Is PS Warrior good for open world?
For Solo Play pre patch was playing the same build, but instead of Tactics I was using Arms 2,2,2 or 2,2,1
Post Patch I been running around with:
Discipline: 2,3,2 or 2,3,3 (Quickness or more Damage/Adrenalin)
Defense: 1,1,2 or 2,1,2 (Depending on if I am using a Shield or not)
I also do not using any Banners, but I either use all Signets (Heal, Sig of Fury, Sig of Might, Dolyak, and Sig of Rage), for easier areas and I do not want to think too much.
Or I may add in Endure Pain, Berserker Stance, and then Head Butt for the Elite.
I use mostly Great Sword and Axe/Warhorn (Warhorn for speed buff)
But I have tried all weapons and combinations and change it up as I either need or if I get bored. (Like using a Rifle or Long Bow, adding Maces, Shields, Hammers etc…)
This is another good build if you do not have your Special Traits unlocked:
The whole point of PS warrior is group support. Open world PvE you’re mostly going to be alone and times that you’re with other people the support is pretty unnecessary.
The reason to use banners is improving a sustained fight in an area like dropping it on a capture point, stack spot, or directly on an immobile boss. In open world PvE you’ll be spending a lot of time moving and skirmishing random events, not defending points. And even if all you do is do specifically defend events, unless you have a couple people actually benefiting from it, you’re much better off with utility skills like stuns, stun breaks, mobility, or even Signets for the passive stats with good actives. Also 2min CD banners FeelsBadMan.
Tactics is focused on group support at the expense of personal utility and DPS. I would recommend taking Discipline instead for Warrior’s Sprint and Fast Hands. You’ll be able to juggle between your weapons much more freely and be able to run around faster without relying on Warhorn and Signet or Rage to get anywhere. Burst Mastery also benefits Berserk sorta. You can also take Defense instead for Rousing Resilience to synergize with Berserk skills, take Shield Master if you like shields, and also sustain Adrenal Health pretty much forever allowing you to take Blood Reckoning instead of Heal Signet (but Heal Signet is still awesome).
I just use this when I play Warrior:
You can swap Signet of Fury for Stamina if you feel like you’ll need the extra endurance regen/condi-clear. Blood Reckoning can be nice too, but passive regen from Heal Signet’s enough most of the time.
(edited by Euthymias.7984)
I use the PS build but with some diferent skills – Healing Signet, Bull’s Charge, Shattering Blow, Signet of Fury – and Head Butt as Elite. Yep real focus on CCs.
Long Bow as second weapon since play full melee on open world can end really bad in many situations…
I use the PS build but with some diferent skills – Healing Signet, Bull’s Charge, Shattering Blow, Signet of Fury – and Head Butt as Elite. Yep real focus on CCs.
Long Bow as second weapon since play full melee on open world can end really bad in many situations…
I prefer rifle as my second weapon as warrior opposite greatsword, thanks to the single-target kaboom factor.
But I only run Phalanx Warrior for world bosses.
Like pointed out PS Warrior can work in Open World but the area that it is effective is dependent on how close people stay to you and how much of an opportunity the encounter gives you to melee. Instances such as the Tarir events in Auric Basin favor PS because everyone is generally quite close for most of the damage bursts. In the case of the Wyvern’s in Verdant Brink, you’ll probably notice that a lot of people are spread and/or ranging. In those instances PS is a lot more dependent on other players’ positioning.