So I’ve seen alot of people saying that warriors are crap at tanking blah blah, true we don’t get alot a tankyness because protection is low and hard to get but really we don’t need it.
I will list the gear keep in mind this works for me in dungeons and WvW, I have made a similar build in Spvp thats been working great but still isn’t the same.
20- strength / 5-Beserkers might /10-Axe mastery
30- defense / 3-sure footed / 9-shield mastery / 11-defy pain
20- Discipline / 5-heightened focus / Signet mastery
Keep in mind that Beserker’s might and heightened focus DO NOT show in the character screen.
Knights-Power, precision, and toughness
Axe – Superior sigil of accuracy +5% crit chance
Shield – Superior sigil of perception (I do not include this to my final count however, in most dungeons I can keep 25 stacks which adds 12% critical chance) I may swap this out for a sigil of purity not sure yet.
Armor is all knights with 5 Superior runes of the ranger and 1 superior run of rata sum this adds 190 precision total or 11% crit chance and 8% crit damage. I have been condsidering taking out the rune of rata sum and 1 ranger rune and replacing them with either 2 runes of the monk for the 15% boon duration or 2 runes of rage. Either would give me 100% fury up time but I am trying to make up the 115 precision I would lose.
Trinkets are Beryl Power Vit Crit damage. As soon as I can get Cavalier’s stated Trinkets in Exotic or ascended I will be using those. Cavalier’s is Power/Toughness/Crit damage this will give the build 400-500 if not more toughness and should keep the power stat about the same because of the 25 point minor trait in defense.
Heal- Mending, condition removal is really needed here, if you don’t like other utilities I have then Healing surge is also a good choice as I tend to not use the burst F1 then much prefering the static damage of the auto attacks.
1) “For Great Justice” – Adds 8 sec of Fury, This build kind of need fury to keep the crit chance high with out losing stats elsewhere plus this helps your team too. In SPvP I take Shake it off instead for obvious reasons and in WvW this slot is used for Endure pain
2) Frenzy I like this because it make you swing your axe like 6-8 times a second, Also great to use if your #11 defense trait pops since you will take no damage at all. You could switch this skill in PvE for “shake it off” or balanced stance. But keeping a stun break in PvE is great.
3) Banner of Discipline, at least 1 banner is great in a dungeon but this one adds 5% crit chance and 10% crit damage to the team. also the #2 skill while holding it grants more fury. banner of tactics is also really useful. In SPvP and WvW I take balanced stance in this slot instead.
Elite- Signet of rage, All around awesome for any build, Rampager is useless 99% of the time and the banner is awesome for resing but even when traited into banners it has a 2 min CD. But this is why I take signet mastery it makes the CD of this signet 48 sec this signet gives 30sec of fury + the 8 sec from FGJ, if FGJ is casted with this it’ll be up before your fury has worn off giving you another 8 sec for a total of 46 seconds of fury, meaning you have 2 seconds of fury down time. Obviously this doesn’t happen all the time because of the rotations and that’s why I’ve been thinking of different runes.
Buffed up I hit
3057 attack 3423 with Beserker’s might
31% critical chance +5% from banner + 5% from sigil + 9% from heightened focus making it a flat 50% +fury making it 70% total (the sigil would add another 12%)
Obviously in WvW or SPvP I don’t carry a banner so there I only have 65%
74% critical damage +banner is 84%
3197 armor Again this should go up even more once I get the trinkets I want.
21522 HP I know I will lose some HP with the trinket change but a big pool of Hp on this build isn’t really needed.
Hope you all like the build.