Knight's Armor for Warrior?
Its a good all around armor for starting. Soldier makes not much sense as the vitality is not realy needed. I used Knight and then made a commanders ascended, which i think is the better one. As weapon i use a cavalier GS and captain trinkets with traiting armored attack but anny maurauder and berserker mix can be done well. Usually warrior goes for damage with beserker beeing most common.
Warriors with berserker armor will kill faster, but also will die more often. That is why I stick with knights armor. I still kill pretty fast and I rarely die. I do use berserker trinkets, though.
Berserker is the best option if you don’t play condi. Knight armor and other stuff with defensive stats is for noobs in order to survive in fight. When you get experienced you play in berserker for damage. Survivability come from dodges and skills, not from armor.
This is for pve, pvp is different
/w Gandrogh The Fallen
If you use knight’s, consider traiting Armored Attack. It will help offset your damage loss by not going berserkers, at the expense of an extra 5s invuln.
Also, consider taking your total armor to 3k or so max, and use berserker for the rest.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
Knights is a good starter armor for learning to play, but it doesn’t offer more survabilty than something like mara with dura runes. Its really not so great in the current meta, where the toughness does nothing for you vs condis and becasue of power creep u still get bursted down pretty quick. Its a waste of time.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
:) it’s a good one. adjust by adding more damage as you need.
Always Loyal
Warriors can swap to Defense for more survivability.
There are so many defensive traits there such as Shield Master, Adrenal Health, Defy Pain, Rousing Resilience/Cleansing Ire. There are also a ton of nice utilities you can swap to. Pretty much all you need to solo even the toughest of champions.
It really depends on how well you play your warrior, in the end. Knight might not be the worst of choices even if it is a bit of a waste. Additional toughness paired with Healing Signet, Adrenal Health and basic regeneration can make a difference if you are eating more damage than you should.
And there came the insults…. “knights armor is for noobs.” The fact that that argument has to be resorted to indicates how weak the argument is. On the other hand, the fact that that person said that, pretty much admitted that knights armor works just fine. If “noobs” can do it, then vets can do even better.
I am not a fan of glass cannon builds, never have been. I kinda like to avoid death as much as possible. And I still kill mobs pretty fast. If the OP doesn’t like glass cannons, also, then knights is just fine. Those who insult that choice are simply being hyper competitive (trying to be nice here).
^ People is running zerker amulet in PvP. If Warriors doesn’t need more HP or toughness vs another players, why should them need those stats vs the A.I.?
redcomnym comes in and says he is worried about dying to mobs in PVE and that makes knights good. k will just leave it there.
Listen folks if you are like this guy than maybe you need it. But knights is for noobs and there is nothing wrong with that. When you get gud at the game you will see that, dodging, positioning, active defense skills, and even traits if it is that bad is better than knights gear.
To be fair there was a time when Knights gear was actually good, this was 2012 and 2013 and early 2014. This is before 4 stat combo gear came out, this was also before the ferocity nerf. Before the ferocity nerf it was just crit damage percent.
A ruby Orb was 20 power, 14 precision, 3% Crit(63 ferocity) and you would do like 6 knights armor pieces and 6 ruby orbs in there and you would have this tanky zerker like build.
Now Knights is trash I am sorry Marauder is way better if you need the extra defense.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
(edited by Warlord.9074)
One thing I’ll say against the “zerk armour for pros” line is that it depends entirely on the situation you most often come across.
While 1v1 in particular it’s probably the way to go, if you’re more in small group skirmishes, the amount of damage mitigated by some additional toughness will exceed the outgoing damage you’re traded for it to a point.
In fact, the best warrior I’ve fought in wvw so far has a couple of knight’s trinkets, and he’s got positioning and weapon stowing down like a boss. Hits like a truck too.
That said, I generally prefer zerk because, being a roamer, I normally need to put someone down fast, kill, and run before a large group shows up.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
(edited by Choppy.4183)
I kinda Disagree. If you really want dmg mitigation go for dmg mitigation food 10% or scrapper runes or something. It way more than a little toughness.
If you did food+scrapper runes thats 17% dmg reduction Which is like 450 Toghness
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
(edited by Warlord.9074)
Well, scrapper are great runes and all, but even there you’re looking at tradeoffs either way. For example, look at what you give up taking scrapper runes instead of scholar.
The only point I was making was the “best” choice will be determined partly by skill, partly by build, and partly by the circumstances you find yourself fighting in.
Like I said, I prefer full zerk for the most part, and it works for me. But I can’t deny there have been times when additional toughness would have mitigated thousands of damage at the expense of hundreds of damage from the thousands I was doing myself. In some cases, that could have been the difference between winning and losing a 1vx.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
Right now I am using Scrapper Runes and Knights armor. I use Beserker weapons and trinkets along with zerk stat jewels in the trinkets.
I really like this combo against power warriors, It great against other power builds as well. I feel like I am more durable a lot of times.
The only thing that hurts is the low vitality, and pretty much anything cheese condi related.
I am in the process of switching over to my first ascended gears (marauders), then I will replace the runes in my armor when I start using the damage reduction food. Not sure what runes to use yet.
I would like to switch over to something more damage related. I might try Strength since I run Axe/Axe-LB.
Marauder armor may very well be better than knight armor, but since I can’t get any, the question is moot. I have no interest in doing ascended crafting so I can’t make them. I have another character, a mesmer that I would like to get viper armor for but that will never happen. So I just use what is available to me. I really wish that people could sell them, but it isn’t so…c’est la vie.
if you use rousing trait in your build while full zerk there is absolutely no reason to go knight since you gain 1k toughness from rousing,break your own headbutt cc alot with outrage and rousing is active pretty kitten often.
use Berserker or if you feel that’s too squishy take marauder. The extra healthpool will give your heal signet and adrenal health time to recover your hp. I think knights is a waste and you lose a lot of power.
For HOT maps where there are a lot of knockdowns and stuns etc you can take Rousing Resilience which gives you 1000 toughness and a pretty nice heal. That’s all you need to walk with confidence in any HOT map.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
You know, in light of the changes today, shouty hambow could make a comeback and knights might be a good choice for it.
With CI (instead of RR), the sustain would be really high, Armored Attack would keep damage up, and party support would be decent.
It’s not the way I play, but I could see a role for it.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
You know, in light of the changes today, shouty hambow could make a comeback and knights might be a good choice for it.
With CI (instead of RR), the sustain would be really high, Armored Attack would keep damage up, and party support would be decent.
It’s not the way I play, but I could see a role for it.
if using trooper runes for condi cleanse with shouts you don’t really need CI. So RR would boost your toughness and sustain. no?
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I was running Knight’s for a very long time and I found that I was dying to condi more than I was to actual physical attacks. Of course it could be because of the extra toughness I wasn’t dying to physical attacks but I switched over the full berserker while taking the defense trait line with adrenal health and condi cleanse and I felt much more comfortable than full Knight’s.
In any class obviously you should be dodging or positioning to avoid damage so a big part of survivability is on the player but you should also remember that in a mob of enemies toughness or high armor ratings tend to draw aggro so Knight’s may be useless in that scenario.
I think a warrior in HoT should take the defense tree for the condi. It grants you Thick Skin and Spiked Armor for extra toughness entering and during fights. Cleansing Ire allows you to get rid of condi stacks and adrenal health grants you a huge amounts of healing, not to mention dogged march also gives you a bit of regen when you’re crippled, immobilized or chilled which is very common in HoT. Eternal Champ allows you to get stability in berserker mode so you can burst down enemies with CC skills if you decide to use that. There’s also signet of the dolyak if you want some extra toughness as well.
Honestly I think Knight’s isn’t worth it because you have some utility in the class to grant you that extra armor and if you wanted to you could grab some accessories for toughness (which I think is cheaper and easier to obtain). A full set of knight’s would give 439 toughness/armor, 2 accessories would give 220. I think a warrior should have 2500 armor at least. With full berserker’s (rings, amulet, accesories n all) and no defense tree you’d run with 2270 armor, with the defense tree 2451 armor, with knight accessories and defense 2671 armor. Full Knights armor would give you 2710 with no defense line and full berserker trinkets. If you ran dolyak signet you could add 180 toughness/armor to any build.
Note that with the defense tree, it’s on average in a fight you’d have about that much armor due to the nature of Spiked Armor and Thick Skin. There could be moments where you run lower.
Without full knight’s you also have about 15% damage increase when you crit from the ferocity as well.
(edited by Bobby Ree.9273)