

in Warrior

Posted by: Rentapest.6503


When is something going to be done to balance the OP Warrior kiting skills?

Whirlwind, Rush, Leap and repeat. Impossible to keep up in WvW even with a ranged class “shooting” them.

Sollution = DR (Deminshing Returns) on these abilities. Meaning, if you use too many “flee” abilities at once, the distance/speed traveled is reduced with each skill by 50% until it becomes useless.

Not only will this help to balance PvP, WvW but PvE as well (E.g. Warrior’s rushing past all mobs in Arrah).


in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Not only will this help to balance PvP, WvW but PvE as well (E.g. Warrior’s rushing past all mobs in Arrah).

You are aware of the fact that the mobs that warriors are rushing past are intended to be skipped, yes?

Also you are aware of the fact that unless a warrior has sword, warhorn, and GS + bull’s charge equipped, a thief is pretty much just as mobile with shortbow and can stealth? Should they be nerfed even more for PvE then lol?

Warriors also still have to sacrifice to be super mobile in WvW and PvP. If they bring GS, they have a weapon that’s generally terrible to bring unless fighting amateurs. If they don’t bring a GS, their mobility is nothing special. There’s a solid tradeoff for it and warriors have been getting nerfed to oblivion the past few patches. There’s no reason to demand more, unless you want the class to be terrible.


in Warrior

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


i can see from ur previous messages that u play ranger op

anyway, as ranger u can equip a gs, sw/ x and lightning reflex as utility, to be nearly as mobile as war, u get around 1200 leap from sword 2, wich is on around 5-7 s cd, and 1200 range from gs3 , lightning reflexes is around 600-700 range, and all (idk about lightning reflex) are affected by swiftness

ofc war is awesome and better w mobility but so is ranger, now u may say, but thatweapset for ranger is useless!’ no its not, its pretty strong actually

its so that warriors gs, sw/warhorn is useless, warhorn is a full utility box like thingy, sword is a pure condi weap, gs is a pure power weap.

try again, i dont even play ranger or war…

just my ytb channel



in Warrior

Posted by: Juba.8406


OP Warrior kiting skills

hmmm you serious ?


in Warrior

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


OP Warrior kiting skills

hmmm you serious ?

well he isnt wrong, warrior is insane at running away, but thats not kiting, thats just running away…

just my ytb channel



in Warrior

Posted by: Gamgee.8612


When is something going to be done to balance the OP Warrior kiting skills?

Whirlwind, Rush, Leap and repeat. Impossible to keep up in WvW even with a ranged class “shooting” them.

Sollution = DR (Deminshing Returns) on these abilities. Meaning, if you use too many “flee” abilities at once, the distance/speed traveled is reduced with each skill by 50% until it becomes useless.

Not only will this help to balance PvP, WvW but PvE as well (E.g. Warrior’s rushing past all mobs in Arrah).

I agree that we have great kiting skills, but I believe that we should. Everything isn’t just that the warrior is kiting but you also have to find a way to counter it. No matter what build I run there’s gonna be builds that counters it. I have extreme problems with condition rangers and necros in my general build, but I know that I could respec to kill them. It’s not like every warrior run GS + Sw/Sh in WvW. Many run GS though, and I don’t like the distance on #5. Should be 900.

N I M S – Warrior of Judge Legends[JDGE]


in Warrior

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


I would like the greatsword 5 be a 900 range leap like the guardians greatsword 3 skill. I dont even care that warrior wouldnt get the aoe blind. I just want to be able to use our 5 skill in a fight.