I feel useless. AKA finding my role
Focus more on damage, it’s one of the warrior’s strongest sides and it’s a shame not to use it to it’s full potential. Nothing can beat warriors AoE direct damage and trash cleaning abilities. Since you already have designated supporter, your role should be killing mobs as fast as possible. Our another strong side is single target lockdown, so consider having mace+shield or hammer in your backpack, it’ll help you lock down dangerous targets and keep the party safe. Don’t play passively, hit hard and hit everything.
Offense before defense, so I would suggest rolling to pure glass. It improves your gameplay a lot, since you don’t have any room for errors and at the same time you’ll contribute in dps for two players basically. Have the ele worry about cleansing/keeping regen on you. I wouldn’t use juggernaut, since it’s useless imo. Use Signet of Rage for personal gain or banner for group buffs/static fights/clutch rezzes.
GS is still our best damage weapon, since it has a lot of utility built into it, longbow compliments it perfectly as an opener for big groups. Mace+shield is best for getting stacks of defiant off of mobs and to shut down squishy high damage targets, permaweakness helps in some situations also when you have to facetank stuff.
If you’re feeling useless or bored try switching weapons. I basically ran GS until my #2 key was broken. Now I’m trying high crit axe/mace with Bull’s Charge. Having two knockdowns (Bull’s Charge and mace #5 Tremor) is fun utility, and the super fast auto attacks of the axe with many stacks of vulnerability (axe #2 and mace #4) mean you do a lot of damage. It’s not as bursty as HB, but you can be more mobile and in longer boss fights it’s nice.
It sounds like tanking might not be your thing, but in that group a solid frontline might help? Using a mace/shield while trying to keep Weakness on all the enemies, and being mobile enough to stun important attacks, can be quite enjoyable.
Really though, what kind of style do you like? Try playing with other parties and see if there is a role you enjoy? Maybe ask for advice from your static group as they might see deficiencies or problems from the back that you don’t up front.