Is Long Bow essential for WvW Condi Build?

Is Long Bow essential for WvW Condi Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: perko.8309


I know I’m not alone in at least looking at a condi build for WvW (roaming) after the crit damage nerfs.
Sw+Sw is a no-brainer, ofc. But is long bow a must do? After all the nerfs, it’s still a good weapon for holding/taking a point in PvP, but it loses a little luster when the opponents have more space in WvW. I know LB is the best compliment Cleansing Ire ever had and F1 isn’t as easy w/ sword especially if your movement is hampered.

Nonetheless, I’m thinking about trying to make a build where I always have a sword on at least my MH. Thoughts? Builds?

Is Long Bow essential for WvW Condi Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Yes and No.

The Longbow Nerf only really hurt Power builds, so as a condition weapon you wouldn’t really notice a huge difference.

First let us look at the Longbow as a condi weapon. It has two sources of burning (combustive shot and fan of fire) and one source of bleeding (Pin Down). Longbow is our only source of burning, and Pindown applies an instant 6 stacks of bleeding for a long duration.

Now look at the Longbow in general. It has great AoE, takes advantage of Cleansing Ire the best, has an immobilize and a blind. The two hits with one auto also makes it easier to proc on hit/crit sigils.

Given this, Longbow is an amazing condition weapon and is borderline essential for a condition build.

I have however also seen rifle used with limited success (the only source of condition is the auto, however this could work in some situations). I have also seen the mace used in a condition build with distracting strikes, but it is lackluster even with perplexity runes unless your opponent doesn’t know to stop attacking or use condi removal.

On another note, a possible build is a shout healing/condi build. You literally never die or people half the time will give up trying to kill you.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

Is Long Bow essential for WvW Condi Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: mooty.4560


Given that longbow is a strong condition weapon, it’s recommended for any condition warrior specs. Given that longbow is the only way for a warrior to unseat people up on walls and effectively reach recessed siege weapons, it’s a must for warriors in WvW doing anything more than havoc.