Is dual axes pointless with legendaries?
Do you need both your axes to look the same?
There are some pretty amazing exotics like destroyers, or corrupted skeggox, which would match the legendary axe almost perfectly. (another frost/frozen weapon)
It’s an OCD thing. Assuming I ever do the grind – which is unlikely, but let’s just assume – I won’t really want a single legendary axe and then some other thing. I’ll want a set of legendary axes.
It’s not an easy problem to solve, because even if they let 1h weapons/offhands be transmuted twice, that’s still not going to help people who roll with axe/sword, sword/mace, etc. etc.
As I said, pure OCD. Because stats aren’t an issue, it’s not a huge deal otherwise. It’s a far bigger issue that non-legendary 1h gear is, in almost all cases, just as expensive to acquire as 2h gear. That’s not merely an OCD issue.
Filling 5 slots on your skill bar at any given time should cost the same amount of karma/gold/tokens/crafting materials, assuming all colors and levels are equal.