@ Hugh
if warrior dont get good burst potential and reliable damage application and cool stuff for specialization then im going to play reaper or hammer engii both seems more warrior then warrior with more useful offensive skills.
The devs actually do NOT know what their doing or what they are talking about and it has been that way since launch.
I don’t understand how “Warrior” is a newbie class when a newbie will do just as well on a medi-guard or a ranger tbh. The logic is just absolute fail to be honest considering “Shoutbow” is the only easy thing right now.
Like the moron bases his opinion on “shoutbow” but that’s not the only build that works tbh once you get more “advanced.” Look at Tarcis giving abjured a fight with the GS + Hammer Rampage build for example.
Hugh and any of the devs would get destroyed and come crying back to their instant cast Medi-guard if they ever dared to play DPS Warrior considering the devs are kinda like low skill cap players pretty much.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager
(edited by BlackTruth.6813)
Are you guys just being sarcastic or warriors are truely useless besides shoutbow?
Really cant take another rift where literally olny 1 build is useful.
I made a warrior and already used 800 gems on him
Shoutbows gonna get buffed with the specialization patch. They already pushed condition heavy builds out of the meta with the current iteration of shoutbow, when the patch hits, it’s gonna be silly.
Warrior is for everyone a good class. Easy to handle. In most situations strong. Excellent damage, speed and adequate protection. Always take a meta build
There’s no denying it’s an entry level Class. Just about any Warrior type in any game is. Its concept is basic, mechanics are basic, its playstyle and damage are direct. Is that a bad thing? That’s entirely up to you. I wouldn’t take that dev’s word as gospel, even if he does work on the game because it’s his opinion. And we all know everyone’s got one of those.
If War is for noobs, where does that leave pet classes?
I suppose banners are pets, though. Maybe Mickey can make banners dance and carry water.
Warrior generally is considered a newbie class simply because its easy. Why is it easy? Because it has so much passive stuff – heavy armor, high healing + immunities (moreless passive) → even unexperienced players can be successful if their opponents arent too good
As a warrior you want to be a hard hitting class… but in order to be such a class with high dmg you need to implement counterplay
for example a thief is squishy and requires stealth for burst
for example a fresh air ele is squishy and after the burst you dont deal too much dmg
the counterplay for warriors is animations
thats the reason why warrior is considered a newbie class: at low skill tier people dont evade your burst and you still have so much passive stuff so warrior can seem god mode
as soon as youre playing against players with more skill though, warrior’s effectiveness decreases consinstently, given the frequent dodgeing/avoiding of your important skills
therefore warrior has a low skill cap and it doesnt sky rocket as much as for other classes, you can of course play mind games with for example pin down and cancel the animation right before it shoots so that you bait dodges – so there’s still a learning curve but not as much as for other classes
at high skill tiers warrior (not really talking about shoutbow because that doesnt totally rely on a few skills for dmg) doesnt really rely so much on your skill but on the one of your opponent and what makes you win against good players are their mistakes and your sustain
i dont think warrior is underpowered, its just the counterplay (that has to be added to any class) is skill
[and therefore also lots of dodges as you need them to avoid warrior’s important attacks, if you get outsustained by one, dont have any cooldowns left and kitten up one dodge/dont have any dodges left you’re most likely dead]
(edited by Tarkan.5609)
I quit my warrior because it was too straight forward.
They are extremely easy to play on an avrage level, but to push your skill above that you require quite a bit due to enemies easily reading and predicting those über telegraphed attacks.
So below the actually great warrior players out there, there is a huge gap.
However i play WvW and not PvP mainly, thats also where i duel the most.
Out of all the duels ive and witnessed with friends and foes i must say that those “pro” warriors are extremely hard to beat. Not because they play an “easy” profession, its because they have almost reached perfection.
Warrior is a very easy professional to play on an avrage level.
But Warrior require alot to be great due to being typically “predictable” and telegraphed.
My point of view is from a Thief, Engineer and Necromancers perspective.
Theorycrafter & trickster.
Friend, father & lover!
i like the fact that warrior is not that OP anymore because of the patches. kind of pushes away bad players and actually helps improve current warriors who are dedicated to the class
i currently main warrior not because its easy, but because i cant see myself playing another class as much as i love the warrior profession
because i can’t see myself playing another class as much as i love the warrior profession
Amen to that.
Shoutbow? Never heard that :o
Okay, just to say, I never used shoutbow build, though I use bow, but not with shouts.
As second weapon set I use mace/shield which is pretty good for controlling enemy. I would say that in PvP it´s pretty good, so far I have only problems with mesmer and sometimes engineer, but other classes aren´t that hard to take down for me.
Warriors is not for newbies, its only easy to learn, not more. But at the end, only a skilled player can bring his full power, like in all other classes.
Lmao Anet still thinks that Necro is the strongest class, please don’t listen to them. Imb: Next balance patch Necro will have most nerfs.
Warrior is indeed an easy class to play in all game modes pve, spvp and wvw.
Main reasons for that:
-high base hp
-high base armor
-passive healing (signet)
-only 1 button for class mechanic
-insta cast shouts and stances make it impossible to interrupt the utilities
-5s weapon swap cooldown
GS builds are going to be amazing after the basic specialization patch… We get like all the damage and GS traits in one spec rather than having to sacrifice or choose one over the other.
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”
SHOUTBOW* is indeed an easy class to play in all game modes pve, spvp and wvw.
Main reasons for that:
-high base hp
-high base armor
-passive healing (signet)
-only 1 button for class mechanic
-insta cast shouts and stances make it impossible to interrupt the utilities
-5s weapon swap cooldown
Fixt for accuracy. Pick up a GS and get cheesed on by most other classes before you even get in melee range then tell me warrior is easy.
And having fun walking through 8 miles of AOE to even get to your target.
Which is the main reason all warriors are using longbow now. They’re joining the cheeseteam like all the other classes.
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”
SHOUTBOW* is indeed an easy class to play in all game modes pve, spvp and wvw.
Main reasons for that:
-high base hp
-high base armor
-passive healing (signet)
-only 1 button for class mechanic
-insta cast shouts and stances make it impossible to interrupt the utilities
-5s weapon swap cooldownFixt for accuracy. Pick up a GS and get cheesed on by most other classes before you even get in melee range then tell me warrior is easy.
And having fun walking through 8 miles of AOE to even get to your target.
Which is the main reason all warriors are using longbow now. They’re joining the cheeseteam like all the other classes.
I agree with GS warrior that’s when players actually have to learn to dodge jump aoe crap when slowed. I actually learned to become a better player by playing gs.
If War is for noobs, where does that leave pet classes?
I suppose banners are pets, though. Maybe Mickey can make banners dance and carry water.
A shoutbow Warrior saying ranger is easier to play in PVP
Too bad we can’t just spam f1 LB to auto hit everyone, and actually benefits for playing bad. (Being hits give adrenaline for CI, which every warriors and their mom brings it), and use all the heals and cleanse to off-set all the “mistakes” of being hits, (Yeah, being hit actually grant you chances for more cleanse and more damage from LB F1)
Post patch you guys are getting free 50% up-time passive retaliation as minor trait! Just more reward for playing bad and get hit!
(edited by Toxsa.2701)
If War is for noobs, where does that leave pet classes?
I suppose banners are pets, though. Maybe Mickey can make banners dance and carry water.
A shoutbow Warrior saying ranger is easier to play in PVP
Funny.Too bad we can’t just spam f1 LB to auto hit everyone, and actually benefits for playing bad. (Being hits give adrenaline for CI, which every warriors and their mom brings it), and use all the heals and cleanse to off-set all the “mistakes” of being hits, (Yeah, being hit actually grant you chances for more cleanse and more damage from LB F1)
Post patch you guys are getting free 50% up-time passive retaliation as minor trait! Just more reward for playing bad and get hit!
Did you even read what rangers get (merged together or made baseline).. If so you wouldnt complain here.
And besides the 50% retal (retal dmg issnt that great in pvp/wvw) we do lose the 10% toughness to power trait…
Also to reply on your: Spam f1 + CI, burst skills still have a cooldown nomather how fast adrenaline you get.
Sorry but you as a ranger have no right to qq about warrior..
Going back at topic > i made this topic saying Anet thinks this class should be a newbie class, all warrior gets is allot of passive stuff but any decent player knows how to counter a warrior, while it feels great warr get this passive stuff (and all bad players qq about it ofc) its just makes the warrior less skill but that comes with the cost of less good at higher lvl.
lols. that guy is the one whom QQ about ranger first, despite it’s a lowly class nowhere close to the almighty Warrior of the Meta-Trio. And saying retaliation doesn’t do much damage in WvW is just plain joke lol. The meta-king of WvW, the almighty warrior are so used to being #1, so they don’t know they get many things for granted Post patch, there’s no need of stacking in WvW anymore too. Just the present of a bunch of Warriors can kill people, because they’d all trait for defense and getting free retaliation without any effort.
As for PVP, Warrior is the only class that are rewarded for bad game-play of passive defense and passive healing . All other classes rely on active defense to avoid getting hit, while Warriors are rewarded for getting hit, and use passive healing to off-set those damages. That’s the whole reason why Shout-bow Warrior is one of the easiest build to learn, and one of the most noob-friendly profession. You really cannot deny that, nor can you compare it with a zerk class like ranger, which does not allow any margin of error of being hit.
For the LB F1, I know the CD is 8 seconds when you go for the common 4 in last line.
And guess what, the field lasts for 9 seconds And the more you get hit, the faster you can use that F1 again
And yes I do read every single classes’ change, and Warrior probably have the best changes so far, along with thief, with all the lackluster traits buffed and merged, while the strongest defense line buffed even more. Also Warrior, unlike Guardian and mesmer who rely on 4~5 traitlines, actually benefits the most from choosing just 3 full trait lines because they trait that way anyway. The new trait system actually hurts Mesmer and Guardian alot, because it destroys many of their most common meta builds.
(edited by Toxsa.2701)
To the one above me:
If War is for noobs, where does that leave pet classes?
I suppose banners are pets, though. Maybe Mickey can make banners dance and carry water.
You’re the one who didn’t read the entire posts.
I was responding to him, and he’s the one who brought up the Warrior: Ranger comparison first.
Wait did he say shoutbow is noobfriendly in pve?He must be talking about solo openworld events cause anything else its banners+ PA or axe/mace GS max vulnerability.