Improve some visual art stuff on warrior

Improve some visual art stuff on warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: nicknamenick.2437



yeah so i am using the skin volcanus.. but whenever you use “Bladetrail” you trow a lvl 1 white trash greatsword.

Is it possible to give this skill an visual update?

People running legendary GS trow an legendary GS when in down state (dunno why because rock issnt a GS..)
So i think it shouldnt be that hard to rework this into Bladetrail??

“Final Thrust”
The sound of this skill doesnt match… and the animation seems just boring and slow.. its like sticking someone with an needle..

“Brutal shot”
All rifle skills look the same.. maby apply some smoke effect or something on a skill called brutal shot.. make it more brutal looking?

All stances have some aura effect.. make them bigger! you can hardly see them..

“Blood effect”
When using sword you must have seen the red effect on auto attack..
Guardians have allot of blue effect on skills.. maby Anet can give some more orange/red effects on warr skills? (not too much! we are not a fairy… )

Warr is about burst attacks from adrenaline.. maby give a sound effect when using a burst that also crits or something.. hitting someone with an 8k Evi and saying something like: “That felt good!” or “You should have dodged it” or "Made my day or anything cool..

Dunno i think Anet really could improve some of warr visual stuff..

(edited by nicknamenick.2437)

Improve some visual art stuff on warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Larynx.2453


hitting someone with an 8k Evi and saying something like: “That felt good!” or “You should have dodged it” or "Made my day or anything cool..

And suddenly everyone who plays warrior for more than 5 minutes mutes dialogue.

Improve some visual art stuff on warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Zackie.8923


a lot of skills need better animations and effects not only the warrior

Improve some visual art stuff on warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: nicknamenick.2437


hitting someone with an 8k Evi and saying something like: “That felt good!” or “You should have dodged it” or "Made my day or anything cool..

And suddenly everyone who plays warrior for more than 5 minutes mutes dialogue.

yet there are shout warriors everywhere..

maby give it an 33% chance to say something on a burst attack or something..
Maby just say something like: Yeah! should do the job also..

Improve some visual art stuff on warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


I too use Volcanus, and the fact you throw the ‘white trash GS’ as you so adequatly put it is quite the disappointment for a greatsword that costs 500g.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Improve some visual art stuff on warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: nacario.9417


I too use Volcanus, and the fact you throw the ‘white trash GS’ as you so adequatly put it is quite the disappointment for a greatsword that costs 500g.

CLearly you didnt throw enough money on the table!

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Improve some visual art stuff on warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

if anything, warrior should have more orange colors.

ele is red i believe.