Is it awesome?
A lot of Warrior critics seem to pass themselves off as experts of the class and then proceed to spread false information. Most commonly people will name off every strength of the Warrior as if it all comes in one build, which is false. I’ve discovered that some people calling for nerfs are basing it around WvW, which I feel is a game type that while fun, is not what you want to balance the game around. With differences in gear and things like food buffs and rune sets that don’t exist in PvP it’s unlikely WvW will ever be “balanced.”
I’ve seen people asking for nerfs to: Zerker stance, cleansing ire, unsuspecting foe, adrenal health, healing signet, and much more. Basically, every single thing that has been buffed or changed. What they don’t seem to realize that until the healing changes Warriors still were not very viable. Reduce healing signet too much and it’ll go back to being worthless, nerf any of the condition removal and suddenly we’re not such a big threat to condition builds and we’re back to where we were a few months ago, nerf Unsuspecting Foe and you may have a guy who isn’t as tough as a guardian and hits like a wet noodle and chances are stuns alone won’t make them worth taking over a Necro or Ranger.
What annoys me the most is that the current Warrior builds have plenty of viable counters. This is not the Ele, Necro, or Spirit Ranger of old where there was only maybe 1 or 2 viable counters in the game. Some have figured this out, I played a bunch of TPvP games last night and saw plenty of people running more stun breakers or Mel runes that made them have a fair shot against me and it made them much harder to kill in a team fight. It feels like many critics on the forums just don’t want to adapt to Warriors. What’s worse is that some of the people who frequently talked about how much they hated the condition meta are now getting out the pitchforks for the very class that is bringing conditions under control. Of course you’re going to see a ton of Warriors in SoloQ when people continue to run the condition builds that they counter.
As for the class itself, it took a year but I’m very pleased with it. as a PvX player, it’s good to know I’ll have a place in any group whether I’m playing PvE, WvW, or PvP. I feel like I’ve gone full circle from GW1, I focused on locking people down with hammer and that’s what I do now. I feel tough, but idc what anyone esle says I will not be mid-bunkering against 3 people any time soon, I can also hit hard but not as hard as a burst Thief/Ele/Mesmer and that damage is tied to my stuns.
I feel like I’m wading into battle and surviving not by the use of magic or trickery, but with might and willpower. I feel like the class is what ANet should strive to make all classes, viable in every game mode, has a variety of builds, and feels suitably unique.
So yes, the class is awesome. I feel like we get a lot of crap because people are frustrated by their favorite classes limitations and decide that they don’t like that Warrior, a class long considered to be a joke in PvP, becoming the first class to reach the level it’s at.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)
I find warrior awesome! I played warrior since 3days headstart and still love it… If I even try to play other classes I start missing my warrior. Sometimes as warrior I just miss reflection walls/bubbles and scorpion wire like skills.
Atm warrior can be anything… PvE dps or support/cc (support not really needed), in PvP condi, bunker, cc… well can’t be glass cannon.
WvW u can roam, 1v1, zerg vs zerg etc… everything works.
Also don’t listen the “hit your keyboard with your face to win” whine… every class has one of these builds.
For warrior it’s hammer/mace/shield or GS/mace/shield.
Thief got the dagger pistol.
Ele got their scepter dagger,
necro got terror mancer
I don’t know if guardian actually has one… it has very nice sustain never the less.
Engi got pistol shield
Mesmer got staff scepter and some offhand…
Ranger got spirits
Those are kinda OP builds and in right hands a pain in the kitten if you have to face one.
Dual sword + longbow for hard but rewarding 1vs1.
Warrior got sustain based on high hp regen. Poison + burst dmg counters this. Warrior got nice condi removal which is coming from fighting instead of standing idle. Warrior got mobility and high base stats. It lacks few things but it’s overall loveable profession! It’s easy to play with and hard to master (as Anet stated[I agree with them], but which profession isn’t like that?)
People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…
(edited by Nuorus.8415)
Also started a warrior in head start. Everything feels slow and deliberate. I also play an ele and mezmer about as often as the warrior. All the skills are just slow. The power that connects is on par with how slow the animations feel. The mezmer is slow footed and the ranged attacks are also very slow but its ranged. The ele can use a channel and other abilitys at the same time, blow through all elements in a manner of seconds and start the chain again.
Don’t listen to everyone telling you that it’s necessary to play a cheese build to win. I like a challenge, and I’m always playing the builds that have a definitive disadvantage to make a point. My Crit/Condi hybrid has no form of condition removal, because it’s a team build and I run with a shout ranger and a healway guardian who more than take care of the conditions, so that I can focus on bursting down the target. My alternate build (of many, but this is my favorite) is pure conditions and uses shout heals, which actually got buffed in the last patch, and Lyssa runes which makes for a very wonky but extremely functional bunker. If you want to just win, take someone else’s build and run with it. I’m a bit of a build kitten, and challenging myself via combat is the only way I keep myself entertained. I suggest that you try your own build based on your playstyle before resorting to keyboard face-smashing builds.
My favorite class design in any mmo. There’s a couple very popular builds right now (mace+gs, hambow), but all weapons are useful and can be built around. Axe and sword are both underrated. Traits are also very interesting right now, and every traitline has uses.
The downside is that it’s a fotm pvp class, and despite how long I’ve played warrior it makes me feel guilty about playing it now.
Recent healing improvements is understandably controversial. Warrior desperately needed improved sustain to stop it from being “a thief without stealth” in pvp, and the buffs opened up a lot of locked up potential in the class. It was nearly impossible pre-buff to run a low mobility or full melee build, but not anymore. Healing signet did get a little over the top, but if warrior sustain gets axed, expect to see those builds (and warrior viability) start to disappear again.
That said, it’s an awesome class. It’s a lot deeper than it appears on the surface, and the mechanicals of it feel great. I’d heartily encourage you to try it, but go deeper than riding the fotm train. Warrior is most fun when you start learning the weapon synergies and build potential of the class.
Don’t listen to everyone telling you that it’s necessary to play a cheese build to win. I like a challenge, and I’m always playing the builds that have a definitive disadvantage to make a point. My Crit/Condi hybrid has no form of condition removal, because it’s a team build and I run with a shout ranger and a healway guardian who more than take care of the conditions, so that I can focus on bursting down the target. My alternate build (of many, but this is my favorite) is pure conditions and uses shout heals, which actually got buffed in the last patch, and Lyssa runes which makes for a very wonky but extremely functional bunker. If you want to just win, take someone else’s build and run with it. I’m a bit of a build kitten, and challenging myself via combat is the only way I keep myself entertained. I suggest that you try your own build based on your playstyle before resorting to keyboard face-smashing builds.
Your answer should be the first answer and decorated with golden frames!
About the certain builds. If you want to be able win tPvP you should go these builds even if you didn’t want to. Why? Because almost everyone else are using these builds againts you. They will use every advantage they get to cheat or make it easier to defeat you instead of fighting clear and nice fight. Ofc there’s people like you among them but you are the 1% of the gw2. It’s same on every game… people are like this. I was like that too. I just loose intrest in any game where I cheat, doesn’t matter how good game it is… no challenge no fun.
In tPvP you can keep your intrest towards the game even while using these stupid builds (yes I called the build stupid) because as almost everyone else are using these builds, it wont be easy job to win.
- Warrior and GW2 fanboi
People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…
(edited by Nuorus.8415)
Agree with a lot of things posted here.
I have a thief, mesmer and warrior at 80. No matter what build I play with those other two classes, warrior just feels most rewarding. Hence I always end up returning to him. Maybe that’s why I have 5 different exotic sets and at least two dozen different weapons.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
Warrior is my first char and main….I am even lvling a Charr Warrior because I like the look better and have been bored lately. I am constantly looking for a build that works for me. I have found a few, but I started with the warrior because I like the Rifle option as well as the sword\shield combo. I have seen the glass cannon and bunker builds do well, and I have tried them. However in the end I usually have found opponents with the cookie cutter builds were the easiest to counter because they are predictable. I don’t like being predictable. Warriors are strong, true, but the complainers are just loud.
No class is the end all be all. It’s not roll warrior and your magically invincible. Plenty of instances have occurred when I had my butt handed to me in WvW and PvP. I have an 80 Thief and Ranger and have experienced all levels of play with both. All have their niche and can do well. Thieves are fun in my opinion, and Ranger is pretty weak but with a few tweaks could be much better. I would still rank the ranger as my second.
As far as my biggest complaint about the Warrior class? The Berserker/GS setup expectation for Dungeons, luckily on the rare occasion I do run dungeons it’s with guildies that do not care about that stuff. I do not like the GS and I do not like being a glass cannon.
People in guild chat have stated they are rolling a Warrior and I always say I love it, give it a shot, but beware of the grass is always greener syndrome. You have to like the feel of the class or you just won’t enjoy your playing time.
Agree with a lot of things posted here.
I have a thief, mesmer and warrior at 80. No matter what build I play with those other two classes, warrior just feels most rewarding. Hence I always end up returning to him. Maybe that’s why I have 5 different exotic sets and at least two dozen different weapons.
^^ This, my bank is full of my Warrior gear. I need to go all Celestial…… may not be the most effective but I have sooo many sets of armor……
Maybe that’s why I have 5 different exotic sets and at least two dozen different weapons.
Warrior is awesome just because there’s so many viable weapon sets and builds. I wish all professions would be like that.
I play warrior since headstart. Everytime I get bored I switch to another weapon build and having a blast again.
Yes, it does rock to be a warrior. We are the rockstars of Dungeons. We have demonic groupies and trailers loaded with weapons and armors one can even imagine.
Its nice cus lots of different builds/wep sets are viable. Where other classes seem to only have a few potential viable builds/wep sets. I honestly don’t know what the other ele weps are besides staff and daggers never seen anybody use something else. I feel most of my rangers weps are useless. My thief just gets boring playing backstab build and run away if im not winning.
However there are still some buffs/nerfs to help balance the war out. For one I feel almost all the 30 point traits are garbage besides banners have regen and shouts heal. Most of the 10-20 point traits I feel are better than the 30 ones. I would like to see longbow range changed to 1200 range 1500 traited like ranger has. All other wep sets in the game are the same ranges. As for nerfs zerker stance might be a bit op but has a pretty long cd to make up for it. Healing singet is iffy for me I like it and if it were nerfed I don’t think peeps would use it anymore. Maybe a slight nerf and better healing power scaling or better singet use heal. Poison is a hard counter to it. Unsuspecting foe trait should be moved to a 20 point trait or moved to a 30 point trait and given 100% to crit a stunned foe kinda like thief hidden killer. As for your thief I think shadow refuge needs a cd increase and the ability to smokefield heartseeker through it over and over again for anytime stealth is lamesauce.
Yes, it is awesome!
Even when warrior was UP, many said it was the best designed class of all 8.
I think it was because it has an intuitive gameplay, which was hard to master (now it’s not for many builds, not for all, though). And it was intuitive to follow for the ones facing him (except Skull Crack et similia).
It let you to make the most flexible builds, without focusing on fixed things. You couldn’t make unkillable bunkers, and glass cannons were really easy to squash, but you could play a mix of both and not be worthless. I think you can do that even now, if you avoid cc weapons.
It was the class for an animation-based pvp.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Hello. I have 2 mains- Thief and a Warrior.
Warrior was the first. To be honest, I play with both of them and like both of them.
They are a bit different, compared to the Thief, but yes…they are awesome.
My 2 Cents when comparing Thief vs Warrior gameplay.
- Warrs are more durable. While with a Thief, you have to constantly dodge or or drop into stealth a Warr can take some damage and require less jumping around. Also – for a Warr it’s easy to get stability boon.
-Warrs are better in a party, because half of their skills can either buff party members, heal them or utilise combo fields. (Thieves have good access to combo finishers too, but for a Warrior, it’s kitten unbelievable – almost anything you do is a combo finisher.)
-Warriors’s support is a it more party-centered than Thieves’. Warrs can provide boons (Fury,Might) and remove conditions and can have a lot of CC (Hammer warriors, I am looking at us). Not even talking about a banner regen buff or healing/cleansing shouts. Thieves’ support is more about destroying the enemy, blinding poisoning and dazing him. Or emergency-stealthing party members.
-Warr is more straight-forward, easier and sometimes a bit less fun. Their weapon skills are awesome, but I get the feel, that thier utility skills can get boring. Also – all three Thieves’ elite skills are super usable and fun. Warrs don’t have those. One is unusable (Rampage), one is boring (signet) and one is situationally-awesome (banner)
-Warrs can use more weapons and their weapon skills are all interesting and useful. Thieves’ tend to be spamming 1-2 abilities due to the initiative mechanic.
All in all, I like both. Warrior more for running with friends, Thief when soloing.
(my favourite builds: Hammer or a Banner Warrior, S/D or a Venomshare D/D Thief)
Truth is, Warrior is really good. That being said, it’s extremely easy to play and very, very easy to breeze through PvE. Which is why, in my opinion it gets boring pretty quickly. I can only play my Warrior for short periods of time nowadays.
Truth is, Warrior is really good. That being said, it’s extremely easy to play and very, very easy to breeze through PvE. Which is why, in my opinion it gets boring pretty quickly. I can only play my Warrior for short periods of time nowadays.
Tell one class which isn’t easy in PvE…? Normal mob one shotting engi, power attack spam thief, tanky fanky guardian, From other side of the continents shooting ranger, 1hit KO dead ele(ele is the one that dies) or the one man army the mesmer?
People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…
hey thanks for all the responses everyone!!! surprised this thread got so much attention made me smile! This feedback was helpful. I have respect for warriors. Least QQ group of players on this game
hey thanks for all the responses everyone!!! surprised this thread got so much attention
made me smile! This feedback was helpful. I have respect for warriors. Least QQ group of players on this game
But we cause QQ in others.
I admit by the time of the buffs many builds that now are REALLY strong weren’t known at all. That’s because there wasn’t actually any attention about warriors.
It was much easier to just roll another class, and warrs were considered useles by pvpers. If your class wasn’t welcome in teams for it was universally considered sucky, I assure you no attempt to create new builds would be taken seriously. If you asked your teammates you made a good warrior build, they would have said: “Cool! Now please go back to your engi and let’s queue.”
Obviously now everything has changed, and with the buff people HAD to aknowledge the strength of a warrior.
The buff was needed: even if some things are toned down, it will be a long time before people will forget warriors CAN be a threat.
I remember very few names of famous warrs. The most famous I remember were Defektive and Anas Tarcis and among these were the only one working on different builds on these forums.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Ranger got spirits
using www+ranger+ spirits in one sentence you must be a really sarcastic person