I suck at PvP

I suck at PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: ChaK.3254


Yeah, I’m not even hidding myself anymore. I just plainly suck at PvP. I can handle PvE juste fine, I love it, even the most challenging dungeon or event.

But I can’t hit a crap in PvP, I always ends up staggering in the middle of the scoreboard, just between the leet and people that just joined.

I’m happy when I make 130 points in sPvP. Not talking about WvW because I don’t like bus and never find any roamer.

I like PvP, I think it’s fun, but it’s just that I’m bad.

So I would like some help. I’ve tryied an infinity of setup. I suck at finding good gear, good weapon. I tryed zerker GS, got pwned like never. Tryied knight Hammer, was fun, condition sword, I was bad. Axe/shield as PVT was fun, but damage was so low I was crying of frustration in 1v1.

And died in the end indeed.

What do you think is the most uber-noobie setting I could fine? Seeing I’m no l337 maybe should I go with PVT with offensive build?

Help, I need to find something I could at least beat a thief with.

Nah I’m kidding, but at least an inge.

Any must-have skill/weapon/advice for PvP?

Thanks fellow warriors.

I suck at PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


1.) You want to be a better Warrior? Work hard or have the decency to understand that it takes time to learn this class.

2.) Follow my stream, check my channel (The videos and builds) out. I might be able to help.

3.) Mobility = Defense whether Tank or DPS. If you don’t have this then it won’t be forgiving at all no matter how you build.

4.) If you want to practice on punishing, I suggest you use 20/30/0/0/20 Mace + GS. Try to bait out stun breaks before you use Frenzy combos like this.

*Punishing = Dealing burst on openings, forcing out stun breaks (I.E poking with Skull Crack + Hundred Blades), using Frenzy combos when you know burst will kill no matter what (I.E when a target has no stun breaks left because you and your team mates forced it out). Requires stun break knowledge on all classes.

5.) Rune of Lyssa and Signet Mastery if you want to find a forgiving place to start as a DPS.

*Rune of Lyssa cleanses all conditions on use of an elite skill. That being said, Signet of Rage becomes a condition cleanse. Very crucial when you want to find a forgiving place to start when you look at #3. Helps A LOT vs. slows which is a main problem.

6.) Try to not depend on Endure Pain. Mobility and timed dodges allows you to survive better. I recommend using Balanced Stance, Signet of Stamina, Bulls Charge, and Frenzy for utilities.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

(edited by Moderator)

I suck at PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: ChaK.3254


I am indeed aware that is takes time and patience to master a class. I do think I’m quite good at it and its understanding on the pve side, but pvp is a whole re-learning process.

That’s why I’m here actually.

And i’ll have a look at videos yeah. I’ve seen a lot of punishing as you said, lot of bull charge, frenzy, 100B boom dead. Though I DO hope pvp isn’t only about that.

Noted about mobility. I confess I’m not really running around, I tend to stick to the guy to somehow try to finish him. Which rarely happens 1v1.

I suck at PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: CoaxialMazer.9140


sword-shield/GS + bulls charge is 5 gap closers to stick to target + swiftness from signet of rage. Signet of stamina + Whirlwind + mobile strikes + shield block + fast hands makes you dance around your opponent and avoid alot of dmg + dealing some in the process. Reckless dodge is an offensive trait that helps with dps if you dodge an attack and know how to end your dodge near your enemy (dmg is approximately equivalent to an auto attack from GS sword, which can crit 2k+). Overall thats how i play now no matter where (PvP/WvW/PvE). Its far too much fun, high dps, i die less than most people who go super tanky anyways, and understanding when to stop attacking/using a dodge instead is important. Hundred blades for me is just dps when i know i can get a couple of free hits on a guy whos stunned/downed or knockdown by bullscharge. I almost always interrupt it when i notice the enemy no longer is disabled or can start moving (usually whirlwind works great at canceling hundredblades + its a dodge which is likely useful at the moment your target gets up + switch to sword-shield to jump right back to the enemy with savage leap).

I suck at PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

In this game you are given many mobility options – Each class has their own set, and Warriors can leap, block, dodge, and whirl through. This is not a “stand there and spam skills” or “kite in circles until it dies” MMO – that’s part of the reason why I love this game. While you can build to face-tank or kite in PvE, you will get STOMPED in PvP. You simply have too many tools to avoid damage, so the best defense is to not take it… period, for any class. The only time it makes sense to bunker is for retaliation builds where your getting hit hurts them (Guardians are the king of this). So if you are not getting hit, then you don’t need armor, you need damage to kill them. Balance it to your playstyle, but the true end game is a glass cannon that out smarts the opponent so they can lay in their damage and never get touched.

Now what weapons you use is all up to you – warrior is blessed by being one of the few classes that doesn’t have a weapon that sucks.

Greatsword: High mobility and best damage skill in the game – assuming you can pin someone down long enough for the 2 or 4 second 100B. Has a cripple move for chasing.

Hammer: One of the best CC weapons ever created. A weaken (less dodge rolls for them, a cripple, a knock back, and knock down, AND a stun? If your target isn’t riding high with stability, they are screwed.

Lonbow: An AoE ranged weapon that creates your only combo field in the game. Many argue Warriors have better bow skills than Rangers.

Rifle: Kitten single target damage. Your killshot can literally one-shot glass cannon builds. Plus Rifle Butt is extremely useful as both CC and keeping melees away from you.

Axes: A crap ton of whirl moves, so you can always damage anyone around you. Plus Eviscerate is amazing damage. A shield-bash + eviscerate is a kill combo favored by many.

Maces: Another CC weapon. Weaken at end of auto-attack, a daze and a stun. Off hand adds a in-line knockdown. Schwahrheit uses this weapon for the CC to set up his GS combo.

Swords: Your bleed kings – basically every button you click causes bleeds. Set up right, and you can have people riding with 20+ stacks of bleed. A lunge and a cripple keeps them from running, and the f1 move adds a long duration immobilize. This keeps them in your flurry, or you can use it to 4s immobilize and then cancel for another combo.

Shield: A stun and a 3 second invulnerability button that you can still move around with. My Guardian is deeply jealous.

Warhorn: A 1200 range aoe support weapon. One knocks off their CC and gives everyone swiftness. Another gives everyone vigor and them weakness meaning you can dodge twice as many times as them – as we said, mobility is the name of the game. Add in a kicking condition trait, and this is a boon in any party.

As you can see, there is no “must have” weapon. They are ALL good, and all have a purpose. Pick how you want to play – you can knock them on the head with a mace and shield until they are ready for a GS combo like Schwahrheit does. You can stick to them like glue with sword/GS like CoaxialMazer does. You can be a whirling eviscerating killer. You can go around being a CC king with a hammer. You can be tooting horns and planting banners being the wave that keeps your party killing. Pick how you play… the only point to drive home is to learn to control mobility. To avoid damage and not let them avoid yours is the game where you’ll end up on top. I went from tank to a 0 tough/vit glass cannon just to force me to learn this, and after learning it, I’ve died less than I ever did with a tank build.

I suck at PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


I would like to add that you need to be aware of the profession limitations in this game. I am not saying it is all of the Warriors fault, but I have found that there is indeed a ceiling for warriors and it comes up much quicker than the mesmers.

There is only so much you can do without the access to hard boons that almost all other classes have (or stealth like a thief).

1v1s’ are the worst for warriors against anything other than thief (in my opinion). The other classes just have to many boons for you to actually get your damage through. You can try to chain stun them but that will only lead to them either using a stun breaker then using vigor to dodge the rest or at worst use two of their three stun breaks. On top of all this, with the current set up in tPvP and sPvP warriors damage is just not effective. With all the bunkers sitting on points it is nearly pointless.

The Warrior class can try to bunker (and believe me people will argue we can bunker as well as any other class but that is just not true) but that is not what our class excels at. A bunker Guardian, Engineer, Mesmer, Necromancer, and Thief are all better than the bunker Warrior.

Our class has the big direct numbers. That is it. So unless you run into someone that doesn’t know their class or is new to the game, the outcome is mostly settled. Although, hot join pvp has a lot of people who do not understand what is happening. So, the Greatsword —- Sword/shield (or axe/shield) works wonders on them.

(edited by Vanthian.9267)

I suck at PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: Feni.4306


I would actually like some advice as well. I’m a rifle user and I was doing the jumping puzzle a minute ago but ran into a Guardian, I did my best to CC him(bolas, rifle butt etc.) but in the end it was all pointless because his 24/7 retal pretty much did the job for him. Not to mention whenever he immobilized me to use his 2 with scepter, shake it off kept removing the kittening vuln instead of the immobilize so I had to eat the entire thing twice.

I’m basically asking what I should do in that situation. That retal is just killing me and I have no way of removing it.

Warrior – Ríse[MoM]. Guardian – Ekria. Necro – Reimia. Engi – Feni Navi
Tarnished Coast.

I suck at PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


So you want to be a warrior in sPvP.

Get a friend that is good at support and control like a D/D ele(Make sure he is good at this build too).

My D/D ele friend’s knockdown, remove conditions, immobilize, freeze gave me everything a hundred blade warriors dream about. Simply press 5, frenzy, then 2. Both me and my friend obliterated everyone in sPvP.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

I suck at PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


Not to mention whenever he immobilized me to use his 2 with scepter, shake it off kept removing the kittening vuln instead of the immobilize so I had to eat the entire thing twice.

Your best bet to remove immobilization (because all the good players will cover it with something else) is your Mobile Strike trait. Trait X in the Discipline tree (bottom tree). Every time you use a skill that uses movement (aka: Savage Leap, Whirlwind Attack, Rush, Bulls Rush, etc.) it will remove immobilization from you.

In that situation I would suggest one of these two things:
1) Get some range between you and the guardian and start snaring and immobilizing him (trait I in the Tactics tree: Leg Specialist). Guardians have poor range and do not have very strong ranged moves. While you have the rifle. Try to keep up the snare and cripple. Do your best not to waste your dodge on small dmg skills. Save them for the big things (such as dodging the cc). You are also very vulnerable to conditions as a warrior (just be aware of this).

2) Run. If you are ahead in the puzzle then Rifle 2 him and try to run ahead.

I suck at PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: ChaK.3254


thanks for the advices guys.

I’m kind of surprised sword is recommanded as I often read it’s not that good due to condition removers. I might give an other try, coupled with a GS.

And train, knowing I’ll die a lot.

Though what rune/trinket would you recommand?

(edited by ChaK.3254)