Is warrior worth rolling ?

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: geekilo.8512


I kind of want to roll a warrior as main, but… i was told by warrior players that they are in a really bad spot right now. Then, all these posts about how bad warrior is. Are they really that bad ?

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure.8670


For pve warrior is amazing and is the hero of the land. I’d say war and … ele are probably the best pve classes, maybe rev as well overall.

In pvp war is in an awwwwffful spot

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sorel.4870


In PvE: go for it.

In PvP: it depends on how much you know about GW2 already. If you’re asking to know what your first character should be, or if you relatively new to pvp, I would definitely advise you to play warrior. It’s fun, and relatively easy to pick up: since it’s relatively straight-forward: you will be able to rapidly focus on watching your foes’ animations, or on your positioning, which will you good reflexes.

If you’re already decent in pvp (over rank 60, I’d say), then you might find warrior a bit weak. Whatever you do, don’t queue in ranked with a warrior. You’ll just attract negativity.

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Whatever you do, don’t queue in ranked with a warrior. You’ll just attract negativity.

Unless you are good.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: FatRaKoon.1782


Whatever you do, don’t queue in ranked with a warrior. You’ll just attract negativity.

Unless you are good.

Unless you are really, really good. And even so… I main warrior for now almost two years and I can tell you that even if you are good, you’ll be a drag for your team or you’ll be carried by them.

Why, you may ask. Because we currently don’t have enough sustain to be in teamfights (we only have our Healing Signet still viable and with how then meta shifted, even this one’s almost obsolete… Whereas any other class can likely heal at least twice during a fight) and if someone comes at you right after a duel, you’re basically dead because of long cooldowns.

Just to make things clear : I’m not whining or anything, just stating the obvious. But you can still go for warrior in hotjoin and unranked, it’s a lot of fun.

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: choovanski.5462


In PvE: go for it.

In PvP: it depends on how much you know about GW2 already. If you’re asking to know what your first character should be, or if you relatively new to pvp, I would definitely advise you to play warrior. It’s fun, and relatively easy to pick up: since it’s relatively straight-forward: you will be able to rapidly focus on watching your foes’ animations, or on your positioning, which will you good reflexes.

If you’re already decent in pvp (over rank 60, I’d say), then you might find warrior a bit weak. Whatever you do, don’t queue in ranked with a warrior. You’ll just attract negativity.

warrior is hard and punishing in the current PvP meta. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who isn’t looking for a laugh.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: lighter.2708


everything works well in PvE, so unless you are going for extremely speed run, there’s no need to play a warrior.
plus warrior is only good for organized run or with good players
if you want to carry a pug team with constant assured rezzes, or reflects or boon strip or w/e utility, you don’t want to pick a warrior.

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Play warrior to learn mechanics of dodge baiting and windows of opportunity. Because, the meta will change, but these concepts will not.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


It’s stupid to pick your class solely on the idea that you think you are gonna main pve. Everyone goes to one of the pvp modes at some point. Choose elemental. Seriously, don’t choose warrior. Warriors are probably one of the most straightforward classes to learn and play. They are also one of the most straightforward ones to kill in pvp modes because their moves are generally all generic melee (some exceptions). You should learn a more complicated class first. Elemental gives you the tools to do everything in the game….and the sheer number of moves and attacks you have with each weapon is quite a bit to take in. If you are playing for the first time, don’t play warrior. Play through once and go level by level to 80, learning a more complicated class slowly and meticulously. Then afterwards you can always go back and make an instant lvl 80 warrior, and easily learn how to play them as your second character. It only takes a couple of lines to describe what each weapon a warrior wields is best at….it will be easy to read a guide and instantly pick out what kind of weapon does what best on warriors. If your such a big fan of heavy armour choose guardian, it basically does everything a warrior does +more, but better and easier.

Pve is very much a grind. You run the same instances over and over. You only have to learn the content once….then the content becomes running the same content over and over. There is no need to overthink pve when you start the game, you can run anything for it and do well and efficient. If you wanna solo the hardest dungeons by yourself though….go on youtube and watch the warrior fail miserably. Then go on youtube and watch the elemental breeze through it.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


In the current meta warrior is sub par on everything. Sustain, damage output, maneuverability, support. there are better options for all of it. in PVP no matter what you do everything will have more sustain than you. the current meta is extremely not kind to warriors. and honestly if it is not fixed after this PVP league season i’m leaving the game.

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


If you want to play in a serious team which is participating in tournements you shouldn’t play warrior atm. Warrior just provides a significant disadvantage for your team, simply because there are classes which are much more usefull and because the warrior can’t fit any role properly.
This is the reason why there isn’t any single team which is relevant for pvp with a warrior and the reason why all top tier warriors had to reroll another class for their team – if you reach a certain lvl warrior won’t be viable.

Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sorel.4870


In PvE: go for it.

In PvP: it depends on how much you know about GW2 already. If you’re asking to know what your first character should be, or if you relatively new to pvp, I would definitely advise you to play warrior. It’s fun, and relatively easy to pick up: since it’s relatively straight-forward: you will be able to rapidly focus on watching your foes’ animations, or on your positioning, which will you good reflexes.

If you’re already decent in pvp (over rank 60, I’d say), then you might find warrior a bit weak. Whatever you do, don’t queue in ranked with a warrior. You’ll just attract negativity.

warrior is hard and punishing in the current PvP meta. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who isn’t looking for a laugh.

It’s not in low tiers, and it won’t stay that way forever, so I’d still recommend it for someone taking up pvp.

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Whatever you do, don’t queue in ranked with a warrior. You’ll just attract negativity.

Unless you are good.

Even then. When I queue on my thief, I have people threatening to afk before the game even starts. I won 15 games in a row solo queuing on my thief, and the only games I lost during that period was when people basically forced me to play mesmer. I’m sure the same things happens to you.

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: SpreadCheese.5208


Play whatever you like, kitten what people say or think. most of them are parrots and just repeat what they hear.

So much hate on warrior but it seems when I use him in ranked, I do just fine and usually top scores. I know that doesn’t always mean you played well but a warrior is there to bring the pain.

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: ReaperJr.5967


Pvp? I haven’t won a match with a warrior on my team or lost a match with a warrior on the enemy’s, to put it simply.

Lord Ninth \\ Champion Magus
- Primordial Legend

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Raizen.7981


PvE – condi war has insane amounts of damage, brings decent support, but it’s survivability is close to 0 – thank anet for 20k hp and heavy armor
PvP- yeh, what every1 said.

My opinion: you should roll whatever class you’d like to PvE with. Because switching a toon in PvE(re-doing 79 levels+ gathering gear) takes far more time than making a level 1 toon and starting to play PvP with it. My thief is level 2 and I’m on 92% win rate with it, yet I absolutely only play power herald and condi war in PvE

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Pvp? I haven’t won a match with a warrior on my team or lost a match with a warrior on the enemy’s, to put it simply.

Lies. I beat you the other day. On legacy of the Foefire.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Is warrior worth rolling ?

in Warrior

Posted by: ReaperJr.5967


Pvp? I haven’t won a match with a warrior on my team or lost a match with a warrior on the enemy’s, to put it simply.

Lies. I beat you the other day. On legacy of the Foefire.

You did? Don’t seem to remember.. but let’s just say you did.. that’s just one match then :P Team was probably awful.

Lord Ninth \\ Champion Magus
- Primordial Legend