Knocklock/stun dungeon frontliner?

Knocklock/stun dungeon frontliner?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

So I decided to sheath GS/Rifle in order to pursue a more supportive role. I want to try out a knocklock/stun build for a frontliner role.

My current weaponset is mace+shield/hammer.

Problem is, how should I spec my traits? Generally I go 30 Arms because I LOVE crits, and to get the trait “crits grant extra adrenaline” and 30 Discipline for “20% faster burst recharge”. That leaves me with 10 Defense.

So at the moment I’m at 30 Arms, 10 Defense, 30 Discipline.

My strategy is to spam as much burst skills possible by abusing the Fast Hands trait (when it works…)

Does anyone have advice how I can improve my traits setup? In addition, what sigils should I use on my mace, shield, and hammer? I was thinking of +5% crit chance…

Knocklock/stun dungeon frontliner?

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I ran a similar physical utility build with kick+stomp+bulls charge. used exact same weapon set up and Berserker Amulet to take advantage of the short CC.

Trait setup was 30 Strength for physical utilities, confusion on interrupt because virtually everything I did was an interrupt, and trait 1-5 were optional.

10 into Arms for Unsuspecting foe because it ADDS 50% crit when they are stunned, which allows 90+% crit after Earthshaker, Skull Crack, and Daze.

Went 30 into discipline for fast hands, might stacking and faster burst skills. I enjoyed the “blocking grants might” for those moments when you are being hit with Dagger Storm or Axe whirlwind and you can easily stack up to 3200 power and then return the kitten

Knocklock/stun dungeon frontliner?

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


This pretty much is the ultimate counter to any burst class because you are full control and can block lots of burst with Defensive stance and Mace #2. only weakness is more durable builds that have stability. For that i use Sigils that remove boons on Crits to help with it, but mostly you have to just avoid their hits and counter with mace skills until it falls off.

Knocklock/stun dungeon frontliner?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


as a front line toon you should take alot of toughness, 3k-3300 is about what you need to survive most dungeon trash mob exchanges (unless you are godmode for dodging etc) my suggestion as a frontliner that crits is full knights gear/emerald jewelry, specing fully into defense, this will give you options for shield master mace master and hammer master depending on what you prefer, ( i take shield because the reduced CD on the #5 is pretty great) also you can get traits to gain adren when hit (includes hits that are blocked) and that would probably be a better source for adren gain, also you can get stance mastery 25% longer stances. and beserkers stance would also give alot of adren. from those specs you would get too much adren most of the time making the “crits grant more adren” spec useless because you are a burst user not a burst saver from there you could spec 10 into vit or arms and 30 into disci depending on how often spamming the maces burst is important to use, it has the longest daze compared to the maces 3 and shields 4 so saving it for when the bosses stability stacks are gone is important this also depends on how much CC the group has because a cycle of F1, 3, 4, F1 and F1, 3, 4, 3, 4, F1 would work but if a party member CCs and you dont notice you could waste your biggest stun. and playing that kind of role you are ment to prevent as much damage as possible for the team.
try 30 def 30 tactic 10 disciple. I use this set up with the kinghts gear and can still hit pretty hard. (not sure how hard havnt used in awhile)
try runes of the pack (power/prec for you party buffs)
sigil of water and sigil of leech are great, also sigils of strength are worth it if you have 60
crit chance, and im pretty sure this setup hits that if not more with fury