Knight - Omnivalent Warrior. (PvE-WvW)
thanks everyone, my build is perfect~
Is the WvW version meant to be used in zerg fights, small parties or solo roaming. It’s hard to critique it without knowing what context.
If you want to run 4 banners in WvW then your build is ok, maybe drop down to 10 Arms and go 30 Defense to get Cleansing Ire if you feel you need more condition cleanse or Defy Pain or Last Stand for stability. Should put a sigil of impact on your hammer and get rid of that cripple duration increase. But other wise unless you just love banners and are not that good of a player so you’d rather try to feel good by thinking your buffing your team while running around in a zerg spamming 1 and /laughing all day, banners suck.
Banner is the bezt elite…… really?
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
Build for regen but not have Heal Power?
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
thanks everyone, my build is perfect~
Perfect for those sm lord room fights where everyone is running around the same spot spamming 1 and that’s about it
thanks everyone, my build is perfect~
Perfect for those sm lord room fights where everyone is running around the same spot spamming 1 and that’s about it
Honestly, not even perfect for that either, I’ve seen better banner builds but banner builds in general are really situational at best and at most times not optimal.
@ OP
You are better off going shout heals to be honest. Regeneration is extremely weak if you have no healing power, so I don’t get the point of a regen banner build without healing power.
Well, thanks for nothing everyone~
Now i know why no one ask for anything in this forums /sigh
Well, thanks for nothing everyone~
Now i know why no one ask for anything in this forums /sigh
Lol sorry we cant agree with your build.
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
Well, thanks for nothing everyone~
Now i know why no one ask for anything in this forums /sigh
Lol sorry we cant agree with your build.
And im asking for you all to agree with my build? learn to read.
Well, thanks for nothing everyone~
Now i know why no one ask for anything in this forums /sigh
Lol sorry we cant agree with your build.
And im asking for you all to agree with my build? learn to read.
We gave you feedback and you didnt like it, what do you want me to think.
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
What did you expect or hope people to say when you came on the forums saying your build is perfect?
Well, thanks for nothing everyone~
Now i know why no one ask for anything in this forums /sigh
Lol sorry we cant agree with your build.
And im asking for you all to agree with my build? learn to read.
We gave you feedback and you didnt like it, what do you want me to think.
Which feedback exactly? that low healing power and regen rate does not mix? so now what, i reroll a guardian? thats not how you do “feedback”.
What did you expect or hope people to say when you came on the forums saying your build is perfect?
Read the awnsers before i say that, you might get a little hint of why i say it.
No you dont reroll guardian you add heal power to your build.
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
I would actually really like to see how this build would be headed for dungeons and dynamic events. Though I do believe having more than 1 or 2 banners to be too much. I also would suggest using longbow for fire blast finishers and spread might like there is no tomorrow. Regen may do little without healing power but having a little regen is better than having none.
Healing shouts were very good, I’m not sure if they were touched at all lately but that’s what I used to run but I’ve always wanted to make banners viable like you’re trying to do.
Now, I do not have any build to offer because I posted a topic myself for people to help me put something together but that was my two cents.
no point in arguing with somebody who cant and won’t take feedback
no point in arguing with somebody who cant and won’t take feedback
I can`t take something i haven`t get, even more when people trying to “help” dont even know how to read… So please, don`t annoy in the thread, there is people actually trying to help me, thanks for your “feedback”.
I would actually really like to see how this build would be headed for dungeons and dynamic events. Though I do believe having more than 1 or 2 banners to be too much. I also would suggest using longbow for fire blast finishers and spread might like there is no tomorrow. Regen may do little without healing power but having a little regen is better than having none.
Healing shouts were very good, I’m not sure if they were touched at all lately but that’s what I used to run but I’ve always wanted to make banners viable like you’re trying to do.
Now, I do not have any build to offer because I posted a topic myself for people to help me put something together but that was my two cents.
Most people are missing the point here, but you.
Yeah, running 4 banners maybe too much, and tactics banner is not that great, maybe i could use Dolyak Sing instead to improve my survival chances.
The point of Banner is to “fire and forget”. Once deployed you forget about them till you have to the next pull in the dungeon, is a static area, shame on Anet for not make them more viable in more “mobile” situations…
Other point, i dont wanna heal anyone. I carry the tactics banner cause i feel it more usefull than defensive banner, but im not putting healing power equipment in a build were regen is just a small detail, not a feature.
And the point with the “feedback” i have recived is that, you missed the whole objective of what i was pressenting.
A flexible warrior (halfway between glass-cannon and bunker) with support (banner buffs) that can be able to crowd control (hammer), range dps (rifle) or move (sword/warhorn). Trying to archive the best possible way all that features, there has to be way to improve…
Most people are missing the point here, but you.
Yeah, running 4 banners maybe too much, and tactics banner is not that great, maybe i could use Dolyak Sing instead to improve my survival chances.
The point of Banner is to “fire and forget”. Once deployed you forget about them till you have to the next pull in the dungeon, is a static area, shame on Anet for not make them more viable in more “mobile” situations…
Other point, i dont wanna heal anyone. I carry the tactics banner cause i feel it more usefull than defensive banner, but im not putting healing power equipment in a build were regen is just a small detail, not a feature.
And the point with the “feedback” i have recived is that, you missed the whole objective of what i was pressenting.
A flexible warrior (halfway between glass-cannon and bunker) with support (banner buffs) that can be able to crowd control (hammer), range dps (rifle) or move (sword/warhorn). Trying to archive the best possible way all that features, there has to be way to improve…
Thank you for the nice words.
But yeah, switching out tactics banner for a shout or a signet, that does sound much better than running full banners. The elite banner is quite useful in a dungeon situation where kitten hit the fan and you just don’t have time to run all the way to rez someone. I think I might just go try this build, though myself I will use a longbow because I just love stacking Might and I feel powerful doing so. :P The hammer is one I wanted to add in my build for a long time, I just hate having to use GS and axes..
If you figure any twist to your build, let me know. ^^
Heres my feedback: You’re being overly sensitive and kind of a kitten.
Feed back on your build: It’s spread too thin. You wont be able to do anything very well. This is what everyone else is trying to tell you.
1. If you are putting so much into banners (30 tactics, grandmaster banner regen) you need to support that with a chunk of healing power. If you dont, it’s not worth doing. The same goes for shout healing.
2. You’ve got divinity runes in knights gear.
3. Hobbling sigil on a hammer??
4. Ruby orbs with banner regen
Your build is a mess that does not have any synergy.
Look over this build:
It’s made for small group support, running with a few other teammates. You will be shouting a lot. Your shouts will provide healing, might, fury, enemy weakness, and crazy condition removal. For you AND your allies. They’ll also provide you with additional adrenaline.
And with your shouts being instant cast, you can focus on using your hammer or longbow skills to aid in battle. You will not deal incredible damage. What you WILL do is make life miserable for your enemy.
Hammer is a solid control weapon, especially if you have enough adrenaline generation to Earthshaker on cooldown. F1 and 4, can shutdown enemies trying to rez.
Longbow lets you hang back when the battle gets too hot, immob fleeing enemys long enough for you to close and switch to hammer for cripple/stun, and throw down fire fields and AOE might.
A good combo is to drop a Longbow burst, and swap to hammer (generating swap adrenaline) and use shouts (generating shout adrenaline) so you can immediately earthshaker into your own fire field, triggering a blast combo, and stunning them inside the burning field.
Additionally, cleansing ire generates adrenaline when hit IE when you’re being focused. You can spend adrenaline to use Hammer or LB burst to clear condis. Just make sure you shout or swing off blind before you earthshaker. LB can burst to clear condis regardless of blind.
Your damage output will be low. That’s what your allies are for. You are not there to kill, you are there to control your enemies, and support your allies.
Heres my feedback: You’re being overly sensitive and kind of a kitten.
Feed back on your build: It’s spread too thin. You wont be able to do anything very well. This is what everyone else is trying to tell you.
1. If you are putting so much into banners (30 tactics, grandmaster banner regen) you need to support that with a chunk of healing power. If you dont, it’s not worth doing. The same goes for shout healing.
2. You’ve got divinity runes in knights gear.
3. Hobbling sigil on a hammer??
4. Ruby orbs with banner regen
Your build is a mess that does not have any synergy.
Look over this build:’s made for small group support, running with a few other teammates. You will be shouting a lot. Your shouts will provide healing, might, fury, enemy weakness, and crazy condition removal. For you AND your allies. They’ll also provide you with additional adrenaline.
And with your shouts being instant cast, you can focus on using your hammer or longbow skills to aid in battle. You will not deal incredible damage. What you WILL do is make life miserable for your enemy.
Hammer is a solid control weapon, especially if you have enough adrenaline generation to Earthshaker on cooldown. F1 and 4, can shutdown enemies trying to rez.
Longbow lets you hang back when the battle gets too hot, immob fleeing enemys long enough for you to close and switch to hammer for cripple/stun, and throw down fire fields and AOE might.
A good combo is to drop a Longbow burst, and swap to hammer (generating swap adrenaline) and use shouts (generating shout adrenaline) so you can immediately earthshaker into your own fire field, triggering a blast combo, and stunning them inside the burning field.
Additionally, cleansing ire generates adrenaline when hit IE when you’re being focused. You can spend adrenaline to use Hammer or LB burst to clear condis. Just make sure you shout or swing off blind before you earthshaker. LB can burst to clear condis regardless of blind.
Your damage output will be low. That’s what your allies are for. You are not there to kill, you are there to control your enemies, and support your allies.
:Q Would you have anything to say to put that to use in PvE dungeons?
Thanks for that, but that build is a healing shot and is not what i am aiming nor searching. But you have give me some ideas…
Still waiting for a valid argument to use non-zerker builds for PvE-Dungeons other than:
- I don’t want to.
- I can’t because I die all the time.
Still waiting for a valid argument to use non-zerker builds for PvE-Dungeons other than:
- I don’t want to.
- I can’t because I die all the time.
- I don’t want to farm for more gear when I have 2 sets.
Hah! New one!
Still waiting for a valid argument to use non-zerker builds for PvE-Dungeons other than:
- I don’t want to.
- I can’t because I die all the time.
The first makes it up completely, why would someone play in a way he does not want to?
You could try something like this instead. The 9 button utility skill you can play around with for another banner, shake it off, berserker stance, stomp, bulls charge, whatever you want or change it around depending what your doing. You will do alot better with it in wvw then your current build but I think it would have a similar playstyle.
Sorry I don’t have much playtime with banners I hate how clunky they are to pickup and move.
My opinion: your feedback have been given in the fifth post of your thread!
Puandro nailed it…
Please take comments not as a personal offence, being bad in theory-crafting in any MMORPG isnt that much of the deal. Enjoy your strengthes in reallife maybe!
Keep feeding the troll.
You could try something like this instead. The 9 button utility skill you can play around with for another banner, shake it off, berserker stance, stomp, bulls charge, whatever you want or change it around depending what your doing. You will do alot better with it in wvw then your current build but I think it would have a similar playstyle.
Sorry I don’t have much playtime with banners I hate how clunky they are to pickup and move.
The stances are not my cup of tea.
Im trying to mix Banners and Shouts, not for healing of course but for pure buffing. Even if i can just use shouts since are in the same perk as banners… Maybe i just have to switch to shouts. Banner buffs are better but more perk-demanding and they need more care, thats obvius. And combining both… Seems to be hard to do.
Banner healing can be interesting. I have a banner-heal warrior for my zerg-rushes, but I’m still learning.
Full apothecary armor (cond/tough/healing) and trinkets
2 runes of monk, 2 runes of water and another 2 that give 20% regen bonus.
Throw in an omnomberry cream for 40% magic find and 20% boon duration.
I use Bow/longsword & warhorn (traited)
I’m not sure about this weapon selection, but the bows burst helps me get some bag-loot
3 banners. With trait. (plus warbanner for quick res)
When we zergball we usually run a circuit around our enemies, as I’m at the head of our zerg I drop them in our path. I also cary the tactics with me while we run, using the heal. Since it stacks duration, the timer actually ticks up. (without using the active heal from banner it ticks up 3 seconds every 5, so 5, 8, 11, 14 etc…) so it tends to last a long time. On me alone during one banner I get to a minute and a half
Beating down an enemy gate
Plant 3 banners, spread out, as people move it keeps stacking up, generally going evenly over the raid (the 5 people it heals changes). During that time it keeps arrow cart fire from hurting too much allowing people to save their personal heals. When we charge in, everyone has at least 30 seconds of regen.
Zergballing another zerg:
Usually we loop around them to their back-lines or charge through them. I just toss them about the battlefield. Enemy zerg isn’t going to move away unless they’re running. If they’re running, we don’t need to heal, do we?
On the rare occasion I die, I’ve seen my regening ticking as I run back over a minute after my banners have finished their cooldown lol. I also see a LOT of green on the battlefield (300ish. I’ve debated trying +healing food)
I’m actually not sure about the apothecary armor, I’m debating going back to cleric, but I need enough cash first. My next try is gonna be shout warrior with runes of the soldier. It’s a bit selfish but this build SUCKS solo, so freaking, hard.
Still waiting for a valid argument to use non-zerker builds for PvE-Dungeons other than:
- I don’t want to.
- I can’t because I die all the time.
The first makes it up completely, why would someone play in a way he does not want to?
Maybe you misunderstood me. The phrase “other than” indicates, that I consider both of those arguments valid.
If you play a suboptimal build because you don’t want to or can’t, thats fine. Its a game, not everyone needs to be Wethospu. I won’t flame, kick or hate you for that.
Took me 5 seconds to tell you hammer in PvE is not good.