Impractical ideas to make warrior OP.
All attacks apply burning when you are wielding a torch.
Thick Skin = Permanent protection.
Adrenal Health = 3, 6 or 9s of regeneration upon using a burst skill.
Axe Off Hand redesign:
4) 360 radius 360 range AOE attack that does the same amount of damage as an Axe MH attack chain, .5 second cast time, IMMUNE to Blind, 12s cooldown.
5) Single target attack, low damage, BUT if it hits a downed opponent they die. Has a 1 sec cast time, 20s cooldown.
Modify Last Stand to also make stances apply to nearby allies.
Trigger Endure Pain whenever Burst moves are used. Berserker mode pulses 2 seconds of Resistance every 3 second.
Add to signet mastery : maintain passive when activating signets
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
CI and Fast hand both baseline +
-Rush is now a real leap
-100b = mobile now but with 50% reduced movement speed
-Counterblow is instant and also applies blinding
-Skullcrack has small leap now
-Earthshaker now works on uneven terrain
-Duel shot, reduced aftercast by 0,25 sec
-Cyclone axe, increased dmg by 75%-Thick skin now also reduces projectile dmg by 33% above 75% health
Something i would really like to see :-P
Those would just makes warriors abilities suck less, not over powered.
OP would be: 100b can now be used while moving and reflects projectiles.
Banners last 4o seconds have 30 sec cd and follow you . Add to banner trait : banners give a pulsing buff , Strength give 3 stacks of might , discipline give fury, tatics gives regen , defense give protection, battle standard give 3 stacks might and 2 stacks stability
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
100b keep same damage per hit same length channel . 100b hits 100 times
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
Banners last 4o seconds have 30 sec cd and follow you . Add to banner trait : banners give a pulsing buff , Strength give 3 stacks of might , discipline give fury, tatics gives regen , defense give protection, battle standard give 3 stacks might and 2 stacks stability
Pfft, I got you beat.
Summoned Banners finish enemies in a 60 radius where they land. Warbanner AoE finishes at a 360 radius.
That’s right, Banners impale downed foes to finish!
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
Overhauls to adrenaline gain as follows:
- Adrenaline does not decrease while in combat or while moving. It only decreases while standing still and out of combat.
- Movement-related attacks provide an additional boost in adrenaline based on distance covered until an attack hits a foe (longer distance = more adrenaline gained.). This affects skills such as Rush, Whirlwind attack, Savage Leap, Bull’s Charge, etc.
- Adrenaline gain increases while the warrior is under the effect of the following boons: Fury, Quickness, Swiftness. Rate of gain is cumulative, so if they have 2 of these boons, the rate is doubled, and if they have all 3 of these boons the rate is tripled.
Overhaul to Burst skills and berserk mode
– Cooldowns on burst effects are removed or greatly reduced.
– There still 3 level of burst skills, but each level corresponds to a seperate F1, F2, F3 activation.
– The effects (area, conditions, range, etc) of each burst differ slightly at each level, but the overall DPS steadily increases at higher levels (iow F3 > F2 > F1)
– Activating a lower level burst only uses up a portion of the adrenaline pool. For example, a warrior able to do an F3 burst that activates an F1 burst will still have enough adrenaline left over to perform an F2 burst or two F1 bursts.
– Berserker specialization augments this as follows: Activating any weapon’s F2 burst creates a small fire field at the targets location (longbow’s existing burst field is increased). All F3 burst attacks generate a larger/longer-lasting fire field (longbow’s existing burst field is increased even more).
– Berserker also gets access to a special 4th level burst tier and corresponding F4 burst activation of Berserker Rage. The F4 effect is the same regardless of equipped weapons. When activated, attack speed is increased, all attacks deliver extra damage plus burning, and the berserker is immune to various CC effects. The effect lasts for a minimum of 15 seconds, and then continues until the warrior is unable to land a successful attack within a 5 second span. When the effect ends, the warrior’s adrenaline drops to 0, and any boons in effect are lost.
(edited by Kalendraf.9521)
very interesting ideas going around here!
My Stream : see me vs Tarcis, Chaith, Crysis and etc!
Banners last 4o seconds have 30 sec cd and follow you . Add to banner trait : banners give a pulsing buff , Strength give 3 stacks of might , discipline give fury, tatics gives regen , defense give protection, battle standard give 3 stacks might and 2 stacks stability
I think every people gonna have defensive banner or tactics only based on your theory.
Actually this is nerf.
If we are about to buff banner, I would say all banner bassically need to grant both regen + protection. OR CD time buff from 120s to 60sec so we can spam banners. (currently banner doesn’t do that much helpful in a team fight taking more than 3va3. So either buff its ability, or being able to spamming it is required from my perspective)
More important thing is to buff Sprint. 600 range mobility really small as compared to Ele’s Fiery greatsword. I want 900 -_-;
My Stream : see me vs Tarcis, Chaith, Crysis and etc!
(edited by online.1278)
Phalanx Strength gives Might on Crit on any weapon.
On My Mark! gives 10 second Reveal on the target.
Last Stand gives you the ability for any stance to break stun for all allies within a small radius.
Whirling Axes reflects projectiles for the entire duration. Wielding TWO axes and using Whirling Axes doubles the projectile speed of the reflected projectile and doubles its damage.
Speedy Kits Weapons: A new trait that gives 10 seconds of Swiftness on weapon swap even out of combat.
Faster Hands: 5 Second Weapon Swap is now baseline warrior. The new Faster Hands gives Warriors no cooldown penalty in combat, allowing them to weapon swap at will (but still subject to other weapon swap cooldowns like Brawler’s Recovery or sigil effects). OP? cough ENGI cough
Activating Frenzy taunts nearby enemies for 1 second.
New Berserker GM trait: Activating a Primal Burst recharges all Rage utilities by 2 seconds every cast. Activating a regular Burst instantly recharges Berserk, making it ready to use again.
In addition to its effects, Dead or Alive also auto activates Vengeance on down and triggers Endure Pain for 3 seconds. The enemy or source that downed you gets 10 stacks of Vulnerability and killing the enemy that downed you rallies you, otherwise you’re still subjected to the 25% chance.
Headbutt stuns the primary target but also launches all enemies in a small radius around the primary target a short distance. Beastmaster’s Primal Roar incarnate
Dual Wielding, wielding two of the same weapon now gives a 25% attack speed increase.
Always Angry, breaking a stun refreshes Always Angry.
Kick, when traited with Peak Performance, the launch distance doubles at 2 bars and triples at 3 bars of Adrenaline when used.
Bull’s Charge becomes a stun break at full adrenaline.
Throw Bolas doubles/triples in projectile speed depending on adrenaline.
New Inspiring Battle Standard. Now GM. When a Banner is placed, a new 30sec CD skill in place of the banner appears. The new skill varies between each banner. Strength applies weakness within its radius. Discipline applies vulnerability within its radius. Tactics applies Regen and Vigor within its radius. Defense applies protection within its radius. Battle Standard applies quickness/stability within its radius.
Powerful Synergy applies to all combo finishers but also any fields you generate also activates allied finishers twice.
Cull the Weak, using a Burst skill on the enemy below the threshold also immediately downs them, regardless of the damage. Level 3 Burst skills used on an enemy below 5% HP immediately defeats them. For the sake of not being absurd, for longbow/sword, the final tick activates this.
Defy Pain, along with its effects, activate Berserker Stance for a short time when you have 5 conditions applied to you.
Sundering Mace, Break Bar penetration is doubled when a mace is equipped. Tripled if using 2 maces.
Thick Skin, Toughness bonus above the 90% threshold is 10x when there is no enemy within 300 radius of you.
This was more fun than I thought.
(edited by GenoGar.5497)
Berserk mode removed. After training with the skritt at the SS Topsy-Turvy and the circus in Divinity’s Reach, you learn to wield weapons with your feet while doing a handstand. Can now toggle Topsy-Turvy mode, which causes you to flip into a handstand and swap to a second pair of two weapon sets. Weapon skill cooldowns are not shared, even if you have the same weapon equipped in both forms.
-Whirlwind Attack:
Summons a Tornado at your ending location. It can only shoot debris, though (no lightning or dust devils), so it’s pretty balanced.
Renamed to Zerg Rush. If you hit a foe, you stun it for 2 seconds. If you hit a foe, you also summon 5 additional greatsword warriors that use Hundred Blades and Frenzy to attack that foe.
Now inflicts permanent Cripple. The Cripple from this skill has a wheelchair icon instead of the normal icon. The Cripple caused by this skill can only be removed by purchasing an Experimental Spinal Stem Cell Treatment Kit from the Gem Store for 200 gems.
-Fan of Fire:
Since the previous iteration fired only three arrows, it could barely be called a ‘fan’. Thus, we slightly increased the amount of arrows from 3 to 30.
-Brutal Shot:
Now causes all enemies struck to headbang for 10 seconds while death growling “Fear not this Night”.
Now inflicts Deep Wound, just like in GW1. This condition causes the enemies’ max health to temporarily be reduced to 80% of their normal max health. The opponent’s current health is also temporarily reduced by the amount of health removed by the Deep Wound.
Now travels 100% faster and returns to you after reaching max range.
There’s now a chain attacked the the sword thrown. Using Rip makes you pull in the foe bound to the chain and deliver the attack.
-Defiant Stance:
Now grants a Defiance Bar. The stance lasts infinitely until the Defiance Bar is broken.
-“Shake It Off!”
Causes all allies affected to shake off all nearby foes, launching them away.
-Balanced Stance:
Renamed to Imbalanced Stance. Now grants all boons in the game for 8 seconds, instead of just Stability and Swiftness.
-Hammer Toss (downed skill 2):
Renamed to Hammer Time. Now grants you a buff that converts all rocks thrown by Throw Rock (downed skill 1) into hammers for 5 seconds.
-Restorative Strength (Stength trait):
Changed from “Using a heal skill grants might” to ‘Gaining might activates your heal skill’. No cooldown.
-Bloodlust (Arms trait):
In addition to its current effects, now grants a stacking 10 power on kill. Stacks with Sigil of Bloodlust.
Thick Skin (Defense trait):
Now increases the Warrior’s ability to take criticism, even if he doesn’t agree with it. Also now increases Toughness by 2000 when above 90% health.
-Quick Breathing (Tactics trait):
Causes the warrior to gain a higher level of oxygen in his blood, leading to overall better health. Increases endurane regeneration by 100%.
-Vengeful Return (Discipline trait):
Whenever you would be defeated, you enter Vengeance instead. 60 seconds cooldown. Killing a foe while in Vengeance still has a 100% chance of rallying.
You’re right, this IS pretty fun!
I’ve long thought Physical Skills were lackluster, and I know I’m not alone. So…
Bull’s Charge: Charge and knock down all enemies between you and your foe. Foe dies instantly and is launched 12,000 units, knocking down all enemies in flight path.
Kick: Kick your opponent from the game entirely, as though the game client crashed.
Throw eBolas: Inflict new Disease condition that increases in severity, cannot be cleared except in the first second of exposure, and spreads to other opponents each tick. (Initial damage 1k per tick, increasing by 1k for each second until death. All foes within 500 radius of your target becomes similarly infected, and can spread condition to additional foes.
Rampage: Grow 5x larger, turn green, and burst through all clothes except pants, which are now purple. You are now indestructible, can insta-kill any enemy, and can use any ambient or non-ambient feature as lethal projectiles (includes NPCs, other players, houses, towers, keeps, and bunnies, etc). Duration lasts until all enemies are vanquished or you calm the kitten down.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
(edited by Choppy.4183)
Bloody Roar: Knocks down up to 12 players, cures 12 conditions, applies 2 minutes of taunt, slow and crashes teamspeak servers.
dude any prot on warrior would be nuts. I’d love to see anet suggest a trait like that, 20s icd 4s prot on stunbreak or some garbage and have warriors become literally unkillable.
You can move while channeling 100B, and it grants evasion and superspeed.
Lawnmower warrior build.
Berserker Hammer burst pulls all enemies within 1200 range radius to the point of impact, they get stunned and immobilized for 3 seconds. Gain 7% damage increase for each pulled foe and 6 seconds of quickness.
Shield Stance has unlimited duration, but ends after blocking 10 attacks (or skill use). Recharge reduced to 10 seconds.
Hello passive tanking!
But here’s my Wammo, so heal me maybe?
Play Reaper?!?!!?!?
Increase Eviscerate range and speed….Eviscerate 100% crit. chance. Eviscerate that hits and doesn’t kill, daze, intterupt and applyes 5 stacks of distraction.
Shield bash speed and range increase. Stuns for 4 seconds.
Bulls charge stuns for 3 seconds instead of knckback and does 700 dmg. Bulls charge is affected by swiftness and quickness. Bulls charge range is doubled. If it crits it applyes cripple for 2 seconds after the duration of stund ends.
Mending heals for 10k and cures 5 conditions. Mending CD 15 seconds. Mending is a phisical skill that applyes 3 seconds of resistence to nearby allies that are in 1k range and 10 stacks of bleeding to foes in the same area.
Final Thurst is a whirl leap skill that allways crits. Deals the same dmg, but applyes vurnerabiliy.
Rush is affected by swiftness. When affected by switfness rush travels twice the distance. Rush cripples.
Mace skull crack has a leap and it’s instant.(Funk you Tarcis)
When having 3 bars of adrenaline warriors can’t be blinded, crippled or chilled for 5 seconds. The same buff applies for 5 seconds after spending them.
Swap Counter Blow with tremor. Tremor is 15 seconds CD and cripples foes that it hits after the knckdown ends.
Pomel Bash has 10 seconds cd and applies 5 stacs of distraction when interupts.
Using 100b gives you special quickness. 100b quickeness: atack speed is increased by 100%…Hundred Blades applies vurnerability.
Banners are mobile – Casting a banner doesn’t place it on the ground but put’s it on the warriors back for its durations. Casted abilities that applies banner boons like Inspire and Furios Rally are now pulsing auto applied every 2 seconds. The rest of the “passive” boons are applied on the area where the warrior is. Area of efect is doubled 600->1200. (the numbers could be changed but I think it would be quality of life change).
@Choppy: Your rampage made me LOL so hard !!!!
(edited by Sharky.1470)
When I read the suggestion on running while doing 100b I immediatly saw this image in my head.
[Underworld – Warrior] Mary Maceless
Occasionally streaming @
Just imagine a tiny helmet on his head and a GS instead of a spaghetti! Flailing wildly!
I’ll photoshop it when I get home from work.
[Underworld – Warrior] Mary Maceless
Occasionally streaming @
Kalendraf.9521 and GenoGar.5497 – really good and interesting ideas. There may be some OP stuff in this thread, but there also are some creative and nice ideas too that could be looked at, maybe toned down or up, and they could be implemented.
Wow – this really took off – I didn’t expect that – thank you for the awesome awesome ideas
Rampage – each kill and stomp you secure while in rampage increase its duration by another 5 seconds.
Warriors gain a new unique class mechanic called “Armor Rending”.
- Whenever a warrior lands a critical hit on a foe which has more than 20 stacks of Vulnerability, there is a 10% chance that one of the target’s armor pieces becomes damaged (or progresses from damaged to broken).
- Includes new combat voice dialog from target corresponding to which armor piece is damage or broken such as “You ruined by gloves!”, “Not my boots too!”, “Oh no! I’m naked!”, etc
- Berserker: In berserk mode, the chance of causing Armor Rending increases to 30%, and threshold of Vulnerability stacks needed for Armor rending is reduced by 5.
- “On My Mark!”: Increases target’s susceptibility to Armor Rending attacks by an additional 10%.
- Frenzy: Increases outgoing attacks Armor Rending chance by 25%
- New sigil set (Minor/Major/Superior) Sigil of Armor Rending. Reduces the threshold of Vulnerability stacks needed to apply armor rending by 5 (Minor: now occurs at 15 stacks or more, Major: now occurs at 10 stacks or more, Superior, now occurs at 5 stacks or more). These correspond to 10/5/0 for Berserker in berserk mode. This sigil has no effect for non-warriors.
- All Monsters are updated to have armor-equivalent body parts that can be degraded, and losing them causes a corresponding degradation in their combat abilities.
(edited by Kalendraf.9521)
- Critical hits with 100b dazes or immobilize enemys for 0.5 sec
-Thick skin now gives aegis every 5 sec while your healt above %85
hmm thats all for now
limited access to stealth (eg Smokefield on Torch 4) would open up some .. interesting options.
Would still have to work harder & sacrifice more than other professions to pull off a stealth burst.
GW1 vets will reminisce the Warrior’s role of KD-king. They could get +1 secs on KD’s.
Add that to Merciless Hammer.
In the same vein, add +50% launch distance to Physical Training.
That would actually not help melee warriors much, but such fun!
Also, more evade frames all around .. though that wouldn’t necessarily be OP, just bringing Warrior closer to what other professions already do.