Is Leveling A Warrior Seriously Not Worth It?
ehrm… and what’s wrong with warrior in sPVP?
[Meat] – Meatnight Grinders (PvP)
UA+RU guild for mature players
The way of the Warrior is wrought with peril and danger, but it’s a kitten way.
I think I will play a warrior. People always exaggerate on the forums. I know its not much, but seeing that the Devs play warriors out of choice, I think that they will understand them better, and not make senseless nerfs to them. COUGH engineers COUGH
Warriors are amazing as long as you can play em correctly just like every class. Remember most people who come into the forums got no idea what they doing, I say 9 out of every 10 warriors who frequenter the forums still roll wvw in berserk gear spamming frenzy with 100 blades and expecting to pwn everything. Same goes to Tpvp/spvp. I got 2 warriors, probably would get a 3rd if it wasn’t cause I draw no joy from lvling alts anymore. But yeah warriors are great!
Warriors are amazing as long as you can play em correctly just like every class. Remember most people who come into the forums got no idea what they doing, I say 9 out of every 10 warriors who frequenter the forums still roll wvw in berserk gear spamming frenzy with 100 blades and expecting to pwn everything. Same goes to Tpvp/spvp. I got 2 warriors, probably would get a 3rd if it wasn’t cause I draw no joy from lvling alts anymore. But yeah warriors are great
TL;DR- 9/10 warriors suck but I’m clearly the 1/10 so listen to me.
Warriors are lacking in TPvP and hinders the team. They are viable, but far from the best choice. It’s also GS+ x/shield only. Not being the best makes any class of any game shunned in a competitive environment. The problem with WAR is how it relies too heavily on the team, while other classes are more reliable individually. If I had to summarize the issue.
In PvE/WvW any class can be used and almost any build is useful. Warriors are great if this is where you will spend most of your time.
You don’t have to take my word for it though. Do the testing yourself. Test warrior and then test out the more popular classes. They aren’t as straightforward as the warrior, but once you learn them you’ll notice a difference(for TPvP purposes).
(edited by Akumu.7238)
ehrm… and what’s wrong with warrior in sPVP?
Well if you read the Warriors forum everything.. You would say that the Warrior is the WORST spvp and WvW class in the game…..
IF you read the Warrior forums……
It’s the same for every class forum. They all cry and moan about how their class sucks and every other class is so overpowered and has better DPS, survivability, boons, and condition removal.
As I see it, the only classes that actually have any right to complain are Engineers and Necromancers. Engineers got a seriously unfair nerf when they were already struggling to stay competitive (I would never even dream of using an Engie in sPVP, even before the nerf). Necromancers have serious issues with their 5-point and 10-point minor traits in Death Magic being useless if they’re not a minion build.
The only people that really did any crying on these forums if I remember correctly were the ones that got smashed by 100 blades. Did they all quit? Wonder what happened to them?
The only people that really did any crying on these forums if I remember correctly were the ones that got smashed by 100 blades. Did they all quit? Wonder what happened to them?
Which is hilarious cuz 100b is a self root that doesn’t work if the enemy…. you know…. MOVES. Only way you can get someone to sit there and eat one in PVP is to stun/immobilize them, and even then it doesn’t work if they stun-break/cleanse and dodge roll.
I honestly find rifle warriors’ Volley to be a lot scarier than hundred blades. It’s a meaty, reliable, hard-hitting ranged attack that’s up often and and almost always forces a dodge, setting up for other skills in a chain. It’s such a solid attack. I love it. Unfortunately my warrior runs with hammer and maces, so I have no room in my build for a rifle.
i have no complaints with warrior in any aspect of the game, regardless they’re probably one of the fastest lvlers to 80, are good for DE’s in orr for loot, work great in dungons etc..
i honestly don’t get all the complaining on forums about them. i play mine in spvp and wvw with no probs. 670+ hours on it, have’t made an alt.
Warrior is fine in wvw. Honestly, wvw is like pseudo pvp, where more than half the people have no flippin idea how to pvp efficiently. Just yesterday i beat some lvl 80 ranger using my lvl 29 alt mesmer and was honestly disgusted afterwards.
If you want a class that doesn’t die alot though, its probably thief…… culling makes thieves kitten its like all your stealths last 1-2 seconds longer. Combine “extra” stealth time with subpar pvpers, and you got a farmfest going on.
Warrior does good though, you can roll glass cannon and be fine, you can roll full tank and be fine, it really doesn’t matter. I used to run tanky there, but now i roll full glass cannon cause people are badddddddddd.
I like my warrior and do fine in pve, but in wvw, there are classes with better burst, mobility, and survivability if they manage active defenses. Warrior works, but other classes are better at wvw. Thief.
I am leveling a warrior as we speak as my first 80. I have many other classes to minimal levels to feel them out. I love my WAR! He is level 53 and I am having a blast with different builds for different circumstances (WvW,,,PvP….PvE etc…)
My warrior dominates all the PvE content I have tried so far. I would say it is worth it.
ehrm… and what’s wrong with warrior in sPVP?
Well if you read the Warriors forum everything.. You would say that the Warrior is the WORST spvp and WvW class in the game…..
IF you read the Warrior forums……
Well, if a dev responsible for PvP in general said that warriors are quite bad in PvP currently, along with other players from known guilds, and that they are not sure what to do to change them, I’d say that warriors do deserve to complain.
Warrior definatley has some flaws but nothing to merit not rolling one. Problem really is compounded by some of the balance issues else where…Between Culling thieves that you see for 1 sec every 5, and DD Ele’s that have insane mobility, moderate DMG and wicked heals, and can take a hit….and then of course warriors best skills rooting the player on activation…Put that all together and you have a recipe for a frustrated Forum poster…..Thats what your see’ing people upset from being crushed by a strong player on a class that seems to have an insane advantage.
On the other hand I ran a five warrior CoF the other day and it was the fastes most dominating run Ive ever seen. Games are crushed these days based on PvP class balance….Ive seen it happen to every MMO Since SWG. Every game loses a massive amount of Subs in the first year now adays….Its part of the mentality of Consumers….Short attention spans, lack of dedication to improve, and the grass is always greener…blah blah blah.
(edited by Vambrace.8675)
Warrior- I love the GS and I think I could come to love the armor look.
Get a stun of some kind (e.g. off-hand mace/shield) and go to town.
I have a lvl 80 elementalist that i enjoy. I’ve been levelling my 57 warrior almost exclusively through wvw. He’s a lot of fun if you remember that he’s entirely different. Pick a build that you like and roll.
Warrior is a nubstomper, weak against anyone with some experience due to very exploitable weaknesses and clunkiness.
Thief is the best in WvW period. Warrior is fine but not OP like thief.
Warrior is the best in PvE dungeons.
Let me tell you some facts about Thief and Warrior since I play both of them.Now I know that most of the fan boys Warrior team will surely disagree whit what I’m about to say because , hey ,its their favorite class.
Found it harder to level on Warrior .Harder to kite whit.If you try to melee mobs on lower levels and those mobs are 2-3 levels higher than you they will simply destroy you.You will be forced to use the long bow but kiting whit Shortbow is easier. And double dagger (death blossom) or sword/dagger (whit blinds) better melee too since you evade or negate all the atacks in the first place.
I never played Guardian but many people say that Thief is not far behind when it comes to soloing content. I don’t know about that realy but I can tell you for sure its easier on Thief than Warrior.
Now Both on level 80.Thief has the best DPS of all the classes . D/D for single target , Sword for melee aoe , shortbow for range all of them are higher dps than Warrior.
I don’t know about sPvP , I’ve never done it whit Warrior so I can’t tell.
Warriors are good for dungeons too ,first liners to enable thief to sneak and kitten the mobs from behind in the first place.:D
WvW : There are 2 top roamer classes .Thief and D/D Elementalist.Warrior is pretty good too for WvW .You can hide between zergs or stay on top of towers and 1 shot people whit Rifle.
But in the end play what you preffer realy , they are all not far behind.Don’t listen to complaints or any of that BS baddies don’t seem to get around.You wont regret it in the end.And even if you do , leveling chars is stupid easy doing dungeons or crafting.
(edited by NightyNight.1823)
For spvp warrior are meh.
For WvW warriors are quite decent.
For PvE warriors turn the game into easy mode.
It all depends on what your focus is. I kinda dislike my warrior because it’s repetitive (I do mainly dungeons and some w3 as a damage/shouthealer with gs/rifle) but it’s probably the easiest class to play I’ve got (I have 7 lvl80s and a lvl37 ranger) for survivability and group support while also dealing out good damage. I enjoy e.g. mesmer or ele more since they have a more varied playstyle but I feel like I contribute less to the group when using anything other than warrior or guardian. (Want easy mode dungeons? Go with 2 AH guardians, 1 shout heal warrior and 2 damage warriors.)
Interesting topic and replies. I’m pretty new to GW2. I’ve trying out the different classes. Just made a Charr warrior this weekend. I don’t know if it’s the class or the content(first Charr I’ve made) but my level 16 Warrior died more times this weekend than my other characters combined. I don’t know what I was doing wrong. Clearly I was missing something, but I was dieing a lot when soloing. I felt tougher on my mesmer than I did on my warrior.
[KAOS] of Anvil Rock
Interesting topic and replies. I’m pretty new to GW2. I’ve trying out the different classes. Just made a Charr warrior this weekend. I don’t know if it’s the class or the content(first Charr I’ve made) but my level 16 Warrior died more times this weekend than my other characters combined. I don’t know what I was doing wrong. Clearly I was missing something, but I was dieing a lot when soloing. I felt tougher on my mesmer than I did on my warrior.
A lot of mobs have big, slow attacks that you’re meant to dodge even if you play a guardian or warrior.
It also helps to carry a ranged weapon on one of your weapon swaps because it’s just easier to survive at range. If you are not familiar with the enemies you’re up against, it’s better to start out ranged against them and learn what they do without eating everything in the face. And some enemies are better fought at range either way.
Melee does more damage so you’re rewarded for learning how to survive in melee. It’s just that melee is not exactly plug ’n play even as a warrior.
I do 30-40k hb, have no problem rooting classes, and the only trouble makers I get are the culling exploiter stealth builds but they don’t really count as far as I am concerned because they will be forced to roll a skill based build when the culling/balance is fixed.
If I swing my sword while they are stealthed I usually curbstomp them too unless they spec a ranged build AND use culling to stay stealthed the entire time due to game flaws.
Force them to dodge, root, go to town -> root -> go to town. The objective is to make them blow all their skills so you can show your true intention.
Also remember that even though they might be invisible it doesn’t mean that they won’t die in a few hits due to your smacking them hard enough in their predictable movement lines.
Also if you spec proc healing sigil and food you won’t have much trouble being a glass cannon and you won’t need shouts other than for great justice (for the fury).
This won’t help you when they inevitably run away though, and feel free to kill all mobs nearby so they can’t chain stealth off of them. They also make for good food to snack on to regain health. A good tactic is to leave a mob close and if you get downed finish it quickly to snap back up using veng/rock also if you are in a pinch, but keep in mind other builds react in a vampiric manner to mobs as well.
Also remember that you don’t have to be far away to take advantage of ranged dps weapon swaps while other stuff is on cooldown.. root them and weaken them so you can bury them in a swelling wave of maiming.
Hopefully their ensuing weepfest will be hidden by the culling bugs.
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!
(edited by Sahfur.5612)
Warrior is the best in PvE dungeons.
I support this, but its
us and guardians.
Ele AoE’s are also welcome too, though.
I have played Warrior exclusively since day 1. I do mainly WvW with some PvE on occasion. Currently rolling wtih the Flameseeker Prophecies legendary shield.
A lot of success in WvW is based off of playing style. From level 1-80 I ran double axe / berserk / rifle build and had pretty good success. I was a glass canon but knew how to use my character. Always used my rifle as a set up to melee attack. Once I comfortable with the odds I switched to axes, activated endure pain/frenzy and finished the job. A lot of dodging. I feel a lot of my 1v1 roaming victories were due to me outplaying someone who just wanted to stand toe to toe instead of being more skillful. That’s what I love about this game, that it’s a blend of skill and numbers.
This is the build I run a lot lately (axe / shield & rifle) with lots of toughness.
I have a lot of survivability in big battles often doing very well when the odds are close. I rely on toughness and blocking to survive, but at times lack the mobility when being over-run.
I’m pretty successful in 1v1 while roaming. I’ve pummeled plenty of kitteny GS warriors who become ordinary after blowing their load on 100blades and I’m barely phased after blocking/dodging/enduring pain. I spend a lot of time chasing thieves after they realize I can take a beating but rarely catch them.
For those that are heavy stick and movers bleed builds work wonders. There was one elementalist in WvW that whipped on me a couple times running my axe/board. Very good survivability, good cc and knew how to stick and move very well. With my axe I just couldn’t get enough hits on him.
The next time I ran into him I was either running dual 1h swords with my condition damage gear/runes (and still toughness). I was able to best him due to the bleeding. I actually had to chase him down and he would have got away easy if he didn’t bleed out to a down state.
Same with thieves. They can stealth, but still take damage from bleeding.
I guess my point is learn your strengths/weaknesses and work around them. Use skill instead of trying to go toe-to-toe against everyone as you won’t always win. Certain builds work better against certain classes/builds.
Warriors are quite fun. From 1h weapons / shield to hammer to dual maces there is a lot of variety.
Warrior is bar none the strongest class in PvE. It deals the most damage, has a huge natural health pool, and offers a wide variety of team support utilities. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with leveling one up; the only drawback I can see is that after leveling one, you may be hard pressed to play anything else, because they really are that much stronger than everything else available and it’s difficult to give that up.
Warriors are decent in WvW. They aren’t strong solo roamers like Thieves or Elementalists, but are very strong with some team support – even a 3 or 4 man roaming squad is a good environment for a Warrior.
Warriors are terrible in sPvP. Their damage is based on building up Might stacks and dealing continuous high damage, not built upon quick high bursts; they lack the escapes to not be a liability when collapsed upon, and don’t have the sustain necessary to bunker. Even the gear available works against the Warrior here. Essentially, sPvP is about hyper-specialized characters and individual match-ups, and the Warrior is a team based generalist; the whole design of the class is unsuitable for the minigames.
The upshot is that Warrior is very strong in the places where leveling and gearing a character matters, and weak in the area where you may as well be a fresh level 2, so when it comes to leveling one there aren’t any drawbacks beyond the fact you’re leveling another character.
Warrior is the best in PvE dungeons.
I support this, but its
us and guardians.
Ele AoE’s are also welcome too, though.
I’ve gotta admit even though I said that, I find my necro that I recently leveled easily as good for PvE as my warrior.
But I recommend warrior to everyone because it’s so easy to build them to deal high damage.
Ehj dont know if you will read my post , been 6 days until you started the thread but try to give mesmers a chance ! Lovely at WvW , almoust no deaths and lets say medium to solid at pve too ! Mesmers atm is top class compared to warriors !
Ehj dont know if you will read my post , been 6 days until you started the thread but try to give mesmers a chance ! Lovely at WvW , almoust no deaths and lets say medium to solid at pve too ! Mesmers atm is top class compared to warriors !
Because you always have a way to escape,tele,illusions,invis,+ rune set with mist its geting insanely easy..You can abuse this to Hell being unable to be Ever caught if done correctly.Imo big flaw design like thiefs but whatever.
Try d/d elementalist, crazy mobility + survivanility, good damage. Warriors are just so simple and boring
Interesting topic and replies. I’m pretty new to GW2. I’ve trying out the different classes. Just made a Charr warrior this weekend. I don’t know if it’s the class or the content(first Charr I’ve made) but my level 16 Warrior died more times this weekend than my other characters combined. I don’t know what I was doing wrong. Clearly I was missing something, but I was dieing a lot when soloing. I felt tougher on my mesmer than I did on my warrior.
Its not that you’re doing something wrong , its just harder to level as a Warrior compared to other classes.I know most of the people told you that its easy but the truth is, mobs destroy you on lower levels if you try to melee .Kitting whit Longbow becomes your only option until you get to level 80.After that they become pretty amazing.
Interesting topic and replies. I’m pretty new to GW2. I’ve trying out the different classes. Just made a Charr warrior this weekend. I don’t know if it’s the class or the content(first Charr I’ve made) but my level 16 Warrior died more times this weekend than my other characters combined. I don’t know what I was doing wrong. Clearly I was missing something, but I was dieing a lot when soloing. I felt tougher on my mesmer than I did on my warrior.
Its not that you’re doing something wrong , its just harder to level as a Warrior compared to other classes.I know most of the people told you that its easy but the truth is, mobs destroy you on lower levels if you try to melee .Kitting whit Longbow becomes your only option until you get to level 80.After that they become pretty amazing.
I levelled with Sword+Sword/Rifle and didn’t have any trouble at all in levelling my Charr Warrior. Make sure you keep your gear and weapons close to your level, choose where and how to fight and you should be fine. An awful lot of levelling a warrior for me was checking out mobs from a distance, seeing their special abilities and deciding whether to pull them with the rifle or to run up and smack them in the face with my sword. While people will tell you it is technically possible to melee anything, I’d strongly advise picking your battles … sometimes it’s just easier to fill them full of lead. I never got on with longbow but your mileage may vary; and I’ve recently switched to Sword+Axe/Rifle which lacks the block of offhand sword but that so rarely works in PvE that the extra burst is worth it.
As a Charr I’d strongly suggest getting the landmine as soon as you can, it’s insanely powerful and complements a bleed build admirably.
Piken Square
Leveling a warrior is extremely easy, they are god’s in PvE.
WvW they excel in small groups. I use a hammer/S+Sh and have good escape but I have a hard time 1v1 against ele’s and guards. They have to much sustain while I do not have the damage or sustainability to go toe to toe with them. 1v2 lvl 80’s is really hard with a warrior. You don’t have the damage output or damage mitigation.
In small groups I am a beast though. Blowing up the front line with Earthshaker is a blast. Follow it up with Hammer 3 then 4 and your group will usually have them downed or running by the time they have a chance to get off the ground. Stability is your worst enemy with a hammer.
You would probably be best off with a rifle in your arsenal but its not my playstyle so I can’t comment much on that.
Server – Dragonbrand
Guild – DS
Try d/d elementalist, crazy mobility + survivanility, good damage. Warriors are just so simple and boring
That was my experience. I leveled a GS/Rifle warrior to 80 and thought I had it made with how I steamrolled through exploration and content but it got boring and repetitive. Then one day in WvW a group of 4-5 of us got roflstomped by a D/D elementalist solo roamer and I had to see what it was like. Never looked back. Every other class is just too boring now!
Robin Sparklies, 80 Elementalist
Crimethink [ct] – Yak’s Bend