(edited by Tzozef.9841)
I very much want to see you fighting an actual player on a deadeye and not being outkited by it with your dagger/dagger.
Great for PvE. Sure, bud. All of these “skilled” people crawling out of the woodworks, ugh.
I’m descent with DD I just don’t fight solo
People complaining in this subforum have no clue how to play.
Literally Spellbreaker is the Anti-cheese spec of GW2.
whether it be condi spam, stealth gank trolls, boon spammers or kiters. Spellbreaker counters all of them. (But not all at the same time)
Very well rounded. Berserker is great for PVE, Spellbreaker is great for PVP/WVW.
Brilliant. I had an amazing time as Spellbreaker, literally everyone I fought was in utter shock how powerful I was.
People who complain about Spellbreaker are absolutely clueless.
I like how I can choose what I want to counter, do I want to counter condi spam, or focus more on countering stealth ganks, or punish those who dish out boons.
I cannot counter all, I have to be specific with my choices. Hats off to Robert Gee, really great spec!
Also I like how I DON’T HAVE TO SWITCH WEAPONS, Dagger/Dagger is amazing for self-sustain in 1v1 and zerg fights. (People seem to forget the burst skill for dagger is…UNBLOCKABLE! Which makes up for what Dagger/Dagger lacks compared to other weapons, really good balance!)
What I do is build Bulls Charge, Berserker Stance, and Feather Foot Grace.
BTW Feather Foot Grace is the new berserker stance, and probably better statistically on a ratio.
All in all, THUMBS UP!
berserker stance pulses.. feather foot not.
Pls share your build with us..
dagger/dagger self sustain? that small daze/stun and a reflect? am i missing something? F2 issnt only for dagger/dagger.
When you think the weapons define the spec and can’t see your way through even trying to optimize them.
If you try to use other weapons prepare for disappointment at level one bursts then, not to mention you don’t get the fancy new animations.
So you might as well just play core. Why play SB and not use dagger?
People complaining in this subforum have no clue how to play.
Literally Spellbreaker is the Anti-cheese spec of GW2.
whether it be condi spam, stealth gank trolls, boon spammers or kiters. Spellbreaker counters all of them. (But not all at the same time)
Very well rounded. Berserker is great for PVE, Spellbreaker is great for PVP/WVW.
Brilliant. I had an amazing time as Spellbreaker, literally everyone I fought was in utter shock how powerful I was.
People who complain about Spellbreaker are absolutely clueless.
I like how I can choose what I want to counter, do I want to counter condi spam, or focus more on countering stealth ganks, or punish those who dish out boons.
I cannot counter all, I have to be specific with my choices. Hats off to Robert Gee, really great spec!
Also I like how I DON’T HAVE TO SWITCH WEAPONS, Dagger/Dagger is amazing for self-sustain in 1v1 and zerg fights. (People seem to forget the burst skill for dagger is…UNBLOCKABLE! Which makes up for what Dagger/Dagger lacks compared to other weapons, really good balance!)
What I do is build Bulls Charge, Berserker Stance, and Feather Foot Grace.
BTW Feather Foot Grace is the new berserker stance, and probably better statistically on a ratio.
All in all, THUMBS UP!
let me guess,you won 3 hotjoins in row with spellbreaker XD
Agree with OP its really nice if you build it right.
My favorite new elite spec so far.
Think we need to split these threads a bit.
In PVE Spellbreaker isn’t just bad, it’s a significant downgrade to core warrior even, not to mention berserker.
In PVP It’s a side-grade at best, maybe a downgrade.
It’s absolutely utter trash, devs should be a shamed.
More animation time to let others interupt the hell out of us for mediocre effects.
Think we need to split these threads a bit.
In PVE Spellbreaker isn’t just bad, it’s a significant downgrade to core warrior even, not to mention berserker.
In PVP It’s a side-grade at best, maybe a downgrade.
SpellBreaker basically gives free 300 powers, since warrior have tons of CC. just use kicks and bolas. its synergize with physical skills.
stop the lies and kitten there is nothing free about those 300 power, either you give up your banner or you give up your signet to get enough CC utilities to maintain attacker insight.
It doesn’t compensate anything berserker give.
Spellbreaker is so useless you’re far better off being a double axe core warrior is you want to dual wield for style.
Well I ended up dueling a Spellbreaker in WvW about 6 times while playing my Main Core Axe/Axe – Rifle Warrior.
It was about 50%, the fights were pretty close, I was doing way more damage to him than he was to me but SB has such a great pivot point under Full Counter. He was able to reset better, and turn the fight around.
I felt like rifle was hurting me in that situation, he also had dual endure pain traited, I did not. I do not really rely on boons too much in 1v1’s on that particular character I was playing but throw in another enemy condi player and the SB gets really powerfull, really quickly. I feel like SB will really shine in organized group play.
Overall I expect SB to start doing a lot better once the warrior community starts to get the timing down on Dagger 3, 4, and the Full counter. I also expect their to be some buffs incoming for both SB and Berserker.
We’re still chained to discipline and maybe even defense, but even still the spec changes the game play.
It effectively nukes main hand axe or mace and rifle due to the adrenaline tier scaling, but mainhand dagger, gs, hammer are legit.
I agree dagger need some help in…I dunno damage, range, cd’s, I’m not real sure what just yet. However if you stack adrenaline generation (like most builds do anyhow), the burst is quite legit. If you do it right you can F1, F2, which immediately resets F1 CD and you’re left with two full bars of adrenaline.
I think the Full Counter mechanic adds a great flavor to the game play, it gets klunky if it misses, you have to favor walking into damage to make it go off, but the burst is legit and the traited bonuses are as well.
In the zerg w/hammer traited appropriately you are a cc spamming boon ripping nightmare. Pair it up with GS or d/m and weeeeeee.
It’s so funny going into each new elite spec forum and reading everyone complain. Neckbeards will never be satisfied. This new power warrior is fun
It’s so funny going into each new elite spec forum and reading everyone complain. Neckbeards will never be satisfied. This new power warrior is fun
What’s new about it exactly? We don’t get something neat like Firebrand tomes, or the summons of Rev, or the new playstyle of scourge/soulbeast/holosmith.
We just get a plain weapon with plain skills, crappy utilities, and an insanely situational elite.
Spellbreaker straight up feels like an afterthought compared to everyone else. Not even mentioning the fact that it’s weak, the lack of thought in adding new and interesting mechanics/playstyles is the worst part.
The op is right Spellbreaker is awesome (in pvp). Firebrand is garbage (in pvp) (or at least the 4-5 build I tried were)
It counters all kinds of stuff, and had good survivablity.
I’m not playing d/d though, I’m using dagger/shield and greatsword (no specific reason for greatsword)
and to the poster that wasnt impressed with wining 4 hot joins? Do you really think all the good players are not in hot join looking to take advantage of players just wanting to “test builds”? If your answer is no, then you don’t know the pvp community very well.
It’s so funny going into each new elite spec forum and reading everyone complain. Neckbeards will never be satisfied. This new power warrior is fun
What’s new about it exactly? We don’t get something neat like Firebrand tomes, or the summons of Rev, or the new playstyle of scourge/soulbeast/holosmith.
We just get a plain weapon with plain skills, crappy utilities, and an insanely situational elite.
Spellbreaker straight up feels like an afterthought compared to everyone else. Not even mentioning the fact that it’s weak, the lack of thought in adding new and interesting mechanics/playstyles is the worst part.
You’re right – an unblockable burst on 7 second cooldown that grants stability, protection, resistance, absorbs an attack, gives an evade, does ridiculous aoe damage, copies 5 conditions to 5 targets, aoe interrupt/daze, and aoe boon rip puts me to sleep too. I feel so mistreated and underpowered.
It’s so funny going into each new elite spec forum and reading everyone complain. Neckbeards will never be satisfied. This new power warrior is fun
What’s new about it exactly? We don’t get something neat like Firebrand tomes, or the summons of Rev, or the new playstyle of scourge/soulbeast/holosmith.
We just get a plain weapon with plain skills, crappy utilities, and an insanely situational elite.
Spellbreaker straight up feels like an afterthought compared to everyone else. Not even mentioning the fact that it’s weak, the lack of thought in adding new and interesting mechanics/playstyles is the worst part.
You’re right – an unblockable burst on 7 second cooldown that grants stability, protection, resistance, absorbs an attack, gives an evade, does ridiculous aoe damage, copies 5 conditions to 5 targets, aoe interrupt/daze, and aoe boon rip puts me to sleep too.
I feel so mistreated and underpowered.
Yes that one button is so amazing compared to entirely new and interesting ways to play the class that others get.
It’s pathetic.
Core warrior is quite better on outnumbers fights better self sustain and hold damage , spellbraker is really good bursting a target on roamers group, for zerg scenes is quite good to but with out dagger/dagger and for pve condi berserker is the thing.
stop the lies and kitten there is nothing free about those 300 power, either you give up your banner or you give up your signet to get enough CC utilities to maintain attacker insight.
It doesn’t compensate anything berserker give.
Spellbreaker is so useless you’re far better off being a double axe core warrior is you want to dual wield for style.
u are the lier.
Banners are only 170 power. Have CooldDowns, and u have to carry them.
No way it compete with no CD passive power bonus.
It’s so funny going into each new elite spec forum and reading everyone complain. Neckbeards will never be satisfied. This new power warrior is fun
What’s new about it exactly? We don’t get something neat like Firebrand tomes, or the summons of Rev, or the new playstyle of scourge/soulbeast/holosmith.
We just get a plain weapon with plain skills, crappy utilities, and an insanely situational elite.
Spellbreaker straight up feels like an afterthought compared to everyone else. Not even mentioning the fact that it’s weak, the lack of thought in adding new and interesting mechanics/playstyles is the worst part.
You’re right – an unblockable burst on 7 second cooldown that grants stability, protection, resistance, absorbs an attack, gives an evade, does ridiculous aoe damage, copies 5 conditions to 5 targets, aoe interrupt/daze, and aoe boon rip puts me to sleep too.
I feel so mistreated and underpowered.
im just gona add some relevant info for this amazing epidemic threatening skill.
Range: 300 and 1,5 sec casting time,if ppl can dodge hb with half casting time,i rly hope they gona be able to dodge this.