Hundred Blade reflecting projectiles
15 Chars
To make greatsword even better obviously
Not like it’s already the best weapon for spike, mobility and damage avoidance.
Stupid Idea.
/15 chars
Are you trolling?
To make greatsword even better obviously
Not like it’s already the best weapon for spike, mobility and damage avoidance.
The greatsword needs to become a LOT better.
Like hell it’s good for spike in any form of pvp. Mobility is good, damage avoidance is ok (mostly because of the mobility, so that’s giving credit twice for the same thing).
This suggestion is a bit OP though, especially in the PvE department.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
F1 skill and number 5 skill need to be improved or changed.
Only the N1 and N3 skill are good actually.
N2 is a PvE move. In pretty much any PvP setting other then a gankfest it has no decent use. In higher level Fractals it becomes mediocre as well, as the last hit does the biggest damage, and you will often interrupt it before that (or die).
N4 could be good, but the projectile needs to move at least twice as fast. As it is, it’s probably the most easily avoidable move in the entire game…..
….Matched only by GS N5… This skill has such bad pathing and a clunky animation, I don’t remember every hitting anybody that wasn’t standing still. As is, you can only use it to get away (it is good at that, sure).
Don’t start about the F1 please. Please.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
I don’t mind the idea, and would be an interesting thought for how and when to use HB.
Sounds kinda OP though.
My Longbow tPvP Guide: (out of date)
To make greatsword even better obviously
Not like it’s already the best weapon for spike, mobility and damage avoidance.
That’s like being the smartest guy who works at (insent random non offensive fast food job).
To make greatsword even better obviously
Not like it’s already the best weapon for spike, mobility and damage avoidance.
That’s like being the smartest guy who works at (insent random non offensive fast food job).
Well, sadly, yes. But untill they perform some kind of miraculous magic that made at least 70% of warrior weapons on the same tier as greatsword I’d refrain from buffing any part of it so as not to shoehorn warriors into using it any more than they already are.
heck, just give 1 sec daze on hb lol
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
Not quite sure why it doesn’t have some kind of combo field thing like axe 5
Yeah, lets make greatsword even better, who cares about all those other weapons nobody uses.
I sincerely hope this ‘Greatsword Only’ attitude is being purely directed at PvE, if not then… I’ve truly lost all faith in the Warrior community.
A Greatsword warrior is a free kill, I thought this was common knowledge by this point?
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
I sincerely hope this ‘Greatsword Only’ attitude is being purely directed at PvE, if not then… I’ve truly lost all faith in the Warrior community.
A Greatsword warrior is a free kill, I thought this was common knowledge by this point?
Say that, to this guy:
Some people like to play the warrior like a warrior and go melee not staying in the back of their team spaming arrows or gun shots.
I sincerely hope this ‘Greatsword Only’ attitude is being purely directed at PvE, if not then… I’ve truly lost all faith in the Warrior community.
A Greatsword warrior is a free kill, I thought this was common knowledge by this point?
Wrong, a Frenzy-bullsrush-100b warrior is a “free kill”. There are still plenty of good reasons to be using a greatsword in pvp, in order:
- Best mobility (distance covering)
- Evade on a 10s cooldown with high damage (Whirlwind)
- Pressure damage (100b)
- Downed state “finisher” substitute that damages in a cone, preventing resses
etc etc
It’s still a good weapon.
change 100 blades to a mobile skill will be better ,useful in pvp and wvw ,too, not just in cof anet can keep the name , just change the animation
No reason for it, the warrior got a lot of love needs, but they aren’t in buffing 100B. Jesus why every single warrior thread is about 100b? I swear community seems to be even more kittened than the devs themselves.
No reason for it, the warrior got a lot of love needs, but they aren’t in buffing 100B. Jesus why every single warrior thread is about 100b? I swear community seems to be even more kittened than the devs themselves.
Cuz its a bad skill that needs a rework, thats your answer, now keep moving.
Kinda looks like you took my idea from this thread I started except you replaced Whirling Axe, a skill that thieves can steal and already use as a projectile reflect. That would be a big fix and a balance buff.
This idea on the other hand is just a plain buff to an already powerful weapon, and where my thread got unanimous support yours has gotten none. There would be no point in buffing greatsword further. End of discussion.
From what i’ve heard, 100b is actually getting a 20-40% damage nerf. Rightly so as well. Its been holding this profession back far too long.
I’d support hundred blades getting a projectile relfect hell outside of tank and spank pve fight hundred blades has zero uses. Hundred Blades is a horribly designed skill.
I’d support hundred blades getting a projectile relfect hell outside of tank and spank pve fight hundred blades has zero uses. Hundred Blades is a horribly designed skill.
From what i’ve heard its getting its damaged cut down a good chunk so other classes have a chance in PvE
From what i’ve heard, 100b is actually getting a 20-40% damage nerf. Rightly so as well. Its been holding this profession back far too long.
So… they are nerfing the damage of a skill that is already bad because everyone can evade it, so now if you ever hit 3 hits of 100 blades you are going to be dealing even less damage… in the meantime we have thieves bursting to death from the shadows and other professions that have better offensive skill that dont need to use a CC in order to land.
Seems FAIR!!!
From what i’ve heard, 100b is actually getting a 20-40% damage nerf. Rightly so as well. Its been holding this profession back far too long.
Are you serious? i got 6 ascended berserker trinkets on my warrior and i don’t like this at all. guess its time to reroll.
Its probably getting a 20-40% Damage nerf, but probably becoming fully mobile and a 75% faster channel.
(I know for sure its getting a faster channel.)
From what i’ve heard, 100b is actually getting a 20-40% damage nerf. Rightly so as well. Its been holding this profession back far too long.
Are you serious? i got 6 ascended berserker trinkets on my warrior and i don’t like this at all. guess its time to reroll.
lol you would seriously reroll over a damage nerf to 100 blades? lol of all the things that’s hilarious if true and not sarcasm?
Its probably getting a 20-40% Damage nerf, but probably becoming fully mobile and a 75% faster channel.
(I know for sure its getting a faster channel.)
I hope, really hope they dont make it an useless skill… but i really on to the movile thing, i just hopoe the reworked version its better, ill guess i have to trust them, and about faster, i think a lot of warrior skill could use a speed up, like a bunch, right now its like we are posting on the common chat what is going to be our next move… like “hey im going to use 100b now, here comes an Earth shaker… now i will use hamer 3!, now wait… here comes…. right now… it really is coming…. hamer 5! or rifle killshot if you want.”
it’s like playing in slow motion we’re in the matrix!
That is exactly why its getting nerfed, its playstyle simply trumps everything else in pvp/pve. (its a horrible playstyle), but when mobs stand still its just extremely stupid to have it holding back an entire class, just because it just trumps everything else. Other classes deserve a spot in PvE as well, Warriors will have there spot too still, it just won’t be tied to one thing.
This is what i’m speculating:
Hundred Blades (Channel: 1 second.) (It was 3¾)
Repeatedly strike multiple foes. The last strike does extra damage. Allows you to move at reduced speed.
Damage (8x): 1,224
Final strike damage: 306
Range: 200
1. Even if they make it mobile, ppl still be able to walk out of it easily
2. Any nerf to hb damage will result in lower dmg output than regular hits making it not worth at all, unless naturally they speed up animation to make up for dmg nerf
3. Its should be moved to f1 and immo ur target like sword does (also autoface)
ohh god no not another flurry please no
They could also be switching Hundred Blades/Arcing Slice. Would make it a lot more aesthetically pleasing and make since since Hundred Blades is more of the bursty skill.
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
Doesn’t Arcing Slice’s animation suck it’s like a weird over the head fly swat?
It looks kind cool if its spec up. However the problem with it is you hold it in the air way too long.
hmm just used it it’s not as bad a animation as I remember it.
hmm just used it it’s not as bad a animation as I remember it.
2 Arcing Slice (Activation time: ½) (Recharge Time: 6 seconds.)
Strike your foe with an unblockable uppercut and gain Might.
Damage: 1,251
3 Might: 10 s
Range: 160
This is honestly what I would change 2 too, then move hundred blades to the burst skill. It would make the great sword much better for pvp, while reducing it in pve where its required.
It allows for much more aggressive game play as well.
I sincerely hope this ‘Greatsword Only’ attitude is being purely directed at PvE, if not then… I’ve truly lost all faith in the Warrior community.
A Greatsword warrior is a free kill, I thought this was common knowledge by this point?Say that, to this guy:
Some people like to play the warrior like a warrior and go melee not staying in the back of their team spaming arrows or gun shots.
Because Greatsword is our only melee weapon…
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
I sincerely hope this ‘Greatsword Only’ attitude is being purely directed at PvE, if not then… I’ve truly lost all faith in the Warrior community.
A Greatsword warrior is a free kill, I thought this was common knowledge by this point?Say that, to this guy:
Some people like to play the warrior like a warrior and go melee not staying in the back of their team spaming arrows or gun shots.
Because Greatsword is our only melee weapon…
You had a lot of time to get a far better answer and you come with this… you dissapointed me.
I sincerely hope this ‘Greatsword Only’ attitude is being purely directed at PvE, if not then… I’ve truly lost all faith in the Warrior community.
A Greatsword warrior is a free kill, I thought this was common knowledge by this point?Say that, to this guy:
Some people like to play the warrior like a warrior and go melee not staying in the back of their team spaming arrows or gun shots.
Because Greatsword is our only melee weapon…
/facepalmYou had a lot of time to get a far better answer and you come with this… you dissapointed me.
I run axe/axe and close-quarters longbow. I approve of Dolan’s statement.
I do hope main hand and off hand axe gets some love.
Especially the second mainhand axe skill is lackluster, and is only useful for stacking
vulnerability along with offhand mace. I never, ever use axe 2..
I love my axe/warhorn + longbow sylvari warden, but I really wish they’d improve
axe 2. It does less damage than a single normal hit from the auto attack, and is far too
short to be much use as a whirl finisher.
I’d love for it to be a parry with counter attack, or a 1/4 second daze, just to interrupt
an enemy charge up. Or maybe a 1/2 second short knockdown uppercut.
I’d pick a sword instead, but the damage is way, way lower and no sword traits I can
reach with my build.
But to be honest I never tried sword, is there any way for sword to be useful as main
damage source with power/precision/critdamage?
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
I sincerely hope this ‘Greatsword Only’ attitude is being purely directed at PvE, if not then… I’ve truly lost all faith in the Warrior community.
A Greatsword warrior is a free kill, I thought this was common knowledge by this point?Say that, to this guy:
Some people like to play the warrior like a warrior and go melee not staying in the back of their team spaming arrows or gun shots.
Because Greatsword is our only melee weapon…
/facepalmYou had a lot of time to get a far better answer and you come with this… you dissapointed me.
I run axe/axe and close-quarters longbow. I approve of Dolan’s statement.
OMG you approve it! , this is BIG… this uknown guy approves it… THIS IS kittenING SERIOUS!
Jokes aside…
So you are telling me you agreed with the actitude that we should ignore Great Sword problems, just because we have another weapons at our dispossal?, because this is what this guy its preaching and its really stupid, it like saying, “oh whatever we should not care about 1 of our children we have another one, he can die”…
So before you “approve” with the authority of “no one cares” you should study well what are you talking about.
Ranger : good dps, while dodging running, cripple…
Guardian: dps ok, strong healing , good surv. ( blind invuln.)
Thief: strong dps , strong surv.
mage: good dps , strong healing, good surv.
mesmer : no comment
necromancer : good cond / dps, while dodging running, cripple fear etc
enginer: same to necro
WARRIOR : good toughness+ vita / high dps, weak healing and surv.
we can clearly see that good toughness and life doesnt matter if you CANT really deal CONSTANTLY dps to your oppenent.
> toughness + life < survive
why shouldnt get gs hb a buff or even other weapons?
thiefs also deal high… said i high? dps while he has good mobility and surv.
In PvE it wouldn’t be bad to see this nerf happening, when a certain dungeon is preferably ran by one specific class AND build you know something is not quite right. But i don’t know about PvP though.
(edited by Retsuko.2035)
Fixing the Warrior won’t be accomplished by improving Hundred Blades.
Hundred Blades = Crutches
Fixing the Warrior won’t be accomplished by improving Hundred Blades.
No one stated this argument sir.
Good idea. Extend it to other channeled skills too. Then make all leaps/charges evade and warrior is fixed in a good warriorish way.
I sincerely hope this ‘Greatsword Only’ attitude is being purely directed at PvE, if not then… I’ve truly lost all faith in the Warrior community.
A Greatsword warrior is a free kill, I thought this was common knowledge by this point?Say that, to this guy:
Some people like to play the warrior like a warrior and go melee not staying in the back of their team spaming arrows or gun shots.
Because Greatsword is our only melee weapon…
/facepalmYou had a lot of time to get a far better answer and you come with this… you dissapointed me.
I run axe/axe and close-quarters longbow. I approve of Dolan’s statement.
OMG you approve it! , this is BIG… this uknown guy approves it… THIS IS kittenING SERIOUS!
Jokes aside…
So you are telling me you agreed with the actitude that we should ignore Great Sword problems, just because we have another weapons at our dispossal?, because this is what this guy its preaching and its really stupid, it like saying, “oh whatever we should not care about 1 of our children we have another one, he can die”…
So before you “approve” with the authority of “no one cares” you should study well what are you talking about.
If my child were a greatsword warrior I’d totally let him die. No doubts about it. He wouldn’t even be my son at that point. Sorry to say, but I really loath greatsword warriors.