Hybrid Warriors

Hybrid Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


Hi guys
So I started upan Warrior recently, it’s for a future project with my guild and for long time that I want to have one so I decided this was a good time to do it. The thing is most Warrior’s go with the setup of full Zerker’s and High Damage (really high) but I don’t like that style of playing Warrior all that much, it’s useful in PvE but for WvW not so much and I do a lot of WvW. So i’ve been serching and found 2 build on Youtube that really got my attention

First one is AcidSnake87 Stand Tall build, here is the link:

And the second one is Dontain Heavy Arms build, here is the link:

For those who doesn’t want to see the all videos here is link with the build’s

Stand Tall: http://gw2buildcraft.com/calculator/warrior/?8.0|1.1n.h17|4.1g.h2|1n.a7.1n.a7.1n.a7.1n.a7.1n.a7.1n.a7|1c.61.1c.61.1c.61.1c.61.1c.61.1c.61|k59.p5a.a3.0.f6|0.0|5y.69.6d.6i.6m|e

Note: It’s not exactly 100% like it’s in the video but if I would go with this build right now that would problably be my setup

Heavy Arms: http://gw2buildcraft.com/calculator/warrior/?8.0|1.1c.h4|c.1c.h2.g.1c.h8|1c.7x.1c.7x.1c.7x.1c.7x.1c.7x.1c.7x|1n.64.1n.64.1n.64.1n.64.1n.64.2u.e13|k59.0.k38.u68c.0|0.0||e

Note: Again this is a bit diferent, thiis is what I would use if I got the build today

So after these two build, which would you recomend for PvE and WvW? Is any of these two good for that propose? Do you recomend other setup’s?
From these two I think I would like more the Heavy Arms build but I really need to try both to know.

Hope you can help

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

Hybrid Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Tyrion.4259


It depends on what you want to do in WvW. Solo? Zerg it? Skirmish?

For example, if you want to solo and still have some survivability I would suggest scrapping both of those builds and slotting Melandru runes, equip knights gear with some berserker (maybe weapons only) and speccing 20 in defense for dogged march and last stand and eat some lemongrass food. This isn’t new or anything; some great people suggest this I am just the messenger.

That way you push 3k armor, conditions roll off you, and you can pack a decent punch because your precision is good.

10/30/20/0/10 or 10/25/30/0/15. Greatsword would be optimal and whatever secondary set you want. If you go with shield then pick up an axe if you want to solo or small skirmish because damage is greater than utility iimo in these situations. And switch out vulnerability trait in arms and get the 50% increase crit chance on stun. Me, I carry a longbow so I go with vulnerability.

Gun doesn’t truly cut it solo or skirmishing but it rocks in zerg play.

If zerg the heavy arms build is in line with it if you go with a hammer. Honestly, if I went with a soldiers build with little to no crit the ONLY way I would justify it is by wielding a hammer to bring CC to the table. No burst and little chance of crit means you are designed to impair and control and support. You won’t kill anything with that spec. The alternative is to try and offset with utilities to increase crit percentage and runes on weapons / gear and spec in the discipline tree to increase crit damage. Then you can muster it.

If I was going to go the high vitality toughness build with little to no crit this is how I’d go about it – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIAQNAS3ejcOxuxQCPMxBA0jq4aLThiUParu4A-jUyAYMBZKCAJCiQAn9KiGbFsIasKGM1JRUt/oIa1yAwsAA-w

I woudn’t shout it up; instead I’d burst it up to offset the lack of damage (albeit small burst it will make a difference). This is a mix of soldiers and knights gear. This is me though and it fits my play style. I couldn’t stand hitting like a wet noodle. If I was a commander then yea I’d do it.

Hybrid Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


Well i’m not to convinced about hammer, what I really wanted is GS, nit that I don’t like hammers, but I just love swords
I forgot about that but in WvW I’ll play in Zerg, then I’ve I want a change I’ll look for it but for now it’s Zerg

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

Hybrid Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Tyrion.4259


Ok, well I am working on a Hammer/Greatsword build with Leg Specialist. I like it because when on a keep you can switch out the hammer for a longbow to range it up and switch out leg specialist for stronger bowstrings. Works out well in that regard. I am on the fence on whether to get Sweet Revenge or Signet Mastery.

Here’s the deal – it finds critical chance by wearing knights gear – which I like personally anyway – so low vitality – not a FRONT line engager but a mid tier one and a solo skirmisher built together. This build is in no shape or form my original. It’s used by many I am sure of it – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIAQJASRjcOJvxOyQMRCE0DNML4CThiQpoNujUBxA-jEzAYrAl8UYTgCaVwioxqYwUnK1KXANMk9GwgD5Nw8HK1yAwsAA-w

The key element is Leg Specialist. That means that the quick skill swing of Hammer Shock and the Bladetrail greatsword throw both immobilize your target. That’s huge. You can switch from hammer to greatsword even after one of these to land a 100blades. I picked up bulls charge as well for a gap closer and another knock down chance.

Also because of the food choice, dogged march trait, and melandru or hoelbrak runes, you can free up a utility slot for something like either signet of rage for more precision since you aren’t specced in the Arms tree or something like Balanced Stance which gives you Last Stand’s Balance Stance automatic version and ANOTHER one when someone wants to knock you down or stun you.

(edited by Tyrion.4259)

Hybrid Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: dooger.2640


I was typically running a 10/30/0/0/30 burst build that is amazing other than suitability.

I used to always pop over to a 10/25/15/0/20 build to retain key offensive traits:
- Berserker power
- Attack of Opportunity
- Mobile strikes

while grabbing dogged march and adrenale health, its great but I do miss burst mastery for for popping over to axe to gib someone. To give up the huge burst damage of my previous build I expect more in terms of what I gain.

I have been experimenting with a build close to Tryion’s, but uses traited warhorn in offswap.


Its not quiet what I want, but the traited warhorn is really nice in group play.
Its pretty strong in many cases, I kinda would like to add some more pizzaz and crit. I will probably drop 15 points from defense and play around some more.

Hybrid Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Ok, well I am working on a Hammer/Greatsword build with Leg Specialist. I like it because when on a keep you can switch out the hammer for a longbow to range it up and switch out leg specialist for stronger bowstrings. Works out well in that regard. I am on the fence on whether to get Sweet Revenge or Signet Mastery.

Here’s the deal – it finds critical chance by wearing knights gear – which I like personally anyway – so low vitality – not a FRONT line engager but a mid tier one and a solo skirmisher built together. This build is in no shape or form my original. It’s used by many I am sure of it – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIAQJASRjcOJvxOyQMRCE0DNML4CThiQpoNujUBxA-jEzAYrAl8UYTgCaVwioxqYwUnK1KXANMk9GwgD5Nw8HK1yAwsAA-w

The key element is Leg Specialist. That means that the quick skill swing of Hammer Shock and the Bladetrail greatsword throw both immobilize your target. That’s huge. You can switch from hammer to greatsword even after one of these to land a 100blades. I picked up bulls charge as well for a gap closer and another knock down chance.

Also because of the food choice, dogged march trait, and melandru or hoelbrak runes, you can free up a utility slot for something like either signet of rage for more precision since you aren’t specced in the Arms tree or something like Balanced Stance which gives you Last Stand’s Balance Stance automatic version and ANOTHER one when someone wants to knock you down or stun you.

I think last stand shares a cd with balanced stance… so picking them both is of no use. I use endure pain or fear me instead.

Also, more crit damage, less chance.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Hybrid Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Opynn.2936


I think last stand shares a cd with balanced stance… so picking them both is of no use. I use endure pain or fear me instead.

Also, more crit damage, less chance.

Last Stand do not share cooldown with Balanced Stance. Using Balanced Stance utility do not put Last Stand into 90 sec cooldown. Using Last Stand do not put Balanced Stance in 40 sec cooldown. If you not sure please test like I did and dont spread misinformation.

Also less crit damge, more power and precision. Dev confirmed that at 50% crit damage precision become more important.

Opyrr[GoT] Warrior

Hybrid Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


First of all, I’m not spreading misinformation, that’s why I used the words ‘I think’.

Second of all, I have no interest in testing this because I’m not using both.

Third of all, you sure you’re taking perma fury and traits into account? I get 68% crit chance with stacks, fury and heightened focus. Just saying prec> crit damage from 50%crit damage is very narrow-minded without looking at other ways to increase crit chance.

And lastly, I stack crit damage so I have a chance to hit my opponent superhard and put real pressure on them. With more precision you might get better DPSECOND but higher spike is accomplished with crit damage.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.