Additionally the cone range is 50 units smaller at stage 1, its current size at stage 2, and 50 units larger at stage 3.
-Since we are now missing an ability replace #2 with “Uppercut” from the original convention circuit (a “singed” like fling, from LoL that tosses the enemy over and behind you)

id also like to propose this.

a new combo field type:

Physical: Clumps of rock and dirt caused by Earthshaker, Stomp, Banner Summons, and Tremor (line)
Projectile Finisher: Causes Bleeding
Leap Finisher: Removes a Boon
Whirl Finisher: Cripples
Blast Finisher: Applies 2 seconds of Protection

(edited by Rump Buffalo.2594)

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: knyy.6427


GS: Remove arcing slice, it is horrible. Replace arcing slice with Hundred blades. it is the new burst. You can move while using 100blades but ur speed is reduced by 50% at stage 1, 35% at stage 2, and 20% at stage 3. Additionally the cone range is 50 units smaller at stage 1, its current size at stage 2, and 50 units larger at stage 3.
-Since we are now missing an ability replace #2 with “Uppercut” from the original convention circuit (a “singed” like fling, from LoL that tosses the enemy over and behind you)

i like this idea very much!

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Main-hand Axe – An alternative ranged mode, so that you can throw your Axe. Warriors need a one-handed ranged option.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Monki.5012


The only real needed change I want is to

Mainhand Axe: Instead of Axe throw make it a leap like sword has. I see Axe as a aggressive brutal skirmisher weapon so a leap comes in handy. Thats the only thing I really miss after switching from Sword to Axe built.

Hammer: Hammer 4 and 5 should swap place and thus swap CD as well. All Stun or Knochback/down should at least interrupt a Boss’s currently casted action if he is Uncontrollable while under defians Buff.

Sword: Instead of getting rooted let one move while thrusting or make it a quick one hit attack that applies the bleeding.

Savage leap now applies cripple and Harmstring is changed into “cold Steel” granting a aoe freeze. For CC kiting and to save your bleeding from removal.

Longbow: the improved Range trait should be built into the weapon itself including the increased pojectile combo chance. I really miss the trait if I havent specced for it.
– Change the Bowtrait to “all bow projectiles hae a Chance to apply a 1 sec burning and damage against burning targets is increased”

Greatsword: Switch 100B with Burstskill

Rifle: Switch brutal shot with aimed shot to smoothen out the rotation more.

Banners: Add a Brust skill for Banners. The Warriors trademark skill should work with his trademark Classmechanic. In Addition banners should only be carryable by Warriors using F2 Key. (instead of all Classes with F [loot] Key)

But the biggest change to all weapons:
Forceful Greatsword will be changed into “Forceful Steel” and grant might on crit with any weapon.

Disciplin Line: Increase Brawn to 0,5% per point ( 15% in total) INCREASED BURST EFFECT (not only damage but buff the main Burst reasons effect):
Axe, GS and Rifle = 15% Additional damage
Hammer and Mace = 15% Increased stunduration
Sword and Longbow = 15% conditionduration

(edited by Monki.5012)

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mikhail.4961


Only four things:

Sword MH: Instead of Bleeds, apply Vulnerability and Confusion (1sec, can be increased through traits).
Sword OH: Instead of the parry (does anyone use this? Anyone?), we get something similar to Whirling Axe – a sphere of damage and reflection of missiles, which we can move with.

Hammer: To make it more viable in PvE content, especially dungeons, I’d remove some of the crowd-control and simply up the damage and apply Vulnerability. And move the kitten trait away from Defense. Of course, I also want a one-handed hammer…

Warhorn: You should be able to stab them with the sharp end.

Any class is easy to play, but not as easy to master. So sod off, warrior-haters.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Nothing o.O

The skillset of a warrior synergizes so good with it’s build.
Why take away bleed from the sword, it is forcing people to go all out power.
Why lenghten the leap of evicserate? Because you sometime miss it while brainlessly face rolling your keyboard?
Why up the dmg of the first tick of greatsword 100blades? Because you time it badly and people run away after the 2-3th hit?

The weapons are great and balanced and gives warriors many options for their builds.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ottohi.2871


Mainhand Sword
I would like to see abilities 2 and 3 combined (you leap to and then cripple when you hit with leap) and moved to slot 3. In place of ability 2 put a low damage 2-3 stack of bleed per hit attack that can be used every 8 seconds or so. That’s really help with keeping those bleeds up and just making life easier with sword in general.

Offhand Sword
I’d actually like to see #5 be an applier of retaliation instead of a block. This way we could have it be an attack but we wouldn’t need to be hit for it to be used. It’d also keep the hit and hit back feel of it with retaliation.

Mainhand Mace
Speed the end of the one attack waaaaaay up. Right now I can fall asleep faster than it hits.

Offhand Axe
I was around when #5 did a ton of damage, it felt like 100b but for axe. Can we get that back?

Swap F1 and 100b. Let 100b be used while moving since it’s now a burst ability that you have to power up to.

We need to be able to move on all abilities here. Helps keep them locked down instead of you.

I like this. I would like to see the trait grant protection every 10 sec for 5 sec (stacks 3 times) instead of toughness.

I like it; It works well.

Poor weapon’s confused of its nature. Either more conditions or get silly bleed off #1. Fine from there

The number 3 and F1 need a bit more speed up to get there in time. Would also be nice if #2 became a shot that fired 3 burning arrows one after another at one target instead of a fan. As it is right now to get good damage with it you have to be up on all your targets, which is silly for a ranged weapon.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: knyy.6427


if you compare eviscerate with heartseeker the reason for buffing the range is obviously. heartseeker is superior in nearly every aspect and eviscerate is our burst(!) skill – class mechanic.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Manticore Five.9867

Manticore Five.9867

Sword OH: Instead of the parry (does anyone use this? Anyone?), we get something similar to Whirling Axe – a sphere of damage and reflection of missiles, which we can move with.

Well, someone must because you wouldn’t believe the level of crap I’m receiving for suggesting the CD be lowered. Apparently no one likes the idea of a sword-parrying warrior.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mattidore.3482



half the damage of HB moved to auto-attack.
burst attack now leaps.
HB now castable while moving.

This weapon feels very slow. Speed it up and add some damage and cripple (even if you have to remove some stun/kd. People have stun-break and stability out the wazoo already, it’s not as if the cc “matters” when you can take a nap while it swings.

because HB is so useful right? that you’d need gimp an already useless move in order to buff GS damage. GS autos do about the same as an Axe, just a little slower. GS has more mobility than any other warrior weapon, and you want to add more damage to its autos on top of its mobility?

Hammer is fine as it is. It does have a cripple, an awesome AoE on at that. With the right build you can stun your opponent every 8 ~ 10 seconds, provided you land them correctly and it doesn’t bug up on you. And what’s wrong with Hammer attack speed? It’s marginally slower than a GS, and it’s more than compensated by how hard it hits. The only reason I’d use GS is for its mobility.

Hammer: To make it more viable in PvE content, especially dungeons, I’d remove some of the crowd-control and simply up the damage and apply Vulnerability. And move the kitten trait away from Defense. Of course, I also want a one-handed hammer…

I would quit GW2 if they removed all the cc from Hammer and turned it into another all out DPS weapon, GS is arleady a big enough noob magnet as is… Hammer and the 1h sword is that only weapon that really has its own unique niche.

(edited by Mattidore.3482)

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nergrom.7592


The problem with the hammer being slow is twofold, even though the hammer needs to be slow by design.

1. Swings and animations are very predictable.
2. Extremely hardcountered by blind and aegis.

So, to keep the hammer slow we would need to adjust one of these things to make it more viable in high level PvP. I opted for making the animations a bit more unpredictable and less over the top. (example: backbreaker has the same cast time, but the swing down animation is sped up and backloaded so that dodging the swing is much harder.)

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mikhail.4961


Well, someone must because you wouldn’t believe the level of crap I’m receiving for suggesting the CD be lowered. Apparently no one likes the idea of a sword-parrying warrior.

Really? Did they say which content? I can understand it in PvP since it’s yet another block (we got many of those), but not in PvE…

I would quit GW2 if they removed all the cc from Hammer and turned it into another all out DPS weapon, GS is arleady a big enough noob magnet as is… Hammer and the 1h sword is that only weapon that really has its own unique niche.

I wrote “some”. As it is now, it’s almost only good for PvP/WvWvW and trash mobs. I wouldn’t want it as an all out dps weapon either – I just don’t want it as poor as it is now.

Any class is easy to play, but not as easy to master. So sod off, warrior-haters.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mattidore.3482


I would quit GW2 if they removed all the cc from Hammer and turned it into another all out DPS weapon, GS is arleady a big enough noob magnet as is… Hammer and the 1h sword is that only weapon that really has its own unique niche.

I wrote “some”. As it is now, it’s almost only good for PvP/WvWvW and trash mobs. I wouldn’t want it as an all out dps weapon either – I just don’t want it as poor as it is now.

Wait, it’s almost only good for pvp and wvw? But… Isn’t that all we care about, pvp and wvw??? I dunno if you have played with a hammer, but it definitely isn’t “poor”. Also the hammer trait is perfect in the defence tree… /facepalm

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Hammer – Auto attack. 20% chance for the last big swing to be a Blast Finisher.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Arkanis Drako.5169

Arkanis Drako.5169


Arcing Slice: remove fury gain and either add stacks of might or vulnerability for the same time fury was granted before.

I think that would be more fitting for the greatsword, as it was described to build momentum to deliver powerful attacks to several enemies. The fury it grants right now is not needed in most warrior builds.

Brutal Strike: inflicts vulnerability just like the first two attacks of the greatsword chain skill.

The chain attack feels a little bit underwhelming, in my opinion, but any drastic changes would probably be too strong.

Main Hand Sword

Final Thrust : inflicts a few stacks of vulnerability for a few seconds, if it hits a foe below 50% health.

I liked how this skill doubled the damage inflicted, when it hit an enemy below 50% health in guild wars 1. I wouldn´t say its a bad skill but it lacks the impact I was used from the first game. Double damage would obviously be too strong and might stacks could become a problem, if warriors get too many sources for it, therefore vulnerability stacks.

These are the weapons I usually (well pretty much always^^) use, I better not start anything on weapons I don´t know enough about. The shield seems about right, by the way.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mattidore.3482


I can’t believe some people want 100b to be a combo finisher with a leap + stun/immobilise or be able to move while using the single highest dps move in the game haah people must be mad they can never land a full 100 in pvp like in pve
. How bout you try a diff weapon/build.

(edited by Mattidore.3482)

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


the hammer would not need to connect with a target to complete the auto attack chain

rifle auto attack doesn’t cause bleed, does more damage to compensate

mace auto attack is faster and causes weakness at the start of the chain

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Mace main hand definitely could use a boost in attack speed.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: winshmo.7896


Arcing Slice
Strike your foe with an uppercut and blow them away.

Cast: 3/4s
Damage: 480
Blowout: 350-450
Adrenaline 1: Range: 300
Adrenaline 2: Range: 450
Adrenaline 3: Range: 600

Same damage but instead of fury make it a line aoe(same as OH mace 5) blowout with range depending on adrenaline lvl. Skill description says its an uppercut not a downward swing so animation should be changed accordingly.

How I wish

(edited by winshmo.7896)

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


MH Sword: Have Hamstring built into Savage Leap; Skill 3 replaced with something that gives us any of the other damaging conditions (Poison/Confusion/Burn, in order of preference) or even a short duration daze/stun to really make it a utility weapon.
Increase the base damage (not bleed damage) of the burst skill Flurry; keeping with the idea that the sword is a hybrid weapon. The burst skill really shouldn’t be doing less damage than Final Thrust, especially considering how long the channel is.

OH Sword: have Impale deliver all of it’s bleed stacks at once rather than 1 additional stack per tick so using Rip is less ridiculously finicky as waiting for all 4 bleed stacks to apply before Rip causes it to have a very short window of opportunity before the timer runs out on Rip.

MH Mace: Have it’s autoattack sped up a little and the duration of weakness applied be lowered to compensate for the increased rate of application.

Related to Sword and Mace blocks: Give them an additional effect aside from “deal damage” on a successful block. Ranger’s Block does damage and knocks back, Mesmer’s block does damage and summons an illusion. Warrior’s block just…. does damage.
Also, get rid of the extremely awful block-cancel that grants a pathetic amount of adrenaline, every class’s blocks except warrior’s deliver something useful for canceling a block (Engineer cancels shield block to throw a dazing shield, Mesmer fires of a bolt that dazes everyone in a line, etc)

OH axe: Increase the animation speed of Dual Strike and have it give 2 stacks of Might with 7s duration, as it is right now it’s kind of redundant in most warrior builds and a really awful break in DPS compared to all your autoattacks on mainhand weapons.
Also increase Whirling Axe’s damage or something, it’s just really sad right now. At least increase the pathetic damage coefficient so it scales better with power. Even being one of the few long duration whirl finishers doesn’t save it because whirl combos suck as they deliver exactly the same effects as projectile finishers which are spammable.

Greatsword: Decrease 100b’s damage by maybe 20% OR switch it with Arcing Slice, turning it into the burst skill, causing the main reason to use a GS to be the mobility it provides. Also allow slow movement during the channeling of 100b (approximately the same speed as backpedaling). Greatsword should be either an amazing spike damage weapon or one of the best sources of mobility a warrior has, not both at the same time. Change the forceful greatsword trait to affect every weapon at a slightly reduced chance.

Hammer: Increase the animation speed on the autoattack so it’s much easier to land without having to cc enemies first; I assumed that cc is supposed to be saved for opportune moments, not just to land your autoattack combo.

Longbow: Have the “Stronger Bowstrings” trait baked into the weapon. I know it comes with a lot of stealth improvements to all the skills as well, but honestly Longbow without this trait is just plain not worth using, causing a requirement to spec into a trait line that doesn’t mesh with their playstyle at all (tactics being a very support/defense oriented traitline.)
Increase the rate at which Arcing Arrow flies through the air.
Have Fan of Fire’s middle arrow to hit twice and deliver it’s burn twice so it’s actually usable at a long distance. It’s pretty silly to have a ranged weapon with such a melee oriented straight-up damage ability.

Rifle: Reduce Brutal Shot’s casting time by like, 75%. I have no idea why it has such a long casting time for just 5 stacks of vuln which axe and mace apply instantly, even if it is a ranged application.

Warhorn: Have “Charge” apply Cripple to surrounding enemies to keep with the theme of “inspire allies, demoralize enemies” that Call to Arms seems to have.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Most warrior weapons are fine, but could use some tweaking and utility. I wouldn’t for example advice to add overall damage to hammer, because otherwise knockdowns could easily dominate the meta. Some professions lack reliable access to stability. I would do a few minor changes, which should be technically very easy to program:

100 blades – Has overpowered burst for so short cooldown skill, should do 30% less damage
greatsword burst, arcing slice, is too weak, should do 10% more damage and remove one boon
OR swap arcing slice with 100 blades (would make sense), making 100 blades the burst skill instead. Currently almost nobody uses GS burst skill as it is so underpowered compared to 100 blades and full adrenaline gives nice regeneration (adrenal health) and 12% extra damage (berserker’s power)
Forceful greatsword trait is overpowered and the real reason why many choose GS over other warrior weapons. Either tone it down or give similar buffing trait for other melee weapons as well

Main-hand Sword
final thrust – do 10% less damage normally and additional 20% damage if the target is under 50% health
Hamstring – Make the crippling time scale with condition damage and currently it seems that the condition duration % doesn’t affect it (bugged?)

Off-hand sword
impale/rip – reduce cooldown to 15 s OR (like another person suggested), make rip actually pull the target to you instead of just ripping

General changes to one handed sword: slightly decrease the bleeding damage, but make it occur faster. Currently even 19 seconds bleeds are not uncommon and very impractical in pvp or WvWvW (the condition gets removed before it takes full effect). Slightly increase the direct damage. Sword is extremely weak against objects (immune to bleed) and targets, which can cure/remove condition fast. Currently offhand sword does only condition damage. It could do a little less condition damage, but more direct damage

killshot * reduce damage by 20%, reduce skill activation time to 1.25 s. Currently kill shot can do huge damage, but it is extremely easy to dodge due so long activation time

Shield stance – reduce cooldown to 25 seconds

arcing arrow – increase range to 1200 (without trait), currently flies so slowly, so it is easy to dodge

Deniara / Ayna

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nier.2478


Hammer – Blind Immunity on burst. Face it, it doesn’t make sense for Earth Shaker to miss at such a large radius or point blank range. And the fact that it already gets screwed over by random Aegis and Stability doesn’t justify making it easier to counter with blind.

Long Bow – 1200 Range baseline

Axe – Eviscerate has either of the two following changes:

1.) Increased range + smoother casting time
2.) 100% critical chance

Shield – Shield Stance grants stability for the duration of block. Stability disappears when blocking stance is cancelled.

Off-hand Axe:

1.) Whirling Axe damage is increased by 100%, cool down is increased to 30 seconds.
2.) Animation is changed into something flashy like..

Pay attention to the dual wielding Axe character. Old and clunky video I know, but its better than having a ballerina animation for Whirling Axe. Would make the off-hand axe more attractive if it happens.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: KazNaka.4718


I want flashier attack animations! Right now it looks really weak (move sword to the left, move to the right, then thrust….WEAK)
Off-Hand Sword
I want skill 5 to have a faster response time! Right now if I use it during certain parts of skill 1’s chain, it would have a delay before actually blocking.

I would like to see a huge revamp/fix on weapon skill delays, like using Hundred Blades right after skill 1’s 2nd chain for example…or fix the kitten dodge glitch already!!

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


killshot * reduce damage by 20%, reduce skill activation time to 1.25 s. Currently kill shot can do huge damage, but it is extremely easy to dodge due so long activation time

I really doubt making it cast ~slightly~ faster is going to help with it’s flagrantly obvious animation. Personally I’d rather keep the damage and cast time as-is and use it as and initiator where nobody notices me.

Main-hand Sword
final thrust – do 10% less damage normally and additional 20% damage if the target is under 50% health

General changes to one handed sword: slightly decrease the bleeding damage, but make it occur faster. Currently even 19 seconds bleeds are not uncommon and very impractical in pvp or WvWvW (the condition gets removed before it takes full effect). Slightly increase the direct damage. Sword is extremely weak against objects (immune to bleed) and targets, which can cure/remove condition fast. Currently offhand sword does only condition damage. It could do a little less condition damage, but more direct damage

Final Thrust being changed like that seems really redundant. It’d be much better if it was +30% damage if the target was under 50% health. It does no bleed and Sword’s zerker-stats dps falls far behind axe/GS anyway.

As for the bleed changes, a massive issue (that is not directly related to warr) is that “increasing the speed at which bleeds happen” means more stacks of bleed over a shorter duration, which leads to hitting the 25 bleed cap way faster.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


warrior is the only class i’ve played where there’s been > 1 decent weapon option that didn’t have some braindead drawback.

the only thing i’d change is MH axe could use a gap closer/leap as #3.

downed state is bad for PVP

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


The only part of warrior I enjoy is the fact I have -one- good thing whilst not being able to do utility or properly tank. If you don’t give us a HUGE survivability increase, you shouldn’t take away the only thing that allows us to live, -ok- dps. Colin already stated that we are at a disadvantage. Deal with it.

I’m quite confused as to what you mean here. Are you saying that:

1) You are ok with greatsword being the only truly “good” weapon in the warrior’s repertoire

2) You think that the greatsword’s huge burst deeps is the only thing that keeps you as a warrior alive as you kill enemies before they manage to kill you

3) And that it is somehow okay that as a class on a whole we are at a disadvantage compared to other classes?

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mikhail.4961


You know, I’d also change the burst skill of the MH sword. Flurry isn’t good – that’s a fact: it roots you into place for its duration and has a very short range. The damage isn’t much to cheer for either. I’d suggest changing it to a Death Blossom-y kind of attack, where you spin through the air, slicing up foes along the way. This would provide a) a non-rooted burst, b) something on par with the other weapons’ bursts which are actually useful and c) a reason to use the sword.

Wait, it’s almost only good for pvp and wvw? But… Isn’t that all we care about, pvp and wvw??? I dunno if you have played with a hammer, but it definitely isn’t “poor”. Also the hammer trait is perfect in the defence tree… /facepalm

You might care more about PvP and WvW, but a weapon should be viable in all fields, not just one (and let’s be honest, WvWvW is sitting on a wall with an arrow cart or running in a zerg). I’ve played extensively with a hammer in PvE and found that while it is very useful for control, this control does not make up for the gap in DPS. Why is it perfect in the defence tree?

Sword needs buffing to the level of g/s via having the forceful greatsword trait apply to it as well. This would encourage other builds to counter kiting and get some people off of greatsword occasionally.

Damage isn’t king in this game, utility is. Proper sword would add to this in spades.

I like this idea… a lot, actually. If we could replace the inherent bleeds of the sword with… I don’t know, Vulnerability (obviously not too many, considering it’s attack speed), this could really be something.

Any class is easy to play, but not as easy to master. So sod off, warrior-haters.

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Forceful Greatsword should just be renamed Forceful and be made to work with all our weapons.

It would unlock a lot more options.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mattidore.3482


You know, I’d also change the burst skill of the MH sword. Flurry isn’t good – that’s a fact: it roots you into place for its duration and has a very short range. The damage isn’t much to cheer for either. I’d suggest changing it to a Death Blossom-y kind of attack, where you spin through the air, slicing up foes along the way. This would provide a) a non-rooted burst, b) something on par with the other weapons’ bursts which are actually useful and c) a reason to use the sword.

Wait, it’s almost only good for pvp and wvw? But… Isn’t that all we care about, pvp and wvw??? I dunno if you have played with a hammer, but it definitely isn’t “poor”. Also the hammer trait is perfect in the defence tree… /facepalm

You might care more about PvP and WvW, but a weapon should be viable in all fields, not just one (and let’s be honest, WvWvW is sitting on a wall with an arrow cart or running in a zerg). I’ve played extensively with a hammer in PvE and found that while it is very useful for control, this control does not make up for the gap in DPS. Why is it perfect in the defence tree?

I think pretty much everyone cares more about pvp since pve only affects you and you only. Why does hammer need dps? Do all weapons need the same ttk? Because its really not that much slower than gs or axe

And it’s perfect in the defence tree because it gives you dmg and cdr and Stijl, allows to be tanky, instead of being stupidly forced to put 20 traits into precision and be a gc

How would YOU change our weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


The Hammer needs

1) Blast finisher on auto attack. You know it makes sense!
2) Way faster and smoother animations.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?