In my opinion, warriors need a nerf.
Every other class can also do a ton of damage with a certain combo/build. I’m guessing you’re complaining about the Hundred Blades combo? Use a stun breaker/stability. Easy.
Oh and once these glass-cannon builds use their combo, they can’t use it again for a minute or two while they wait for the cooldowns. Soon, people will learn how easily counterable it is.
(edited by TrustyTurkey.1653)
Ye now a lot of People come and tell at each class mess nerf… -.- class r very balanced every class can kill other and i love this so if u cant kill a warr go to skill ur self and don’t complain about classes need only skill if u havent u will die simply
(edited by Malganys.9027)
HB does need a change but you shouldn’t come onto the warrior forums to kitten about it. Instead go to the SPvP. This forum primarily should be for the use of warriors to discuss warrior stuff with other warriors.
Ye now a lot of People come and tell at each class mess nerf… -.- class r very balanced every class can kill other and i love this so if u cant kill a warr go to skill ur self and don’t complain about classes need only skill if i havent i die simply
Not quite sure what you said here but if you said that without HB you die then you have just summed up WHY it needs changing. The skill essentially requires 0 skill on the part of the warrior to put the kill through, this means that at lower skill levels they are hideously overpowered while at higher skill levels, where their opponents actually have the skill to not get vaped by it, they become stupidly underpowered. It needs to be changed to something which doesn’t 100%—>0% and instead scales off the warriors personal skill rather than just inversely scaling off their opponents skill.
If warriors proceed to become unplayable without HB playing their class for them then this is even MORE reason it needs changing because OBV there is no other viable warrior build, thus at higher skill levels warrior simply cease to be used. It also means that warriors are pigeon holed into this build which they may not enjoy as there are no other alternatives.
(edited by Malakree.5912)
Lol listen my previous build was with out frenzy… And i had no problem in pvp i’ve reach ed 350 Pts in a single match all without this combo… So don’t say hb is the MAIN spell of warr cox i can play without it and.. When i use frenzy and hb neve killed a player istantly anyway i have a mage and rogue Too and i have no prob to kill a warr just this for this i say need to be’ skilled lol every time with my mage warr blast me 50% of my HP eith Frenzy HB but after this i Will WIN vs him with no all of this trouble
Everyone knows how to counter our greatsword burst build. Its not hard. Just avoid the first knock down, snare, or cripple and you are golden.
Everyone knows how to counter our greatsword burst build. Its not hard. Just avoid the first knock down, snare, or cripple and you are golden.
Must not post opinion and get into flame war……………Imagine that every time you as a warrior ran towards an opponent it checked whether you have a….I don’t know a bleed removal available. If you don’t you die, if you do then it goes on cooldown and your opponent dies.
Anything which even closely resembles this needs to be changed since the outcome of the fight is occurring almost independently of the players involved.
you guys do too much damage with 2handed swords.
Coming in and claiming ‘We need a nerf because we do too much damage with said item’, without proper backing up of said statement, its trolling. Go to bed.
I think the main issue is that you guys do not have to give up armor and HP for burst damage. All other classes do. Take the thief for example.
In our burst spec we have 14k hp and less then 950 armor. Your burst spec you get at least 20k HP and 1000+ armor.
The issue is not the damage but the lack of giving up things for that burst. Just my thoughts.
There is a massive difference between a glass cannon warrior and a defensive warrior. Warriors most certainly give up survivability for damage. It’s just that a default warrior has more HP and armor (innately from heavy armor) than a thief. However, a warrior has fewer evasive/escape options. That is the intended balance. You have to look at the whole picture and not just point to the size of your HP bar or whatever.
you guys do too much damage with 2handed swords.
Dodge. Move. Stun. Interrupt. Knockback. Block. Invuln.
Your class has one of these or more. Use it.
Hundred Blades channel cancels if the warrior moves. The warrior can’t even turn to face you if you get on his sides or behind him without cancelling it.
Really, once you know how it works, it’s kind of easy to avoid getting hit by it. Stop calling for nerfs and start learning from your mistakes.
It’s funny how much people complain about greatswords but there’s really nothing else viable if you want to keep up with the other burst classes atm.
Funnier still it’s a channeled melee ability.
It’s funny how much people complain about greatswords but there’s really nothing else viable if you want to keep up with the other burst classes atm.
Funnier still it’s a channeled melee ability.
2points here. 1) If there are no other viable builds the solution is not to have a 1 faceroll hero spec. It’s to buff up the other builds so there are viable builds. Also do you need a burst build? Serious question there, wouldn’t a sustained damage with good survivability build be fine or do you desperately need to pump 18k into someone with 1key press. 2) Anything which does in the region of 11k damage for an incomplete channel iskitten Even if it’s not OP it needs changing because its so mindless and skill less.
2points here. 1) If there are no other viable builds the solution is not to have a 1 faceroll hero spec. It’s to buff up the other builds so there are viable builds. Also do you need a burst build? Serious question there, wouldn’t a sustained damage with good survivability build be fine or do you desperately need to pump 18k into someone with 1key press. 2) Anything which does in the region of 11k damage for an incomplete channel iskitten Even if it’s not OP it needs changing because its so mindless and skill less.
Until warriors can dodge around as much as theives, they’ll need burst damage. A lot of other classes can do damage without near as much risk right now. Maybe not within the same window of time but they get it done with little personal risk compared to a warrior.
A greatsword frenzy build will still have to contend with enemies the other 56 seconds of the time, it just punishes bads who don’t take a stun break or can’t be bothered to dodge. If you open with bulls rush and frenzy all the time, you’re bad and people will dodge it more than often, you need to wait for opportunities if you really want to do anything with this build. It’s not as mindless as you like to say it is because you can’t dodge.
And it’s still a 60 second cooldown with a 50% damage penalty, anyone with a stun break can punish this build easy. and I doubt the warrior is just waiting in the back until it’s up again, someone who is scoring high with this build knows how to survive outside of a bull frenzy combo. So much for your assumptions, stick to the mesmer forums, a class that if anything needs a balancing.
A well played warrior will break you, and a well played mesmer thief or guardian will break a frenzied warrior. This game is fairly balanced. Every class has counter builds to every other classes builds. There isn’t an end all be all build for every class, and people claiming that GS is the only viable build for warriors are bads. GS is just the best for pub stomping bads.
you guys do too much damage with 2handed swords.
Seriously, though learn too dodge, Against any reasonable opponent, it’s very hard for me to kill as a GS warrior, its why I have gone back to Longbow/Hammer for sPvP. I at least have awesome survivablity compared to the glass cannon GS warriors.
There are other viable DPS war builds, they just take more effort to execute. They’re also generally better overall for a team because they’re not nearly as reliant on having at least two CDs up to do damage.
Also, 100B is easy to counter. Most 100B wars will start the bulls rush outside of melee range. The animation start is very noticeable. Just dodge. If, for some reason the bulls charge lands, pop a CC breaker (preferably with stability) and dodge away. Congrats, you only took 2-3k damage at most.
Until warriors can dodge around as much as theives, they’ll need burst damage. A lot of other classes can do damage without near as much risk right now. Maybe not within the same window of time but they get it done with little personal risk compared to a warrior.
A greatsword frenzy build will still have to contend with enemies the other 56 seconds of the time, it just punishes bads who don’t take a stun break or can’t be bothered to dodge. If you open with bulls rush and frenzy all the time, you’re bad and people will dodge it more than often, you need to wait for opportunities if you really want to do anything with this build. It’s not as mindless as you like to say it is because you can’t dodge.
And it’s still a 60 second cooldown with a 50% damage penalty, anyone with a stun break can punish this build easy. and I doubt the warrior is just waiting in the back until it’s up again, someone who is scoring high with this build knows how to survive outside of a bull frenzy combo. So much for your assumptions, stick to the mesmer forums, a class that if anything needs a balancing.
2 things: 1)
HB does need a change but you shouldn’t come onto the warrior forums to kitten about it. Instead go to the SPvP. This forum primarily should be for the use of warriors to discuss warrior stuff with other warriors.
I actually did try to not have this argument.
2) The thing I have against it is entirely that it strips the skill out of the fight. At least with thekittenthieves you know they are playing properly where as HB acts as a crutch for bad warriors to score kills they shouldn’t be scoring purely because someone’s stun break is down. Honestly I’m of the opinion that it needs “changing” not “nerfing into the toilet never to return” so that when used properly it forms a strong part of the warriors arsenal rather than now where it’s very much a hit and hope one shot wonder kind of skill.
So how about we call it there, stop the kitten throwing. You accept my opinion and I accept you want your shiney toy and we do what I suggested earlier which is not have a trolling match on a forum which is designed for warriors to discuss warriors with other warriors.
How about I don’t accept your opinion and passive aggressive insults.
It’s not ideal but until warriors have other options or more melee survivability I don’t see why anyone is complaining about it other than people who can’t dodge or blow their stun breakers on other enemies.
wow… just wow already really?
How about I don’t accept your opinion and passive aggressive insults.
It’s not ideal but until warriors have other options or more melee survivability I don’t see why anyone is complaining about it other than people who can’t dodge or blow their stun breakers on other enemies.
Ok then.
wow… just wow already really?
You didnt really expect it to take that long when you have a skill which requires 0 skill and causes even the worst of warriors to be competent if the opponent magically has his stun breaker down for whatever reason like…I dunno it has a cooldown or something stupid.
Basically the issue ppl have with it is that it does in the region of TO MUCH DAMAGE for no effort or skill. An uh well when such a skill exists ppl get annoyed by it. I mean imagine your standing there watching a ranger walk into a wall, he keyboard turns round, walks past you, keyboard turns again then stuns you and hits you for your entire health bar plus some. It’s quite frustrating to know that the guy probably has issues even turning on his computer and loading up the game yet is still able to instigib you because Anet some how let such a bullkitten skill.
It’s even more frustrating to then see said bads stand there and go OLOLOL it’s fine, just dodge yo, we haz nothing else yo so we needs our instigib. Basically this sums up the state of HB warriors and its why ppl get annoyed by it. Fortunately at some point it will be nerfed, whether it gets a wow nerf and the GS ceases to be a weapon the warrior can use we will have to see. On the other hand when it does get nerfed into the toilet said noobs will be able to instantly switch to another prof in order to attempt to find the next 0 skill 120% instigib. Which should in turn mean that the skilled warriors will get other bits of their class proped up if it’s needed in order to properly support them in SPvP, basically HB being nerfed is a win for everyone but the truly awful warriors.
You guys do about 20k very fast with 2handed sword. My necro does 2k damage MAX in the same amount of time.
Balanced? You insane? Are you literally out of your mind? You can have a team mate knock someone down or stun in pvp on top of whatever stun you already have.
That’s why warriors are so desired in structured.
Necro though? We got dog crap.
You should get nerfed so that your crazy dps skill (whatever it is) only does 2k damage like us necros. How would you feel then? I would say justice has been served.
Talk more trash.. I suggest you play a necro if you think we do damage. Pfft… warrior is so OP it isn’t even funny.
You should get nerfed so that your crazy dps skill (whatever it is) only does 2k damage like us necros. How would you feel then? I would say justice has been served.
The bad ones would reroll to another prof and the good ones are already not running the HB builds because it is independent of the warriors skill level.
I’d be suprised if any class got nerfed. 6 years of work didn’t happen so a couple updates could switch some stuff around and make the game equivalent to another MMO. It’s better to develope your own strategies and how to counter a problem then coming to the producers complaining about 6 years of (near perfect) work.
If you’re dying to Greatsword Warrior, then you’re doing it wrong.
It is such a gimmick build, played almost exclusively by bad players who can’t pull off a proper build. Dodge their Hundred Blades (you know, the ability that ROOTS the Warrior in place while he flails his sword about). After HB is used, the Greatsword Warrior has NOTHING, and is fairly useless.
Hammer Warrior here, and whenever I meet a Greatsword Warrior in sPvP, I laugh at him while I destroy him.
Minister of Fear [80 Necromancer] @Far Shiverpeaks EU
Man, I am really hoping that ANet is not listening to any of those nerf threads. It’s just hilarious how people are unable to press the Q or E key and avoid 100B by 100%. A channeled ability that roots the Warrior in place. Seriously guys?
I have to admit that the grass is always greener on the other side and that I HATE Mesmers (and Thiefs to some extend), but balancing should be based on proper testing and feedback from high-level pvp. Not on whining.
So you guys do 20k damage in under 7 seconds, while a necromancer does around 3k tops in same amount of time, and you see nothing wrong with that?
Lol… okaayyy…..
OP class is OP.
Where nerf hammer at?
Man, you really need to learn to play. I got annihilated by a specific Necro in my last games. Maybe they need some love from the developers, but if you know how to play them they kickkitten I did not look much into that class, but wasn’t Plague extremely strong in PvP?
Have you ever engaged a Moa-Transformer Mesmer or a Pistol Whip / HS Thief? Compare this to a Warrior and you see how out off place your request is.
Man, you really need to learn to play. I got annihilated by a specific Necro in my last games. Maybe they need some love from the developers, but if you know how to play them they kickkitten I did not look much into that class, but wasn’t Plague extremely strong in PvP?
Have you ever engaged a Moa-Transformer Mesmer or a Pistol Whip / HS Thief? Compare this to a Warrior and you see how out off place your request is.
I’m with this guy right here, there are faaar worse skills than HB warrior.
tbh you’re going about playing Necro’s all wrong. Necro’s are not designed to produce big raw damage numbers, they’re designed to be the master of condition damage and boons.
You can easily strip off the boons on a warrior causing his Fury and Might buffs to vanish. You probably didn’t even know that Necro’s have 2 hp bars, yes two.
Death Shroud is an independent hp bar. And All HB warriors are pretty close to glass cannons, the Necro Pet Elite skill is awesome for warriors..
Oh you’re going to burst me down? Let me play the song of my necro people spams elite skill Knocked down warrior, no more burst. and from there i would kite him with my Staff, and then finish the chase with my scepter + axe combo.
I’d suggest before you come over to our forums and whine about how OP stuff is, you should learn how to counter said problems, because at the end of the day SPvP damage is no where near as much damage as you can pull off in WvW.
There are plenty of things worse than HB, and like any claim i’ll back it up;
Look into Ranger Short bow builds.
Also look into Moa Mesmers
And finally try come up against a thief with thieves guild AND Sword and Pistol flurry.
Need i mention that they get a quickness buff every 30 seconds when they crit.
If you knew anything about warriors, when we get our quickness we take 50% MORE DAMAGE. 50%.
Thats all i’ve got to say, Shell. Use this information wisely.
Greatsword is a low-skill weapon that is practically useless in PvP versus competent people. In PvE it lacks the control elements to tackle dungeons and be a real asset to a group, but it’s pretty darn good for cleaving easy mobs in dynamic events.
If anything, we got "nerfed" enough when our burst damage buff from discipline became practically obsolete. After that we still got nerfed on a number of our key skills, and at this point we’re probably as "balanced" as a profession can get in this game.
One-hit K.O. burst against full-damage DPS Thieves, Elementalists and other vermin USED TO be our profession-specific mechanic. We don’t have that now, our only hope is stacking vitality/toughness and packing 9-10 CC skills just to keep the damage up with enemies teleporting/leaping/stealthing all over the place. Other builds work but they’re inferior to heavy CC support we provide to our team in tournament sPvP.
If any of you still view Warrior as OP, roll one and play in tournaments. You’ll quickly realise just how obsolete greatsword is, and that the class has highest skill cap despite it’s simplicity on surface. It was like that in original game already when the very best Warrior players happened to be best players in the PvP part of the game overall.
(edited by Demosthene.2195)
all these ppl that say its easy to evade HB
you cant evade it if you play against good warrior
he will use Throw Bolas (cant break stun from that)
come close to you use his Signet of Rage (OP skill 30 sec buff with a 60 sec rechare thats way too low for elite skill) frenzy and put you down in 1 sec with HB
in case throw bolas fail he can bull charge you
people complain over nothing, HB is easy to evade come on when using the skill the warrior cant even move… you might get hit once maybe twice…
Greatsword is a low-skill weapon that is practically useless in PvP versus competent people. In PvE it lacks the control elements to tackle dungeons and be a real asset to a group, but it’s pretty darn good for cleaving easy mobs in dynamic events.
If anything, we got “nerfed” enough when our burst damage buff from discipline became practically obsolete. After that we still got nerfed on a number of our key skills, and at this point we’re probably as “balanced” as a profession can get in this game.
One-hit K.O. burst against full-damage DPS Thieves, Elementalists and other vermin USED TO be our profession-specific mechanic. We don’t have that now, our only hope is stacking vitality/toughness and packing 9-10 CC skills just to keep the damage up with enemies teleporting/leaping/stealthing all over the place. Other builds work but they’re inferior to heavy CC support we provide to our team in tournament sPvP.
If any of you still view Warrior as OP, roll one and play in tournaments. You’ll quickly realise just how obsolete greatsword is, and that the class has highest skill cap despite it’s simplicity on surface. It was like that in original game already when the very best Warrior players happened to be best players in the PvP part of the game overall.
Greatsword is a low-skill weapon that is practically useless in PvP versus competent people.
This is exactly what I’ve been saying for practically the whole page. Hence why I’ve also been saying it needs to be “CHANGED” not “NERFED” so that it becomes a high damage weapon available to warriors but one that actually requires skill to use and gets better when you have more skill.
you guys do too much damage with 2handed swords.
Learn to dodge? The skill roots us. Seriously, how much skill does someone need to know when to dodge?
Yeah, Let’s Nerf Hundred Blades but give us the option to cast Hundred Blades while moving? That would be a good Trade IMO.
If you guys HONESTLY think Greatsword is OP in PvP then you are doing something wrong on YOUR END lol.
From my experiences, I’ve found Axe/Axe to be a lot more OP in PvP than Greatsword. I’m surprised no one is QQing about that instead lol.
you guys do too much damage with 2handed swords.
What I have noticed, is that axe/axe deals more sustained damage than a greatsword with hundred blades/whirlwind. Over a longer period of time, lets say 30 or even 60+ second window, axe/axe outperform greatswords.
The auto attacks and +20% crit chance from axe/axe is a bigger source of damage output than the greatsword burst.
Did I even mention that hundred blades roots you in place and can easily be dodged? You’d take one or two hits at most, unless you’re extremely slow.
Also, we deal too much damage according to what? Compared to what? Did you notice the too in your statement? That means it’s being compared to something, a certain standard.
Could you elaborate on this subject and clarify what you’re comparing it to, as to better understand in which ways the damage output is too severe?
~Kaluro – Streaming for innovation
As the OP is opening posts in every class forum but the Necro is would just advise in not feeding the troll.
Let’s face it – if you complain about damage issues, it’s mostly your fault. PvP OPness is more about stuns and control abilities than about rawdamage.
Try Axes / Warhorn… that’s the good stuff.
LOL epic thread. So many arguments… Looks like a troll but ok.
First of all, if you do not know how to dodge or use skill that get you from the way in the right time its not any warrior’s fault. Warrior already got nerfed since betas, I would say them are a bit underpower compared with some build of another classes like guardian, necros and mesmer. But that’s what I think, not the “truth”.
—-—Art Of Invasion [ART]——-
Gate of Madness
i just got volleyed for 9k followed by a 20k kill shot
screw you broken class
Sea of Sorrows NA
So you guys do 20k damage in under 7 seconds, while a necromancer does around 3k tops in same amount of time, and you see nothing wrong with that?
Lol… okaayyy…..
OP class is OP.
Where nerf hammer at?
to get this high with dmg war needs to “sacrifice” so many things lol With a dodge, block skill, etc you can make them run to wait for cooldown. Sorry but I think you need to learn how to escape lol
—-—Art Of Invasion [ART]——-
Gate of Madness
I’m playing warrior, not one of those burst dps warriors, but tanky sword/shield warrior- I don’t think I’ve been beaten in pvp yet unless I pretty much get swarmed.
Gap, closers, with long roots, to cripple, as well as stun and reflection blocking abilities, and thats really just the weapon skills, healing signets health regeneration, while having the trait, that you gain even more health regen on top of that depending on how much adrenaline you got. well, makes my character extremely difficult to kill already, then ofcourse there’s also all the utilities, but won’t get into that here – having people run away from me, because they don’t do enough damage, is what I experience mostly.
Warriors at the moment as well as guardians seems to be the most strong classes in PvP as it stands right now.
“You guys do too much damage with 2handed swords,” said the HeartseekerHeartseekerHeartseekerHeartseekerHeartseeker Thief.
all these ppl that say its easy to evade HB
you cant evade it if you play against good warrior
he will use Throw Bolas (cant break stun from that)
come close to you use his Signet of Rage (OP skill 30 sec buff with a 60 sec rechare thats way too low for elite skill) frenzy and put you down in 1 sec with HBin case throw bolas fail he can bull charge you
Then he’s not using 5 Signet crit build and he’s not going to hit you for 90% of your health. Sure that single skill hurts for being one cooldown, but after that all he’s got left is auto-attack, or a weapon switch, in which case that Warrior is playing at a considerably higher skill level than most other Greatsword Warriors and then you’re just left complaining about being outplayed.
and so it begins
Come into the warrior forum cryin for a nerf, just remeber when its your class on the chopping block.
Don’t stand in front of a warrior, if you’ve burnt all of your defensive cd’s and you got caught, that’s not the warriors fault, if you don’t equip defensive cd’s, also not the warriors fault.
Did I mention not to stand in front of a warrior?
This thread is funny. Cant believe I read all of it. I agree that the GS build may need a change. But then again ~ leave it, its great cause when you see a warrior trying to roll like this, its an easy kill if you have any skill at all.
GS dps build is nice, for weak PVE stuff. Anything more than that and it sucks. It can push damage out sure, but it also takes mass damage (its melee & you may or may not be using frenzy) and is laughably easy to counter. On my warrior I use it for mat farming with my magic find set ~ thats what its good for, lol.
This thread is also pretty ironic if you think about it. Those thatre crying for a nerf are sucky players getting owned by fellow sucky players kitten
Don’t stand in front of a warrior, if you’ve burnt all of your defensive cd’s and you got caught, that’s not the warriors fault, if you don’t equip defensive cd’s, also not the warriors fault.
Did I mention not to stand in front of a warrior?
This. A greatsword user has to bait evades and apply slows to get a HB outside of frenzy and bullrush. You got played by someone who knows how to use it.
you guys do too much damage with 2handed swords.
Whats your point? I’ve had elementalists rip me appart in a matter of seconds if I’m not careful too and alot of folks seem to consider them in a fairly weak position compaired to other professions. GS warriors built to be glass cannons have a very easily countered 1 trick pony combo that will shred you in seconds if you let them get it off. However like I said its easily countered/dodged as long as you have some way to dodge/break the stun/immobalize they are going to throw at you. After they’ve blown their one trick they are prety much reliant on whatever they have in their second set for the next minute.
The problem as I see it is that warriors probably have the lowest skill floor, meaning it takes less skill for a warrior to perform at the same level as other professions. This leads to a lot of people using warriors in sPvP and other professions then perceiving it as an OP profession.
Of course, they are extremely powerful. I remember checking my guild’s roster (we’ve got a bit over 100 members) about 4 days after pre-launch and out of the 10 highest level players, 8 were warriors