K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

K pop here,

So I am trying to design a new build I want to play for the next season.
Currently, I run something like this almost full time. Gs/Ax-Sh power stance rampage build.
But in playing it full time I have seen where it is weak. Mainly the Engineer and Ranger encounters.

So to try and overcome the issues, I want to try a berserker build. I think that the most interesting one to me has been the arc divider and the skull grinder. Eviscerate one just doesn’t seen as good in the smaller fights, which is what I kind of want.

Here is what I am thinking in sort of a rough draft. Viper amulet, Gs/ Ma-Sh
This would allow for two sides of play.
The confusion condi side with the berzerker and the mace with arc divider pressure.
The stun lock raw damage side with the standard mace skills and gs skills.
Unfortunately adding in condition damage reduces the critical damage a lot. I do not know yet how effective the build is with just the one condition then.

Anyways, here is the build. Please help me tweak or make suggestions. I am not against changing the main 1 hand weapon. I could go back to axe for example.

I am looking for help as I want to improve my ranger and engi matchup.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


sword is the new eviscerate on a viper build. It’s functionally like Zealot’s Defense (guardian skill) Providing your opponent eats all of the burning it hits harder than eviscerate.


“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


but ya I know rampage is OP, but I prefer a 4 sec stun on a 20 sec CD that fills my adrin over a 180 sec cd. I know how clutch rampage can be though. Somthing u can only get on zerker spec. If I wasn’t running zerker spec ya I would run rampage.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Elegie.3620


Hi there,

I’m not sure about the GS as an hybrid weapon. I do understand your will to have many attack patterns, but the loss seems high. Have you considered exchanging the GS for a sword? You would still have a stun/burst (sword #3), and offhand options can be nice (torch, sword, and even an axe if you can whirlwind on a firefield at melee). Also, that would let you take Body Blow, further enhancing the mace/shield set.

The sustain of the build seems low. You do have some good active defense (block/control of mace/shield, mobility/evade of the GS), but no way to restore health (no shouts, no Rousing Resilience), and little condition management (no Cleansing Ire, no Brawler’s Recovery). I believe that burst-based builds can work with a warrior, but I fear that the build does more sustained damage than instant damage, and may not resist long enough to see it to its end.

What’s your take on Discipline and Fast Hands? I’ve seen many players considering they can play and be competitive without Fast Hands, but I’m not sure about it myself.

Food for thought:


K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Drath.9702


I have been having good luck running a viper’s amulet using Mace/Shield and Rifle.

Traits are:
Strength – Peak Performance, Body Blow, Distracting Strikes
Defense – Shield Master, Sundering Mace, Last Stand
Berserker – Smash Brawler, Blood Reaction, Eternal Champion

Healing Signet, Bull’s Charge, Berserker Stance, Endure Pain, Head Butt

I have decent staying power, and commonly stack 8-12 confusion on people. The confusion gets buried under a ton of weakness/bleed/vulnerability as well which makes it pretty devastating.

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: eksn.7264


I’ve tried to come up with like 10 different builds this patch, one of which is just about what you have here. The problem really comes down to having to sacrifice too much by ditching either defense or discipline. No matter what I would come up with, I’d have to come back to defense/discipline/berserker.

Now that’s just speaking of traits. Another big issue with warrior right now is sustain, and when you play a damage over time build and you lack sustain, it’s hard to actually win any fights when your stances get kited so easily. I tried condi shouts thinking it could solve the problem, but I’d still have very subpar sustain. Also there’s just no good amulet to make it work I think.

This is the most effective build I could come up with that would somewhat hold up against good players/some classes (mercenary amulet).

It’s just about trying to spam Combustive Shot on point, spaming fire aura, lock down an enemy with like Pin Down/Flurry > Head Butt > Flaming Furry and stacking bleeds faster with sword AA for super strong condi burst. It’s just really difficult to make it work against players who are on top of their condi cleanse since you don’t have many other condis to cover your burns and bleeds.

If they finally decide to make Fast Hands baseline, I think sword/torch+mace/shield condi build could work pretty well, but again, you just can’t justify not going defense and discipline.


(edited by eksn.7264)

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

but ya I know rampage is OP, but I prefer a 4 sec stun on a 20 sec CD that fills my adrin over a 180 sec cd. I know how clutch rampage can be though. Somthing u can only get on zerker spec. If I wasn’t running zerker spec ya I would run rampage.

My favorite is the hundreds down state, hammer throw into Vengence, immediate headbutt into berserk, hundred blades, down, and stomp.

Got soooo many people with this, even two in one once XD

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Obindo.6802


I’ve been running gs axe shield too:

I’ve also had some succes with mercenary axe sword / bow:

With mercenary amulet (not available in the editor)

(edited by Obindo.6802)

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Mashedwarf.8235


Hey K pop,

We have a similar idea of what’s working right now… I use the Mercenary Amulet with this build, and have found it to be a great 1v1 build, as well as holding off 1v2s fairly well. The hardest part was adjusting to not using Fast Hands, which would GREATLY improve this build’s viability… but alas, ANet hasn’t pulled their deeply buried heads out of their kitten yet. I’m still actively making tweaks with it to find what works best, but this is the best option I’ve used so far:


I’m still up in the air on using Last Blaze over Savage Instinct, but I do enjoy throwing one more condition into the mix, especially burning… and with all of the stun breakers I’m already using, it hasn’t been an issue yet. I’ve tested Sigil of Impact vs Intelligence on GS, and Intelligence always seems to come out with better damage, so I’ve stuck with it.

You have options as to what Sigils to use with Mace/Shield… Paralyzation is a must of course, but I’ve used Leeching/Doom/Geomancy in the second slot and had success with all of them. It just depends what you like… You could even throw in a Debility with all the Weakness floating around if you’d like, but I’m not sure how beneficial that would be over the others.

I’m going to test removing GS altogether, but there aren’t many weapon options I’m willing to be stuck in for 9 seconds outside of Mace/Shield. Sword/Torch is next, but I doubt it will bring the counter-pressure/sustain GS brings.

Test away! I’m looking forward to what you guys come up with!

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Arddyn.7683


With sage amulet. Pretty sustainy overall and good cc and damage with burns and skullgrinder. Also works with viper.

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Michael.9517


been running this


why: rifle damage is primary damage. you basically want to be at a distance with this build… using speed bonus from rune of traveler to reposition yourself. Always be moving.

STUN STUN STUN. This build is really good for stuns. because the damage comes m ainly from rifle, using mace shield for defenses purposes is how to play it. The elite can be use offensive or defensively depending on the situation.

This is a high damage, high control build. With surprising decent survivability with the defense trait and mobility.

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: raven.9870


been running this


why: rifle damage is primary damage. you basically want to be at a distance with this build… using speed bonus from rune of traveler to reposition yourself. Always be moving.

STUN STUN STUN. This build is really good for stuns. because the damage comes m ainly from rifle, using mace shield for defenses purposes is how to play it. The elite can be use offensive or defensively depending on the situation.

This is a high damage, high control build. With surprising decent survivability with the defense trait and mobility.

if you go for reousing resilence you should trait savage instinct and put outrage instead of or the sigil of stamina or berserker stance since you reling on break stun to provide heal and 1k toughtness.
we run almost the same build give a look

Victory at any cost

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


I’ve been running gs axe shield too:

I’ve also had some succes with mercenary axe sword / bow:

With mercenary amulet (not available in the editor)

Why maurader over zerker?

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Thanks everyone for the input. Although Berserker line seemed to have the added utility of stability and stun breaks, I realized that my reliance on vigor from stances was larger than I first suspected.

I guess I am not ready to drop defense line for berserker line. I will probably switch from axe shield to mace shield though for protection against thieves.

Standard build with a little skull crack. Mace auto while pretty slow compared to axe auto does hit like a truck. And the extra block will be nice.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Michael.9517


been running this


why: rifle damage is primary damage. you basically want to be at a distance with this build… using speed bonus from rune of traveler to reposition yourself. Always be moving.

STUN STUN STUN. This build is really good for stuns. because the damage comes m ainly from rifle, using mace shield for defenses purposes is how to play it. The elite can be use offensive or defensively depending on the situation.

This is a high damage, high control build. With surprising decent survivability with the defense trait and mobility.

if you go for reousing resilence you should trait savage instinct and put outrage instead of or the sigil of stamina or berserker stance since you reling on break stun to provide heal and 1k toughtness.
we run almost the same build give a look

Yes I was swapping that out depending on who I fought.

However, I have updated my build here it is. I run arms now. Adrenaline while in combat + 100% crit on burst skill. Leeching on mace. Running Eternal champion to help with survivability (less CC prone). I find this flows much better in combat and I am more effective when my burst is always critting. Not critting with rifle burst hurst more than anything.


K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I agree with other that Mace/Shield with Rifle is a solid weapon set.

This is the version I run.

Using Mercenary ammy. Not so sure how useful it’ll be in ranked, was doing well in duels. Can’t say it’s the most fun build out there though.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

Hey gang

Leaning towards condi. The burst is insane, although the low amount of condis makes it prone to cleanse. I dont think power warrior is viable.


I want tactics traitline to work because the pressure lb aa can put out is really good, but there isnt enough there / discipline is just way better.

edit: Changed the build quite a bit. Theres a ton more healing now. With a sages amulet+rune of the tempest+rousing resilience you get about 4500hp each time you break a stun. Holy wow!
Not taking smash brawler. You can setup bursts with headbutt then break stun simply by going into berserk (they are almost the same cd too, plus the condi remove helps alot cuz we dont have cleansing ire). It will seem janky at first but trust me, its the way to go. You really do want to save your outrage for an escape.
Feel free to use whatever sigils you want, but the vuln sigil helps a ton against frequent cleanses.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Yeah I am sitting here and thinking, I have been playing hammer gs, so why don’t I just play rifle gs.

I was so worried about the shield that maybe I should just try this out.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Thunderbird.4298


Hi bud!…………………

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Rekt.5360


I was running a pure power Gs/Mace+shield build when HoT first came out, here’s something close to what I ran. Defense Grandmaster can be swapped to whatever you want. I take cleansing ire coz mace doesn’t have many multihits and it helps with the skull grinder spam (trust me its hilarious when you find a target who doesn’t have stability; 1sec daze + blind every 2.5 seconds that can also crit for up to 5k, which is why I take int, its really good. #2016WarriorBlindSpam).

I think Rousing Resilience would work even better though. I take smash brawler instead of savage instinct because its just much superior imho, don’t need to waste a whole trait on 1 condi cleanse and 1 stun break that can pretty much only be used in conjunction with headbutt or when your adrenaline is full when you can instead take a 10sec stun break available at all times that also grants adrenaline. I can break the headbutt self-stun and directly pop into berserker mode, gain 1k toughness and 2k HP. Considering I have a 10sec stun break I don’t really need last stand either. So yeah, definitely go for rousing resilience. If you take eternal champion as I used to do ditch rousing resilience since you’ll get stunned wayyyy less often.

I swapped out a few sigils and the runes and amulet. I used to run berserker ammy and runes of rage (240% crit dmg in berserker mode is epic + 5% extra damage while under fury, so pretty much permanent). The build was much more offensive but I realised it’s better to get a bit more sustain with mace. So I’m thinking that marauder or paladin is the better choice. But if you go paladin I suggest you ditch the sigil of int on mace because you’ll have pathetic crit dmg. And yeah, rune of scrapper…self explanatory, 7% less damage unless the foe is very far away is pretty good.

Vanov {Warrior} ~ Still waiting for “Guide on Making Proper ||#1 Warr NA|| Sig”

(edited by Rekt.5360)

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Hi bud!…………………

Can I play non-berserker rifle or would that just be gimping myself lol.

I also have a gs/ms+sh war ready for thief matches.
Staff thief crumbles to mace.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Rekt.5360


Hi bud!…………………

Can I play non-berserker rifle or would that just be gimping myself lol.

I also have a gs/ms+sh war ready for thief matches.
Staff thief crumbles to mace.

Gimping yourself hard if you run killshot instead of gunflame :O Gunflame is too strong. It really is.

Vanov {Warrior} ~ Still waiting for “Guide on Making Proper ||#1 Warr NA|| Sig”

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

I know there have been several builds and revisions posted here. I think it has led me to my new power build.

Unfortunately, it is berserker and rifle. I was against rifle at first, not because of the gunflame cheese, but because it was simply not my play style.
However, the need for a ranged option has just outweighed my personal feeling.


Here is where I stand. I think this meshes the best with my power playstyle. The traits are interchangeable as well.
You can either take Dead or Alive or defy pain. Basically interchangeable. I like dead or alive better, because I control it proccing.

I actually like the synergy with Rousing resilience and Armored Attack. Burst mastery and DotE work well with berserker mode. Warrior sprint for mobility in the melee set.

Want stun breaker on berserker to help with rousing resilience procs.
Still on the fence about bloody roar vs king of fire. I like the fire aura and might generation. vs the taunt for gunflame connects.

Let me know what you think. I think going without greatsword has freed up the strength line. So we can fit so much more defensive capability in the build.
I will enjoy playing at range so I can actually survive the combo fields.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Nastyguy.4760


K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


Have you tried zerker instead of marauder? ? If yes what made you stick to marauder?

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Have you tried zerker instead of marauder? ? If yes what made you stick to marauder?

Running without strength line here passes up on so much damage.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

K pop's PVP war build brainstorm

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

In case anyone was curious, I will be running with this spec in the season.
It just feels the most fluid to me, and I think the damage is maximized with survivability.
If you need to survive more, switch to marauder amulet. But I will say I have lost more 1v1s on marauder than berserker because I needed some more damage before they could heal up.
Last sigil depends on the matchup. Either blood vs tankier or fire vs direct damage.

Also will be using the mace variant for thief heavy teams or teams where I need extra cc or condi defense. Basically you go marauder and DotE to make the damage back from not using zerk amulet. Cleansing ire since you drop brawlers recovery. Energy sigil on the mace set and Balance stance because no last stand trait.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur