I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I see a bunch of posters from Guardian, Thief, almost every kind of forum screaming for nerf and balance when Warrior is still one of the weakest classes in the game, nobody wants them for SPVP and they are wanting to nerf us even more then we already are.

I hate the stuns, however counter-play is nessessary, in LoL a new hero with a new skill always comes in to destroy the current meta until a new hero (or build.) is made, and this is no exception. We were given stuns to combat the current condition meta.

We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play. (High Skill cap, can’t make mistakes.)

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


I just had a nice relaxing bath in the tears of classes who think of warriors as a free kill. Great for the skin.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

All is vain.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: TwoWaysyaWowT.3160


The nerf card is to Guild Wars 2 as the race card is to real life. Both get used way too often and for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with their intended purposes.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Heaven forbid they would have to slot some break stun skills instead of their skills that allow them to do ridiculous damage.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Heaven forbid they would have to slot some break stun skills instead of their skills that allow them to do ridiculous damage.

Like what skill?

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Since when do thieves have higher sustain? If they’re in stealth they can’t do anything except regen health which is still lower than healing signet PASSIVE…
This compared to warriors that can deal extreme amounts of damage all the while regening health at extreme amounts, they’re virtually unstoppable.

Warrior is widely regarded to do the most DPS, a lot more than ranger and guardian for sure. As far as burst DPS, warrior wins with hundred blades. Nothing can touch that.

All is vain.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Heaven forbid they would have to slot some break stun skills instead of their skills that allow them to do ridiculous damage.

Like what skill?

What class you play? You are telling me your class has no stun breaks?

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Since when do thieves have higher sustain? If they’re in stealth they can’t do anything except regen health which is still lower than healing signet PASSIVE…

Warrior is widely regarded to do the most DPS, a lot more than ranger and guardian for sure. As far as burst DPS, warrior wins with hundred blades. Nothing can touch that.

0/0/30/0/0 Shadow Arts is an amazing tree, stealth means you can still be hurt but if you know your class and others you can avoid damage easilly.

Hundred Blades is the easiest attack to avoid in the entire game to any class.

If your dieing to it, AS A THIEF.. then I suggest getting a new pair of hands. The counter to hundred blades is moving out of the way, with a class that has multiple teleports and ways to escape this is easy. I’ve never died to 100b on my thief, even with the prenerf bullsrush+quickness+100b combo, it is SO easy to see it coming.

A guardian has Whirling Wrath, which is a hard to avoid attack unlike hundred blades because you can move and combo with it to pull foes to you, you can also use it to cleanse conditions as well (things that would prevent it from hurting your target.) Whirling Wrath is better in every way because it has MOBILITY.

Stop looking at big numbers, in PVP its mobility that matters.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Since when do thieves have higher sustain? If they’re in stealth they can’t do anything except regen health which is still lower than healing signet PASSIVE…
This compared to warriors that can deal extreme amounts of damage all the while regening health at extreme amounts, they’re virtually unstoppable.

Warrior is widely regarded to do the most DPS, a lot more than ranger and guardian for sure. As far as burst DPS, warrior wins with hundred blades. Nothing can touch that.

Did you know the world record for running cof p1 was set by a party consisting of 1 mesmer, 1 ranger 1 warrior and 2, I say again, TWO thieves?

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Since when do thieves have higher sustain? If they’re in stealth they can’t do anything except regen health which is still lower than healing signet PASSIVE…
This compared to warriors that can deal extreme amounts of damage all the while regening health at extreme amounts, they’re virtually unstoppable.

Warrior is widely regarded to do the most DPS, a lot more than ranger and guardian for sure. As far as burst DPS, warrior wins with hundred blades. Nothing can touch that.

Did you know the world record for running cof p1 was set by a party consisting of 1 mesmer, 1 ranger 1 warrior and 2, I say again, TWO thieves?

They were just brought along to blast in the fire fields.

All is vain.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Since when do thieves have higher sustain? If they’re in stealth they can’t do anything except regen health which is still lower than healing signet PASSIVE…
This compared to warriors that can deal extreme amounts of damage all the while regening health at extreme amounts, they’re virtually unstoppable.

Warrior is widely regarded to do the most DPS, a lot more than ranger and guardian for sure. As far as burst DPS, warrior wins with hundred blades. Nothing can touch that.

Did you know the world record for running cof p1 was set by a party consisting of 1 mesmer, 1 ranger 1 warrior and 2, I say again, TWO thieves?



LOL, when proof comes up that warriors arn’t top DPS you now make up excuses like thakittens hilarious.

I like how almost every post is like: WARRIORS ARE TOP DPS NERF HIGH SUSTAIN… when your naming like 3-4 different builds…

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Tyrion.4259


I think there is a blend of skill of the human in mix with the utilities and powers a profession grants. That will always be in the mix; if it didn’t then it’d be boring as heck and we’d all be computers running simulations all day long.

My point is that I feel the warrior is fun. I win most of my fights because I consider myself an above average players. I think that if I played another class for the amount of hours I have on a warrior I too would feel the same about that profession.

There is a cross reference always to innate skills granted to professions and how it should all be equal so that player skill wins. I think it’s impossible to achieve.

The other point I want to make is that this is all relative. People come into these forums as maybe average or below average players and keep getting blown up by some average or above average warriors and think it needs a nerf.

What we need are people speaking intelligently on the different professions only if they’ve actually played all the professions and can articulate the differences in balance. As it stands now all I see above for the most part are opinions based on limited experience.

I am in no way saying I’m an expert but until we see something on this that explains in detail why X profession is clearly better than Y profession it’s all opinion of which means squat.

Also when people mention that warriors win hands down in burst DPS because they have 100 blades it clearly to me immediately makes me feel they have no credibility. In PvP or WvW 100blades is very difficult to land successfully over and over with no mobility. To make a blanket statement like that saying we win makes no sense.

I think most of these players in these professions have been riding with 1 at most stun break and been riding easy mode for awhile. They now have to actually give up some offensive utilities to counter the stuns with some stability stuff; either through speccing differently via traits, runes to lesson stun durations, or utilities. But instead of adjusting they are complaining because the hard decision is there that must now be made to actually counter it.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Manijin.3428


@Ljiona and Daecollo: There was a misunderstanding. Ljiona was referring to classes other than warrior complaining about warriors.

@Excalibur: There’s a reason teams bring S/D thieves: Their high evasion uptime combined with low-cooldown healing and movement allow them to entirely avoid large chunks of damage while still putting out respectable, if not high, damage of their own. That’s why you see most of them with Berserker jewels; they don’t need built-in durability because it comes from weapons and skills.

In order for a warrior to get “extreme” amounts of health regeneration, you need to get some healing power. Period. Otherwise, yes, Healing Signet is now a pretty darn good heal, but, with no way of avoiding damage, warriors are still more susceptible to burst that a lot of classes unless we pack a shield and Endure Pain, which already eats into our damage. And yes, while it’s true that Hundred Blades does great burst damage, actually HITTING with it is quite difficult. People complain about the currently popular Skull Crack/Hundred Blades combo, but the fact is that the amount of dodge and stun-breaker baiting that goes into pulling it off with any margin of success is, in fact, extremely difficult to do against players that know what’s coming.

(edited by Manijin.3428)

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


They were just brought along to blast in the fire fields.

Now I’m sure of it, your pulling a prank here. Good one bru.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Since when do thieves have higher sustain? If they’re in stealth they can’t do anything except regen health which is still lower than healing signet PASSIVE…

Warrior is widely regarded to do the most DPS, a lot more than ranger and guardian for sure. As far as burst DPS, warrior wins with hundred blades. Nothing can touch that.

0/0/30/0/0 Shadow Arts is an amazing tree, stealth means you can still be hurt but if you know your class and others you can avoid damage easilly.

Hundred Blades is the easiest attack to avoid in the entire game to any class.

If your dieing to it, AS A THIEF.. then I suggest getting a new pair of hands. The counter to hundred blades is moving out of the way, with a class that has multiple teleports and ways to escape this is easy. I’ve never died to 100b on my thief, even with the prenerf bullsrush+quickness+100b combo, it is SO easy to see it coming.

A guardian has Whirling Wrath, which is a hard to avoid attack unlike hundred blades because you can move and combo with it to pull foes to you, you can also use it to cleanse conditions as well (things that would prevent it from hurting your target.) Whirling Wrath is better in every way because it has MOBILITY.

Stop looking at big numbers, in PVP its mobility that matters.

Not all thieves have 30 in shadow arts though. I know I don’t. And you’re still forgetting that while in stealth thieves don’t do damage. Those that stay in stealth and never come out are just trolling. When they come out to actually do some damage, they got no more sustain!

Now let’s see, skull crack can be used every 7.5 seconds and most thieves only carry 1 stunbreak, 2 at max. Eventually you’ll be stunned then killed. How to dodge when stunned?

Besides it is well know that warrior has the highest mobility nowadays especially with sword/warhorn and greatsword. Literally 3000 range on a fairly short cooldown.

All is vain.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Since when do thieves have higher sustain? If they’re in stealth they can’t do anything except regen health which is still lower than healing signet PASSIVE…

Warrior is widely regarded to do the most DPS, a lot more than ranger and guardian for sure. As far as burst DPS, warrior wins with hundred blades. Nothing can touch that.

0/0/30/0/0 Shadow Arts is an amazing tree, stealth means you can still be hurt but if you know your class and others you can avoid damage easilly.

Hundred Blades is the easiest attack to avoid in the entire game to any class.

If your dieing to it, AS A THIEF.. then I suggest getting a new pair of hands. The counter to hundred blades is moving out of the way, with a class that has multiple teleports and ways to escape this is easy. I’ve never died to 100b on my thief, even with the prenerf bullsrush+quickness+100b combo, it is SO easy to see it coming.

A guardian has Whirling Wrath, which is a hard to avoid attack unlike hundred blades because you can move and combo with it to pull foes to you, you can also use it to cleanse conditions as well (things that would prevent it from hurting your target.) Whirling Wrath is better in every way because it has MOBILITY.

Stop looking at big numbers, in PVP its mobility that matters.

Not all thieves have 30 in shadow arts though. I know I don’t. And you’re still forgetting that while in stealth thieves don’t do damage. Those that stay in stealth and never come out are just trolling. When they come out to actually do some damage, they got no more sustain!

Now let’s see, skull crack can be used every 7.5 seconds and most thieves only carry 1 stunbreak, 2 at max. Eventually you’ll be stunned then killed. How to dodge when stunned?

Besides it is well know that warrior has the highest mobility nowadays especially with sword/warhorn and greatsword. Literally 3000 range on a fairly short cooldown.

As a thief I can set a trap, then when i’m almost dead, teleport 10,000 meters out.
As a ranger I can now stealth with longbow, switch to greatsword and swoop away.
As a warrior I can… still be kited… with chill that 3000 range turns to 1020… lulz

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Since when do thieves have higher sustain? If they’re in stealth they can’t do anything except regen health which is still lower than healing signet PASSIVE…

Warrior is widely regarded to do the most DPS, a lot more than ranger and guardian for sure. As far as burst DPS, warrior wins with hundred blades. Nothing can touch that.

0/0/30/0/0 Shadow Arts is an amazing tree, stealth means you can still be hurt but if you know your class and others you can avoid damage easilly.

Hundred Blades is the easiest attack to avoid in the entire game to any class.

If your dieing to it, AS A THIEF.. then I suggest getting a new pair of hands. The counter to hundred blades is moving out of the way, with a class that has multiple teleports and ways to escape this is easy. I’ve never died to 100b on my thief, even with the prenerf bullsrush+quickness+100b combo, it is SO easy to see it coming.

A guardian has Whirling Wrath, which is a hard to avoid attack unlike hundred blades because you can move and combo with it to pull foes to you, you can also use it to cleanse conditions as well (things that would prevent it from hurting your target.) Whirling Wrath is better in every way because it has MOBILITY.

Stop looking at big numbers, in PVP its mobility that matters.

Not all thieves have 30 in shadow arts though. I know I don’t. And you’re still forgetting that while in stealth thieves don’t do damage. Those that stay in stealth and never come out are just trolling. When they come out to actually do some damage, they got no more sustain!

Now let’s see, skull crack can be used every 7.5 seconds and most thieves only carry 1 stunbreak, 2 at max. Eventually you’ll be stunned then killed. How to dodge when stunned?

Besides it is well know that warrior has the highest mobility nowadays especially with sword/warhorn and greatsword. Literally 3000 range on a fairly short cooldown.

As a thief I can set a trap, then when i’m almost dead, teleport 10,000 meters out.
As a ranger I can now stealth with longbow, switch to greatsword and swoop away.
As a warrior I can… still be kited… with chill that 3000 range turns to 1020… lulz

How can you be kited with 98% condition immune? Almost no thief uses that trap anyways…at least not in WvW.

Besides on the ranger forums, they’re saying the 3s seconds stealth doesn’t do much especially since their pet is still visible.

All is vain.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Since when do thieves have higher sustain? If they’re in stealth they can’t do anything except regen health which is still lower than healing signet PASSIVE…
This compared to warriors that can deal extreme amounts of damage all the while regening health at extreme amounts, they’re virtually unstoppable.

Warrior is widely regarded to do the most DPS, a lot more than ranger and guardian for sure. As far as burst DPS, warrior wins with hundred blades. Nothing can touch that.

Someone excommunicate this troll. Go play a warrior and tell me how successful you are with your endeavors. It’s a class that takes a while to get down and we have to constantly result to things that other classes don’t such as terrain play and Sheath interrupting. I’ll bet you 5 nickels you don’t know what either of those are.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Manijin.3428


WvW isn’t supposed to be balanced. It’s not designed around 1v1. It’s designed around small groups (5-10) and zergs. IF a warrior goes mace/shield and greatsword, he loses 2 important tools. 1) Ranged Combat, and 2) Mobility. Now, Greatsword has nice mobility, but Mace/Shield doesn’t have ANY, so that part of the combo isn’t giving warriors more than they have, and the complaint would be better leveraged against Greatsword, which is fine.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Anybody can play a warrior but not everybody can actually do it skillfully. Widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll? Says the almost non-existent Warriors on almost all top tPvP teams. Out of all classes we have the least cheesiest of mechanics.

If you think it is so ez-mode and faceroll why don’t you play a Warrior with the exact build in question and go to a Duel Server in sPvP mode and beat everybody there, since you think there is no counter to it and it is so OP.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Anybody can play a warrior but not everybody can actually do it skillfully. Widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll? Says the almost non-existent Warriors on almost all top tPvP teams. Out of all classes we have the least cheesiest of mechanics.

If you think it is so ez-mode and faceroll why don’t you play a Warrior with the exact build in question and go to a Duel Server in sPvP mode and beat everybody there, since you think there is no counter to it and it is so OP.

It’s OP in WvW, never said it’s OP in sPvP.

All is vain.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Anybody can play a warrior but not everybody can actually do it skillfully. Widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll? Says the almost non-existent Warriors on almost all top tPvP teams. Out of all classes we have the least cheesiest of mechanics.

If you think it is so ez-mode and faceroll why don’t you play a Warrior with the exact build in question and go to a Duel Server in sPvP mode and beat everybody there, since you think there is no counter to it and it is so OP.

It’s OP in WvW, never said it’s OP in sPvP.

We don’t balance for WvWvW or 1v1.

Learn to play your class please, if your dieing to 100b then save your dodges/stunbreaks/teleports/immunitys or spec against it.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

This coming from a thief.


You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Anybody can play a warrior but not everybody can actually do it skillfully. Widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll? Says the almost non-existent Warriors on almost all top tPvP teams. Out of all classes we have the least cheesiest of mechanics.

If you think it is so ez-mode and faceroll why don’t you play a Warrior with the exact build in question and go to a Duel Server in sPvP mode and beat everybody there, since you think there is no counter to it and it is so OP.

It’s OP in WvW, never said it’s OP in sPvP.

then do it in WvW, and record and tell me your results.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Grimfalcon.3847


Just roll a Mesmer with a staff.

Grimfalcon – War, Karin Tai – Ele

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: magic fly.2041

magic fly.2041

balanced stance for 8 seconds of immunity to cc. Also gives swiftness.
bezerker stance for 8 seconds of immunity to conditions. Also gives adrenaline.
healing signet gives constant healing, so they don’t need to stop for even a split second to heal.
Huge cc on a short cooldown.

Turning them into a bulldozer with immunity to conditions and cc “might” make them stand on equal footing with the other classes, but is it the best option? Too much cc is annoying to fight against. Can’t move. Again, can’t move. Woopsie, you can not fight back for several seconds.
Trying to fight back with some cc of your own will only result in “immune”.
Forget about even using conditions against them.
If this continues, they may become more frustrating than thieves to fight against while still remaining underpowered compared to the other classes as always.

My honest opinion is that warriors were in a great place and didn’t need buffing or nerfing, just a couple changes to make some skills more fluid. It was all the gimmicks of the other classes that made the problem appear to be underpowered warriors.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: VictorTroska.3725


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Whatever you say…. thief.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


Excalibur exemplifies how thieves attract the noobs and allow them to think they’re good at the game.

A thief-only player complains about the warrior’s mobility. ’Nuff said guys.

The thief class is just the uber noob-squasher that makes other noobs feel pro.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Turbo Whale.1738

Turbo Whale.1738

I really don’t see how you’re still complaining about warriors having low sustain. Healing signet alone easily corrects that problem, not mentioning other ways for sustain such as adrenal health and healing shouts or regen banners. Also shield stance, BP and EP help with sustain.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Healing Signet gets toned down.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I really don’t see how you’re still complaining about warriors having low sustain. Healing signet alone easily corrects that problem, not mentioning other ways for sustain such as adrenal health and healing shouts or regen banners. Also shield stance, BP and EP help with sustain.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Healing Signet gets toned down.

As long as we get heavy access to protection and more damage reduction traits i’m fine with that.

Protective Perception
Gain 5 seconds of protection when you deliver a critical hit. This effect can only trigger once every 5 seconds.

Replace our ‘5’ trait in defense or vitality.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dxnice.8647


Thieves are upset warriors aren’t automatic wins anymore. wahhhh

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

r u talking dem ez loaw difficulty area of pve where i faceroll with all classes, too ez.
u compalin? l2p, bad thief, so badz yo.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Anybody can play a warrior but not everybody can actually do it skillfully. Widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll? Says the almost non-existent Warriors on almost all top tPvP teams. Out of all classes we have the least cheesiest of mechanics.

If you think it is so ez-mode and faceroll why don’t you play a Warrior with the exact build in question and go to a Duel Server in sPvP mode and beat everybody there, since you think there is no counter to it and it is so OP.

It’s OP in WvW, never said it’s OP in sPvP.

wahhh, u sir complain abuts that imba WvW, were u can use foods and burst people down in 1 sec with thiefs and stealth run away? man, u high?

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: galandor.1059


I fought a warrior today who told me how amazing his healing sig was and was trying to convince me to use it over my burst heal. He wanted to show it to me, so we did a few 1v1’s. He got a stun off on me and hit for decent damage, I hit one heal and went from 50% to 100%, I got one off on him and did 75% of his health, because my build is pure offense, he got about 6 seconds to regen to around 35%, I hit shield bash on him, 2 hits, down to 25% again, skull crack, 15%, and finished him off with 100b. The healing sig is nice against non burst classes if you can manage to keep the burst off you, the minute you get bursted and they apply pressure on you your done. To suggest nerfing it, without supplying protection in any way to the Warrior is laughable. It’s fine where it’s at.

Engineer:Warrior:Necromancer – Rank 39

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: petespri.6548


As long as we get heavy access to protection and more damage reduction traits i’m fine with that.

Protective Perception
Gain 5 seconds of protection when you deliver a critical hit. This effect can only trigger once every 5 seconds.

Replace our ‘5’ trait in defense or vitality.

Seriously, you just want OP if you want 5 seconds of protection on a 5 sec CD on a 5 point trait. That’s asking everything for nothing.

I too want protection, but it needs to be tied to a master trait, or grandmaster. I would add “Gain 3.5 seconds of Protection after a shield skill completes” to either Spiked Armor and keep it Grandmaster, or to Shield Master (-20% shield CD) and bump that to Master tier to compete with Cleansing Ire.

I recommend you tone down your suggestions if you want people to take you seriously, though I admire your passion for warriors.

(edited by petespri.6548)

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


As long as we get heavy access to protection and more damage reduction traits i’m fine with that.

Protective Perception
Gain 5 seconds of protection when you deliver a critical hit. This effect can only trigger once every 5 seconds.

Replace our ‘5’ trait in defense or vitality.

Seriously, you just want OP if you want 5 seconds of protection on a 5 sec CD on a 5 point trait. That’s asking everything for nothing.

I too want protection, but it needs to be tied to a master trait, or grandmaster. I would add “Gain 3.5 seconds of Protection after a shield skill completes” to either Spiked Armor and keep it Grandmaster, or to Shield Master (-20% shield CD) and bump that to Master tier to compete with Cleansing Ire.

I recommend you tone down your suggestions if you want people to take you seriously, though I admire your passion for warriors.

Kind of like 5 seconds of vigor on critical? (5s CD) Which is arguably better?

Your asking for Warriors healing to be reduced when its fine, we have no way to survive burst. It would be balanced.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Heizero.9183


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

Since when do thieves have higher sustain? If they’re in stealth they can’t do anything except regen health which is still lower than healing signet PASSIVE…

Warrior is widely regarded to do the most DPS, a lot more than ranger and guardian for sure. As far as burst DPS, warrior wins with hundred blades. Nothing can touch that.

0/0/30/0/0 Shadow Arts is an amazing tree, stealth means you can still be hurt but if you know your class and others you can avoid damage easilly.

Hundred Blades is the easiest attack to avoid in the entire game to any class.

If your dieing to it, AS A THIEF.. then I suggest getting a new pair of hands. The counter to hundred blades is moving out of the way, with a class that has multiple teleports and ways to escape this is easy. I’ve never died to 100b on my thief, even with the prenerf bullsrush+quickness+100b combo, it is SO easy to see it coming.

A guardian has Whirling Wrath, which is a hard to avoid attack unlike hundred blades because you can move and combo with it to pull foes to you, you can also use it to cleanse conditions as well (things that would prevent it from hurting your target.) Whirling Wrath is better in every way because it has MOBILITY.

Stop looking at big numbers, in PVP its mobility that matters.

Not all thieves have 30 in shadow arts though. I know I don’t. And you’re still forgetting that while in stealth thieves don’t do damage. Those that stay in stealth and never come out are just trolling. When they come out to actually do some damage, they got no more sustain!

Now let’s see, skull crack can be used every 7.5 seconds and most thieves only carry 1 stunbreak, 2 at max. Eventually you’ll be stunned then killed. How to dodge when stunned?

Besides it is well know that warrior has the highest mobility nowadays especially with sword/warhorn and greatsword. Literally 3000 range on a fairly short cooldown.

Joking? my thief craps on warrior mobility. Shadow trap. done deal. Withdraw. Done deal. Infiltrator’s/Steal. done. Plus sustain is heavy in SA. refuge when you are low and you basically have a 2nd heal. plus the passive heal benefit from stealthing. not to mention the condi removal gain from stealth is pretty much a must have. if you are losing to warriors as a thief, no way around it bro, you kinda suck.

Commander Unyielding Shadow – Human Thief
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: JoakimFA.4713


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

I almost threw up reading that.

Yoshioka [YUI] | Sea of Sorrows | Human Warrior. And a good looking one at that.
My Longbow tPvP Guide: http://tinyurl.com/Longbow-tPvP (out of date)

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


This thread reminds of the old days when the game was brand new and every single thread in the warrior’s section was “Nerf 100b”! Atm warriors are where they should be, they don’t need a nerf and they don’t exactly need a buff, if anything the only thing warriors need is a bit of love in the vitality traits.

Healing signet passive healing is good if you wear any healing power heavy gear thus sacrificing critical damage and critical chance along with higher hp and the rest. Our burst heal is great if we have full adrenaline. Same as adrenal regen. But now that burst serve their purpose in other words: “Hammers Aoe stun with medium damage, axe heavy damage, GS mid damage with buff, mace stuns, sword is heavy condition applier so on” warriors no longer stack 3 bards and stay put getting +X% damage and crit rate all the way with no real versatility or viability in any way around anything besides CoFp1.

A thief is far more mobile and though they cannot damage while in stealth “Duh” this gives them openings for escaping and opening whenever they want also the regeneration while in stealth is great, their elite poison is a great cc for openings and can be combined with runes for additional effects. All their elites are good and help them adapt to different situations. Warriors are still stuck with signed of rage which is now more useful as a passive in terms of adrenaline generation. But still if you loosing badly to a warrior you must be really bad.

I personally been playing around the hot join with a dual sword build on healing condition damage toughness build. Personally I find it really entertaining to play and the more I play around with it the more I like it. WvW wise I go axe/shield long bow and it fits my needs perfectly. I own a bunch of 80’s I have no problems killing warriors as any of them just as I have no problem killing anyone as my warrior anymore besides of course the very skilled thiefs “sword dagger specially” and the random insanely good mesmer rest is fair game for both sides imo.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

I’ve been getting a lot of hate tells (from enemies) recently when playing the Skullcracker 3.0. Love it. I guess this is what it feels like to play a Thief.

One – Piken Square

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

I’ve given you the math on guardians already and proved you wrong. If you want I can do it with other professions. You seem to not have the grace to admit when you’ve been proven wrong though. Should I do it again?

The only things that currently make warriors “op” are that other classes are fairly weak in the stun department. Once more classes get reliable stuns people will hopefully quiet down.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: sanictoofast.9317


i’ve come to accept that my zrrkrr won’t be useful outside pve

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


i’ve come to accept that my zrrkrr won’t be useful outside pve

That’s because you’re facing against players that think and adapt. Warrior is pretty balanced in PvP right now. You should try something else besides “zrrkrr”.

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Deathspike.1870


At this moment, an Apothecary/Settler warrior with S/S and LB is much scarier than the ones chaining stun. The Healing Signet required a chance, but a full healing power build makes the passive regeneration insane, not to mention boosting other sources of healing (e.g. shout and/or regeneration boon). That, combined with a high toughness, condition damage and plenty of condition cleansing, makes for a very unpleasant enemy that has way too much healing over time with a good amount of bleed, burning, torment and way too much immobilization.

Active: Mesmer, Warrior
Inactive: Guardian, Elementalist, Ranger, Thief (ex-main)
Leveling: Engineer, Necromancer

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Turamarth.3248


We still have low damage.
We still have poor sustain (can be easilly kited/killed.)
We are still one of the hardest classes to play.

This is lulzy coming from the highest damage, and one of the highest sustain class. It’s also the class that is widely considered to be ez-mode and faceroll.

Gaurdians/Rangers/Engineers/Thieves all have higher sustain.

Rangers have higher sustained damage, Guardians have higher Sustained Damage, Thieves have higher burst damage.

Please go back to your own forums.

I’ve given you the math on guardians already and proved you wrong. If you want I can do it with other professions. You seem to not have the grace to admit when you’ve been proven wrong though. Should I do it again?

The only things that currently make warriors “op” are that other classes are fairly weak in the stun department. Once more classes get reliable stuns people will hopefully quiet down.

Sustain isn´t only about the healing you have but also the access to boons like protection and vigor.

Brandar – Kodash [DE]

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


I was waiting so long for qq about warrior! ES mode and faceroll lal. Lemme guess.. an OP is heartseeker spammer? 222222222. Behind that talking about food..a food is countered by food. Did he picked -40% condi duration food? Pick up +40% condi duration food. But nope, its better to pick +100 power along with +10% crit dmg with 0 stunbreaks and complain.

Also saying op in wvw says everything to me – zerk nOOb

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sovereign.1093



to counter the warrior, one must simply make a warrior and play. then you will therefore see the ups and downs of the class.


of course, not anyone wishes to make a new character, finish the bebe storymody and head to pvp. :P

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

I'm sorry, but Please Learn to Play.

in Warrior

Posted by: Aeri.5738


Warriors have low damage?
I suggest go play a ranger then. This thread is more or less a joke!

I admit, I stopped playing my warrior last year. But not because of “low damage” or “low sustain” (and we were a lot worse back then!)
I still like to take out my warri for one or two sPvP matches some time.
Warriors got some awesome updates, amazing condition removal (something rangers can only dream about!), amazing stun abilities and many viable builds comming up since the last patches.
Im not saying that the warrior reached the top of the foodchain, but it is most certainly not the bottom anymore.
A few months ago (as a ranger) I simply sent my pet to get rid of nasty warriors – now I think twice about starting a fight with them at all.

In dungeons, warriors are still No.1 pick and there is nothing more awesome then a zerker warri.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2.” – Well, I guess you really failed, ANet!
Update 5.9.2013: getting better ANet, still way to go!
A Lannister always pays his debts – For everyone else, there’s Mastercard.