I wasn't aware warriors were so bad....
Warrior is (imo) in very good spot right now. I have never loved this profession more then now :P
I am not sure how the profession will do with new elite specs, we shall see. But overall, there are only a few things warrior should get to be perfect (to be perfect for me ofc), like Fast Hands baseline, Eviscerate chill/cripple fix, rush/bull’s charge fix, Earthshaker different terrain height fix… and that’s it.
I don’t understand the point of this thread.
I’d be surprised if anyone felt warrior was in a bad place right now. It’s probably in the best place it’s been for a long time, though not the top of the heap in terms of pvp or dueling.
If you’re all about pve, then I don’t think anybody claims warrior’s bad. If anything, people from other classes sometimes post here upset that warriors are invited to every dungeon party (well, one, for the sake of Phalanx Strength). But that’s about it.
Non-dungeon pve… well, that’s pretty much faceroll easy for everything, don’t you think? And it’s not like it matters if one class is more powerful than another because, well, the npcs get crushed regardless.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
(edited by Choppy.4183)
I don’t think warriors complain about being underpowered half as much as other classes complain about us being overpowered. With that being said , I don’t think warrior is in a great sport in pvp but we r still competitive.
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
I don’t understand the point of this thread.
I’d be surprised if anyone felt warrior was in a bad place right now. It’s probably in the best place it’s been for a long time, though not the top of the heap in terms of pvp or dueling.
If you’re all about pve, then I don’t think anybody claims warrior’s bad. If anything, people from other classes sometimes post here upset that warriors are invited to every dungeon party (well, one, for the sake of Phalanx Strength). But that’s about it.
Non-dungeon pve… well, that’s pretty much faceroll easy for everything, don’t you think? And it’s not like it matters if one class is more powerful than another because, well, the npcs get crushed regardless.
Warrior dps is kinda meh compared to a lot of others but when u can put out mass team dps buff u don’t really need top personal dps
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
My opinion on Warrior:
Pve: His Dps is “ok” but not great. The ONLY reason he gets used is for Might/Banner/Ea.
And the Might part is not that important anymore.
I stoped playing warrior (main class) in pve because it was realy hard to get a dungeon group. I switched to ele here.
WvW: Warrior was in a bad spot even month before the spez patch.
His CC doenst compare to Gurad and ele who have capless cc.
His dmg is only “ok” here.
Warrior has bad stab skills.
… …
The ONLY reasons warrior was ever usefull in wvw were:
1) Warhorn = was nerf to the ground
2) War Banner = every good wvw group can counter this skill EASY!
poisen on downstate
or you have 3-4 good ele player that place lava font under the downstate
this kills the downstate faster than the cast time of warbanner (on a 4 sec cd)
OR you have 1-2 smart player that interupt the very obvious skill.
and much more
The Shout heal is also not good anymore.
Im in an WvW Guild and from 12 Warrior Player (WvW) 10 switched classes because the feel more useful with other classes.
And other Guilds start too.
The fact that the only usefull thing on berserker is the new Killshot doesnt help much….
For me Warrior is in a very bad spot for many month now and its gets worse since
(edited by DanAlcedo.3281)
99% of warriors use the utilities and traits and have done so for over 2 years. The term for this is stagnant. Are they terrible?..no. Have they lost their interest factor?..definitely.
I wouldn’t say we are in a bad spot, we can do a lot.
Most of the complaints here are long-held issues we have as a profession. It doesn’t mean that we can’t win as a Warrior, but many of us feel like we are being left out of the good stuff.
If they ever made Fast Hands baseline, you would probably get us Warriors gushing out raw happiness for weeks.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
sadly i dont see fast hand getting baseline anytime soon or it ever happening…
Reason why many warriors are losing interest and complaining that we are in a bad spot is that, many other class kinda outshine us in many ways which forms this impression that we are in a very bad spot.
Simply take mesmer as an example, they out dps us, provides team speed buff and brings many other benefits to the table whether in the context of pvp or pve, they simply does better than us. i’m not saying warriors are totally irrelevant but just that our banners/shouts/might generating traits doesnt have that much impact anymore, and this is due to the nerfs we have been receiving over the years.
Berserker was suppose to be our salvation but, anet’s definition of “introducing new ways to play” for warrior is to make them into a condi spec class while it’s fun to imitate engineers, necros & mesmers, we simply can’t do better than them in this aspect. So if you like the challenge, and still love ya warrior, keep playing them!
Warrior dps is kinda meh compared to a lot of others but when u can put out mass team dps buff u don’t really need top personal dps
Actually not quite true unless you’re talking about a phalanx strength warrior. If you run a build that actually strives to maximise personal damage, warrior has extremely high burst and very high sustained damage.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Warrior dps is kinda meh compared to a lot of others but when u can put out mass team dps buff u don’t really need top personal dps
Actually not quite true unless you’re talking about a phalanx strength warrior. If you run a build that actually strives to maximise personal damage, warrior has extremely high burst and very high sustained damage.
Unless I’ve done my math wrong. Strength arms tatics is max dps. PS can be added or removed and have to effect on personal dps. I guess fast hands might b a touch more but I fide it hard to belive it can make up the 7%-8% loss from tatics
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
It has the potential to be maximum damage, but it won’t ever be used for that purpose because a warrior using the tactics traitline isn’t ever going to be in scholar runes or taking both signet of might and fury etc.
Also, don’t underestimate the discipline traitline!
Remember that if you’re taking burst mastery due to already getting quickness from a mesmer or a guardian, you’re also getting free adrenaline every time you weapon swap. What this means is that even if you use an eviscerate, by the time you’ve swapped to greatsword you’ll literally be able to use an arcing slice right after doing a whirlwind because your adrenaline will already be full. You can actually spam burst skills with this setup, which is partly why it’s so powerful. The rotations aren’t the same at all.
Theoretically, it could be possible to deal the highest damage with strength/arms/tactics if you were fed a crap ton of boons the entire time and were using full scholar and the rest just whatever was best for personal damage (double signets, power+ferocity food etc) but that still doesn’t really refute the point I was making in the first place, which was that the phalanx builds that we all know and [don’t] love are certainly not the best damage setups for a warrior.