(edited by Daecollo.9578)
I love being a child class, since I need to hold everyone’s hand in pve/pvp to make myself effective!
Having little access to sustain or protection or anything to keep me in the fight is taking a toll on my gameplay, I can’t stand the blandness of adrenaline since nobody seems to use it ever. We have little to no healing options either, honestly we should have MORE healing then other classes due to having little to no condition removal.
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
I pictured my dog tilting his head and very confused. He’s pretty cute, so thank you for the mental image.
It apparently fits given the amount this community seems to cry.
I’ve been guilty of it myself at times, but do we really need threads with no other purpose?
It apparently fits given the amount this community seems to cry.
I’ve been guilty of it myself at times, but do we really need threads with no other purpose?
Having “Predictable” burst damage as our only power does take its toll, after awile it becomes unfun, especially after the omnomberry pie nerf. We have “no” sustain.
You should take a break from the game, or at least from Warriors. Changes won’t be made in a day, or even a month. Even if your deluge of thread ideas ever sparked an improvement for the devs, don’t expect it to come in a couple weeks later.
That said, I’m having fun with Rangers now. They aren’t the kittens people say they are and I hear they’re decently effective combatants in duels and have build variety for WvW.
Take a break, have fun with something else for a while…maybe you’ll see the silver lining of Warriors later.
If a warrior had easy access to protection, the bunker ones would be way to tanky. Nobody would even be able scratch them in 1on1 fights. I sometimes stand still ikittenerg fight just swinging my hammer everwhere, I don’t care about the damage because I have protection and regen. Give us those and you start kitten parties solo.
If a warrior had easy access to protection, the bunker ones would be way to tanky. Nobody would even be able scratch them in 1on1 fights. I sometimes stand still ikittenerg fight just swinging my hammer everwhere, I don’t care about the damage because I have protection and regen. Give us those and you start kitten parties solo.
Yes because we have lots of condition removal! This game was totally made for 1on1 fights
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
If a warrior had easy access to protection, the bunker ones would be way to tanky. Nobody would even be able scratch them in 1on1 fights. I sometimes stand still ikittenerg fight just swinging my hammer everwhere, I don’t care about the damage because I have protection and regen. Give us those and you start kitten parties solo.
Yes because we have lots of condition removal! This game was totally made for 1on1 fights
Well warriors are beasts in WvW, they are good in 1on1 fights. The only problem they have is that they not really fit in any role in the sPvP meta. That is why everyone is complaining. Give them protection and they become gods in WvW and are unbeatable in 1on1. Does it solve the sPvP problem? No, because you can just pair him with a guardian if that was the only thing he is missing.
Warrior doesn’t need protection, Anet chose not too and gave them a big health pool in return. You can’t have it all.
If a warrior had easy access to protection, the bunker ones would be way to tanky. Nobody would even be able scratch them in 1on1 fights.
So guardians, then.
If a warrior had easy access to protection, the bunker ones would be way to tanky. Nobody would even be able scratch them in 1on1 fights.
So guardians, then.
Well, Guardians have much more condition removal. Also the ability to turns bad conditions into boons. Also passive condition removal. Also amazing low level traits. Also much more healing. Also better boons. Also more dodges.
They also have a lot more combat movement in there attacks too, that is always important, they are much more mobile when it comes to there damage. They also have access to a lot of blinds as well.
If a warrior had easy access to protection, the bunker ones would be way to tanky. Nobody would even be able scratch them in 1on1 fights.
So guardians, then.
Guardians have 16k health on average, so % wise they need the protection to not die too quickly. I got a geared guardian now, still learning how to play him because I craft lvled him. And I can say I like my warrior way more. But I got to be honest and I can’t compare a class I played for 100s of hours with one I only played for +-20 hours.
But the decision of Anet to not give warriors protection just seems logical to me.
I’d rather have 33% damage reduction. Since, you know, that’s huge. The amount of defense it gives them is overkill. Hopefully boon hate and similar mechanics will shift us away from this brainless bunker meta we have going.
Well, Guardians have much more condition removal. Also the ability to turns bad conditions into boons. Also passive condition removal. Also amazing low level traits. Also much more healing. Also better boons. Also more dodges.
They also have a lot more combat movement in there attacks too, that is always important, they are much more mobile when it comes to there damage. They also have access to a lot of blinds as well.
True. True. True. Dunno about that… True. True. Lolwut? Guardians have zero endurance regenerating skills or traits: Warriors have SoS and Building Momentum – 33% regen and half a bar on burst skill. We can go from zero to (hero) full in a matter of seconds, so no, Guardians do NOT have more dodges (which is another reason they got Protection and Aegis: they’re not very mobile).
Hm… I’ll admit that some of our weapons are basically stand-here-and-smash, but the GS, MH sword, rifle (optimal for kiting) and Hammer all favour movement.
Well, Guardians have much more condition removal. Also the ability to turns bad conditions into boons. Also passive condition removal. Also amazing low level traits. Also much more healing. Also better boons. Also more dodges.
They also have a lot more combat movement in there attacks too, that is always important, they are much more mobile when it comes to there damage. They also have access to a lot of blinds as well.
True. True. True. Dunno about that… True. True. Lolwut? Guardians have zero endurance regenerating skills or traits: Warriors have SoS and Building Momentum – 33% regen and half a bar on burst skill. We can go from zero to (hero) full in a matter of seconds, so no, Guardians do NOT have more dodges (which is another reason they got Protection and Aegis: they’re not very mobile).
Hm… I’ll admit that some of our weapons are basically stand-here-and-smash, but the GS, MH sword, rifle (optimal for kiting) and Hammer all favour movement.
Actually we do. (I play a Guardian) we can have 100% vigor up time pretty easily.
Actually we do. (I play a Guardian) we can have 100% vigor up time pretty easily.
Vigor is an option yes, but Fast Hands + Sigil of Energy…coupled with vigor and other traits is greater than Vigor alone.
Actually we do. (I play a Guardian) we can have 100% vigor up time pretty easily.
Vigor is an option yes, but Fast Hands + Sigil of Energy…coupled with vigor and other traits is greater than Vigor alone.
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Superior Sigil of Energy
Superior Sigil of Energy
Type Sigil RarityExotic Req. level 60 Value 2 16
Double-click to apply to a weapon.
Gain 50% of your endurance when you swap to this weapon while in combat.(Cooldown: 9 seconds)
It has an internal cooldown of 9 seconds, meaning “FAST HANDS.” will not matter…
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Who said anything about bad?
But faster weapon swaps = more adrenaline = more access to burst skills = more endurance. You can go from zero to full in 2 simple button presses and you can do this more often on Warrior…
…and if you want Vigor, there’s Warhorn. Easy Vigor for your whole team.
The only thing I’d qualify as bad is Warrior hasn’t many useful effects with their dodge…if reckless dodge had a chance of a leap and/or blast finisher, that might make them particularly better with dodge than Guardian. I’d say they’re about equal; Guardian has heal on dodge while Warrior has more on-demand dodges.
And it just depends how you build, a warrior can have tons of condition removal too. I run shout/heal and I rarely find myself suffering or shut down because of conditions.
If you make a guardian build for damage, he will suck too and die in a breeze. Warriors have the same problem. They have really high damage output, that is why you can go really tanky without losing to much damage. Who decided you had to kill everything within 3s? Sure it is awesome and feels great…if it works…. It is less awesome to just out sustain your enemy and deal more damage than he can heal. Fights take long, but you will win because of that pile of thoughness and vitality and still dealing 2-4k hits.
A warrior has tons of options to deal with conditions, some better than others and not all suited for every situation. Signet of stamina for example is great for solo fights, but sucks in zerg fights. You got 3 rune sets that keep you clean of conditions and they all fit warrior really well.
A guardian is once in, no way out. They have to push through the zerg or die, they don’t have that many disengages. A warrior is much more tolerant, the sword leap takes you out of almost every sticky situation. Guardians have an incredible slow hammer animation. Yes, warrior hammer is easy to dodge too, but when it hits you’ll feel it.
I have both a warrior and a guardian now, and I don’t feel my warrior is subpar to my guardian.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
I can pretty much go through every sentence and prove how wrong you are.
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
I can pretty much go through every sentence and prove how wrong you are.
Weird, you find warriors lacking and in a need of a buff. You don’t like the tanky build nor the shouts. I think warriors are awesome, can tank tons of damage, be the locomotive of the pain train and still dish out tons of damage. And I love to play tanky and shouts.
Who is wrong here? People try to force the warrior into something he just ain’t fit for anymore. And people going 3.5k thoughness are dumb, you got to balance the thoughness and the vitality. I feel vulnerable if I don’t have 28k+ health. Which is double of what most classes have. Heck, if the enemy really is competent and I am running with the guild I can go up to 32k+ health. If the skill is available for a warrior than it is a warrior skill… deal with it.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
I can pretty much go through every sentence and prove how wrong you are.
Weird, you find warriors lacking and in a need of a buff. You don’t like the tanky build nor the shouts. I think warriors are awesome, can tank tons of damage, be the locomotive of the pain train and still dish out tons of damage. And I love to play tanky and shouts.
Who is wrong here? People try to force the warrior into something he just ain’t fit for anymore. And people going 3.5k thoughness are dumb, you got to balance the thoughness and the vitality. I feel vulnerable if I don’t have 28k+ health. Which is double of what most classes have. Heck, if the enemy really is competent and I am running with the guild I can go up to 32k+ health. If the skill is available for a warrior than it is a warrior skill… deal with it.
Thank you for prooving my point.
@ I feel vulnerable if I don’t have 28k+ health.
Warriors with 28k health do little to no damage. And they need twice or three times the health to survive due to having no boons and little to no condition removal and crappy heals and defense lines.
@Heck, if the enemy really is competent and I am running with the guild
Warriors need a team to help them survive or do anything, point proved.
@Weird, you find warriors lacking and in a need of a buff. You don’t like the tanky build nor the shouts.
Warriors need Shouts and Runes to survive conditions, basicly “gear” instead of there regular skills. Sounds like you proved my “Must have 30 points in Vitality to be any good” Theory, what other class has such a crutch?
@Who is wrong here? People try to force the warrior into something he just ain’t fit for anymore.
Warrior is fit for one role, Damage. point proved.
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Who said anything about bad?
But faster weapon swaps = more adrenaline = more access to burst skills = more endurance. You can go from zero to full in 2 simple button presses and you can do this more often on Warrior…
…and if you want Vigor, there’s Warhorn. Easy Vigor for your whole team.
The only thing I’d qualify as bad is Warrior hasn’t many useful effects with their dodge…if reckless dodge had a chance of a leap and/or blast finisher, that might make them particularly better with dodge than Guardian. I’d say they’re about equal; Guardian has heal on dodge while Warrior has more on-demand dodges.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
Because faster swapping means more adrenaline on weapons swap and more access to your burst skills which can replenish your endurance by 50%. Your burst skills also have a 10sec cooldown like the sigil but you have 2 of them. That’s a potential dodge every weapon swap.
Get it? You swap weapon once: 50%. You swap again 5 seconds later and use a burst: 50%. You swap 5 seconds later: 50%. etc. etc.
With vigor ontop of that, you can dodge 1 additional time per 5 seconds, more if you actually use both burst skills and not just one. Vigor only gives you 1 dodge every 5.
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Who said anything about bad?
But faster weapon swaps = more adrenaline = more access to burst skills = more endurance. You can go from zero to full in 2 simple button presses and you can do this more often on Warrior…
…and if you want Vigor, there’s Warhorn. Easy Vigor for your whole team.
The only thing I’d qualify as bad is Warrior hasn’t many useful effects with their dodge…if reckless dodge had a chance of a leap and/or blast finisher, that might make them particularly better with dodge than Guardian. I’d say they’re about equal; Guardian has heal on dodge while Warrior has more on-demand dodges.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
Because faster swapping means more adrenaline on weapons swap and more access to your burst skills which can replenish your endurance by 50%. Your burst skills also have a 10sec cooldown like the sigil but you have 2 of them. That’s a potential dodge every weapon swap.
Get it? You swap weapon once: 50%. You swap again 5 seconds later and use a burst: 50%. You swap 5 seconds later: 50%. etc. etc.
With vigor ontop of that, you can dodge 1 additional time per 5 seconds, more if you actually use both burst skills and not just one. Vigor only gives you 1 dodge every 5.
It doesn’t matter if its every 5 seconds, if you don’t wait 9 seconds between switching you won’t get endurance. Which means “Fast Hands.” does not matter at all. (infact, it messes with it moreso, because I could easily miscount how long I take to switch weapons and switch at 8.9 seconds, and not gain endurance at all!)
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Who said anything about bad?
But faster weapon swaps = more adrenaline = more access to burst skills = more endurance. You can go from zero to full in 2 simple button presses and you can do this more often on Warrior…
…and if you want Vigor, there’s Warhorn. Easy Vigor for your whole team.
The only thing I’d qualify as bad is Warrior hasn’t many useful effects with their dodge…if reckless dodge had a chance of a leap and/or blast finisher, that might make them particularly better with dodge than Guardian. I’d say they’re about equal; Guardian has heal on dodge while Warrior has more on-demand dodges.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
Because faster swapping means more adrenaline on weapons swap and more access to your burst skills which can replenish your endurance by 50%. Your burst skills also have a 10sec cooldown like the sigil but you have 2 of them. That’s a potential dodge every weapon swap.
Get it? You swap weapon once: 50%. You swap again 5 seconds later and use a burst: 50%. You swap 5 seconds later: 50%. etc. etc.
With vigor ontop of that, you can dodge 1 additional time per 5 seconds, more if you actually use both burst skills and not just one. Vigor only gives you 1 dodge every 5.
It doesn’t matter if its every 5 seconds, if you don’t wait 9 seconds between switching you won’t get endurance. Which means “Fast Hands.” does not matter at all.
I do not understand this need of everyone on the forums thinking warriors need protection. NO, we do not.
In case you guys haven’t noticed, protection is a defensive boon. Guess what else is a defensive boon? WEAKNESS.
Weakness is the warriors form of protection. When applied, it basically serves the same role as protection. It’s 50% reduction to non-crit damage and endurance. So not only are they not doing a lot of damage when they are not criting, but they are also not gonna be dodging as much. Making it easier to you to land your attacks (earthshakers and what nots)
Assuming someone has 50% crit chance and 1/2 of their hits are crits and the other half regular hits, you will pretty much have reduced their damage by 25% for the duration of the weakness debuff. And last i checked, warriors can keep that condition up pretty much 100% of the time. Also, imagine how op weakness and protection would be. The enemy with weakness and you with protection would mean they would hit 50% less dmg on non-crits, then even when their attacks land, THAT 50% reduced damage would be further reduced by 33%. That’s Insanely overpowered.
If A-net caved in and gave warriors protection, it would make sense to attach it to the defensive weapons (Hammer, Maces, Shields). However, those weapons already have weakness on it. Shield has a block for 3 secs which is 100% reduction in damage.
Protection belongs with guardians because they do not have as readily available source of weakness. Spirit shield and the signet i think are the only two (i might be wrong). Also, protection is a more defensive boon (akin to guardians). You can apply it to yourself and await the enemy. Weakness is a condition that you have to attack to apply…making it a more offensive form of protection (akin to warriors).
Of course some of you are going to make the argument that you can get wayyy above 50% crit chance…but if you have such a high crit chance…odds are you are squishy and will be hit just as hard as you are hitting the defensive warrior.
Please consider all aspects of the class before asking for more. It makes us seem like crybabies. And yes, I too am a warrior.
(edited by Twiista.1689)
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Who said anything about bad?
But faster weapon swaps = more adrenaline = more access to burst skills = more endurance. You can go from zero to full in 2 simple button presses and you can do this more often on Warrior…
…and if you want Vigor, there’s Warhorn. Easy Vigor for your whole team.
The only thing I’d qualify as bad is Warrior hasn’t many useful effects with their dodge…if reckless dodge had a chance of a leap and/or blast finisher, that might make them particularly better with dodge than Guardian. I’d say they’re about equal; Guardian has heal on dodge while Warrior has more on-demand dodges.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
Because faster swapping means more adrenaline on weapons swap and more access to your burst skills which can replenish your endurance by 50%. Your burst skills also have a 10sec cooldown like the sigil but you have 2 of them. That’s a potential dodge every weapon swap.
Get it? You swap weapon once: 50%. You swap again 5 seconds later and use a burst: 50%. You swap 5 seconds later: 50%. etc. etc.
With vigor ontop of that, you can dodge 1 additional time per 5 seconds, more if you actually use both burst skills and not just one. Vigor only gives you 1 dodge every 5.
It doesn’t matter if its every 5 seconds, if you don’t wait 9 seconds between switching you won’t get endurance. Which means “Fast Hands.” does not matter at all.
Each BURST skill has a 10 second cool-down, Fast hands won’t make that any faster, you could gain the same benefit from not having that trait.
I do not understand this need of everyone on the forums thinking warriors need protection. NO, we do not.
In case you guys haven’t noticed, protection is a defensive boon. Guess what else is a defensive boon? WEAKNESS.
Weakness is the warriors form of protection. When applied, it basically serves the same role as protection. It’s 50% reduction to non-crit damage and endurance. So not only are they not doing a lot of damage when they are not criting, but they are also not gonna be dodging as much. Making it easier to you to land your attacks (earthshakers and what nots)
Assuming someone has 50% crit chance and 1/2 of their hits are crits and the other half regular hits, you will pretty much have reduced their damage by 25% for the duration of the weakness debuff. And last i checked, warriors can keep that condition up pretty much 100% of the time.
If A-net caved in and gave warriors protection, it would make sense to attach it to the defensive weapons (Hammer, Maces, Shields). However, those weapons already have weakness on it. Shield has a block for 3 secs which is 100% reduction in damage.
Protection belongs with guardians because they do not have as readily available source of weakness. Spirit shield and the signet i think are the only two (i might be wrong). Also, protection is a more defensive boon (akin to guardians). You can apply it to yourself and await the enemy. Weakness is a condition that you have to attack to apply…making it a more offensive form of protection (akin to warriors).
Of course some of you are going to make the argument that you can get wayyy above 50% crit chance…but if you have such a high crit chance…odds are you are squishy and will be hit just as hard as you are hitting the defensive warrior.
Please consider all aspects of the class before asking for more. It makes us seem like crybabies. And yes, I too am a warrior.
Weakness does NOTHING in PvP, most glasses have 70-100% Critical Chance.
Guardians don’t have weakness?
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
I can pretty much go through every sentence and prove how wrong you are.
Weird, you find warriors lacking and in a need of a buff. You don’t like the tanky build nor the shouts. I think warriors are awesome, can tank tons of damage, be the locomotive of the pain train and still dish out tons of damage. And I love to play tanky and shouts.
Who is wrong here? People try to force the warrior into something he just ain’t fit for anymore. And people going 3.5k thoughness are dumb, you got to balance the thoughness and the vitality. I feel vulnerable if I don’t have 28k+ health. Which is double of what most classes have. Heck, if the enemy really is competent and I am running with the guild I can go up to 32k+ health. If the skill is available for a warrior than it is a warrior skill… deal with it.
Thank you for prooving my point.
@ I feel vulnerable if I don’t have 28k+ health.
Warriors with 28k health do little to no damage. And they need twice or three times the health to survive due to having no boons and little to no condition removal and crappy heals and defense lines.@Heck, if the enemy really is competent and I am running with the guild
Warriors need a team to help them survive or do anything, point proved.@Weird, you find warriors lacking and in a need of a buff. You don’t like the tanky build nor the shouts.
Warriors need Shouts and Runes to survive conditions, basicly “gear” instead of there regular skills. Sounds like you proved my “Must have 30 points in Vitality to be any good” Theory, what other class has such a crutch?@Who is wrong here? People try to force the warrior into something he just ain’t fit for anymore.
Warrior is fit for one role, Damage. point proved.
Let’s start in points, points are pretty and I like them:
1. 2-4k damage is enough, you don’t need more or it will be overkill or your guild just sucks.
2. Warriors should be the backbone (together with guardians) of the raid. You feel it if you don’t have 4-5 hammer warriors running next to you. You do need the same amount of guardians too ofcourse. Why? You need their stability and the condition removal of the warriors shouts
3. I solo roam on my warrior too, taking camps is no biggy. Killing people in 1on1 fights ain’t hard either. And I am not talking about the zerg build.
4. Can I help it that other classes don’t have such a good tree, healing shouts + condition removal is just way to good. You get 3k health and 30% boon duration too. I love it and will never run a build without the 30 into vitality.
5. Warriors are fit for 1 role: disrupting and breaking the enemy zerg. You don’t need oh my gosh!?é@! damage in a zerg/raid/GvsG fight. 1 nub zerk warrior dies 5 enemy players rally. That is how you should think. Warrior can deal a lot of damage, but it doesn’t mean you have to maximize that. You can take advantage of it by going really tanky without gimping your damage to unsignificant.
The last thing happens to bunker eles, they just annoying but wont kill you.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
I can pretty much go through every sentence and prove how wrong you are.
Weird, you find warriors lacking and in a need of a buff. You don’t like the tanky build nor the shouts. I think warriors are awesome, can tank tons of damage, be the locomotive of the pain train and still dish out tons of damage. And I love to play tanky and shouts.
Who is wrong here? People try to force the warrior into something he just ain’t fit for anymore. And people going 3.5k thoughness are dumb, you got to balance the thoughness and the vitality. I feel vulnerable if I don’t have 28k+ health. Which is double of what most classes have. Heck, if the enemy really is competent and I am running with the guild I can go up to 32k+ health. If the skill is available for a warrior than it is a warrior skill… deal with it.
Thank you for prooving my point.
@ I feel vulnerable if I don’t have 28k+ health.
Warriors with 28k health do little to no damage. And they need twice or three times the health to survive due to having no boons and little to no condition removal and crappy heals and defense lines.@Heck, if the enemy really is competent and I am running with the guild
Warriors need a team to help them survive or do anything, point proved.@Weird, you find warriors lacking and in a need of a buff. You don’t like the tanky build nor the shouts.
Warriors need Shouts and Runes to survive conditions, basicly “gear” instead of there regular skills. Sounds like you proved my “Must have 30 points in Vitality to be any good” Theory, what other class has such a crutch?@Who is wrong here? People try to force the warrior into something he just ain’t fit for anymore.
Warrior is fit for one role, Damage. point proved.Let’s start in points, points are pretty and I like them:
1. 2-4k damage is enough, you don’t need more or it will be overkill or your guild just sucks.2. Warriors should be the backbone (together with guardians) of the raid. You feel it if you don’t have 4-5 hammer warriors running next to you. You do need the same amount of guardians too ofcourse. Why? You need their stability and the condition removal of the warriors shouts
3. I solo roam on my warrior too, taking camps is no biggy. Killing people in 1on1 fights ain’t hard either. And I am not talking about the zerg build.
4. Can I help it that other classes don’t have such a good tree, healing shouts + condition removal is just way to good. You get 3k health and 30% boon duration too. I love it and will never run a build without the 30 into vitality.
5. Warriors are fit for 1 role: disrupting and breaking the enemy zerg. You don’t need oh my gosh!?é@! damage in a zerg/raid/GvsG fight. 1 nub zerk warrior dies 5 enemy players rally. That is how you should think. Warrior can deal a lot of damage, but it doesn’t mean you have to maximize that. You can take advantage of it by going really tanky without gimping your damage to unsignificant.
The last thing happens to bunker eles, they just annoying but wont kill you.
Yes, this is why Warriors are so good in TPvP/SPvP, because they are so tanky and good against conditions!
Shout warriors are absolute trash compared to the Utility of Guardians, I apologize but its true.
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Who said anything about bad?
But faster weapon swaps = more adrenaline = more access to burst skills = more endurance. You can go from zero to full in 2 simple button presses and you can do this more often on Warrior…
…and if you want Vigor, there’s Warhorn. Easy Vigor for your whole team.
The only thing I’d qualify as bad is Warrior hasn’t many useful effects with their dodge…if reckless dodge had a chance of a leap and/or blast finisher, that might make them particularly better with dodge than Guardian. I’d say they’re about equal; Guardian has heal on dodge while Warrior has more on-demand dodges.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
Because faster swapping means more adrenaline on weapons swap and more access to your burst skills which can replenish your endurance by 50%. Your burst skills also have a 10sec cooldown like the sigil but you have 2 of them. That’s a potential dodge every weapon swap.
Get it? You swap weapon once: 50%. You swap again 5 seconds later and use a burst: 50%. You swap 5 seconds later: 50%. etc. etc.
With vigor ontop of that, you can dodge 1 additional time per 5 seconds, more if you actually use both burst skills and not just one. Vigor only gives you 1 dodge every 5.
It doesn’t matter if its every 5 seconds, if you don’t wait 9 seconds between switching you won’t get endurance. Which means “Fast Hands.” does not matter at all.
Each BURST skill has a 10 second cool-down…
And you have 2 of them on separate cooldowns which are divided by a 5 second weapon swap.
The reason Fast Hands is a boon to this particular tactic is because you can only store 2 dodges at a time. The sooner you can swap to the other unused burst skill, the less danger you’re in for burning 2 dodges in a row.
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Who said anything about bad?
But faster weapon swaps = more adrenaline = more access to burst skills = more endurance. You can go from zero to full in 2 simple button presses and you can do this more often on Warrior…
…and if you want Vigor, there’s Warhorn. Easy Vigor for your whole team.
The only thing I’d qualify as bad is Warrior hasn’t many useful effects with their dodge…if reckless dodge had a chance of a leap and/or blast finisher, that might make them particularly better with dodge than Guardian. I’d say they’re about equal; Guardian has heal on dodge while Warrior has more on-demand dodges.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
Because faster swapping means more adrenaline on weapons swap and more access to your burst skills which can replenish your endurance by 50%. Your burst skills also have a 10sec cooldown like the sigil but you have 2 of them. That’s a potential dodge every weapon swap.
Get it? You swap weapon once: 50%. You swap again 5 seconds later and use a burst: 50%. You swap 5 seconds later: 50%. etc. etc.
With vigor ontop of that, you can dodge 1 additional time per 5 seconds, more if you actually use both burst skills and not just one. Vigor only gives you 1 dodge every 5.
It doesn’t matter if its every 5 seconds, if you don’t wait 9 seconds between switching you won’t get endurance. Which means “Fast Hands.” does not matter at all.
Each BURST skill has a 10 second cool-down…
And you have 2 of them on separate cooldowns which are divided by a 5 second weapon swap.
The reason Fast Hands is a boon to this particular tactic is because you can only store 2 dodges at a time. The sooner you can swap to the other unused burst skill, the less danger you’re in for burning 2 dodges in a row.
It sounds clunky for one reason alone, you give up your burst skills on times you may or may not need it.
Its exactly like the traits “Gain Vigor when you heal.” and or “Get Swiftness when you dodge.” You waste something precious to get a bad trade of what you may or may not need.
And it just depends how you build, a warrior can have tons of condition removal too. I run shout/heal and I rarely find myself suffering or shut down because of conditions.
If you make a guardian build for damage, he will suck too and die in a breeze. Warriors have the same problem. They have really high damage output, that is why you can go really tanky without losing to much damage. Who decided you had to kill everything within 3s? Sure it is awesome and feels great…if it works…. It is less awesome to just out sustain your enemy and deal more damage than he can heal. Fights take long, but you will win because of that pile of thoughness and vitality and still dealing 2-4k hits.
A warrior has tons of options to deal with conditions, some better than others and not all suited for every situation. Signet of stamina for example is great for solo fights, but sucks in zerg fights. You got 3 rune sets that keep you clean of conditions and they all fit warrior really well.
A guardian is once in, no way out. They have to push through the zerg or die, they don’t have that many disengages. A warrior is much more tolerant, the sword leap takes you out of almost every sticky situation. Guardians have an incredible slow hammer animation. Yes, warrior hammer is easy to dodge too, but when it hits you’ll feel it.
I have both a warrior and a guardian now, and I don’t feel my warrior is subpar to my guardian.
Fight PD thief and you’ll get it. Big wipes are nice but some builds apply conditions all the time. Because we don’t get the passive benefit of losing a condition every 10 seconds or so some builds will eat you up no matter what you do.
The other thing is you are forced into a situation where you cant just trait removal passively. We are the class with the weakest innate condition management and it does show.
I don’t disagree we can be tanky but unless you are carrying a ton of cc some builds are just insanely OP vs us. Please be aware that devs have already acknowledged this it is not conjecture its fact.
Yes, this is why Warriors are so good in TPvP/SPvP, because they are so tanky and good against conditions!
Shout warriors are absolute trash compared to the Utility of Guardians, I apologize but its true.
I am not talking about sPvP, there are other reasons why warrior ain’t good there. Dunno if I stated them in this thread or another. But fact remains, warrior will be unbeatable in WvW with protection.
And yes, a warrior doesn’t shine completely in a 5vs5 fights, but if you go 20vs20 they become dominant on the field.
I have to admit I don’t play sPvP, I am a WvW veteran. I know people who do, and they admit warriors are lacking, but protection or regen aren’t the solution.
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Who said anything about bad?
But faster weapon swaps = more adrenaline = more access to burst skills = more endurance. You can go from zero to full in 2 simple button presses and you can do this more often on Warrior…
…and if you want Vigor, there’s Warhorn. Easy Vigor for your whole team.
The only thing I’d qualify as bad is Warrior hasn’t many useful effects with their dodge…if reckless dodge had a chance of a leap and/or blast finisher, that might make them particularly better with dodge than Guardian. I’d say they’re about equal; Guardian has heal on dodge while Warrior has more on-demand dodges.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
Because faster swapping means more adrenaline on weapons swap and more access to your burst skills which can replenish your endurance by 50%. Your burst skills also have a 10sec cooldown like the sigil but you have 2 of them. That’s a potential dodge every weapon swap.
Get it? You swap weapon once: 50%. You swap again 5 seconds later and use a burst: 50%. You swap 5 seconds later: 50%. etc. etc.
With vigor ontop of that, you can dodge 1 additional time per 5 seconds, more if you actually use both burst skills and not just one. Vigor only gives you 1 dodge every 5.
It doesn’t matter if its every 5 seconds, if you don’t wait 9 seconds between switching you won’t get endurance. Which means “Fast Hands.” does not matter at all.
Each BURST skill has a 10 second cool-down…
And you have 2 of them on separate cooldowns which are divided by a 5 second weapon swap.
The reason Fast Hands is a boon to this particular tactic is because you can only store 2 dodges at a time. The sooner you can swap to the other unused burst skill, the less danger you’re in for burning 2 dodges in a row.
It sounds clunky for one reason alone, you give up your burst skills on times you may or may not need it.
Its exactly like the traits “Gain Vigor when you heal.” and or “Get Swiftness when you dodge.” You waste something precious to get a bad trade of what you may or may not need.
No, it’s just a playstyle you don’t like.
Some people build to utilize their bursts when they come up and they can often use them more than every 10 seconds. In essence, you can build so that there is no reason not to use your bursts.
In that case, you’re not wasting something for the potential of something else, you’re gaining extra for what you already do normally.
Fight PD thief and you’ll get it. Big wipes are nice but some builds apply conditions all the time. Because we don’t get the passive benefit of losing a condition every 10 seconds or so some builds will eat you up no matter what you do.
The other thing is you are forced into a situation where you cant just trait removal passively. We are the class with the weakest innate condition management and it does show.
I don’t disagree we can be tanky but unless you are carrying a ton of cc some builds are just insanely OP vs us. Please be aware that devs have already acknowledged this it is not conjecture its fact.
I fought many thiefs, some were enourmously dragged out fights that went on for 5min+ and others were just a chain of cc and a dead thief. I probably encountered every possible build. I can’t say I fought the best thiefs, I don’t know that. But I do know I can’t remember the last time I lost to a thief.
A smart thief, playing filthy might win on the very long run. But it takes a looooooong time before you wear a good warrior down with conditions. Some were doing good, I have to admit. But after some minutes they get to greedy, impatient and they go in for a kill. That is the mistake, and they lost.
Devs reported a warrior has to few options to cleans conditions yes. This is true, because there is only 1 viable build to deal with a lot of conditions. But adding protection wont solve this and they wont do it either. Our tankyness ain’t the problem.
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Who said anything about bad?
But faster weapon swaps = more adrenaline = more access to burst skills = more endurance. You can go from zero to full in 2 simple button presses and you can do this more often on Warrior…
…and if you want Vigor, there’s Warhorn. Easy Vigor for your whole team.
The only thing I’d qualify as bad is Warrior hasn’t many useful effects with their dodge…if reckless dodge had a chance of a leap and/or blast finisher, that might make them particularly better with dodge than Guardian. I’d say they’re about equal; Guardian has heal on dodge while Warrior has more on-demand dodges.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
Because faster swapping means more adrenaline on weapons swap and more access to your burst skills which can replenish your endurance by 50%. Your burst skills also have a 10sec cooldown like the sigil but you have 2 of them. That’s a potential dodge every weapon swap.
Get it? You swap weapon once: 50%. You swap again 5 seconds later and use a burst: 50%. You swap 5 seconds later: 50%. etc. etc.
With vigor ontop of that, you can dodge 1 additional time per 5 seconds, more if you actually use both burst skills and not just one. Vigor only gives you 1 dodge every 5.
It doesn’t matter if its every 5 seconds, if you don’t wait 9 seconds between switching you won’t get endurance. Which means “Fast Hands.” does not matter at all.
Each BURST skill has a 10 second cool-down…
And you have 2 of them on separate cooldowns which are divided by a 5 second weapon swap.
The reason Fast Hands is a boon to this particular tactic is because you can only store 2 dodges at a time. The sooner you can swap to the other unused burst skill, the less danger you’re in for burning 2 dodges in a row.
It sounds clunky for one reason alone, you give up your burst skills on times you may or may not need it.
Its exactly like the traits “Gain Vigor when you heal.” and or “Get Swiftness when you dodge.” You waste something precious to get a bad trade of what you may or may not need.
No, it’s just a playstyle you don’t like.
Some people build to utilize their bursts when they come up and they can often use them more than every 10 seconds. In essence, you can build so that there is no reason not to use your bursts.
In that case, you’re not wasting something for the potential of something else, you’re gaining extra for what you already do normally.
Yes, I dislike saving my Eviserate till when my enemy is about downed so I can quickly finish them before they heal, or use my Earthshaker as an interrupt to stop my enemy from doing a move or healing and stunning them.
Its not a playstyle I enjoy, I much rather use my burst skills to actually help me actively instead of just spamming them mindlessly.
@Devs reported a warrior has to few options to cleans conditions yes. This is true, because there is only 1 viable build to deal with a lot of conditions. But adding protection wont solve this and they wont do it either. Our tankyness ain’t the problem.
It clears up to 4 conditions AND takes a rune set to do so. NO OTHER CLASS HAS THIS CRUTCH, and your relying on gear to do your dirty work, NO CLASS SHOULD BE BALANCED AROUND GEAR. ALSO you need 30 points in vitality tree to do so, Our Defense tree offers less protection then the vitality tree. Does this even make sense? No.
There is no “build” that warriors have that removes conditions, its a rune set. Its as much of a “build” as Omnomberry Pies were.
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Who said anything about bad?
But faster weapon swaps = more adrenaline = more access to burst skills = more endurance. You can go from zero to full in 2 simple button presses and you can do this more often on Warrior…
…and if you want Vigor, there’s Warhorn. Easy Vigor for your whole team.
The only thing I’d qualify as bad is Warrior hasn’t many useful effects with their dodge…if reckless dodge had a chance of a leap and/or blast finisher, that might make them particularly better with dodge than Guardian. I’d say they’re about equal; Guardian has heal on dodge while Warrior has more on-demand dodges.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
Because faster swapping means more adrenaline on weapons swap and more access to your burst skills which can replenish your endurance by 50%. Your burst skills also have a 10sec cooldown like the sigil but you have 2 of them. That’s a potential dodge every weapon swap.
Get it? You swap weapon once: 50%. You swap again 5 seconds later and use a burst: 50%. You swap 5 seconds later: 50%. etc. etc.
With vigor ontop of that, you can dodge 1 additional time per 5 seconds, more if you actually use both burst skills and not just one. Vigor only gives you 1 dodge every 5.
It doesn’t matter if its every 5 seconds, if you don’t wait 9 seconds between switching you won’t get endurance. Which means “Fast Hands.” does not matter at all.
Each BURST skill has a 10 second cool-down…
And you have 2 of them on separate cooldowns which are divided by a 5 second weapon swap.
The reason Fast Hands is a boon to this particular tactic is because you can only store 2 dodges at a time. The sooner you can swap to the other unused burst skill, the less danger you’re in for burning 2 dodges in a row.
It sounds clunky for one reason alone, you give up your burst skills on times you may or may not need it.
Its exactly like the traits “Gain Vigor when you heal.” and or “Get Swiftness when you dodge.” You waste something precious to get a bad trade of what you may or may not need.
No, it’s just a playstyle you don’t like.
Some people build to utilize their bursts when they come up and they can often use them more than every 10 seconds. In essence, you can build so that there is no reason not to use your bursts.
In that case, you’re not wasting something for the potential of something else, you’re gaining extra for what you already do normally.
Yes, I dislike saving my Eviserate till when my enemy is about downed so I can quickly finish them before they heal, or use my Earthshaker as an interrupt to stop my enemy from doing a move or healing and stunning them.
Its not a playstyle I enjoy, I much rather use my burst skills to actually help me actively instead of just spamming them mindlessly.
Thanks for admitting you don’t understand that mode of play. That’s all you really had to do.
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Who said anything about bad?
But faster weapon swaps = more adrenaline = more access to burst skills = more endurance. You can go from zero to full in 2 simple button presses and you can do this more often on Warrior…
…and if you want Vigor, there’s Warhorn. Easy Vigor for your whole team.
The only thing I’d qualify as bad is Warrior hasn’t many useful effects with their dodge…if reckless dodge had a chance of a leap and/or blast finisher, that might make them particularly better with dodge than Guardian. I’d say they’re about equal; Guardian has heal on dodge while Warrior has more on-demand dodges.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
Because faster swapping means more adrenaline on weapons swap and more access to your burst skills which can replenish your endurance by 50%. Your burst skills also have a 10sec cooldown like the sigil but you have 2 of them. That’s a potential dodge every weapon swap.
Get it? You swap weapon once: 50%. You swap again 5 seconds later and use a burst: 50%. You swap 5 seconds later: 50%. etc. etc.
With vigor ontop of that, you can dodge 1 additional time per 5 seconds, more if you actually use both burst skills and not just one. Vigor only gives you 1 dodge every 5.
It doesn’t matter if its every 5 seconds, if you don’t wait 9 seconds between switching you won’t get endurance. Which means “Fast Hands.” does not matter at all.
Each BURST skill has a 10 second cool-down…
And you have 2 of them on separate cooldowns which are divided by a 5 second weapon swap.
The reason Fast Hands is a boon to this particular tactic is because you can only store 2 dodges at a time. The sooner you can swap to the other unused burst skill, the less danger you’re in for burning 2 dodges in a row.
It sounds clunky for one reason alone, you give up your burst skills on times you may or may not need it.
Its exactly like the traits “Gain Vigor when you heal.” and or “Get Swiftness when you dodge.” You waste something precious to get a bad trade of what you may or may not need.
No, it’s just a playstyle you don’t like.
Some people build to utilize their bursts when they come up and they can often use them more than every 10 seconds. In essence, you can build so that there is no reason not to use your bursts.
In that case, you’re not wasting something for the potential of something else, you’re gaining extra for what you already do normally.
Yes, I dislike saving my Eviserate till when my enemy is about downed so I can quickly finish them before they heal, or use my Earthshaker as an interrupt to stop my enemy from doing a move or healing and stunning them.
Its not a playstyle I enjoy, I much rather use my burst skills to actually help me actively instead of just spamming them mindlessly.
Thanks for admitting you don’t understand that mode of play. That’s all you really had to do.
Yeah, I don’t understand how people could save there skills when they needed to use them instead of spamming them mindlessly.
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Who said anything about bad?
But faster weapon swaps = more adrenaline = more access to burst skills = more endurance. You can go from zero to full in 2 simple button presses and you can do this more often on Warrior…
…and if you want Vigor, there’s Warhorn. Easy Vigor for your whole team.
The only thing I’d qualify as bad is Warrior hasn’t many useful effects with their dodge…if reckless dodge had a chance of a leap and/or blast finisher, that might make them particularly better with dodge than Guardian. I’d say they’re about equal; Guardian has heal on dodge while Warrior has more on-demand dodges.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
Because faster swapping means more adrenaline on weapons swap and more access to your burst skills which can replenish your endurance by 50%. Your burst skills also have a 10sec cooldown like the sigil but you have 2 of them. That’s a potential dodge every weapon swap.
Get it? You swap weapon once: 50%. You swap again 5 seconds later and use a burst: 50%. You swap 5 seconds later: 50%. etc. etc.
With vigor ontop of that, you can dodge 1 additional time per 5 seconds, more if you actually use both burst skills and not just one. Vigor only gives you 1 dodge every 5.
It doesn’t matter if its every 5 seconds, if you don’t wait 9 seconds between switching you won’t get endurance. Which means “Fast Hands.” does not matter at all.
Each BURST skill has a 10 second cool-down…
And you have 2 of them on separate cooldowns which are divided by a 5 second weapon swap.
The reason Fast Hands is a boon to this particular tactic is because you can only store 2 dodges at a time. The sooner you can swap to the other unused burst skill, the less danger you’re in for burning 2 dodges in a row.
It sounds clunky for one reason alone, you give up your burst skills on times you may or may not need it.
Its exactly like the traits “Gain Vigor when you heal.” and or “Get Swiftness when you dodge.” You waste something precious to get a bad trade of what you may or may not need.
No, it’s just a playstyle you don’t like.
Some people build to utilize their bursts when they come up and they can often use them more than every 10 seconds. In essence, you can build so that there is no reason not to use your bursts.
In that case, you’re not wasting something for the potential of something else, you’re gaining extra for what you already do normally.
Yes, I dislike saving my Eviserate till when my enemy is about downed so I can quickly finish them before they heal, or use my Earthshaker as an interrupt to stop my enemy from doing a move or healing and stunning them.
Its not a playstyle I enjoy, I much rather use my burst skills to actually help me actively instead of just spamming them mindlessly.
Thanks for admitting you don’t understand that mode of play. That’s all you really had to do.
Yeah, I don’t understand how people could save there skills when they needed to use them instead of spamming them mindlessly.
And elementalists spam their attunements mindlessly, eh?
Vigor gives you DOUBLE The endurance regeneration and your saying that is bad… ?
Who said anything about bad?
But faster weapon swaps = more adrenaline = more access to burst skills = more endurance. You can go from zero to full in 2 simple button presses and you can do this more often on Warrior…
…and if you want Vigor, there’s Warhorn. Easy Vigor for your whole team.
The only thing I’d qualify as bad is Warrior hasn’t many useful effects with their dodge…if reckless dodge had a chance of a leap and/or blast finisher, that might make them particularly better with dodge than Guardian. I’d say they’re about equal; Guardian has heal on dodge while Warrior has more on-demand dodges.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
Because faster swapping means more adrenaline on weapons swap and more access to your burst skills which can replenish your endurance by 50%. Your burst skills also have a 10sec cooldown like the sigil but you have 2 of them. That’s a potential dodge every weapon swap.
Get it? You swap weapon once: 50%. You swap again 5 seconds later and use a burst: 50%. You swap 5 seconds later: 50%. etc. etc.
With vigor ontop of that, you can dodge 1 additional time per 5 seconds, more if you actually use both burst skills and not just one. Vigor only gives you 1 dodge every 5.
It doesn’t matter if its every 5 seconds, if you don’t wait 9 seconds between switching you won’t get endurance. Which means “Fast Hands.” does not matter at all.
Each BURST skill has a 10 second cool-down…
And you have 2 of them on separate cooldowns which are divided by a 5 second weapon swap.
The reason Fast Hands is a boon to this particular tactic is because you can only store 2 dodges at a time. The sooner you can swap to the other unused burst skill, the less danger you’re in for burning 2 dodges in a row.
It sounds clunky for one reason alone, you give up your burst skills on times you may or may not need it.
Its exactly like the traits “Gain Vigor when you heal.” and or “Get Swiftness when you dodge.” You waste something precious to get a bad trade of what you may or may not need.
No, it’s just a playstyle you don’t like.
Some people build to utilize their bursts when they come up and they can often use them more than every 10 seconds. In essence, you can build so that there is no reason not to use your bursts.
In that case, you’re not wasting something for the potential of something else, you’re gaining extra for what you already do normally.
Yes, I dislike saving my Eviserate till when my enemy is about downed so I can quickly finish them before they heal, or use my Earthshaker as an interrupt to stop my enemy from doing a move or healing and stunning them.
Its not a playstyle I enjoy, I much rather use my burst skills to actually help me actively instead of just spamming them mindlessly.
Thanks for admitting you don’t understand that mode of play. That’s all you really had to do.
Yeah, I don’t understand how people could save there skills when they needed to use them instead of spamming them mindlessly.
And elementalists spam their attunements mindlessly, eh?
I would assume they use some kind of rotation. However I also assume they use there skills when they need to, they use RTL to get away or get to the enemy.
Fight PD thief and you’ll get it. Big wipes are nice but some builds apply conditions all the time. Because we don’t get the passive benefit of losing a condition every 10 seconds or so some builds will eat you up no matter what you do.
The other thing is you are forced into a situation where you cant just trait removal passively. We are the class with the weakest innate condition management and it does show.
I don’t disagree we can be tanky but unless you are carrying a ton of cc some builds are just insanely OP vs us. Please be aware that devs have already acknowledged this it is not conjecture its fact.
I fought many thiefs, some were enourmously dragged out fights that went on for 5min+ and others were just a chain of cc and a dead thief. I probably encountered every possible build. I can’t say I fought the best thiefs, I don’t know that. But I do know I can’t remember the last time I lost to a thief.
A smart thief, playing filthy might win on the very long run. But it takes a looooooong time before you wear a good warrior down with conditions. Some were doing good, I have to admit. But after some minutes they get to greedy, impatient and they go in for a kill. That is the mistake, and they lost.
Devs reported a warrior has to few options to cleans conditions yes. This is true, because there is only 1 viable build to deal with a lot of conditions. But adding protection wont solve this and they wont do it either. Our tankyness ain’t the problem.
Who mention protection? We need more wipes thats about it. 5+ min fights your talking about WvW not pvp.
Buff shake it off to remove 2-3 conditions, change signet of stamina to something else since most people would take SIO over signet of stamina if SIO got a buff which in turn buffs shrug it off also. Maybe just make the active of signet of stamina give 100% endurance return. Just a buff to Shake it off seems like it would be good and reasonable.
This would really solve the problem of warriors. I didnt play or pay attention to warriors in the early life of GW2 but my friend said that at 1 point SIO did remove more than 1 condition but they nerfed it.
In essence, you can build so that there is no reason not to use your bursts.
In that case, you’re not wasting something for the potential of something else, you’re gaining extra for what you already do normally.
Using your adrenaline ASAP is usually not the best way to go with any build. In the situations where you’re not using your adrenaline, you’re losing potential benefits for not having traited passive bonuses from adrenaline.
No matter which way you build, unless you “F1” as soon as you get 1 adrenaline bar, you’re losing something.
And elementalists spam their attunements mindlessly, eh?
Not mindlessly, no. They do spam their non-auto-attack skills before swapping attunements, rinse, and repeat though. There’s no reason not to, by the time they cycle back to that attunement they will be off cooldown.
Eles are the only class in the game with four full sets of weapon skills. I guess Anet doesn’t understand that having the ability to cycle through 4 sets of powerful 20-40 second cooldown skills in comparison to everyone else’s 2 (sometimes only 1) may be just a little OP.
How powerful would warriors be with the ability to bring, say, Greatsword, Hammer, Axe+, and Rifle to every fight with the ability to choose between them individually?
^I just came. Triple or Quattroswap weapons as a warrios, I feel like I would be something op, that can evade, do damage, CC and everything in a matter of seconds…..oh wait.
In essence, you can build so that there is no reason not to use your bursts.
In that case, you’re not wasting something for the potential of something else, you’re gaining extra for what you already do normally.
Using your adrenaline ASAP is usually not the best way to go with any build. In the situations where you’re not using your adrenaline, you’re losing potential benefits for not having traited passive bonuses from adrenaline.
No matter which way you build, unless you “F1” as soon as you get 1 adrenaline bar, you’re losing something.
And elementalists spam their attunements mindlessly, eh?
Not mindlessly, no. They do spam their non-auto-attack skills before swapping attunements, rinse, and repeat though. There’s no reason not to, by the time they cycle back to that attunement they will be off cooldown.
Eles are the only class in the game with four full sets of weapon skills. I guess Anet doesn’t understand that having the ability to cycle through 4 sets of powerful 20-40 second cooldown skills in comparison to everyone else’s 2 (sometimes only 1) may be just a little OP.
How powerful would warriors be with the ability to bring, say, Greatsword, Hammer, Axe+, and Rifle to every fight with the ability to choose between them individually?
I guess you’re trying to talk to me as if you’re some Warrior sage?
Just because there are traits for having Adrenaline doesn’t mean they are the only traits nor that you give up anything for using your skills so you really miss the point I was even trying to make.
And then you try to tell me about elementalist? Ppssh, 4 sets of powerful skills? Whatever…dismiss that those 4 sets of skills have individually different purposes so it’s not like having 2-3 Hundred Blade type of skills. Try going to the elementalists and asking exactly how their rotations work rather than figuring they have 4 sets of OP skills.
In essence, you can build so that there is no reason not to use your bursts.
In that case, you’re not wasting something for the potential of something else, you’re gaining extra for what you already do normally.
Using your adrenaline ASAP is usually not the best way to go with any build. In the situations where you’re not using your adrenaline, you’re losing potential benefits for not having traited passive bonuses from adrenaline.
No matter which way you build, unless you “F1” as soon as you get 1 adrenaline bar, you’re losing something.
And elementalists spam their attunements mindlessly, eh?
Not mindlessly, no. They do spam their non-auto-attack skills before swapping attunements, rinse, and repeat though. There’s no reason not to, by the time they cycle back to that attunement they will be off cooldown.
Eles are the only class in the game with four full sets of weapon skills. I guess Anet doesn’t understand that having the ability to cycle through 4 sets of powerful 20-40 second cooldown skills in comparison to everyone else’s 2 (sometimes only 1) may be just a little OP.
How powerful would warriors be with the ability to bring, say, Greatsword, Hammer, Axe+, and Rifle to every fight with the ability to choose between them individually?
I guess you’re trying to talk to me as if you’re some Warrior sage?
Just because there are traits for having Adrenaline doesn’t mean they are the only traits nor that you give up anything for using your skills so you really miss the point I was even trying to make.
And then you try to tell me about elementalist? Ppssh, 4 sets of powerful skills? Whatever…dismiss that those 4 sets of skills have individually different purposes so it’s not like having 2-3 Hundred Blade type of skills. Try going to the elementalists and asking exactly how their rotations work rather than figuring they have 4 sets of OP skills.
Hundred Blades is nice, but its probably going to be replaced for a much better ability. Its only good in PvE and its the reason we arn’t getting buffs because of PvE.
Its going to be nerfed by atleast 50% damage and made mobile.
I guess you’re trying to talk to me as if you’re some Warrior sage?
If explaining how foregone opportunity costs work is sage-like, I guess so…
Just because there are traits for having Adrenaline doesn’t mean they are the only traits nor that you give up anything for using your skills so you really miss the point I was even trying to make.
If you have adrenaline you’re not using, and you don’t have traits slotted for passive benefits of adrenaline, you have to concede that you forego (or “give up”) those benefits. Its a simple fact.
And that was your point, you can build to not give up anything for using adrenaline. You could, but you’d have to be able to use your adrenaline effectively every time it reached stage 1. That’s not possible.
And then you try to tell me about elementalist? Ppssh, 4 sets of powerful skills? Whatever…dismiss that those 4 sets of skills have individually different purposes so it’s not like having 2-3 Hundred Blade type of skills. Try going to the elementalists and asking exactly how their rotations work rather than figuring they have 4 sets of OP skills.
The fact that you’ve actually typed out “ppssh” nearly proves you’re not arguing facts, you’re just mad. All four attunements do indeed have 4 main purposes, but they do not work against each other at all. All fights with all classes run the gambit of every scenario. The ability of the elementalist to swap to a particular attunement in order to best fit that scenario, regardless of weapon chosen, is a perk no other class has. That’s why he’s considered the “Jack of all Trades” class…although right now he’s more like the “King of all Trades” class.
I do not understand this need of everyone on the forums thinking warriors need protection. NO, we do not…
… And yes, I too am a warrior.
Couldn’t have said it better if I had the script =)
Actually we do. (I play a Guardian) we can have 100% vigor up time pretty easily.
Oh right, forgot that. Also forgot the Warrior Warhorn, tsk, tsk. Vigour, wahey…
It has an internal cooldown of 9 seconds, meaning “FAST HANDS.” will not matter…
What do you mean, it will not matter? The speed of the weapon swap is only relevant if your other weapon currently in your hand doesn’t have an On Crit Effect (Strength, Air, Fire etc) or Swap Effect (Battle, Energy, Stamina), as they all share a cooldown – but very often, you can plan ahead for using Energy when you need it, and then quickly switch to another weapon, dish out some mad damage, swap back and deliver 100b, if that’s your fancy.
Then, as Leo G has pointed out more than once, Building Momentum can turn a would-be death into extra damage+survival. I know I use it when I am low on endurance and the ICD of Energy is still on. Then with 30 points in Discipline, you can recharge your endurance every 8 seconds – even vigour can’t do that.
In exchange for protection, aegis, regeneration and all the defensive boons of the Guardian, Warriors get health and endurance and as such, we have to be on our toes: we’re proactive, not reactive. Maybe that’s the difference between many of us and you, Daecollo: we’re good warriors because we initiate and constantly go at it, and you’re a bad warrior because you just stand there and take it… and think of England.
I do not understand this need of everyone on the forums thinking warriors need protection. NO, we do not…
… And yes, I too am a warrior.
Couldn’t have said it better if I had the script =)
Actually we do. (I play a Guardian) we can have 100% vigor up time pretty easily.
Oh right, forgot that. Also forgot the Warrior Warhorn, tsk, tsk. Vigour, wahey…
It has an internal cooldown of 9 seconds, meaning “FAST HANDS.” will not matter…
What do you mean, it will not matter? The speed of the weapon swap is only relevant if your other weapon currently in your hand doesn’t have an On Crit Effect (Strength, Air, Fire etc) or Swap Effect (Battle, Energy, Stamina), as they all share a cooldown – but very often, you can plan ahead for using Energy when you need it, and then quickly switch to another weapon, dish out some mad damage, swap back and deliver 100b, if that’s your fancy.
Then, as Leo G has pointed out more than once, Building Momentum can turn a would-be death into extra damage+survival. I know I use it when I am low on endurance and the ICD of Energy is still on. Then with 30 points in Discipline, you can recharge your endurance every 8 seconds – even vigour can’t do that.
In exchange for protection, aegis, regeneration and all the defensive boons of the Guardian, Warriors get health and endurance and as such, we have to be on our toes: we’re proactive, not reactive. Maybe that’s the difference between many of us and you, Daecollo: we’re good warriors because we initiate and constantly go at it, and you’re a bad warrior because you just stand there and take it… and think of England.
Except Guardians have condition removal and condition control as well. Which more then makes up the extra health.
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